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Transport network structures

P�riode d'�tudes 2009

Resultats:2390 documents
R�sultats :� Pr�c�dent�-� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 35 - 36 - 37 - 38 - 39 - 40 - 41 - 42 - 43 - 44 - 45 - 46 - 47 - 48 �-�Suivant Next
Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 2190 ]
Definition of Signal Degrade in packet networks � Alcatel-Lucent Italia S.p.A.; China , China Mobile Communications Corporation , Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. , Orckit Corrigent , Telecom Italia S.p.A. , ZTE Corporation Q9/15, Q14/15, Q10/15 2012-08-27
[ 2189 ]
New recommendation structure for G.9955 and G.9956 � ERDF , NXP Semiconductors , STMicroelectronics Q4C/15 2012-08-27
[ 2188 ]
Implementation Procedure of DCN Management for G.7710 � FiberHome Technologies Group Q14/15 2012-08-27
[ 2187 ]
MI Grouping Packages for G.8152 � FiberHome Technologies Group Q14/15 2012-08-27
[ 2186 ]
Mapping of G.8152 Atomic Functions and UML Model Artifacts � FiberHome Technologies Group Q14/15 2012-08-27
[ 2185 ]
OTN Linear Protection Function Modelling for G.874.1 � FiberHome Technologies Group Q14/15 2012-08-27
[ 2184 ]
G.874.1 UML Model � Ericsson, Inc. Q14/15 2012-08-27
[ 2183 ]
Future revision to ITU-T Recommendation G.652 (add G.652E category) � Corning Incorporated Q5/15 2012-08-27
[ 2182 ]
Standardization of optical fibre cable networks security issues from the perspective of maintenance � TELEKOMUNIKACJA POLSKA S.A. Q17/15 2012-08-27
[ 2181 ]
Proposal of optical connector endface visual specifications requirement for cost effective network operation of optical systems � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q7/15 2012-08-27
[ 2180 ]
Multilayer protocol stack of OTN interface � Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q11/15 2012-08-27
[ 2179 ]
Consideration on multiplex structure, timeslot granularity and client mapping in next ODU/OTU signals � Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q11/15 2012-08-27
[ 2178 ]
Considerations on flexible OTU frame structures � Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q11/15 2012-08-27
[ 2177 ]
Extension of OTN hybrid equipment � Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q9/15 2012-08-27
[ 2176 ]
Living List of G.epon �
Withdrawn: Reposted as TD817/WP1
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation , Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q2/15 2012-08-27
[ 2175 ]
Proposal to add ring architecture in G.698.3 � LG-Ericsson Q6/15 2012-08-27
[ 2174 ]
RIN for 2.5 Gbps application in G.698.3 � LG-Ericsson Q6/15 2012-08-27
[ 2173 ]
Draft document of G.epon �
Withdrawn: Reposted as TD817/WP1
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation , Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) , OKI Electric Industry Company Ltd. (OKI) Q2/15 2012-08-27
[ 2172 ]
Time sync architecture based on multiple PTP domains � China Mobile Communications Corporation , ZTE Corporation Q13/15 2012-08-27
[ 2171 ]
Hold-off time and interactions between frequency and phase-time planes � China Mobile Communications Corporation , ZTE Corporation Q13/15 2012-08-27
[ 2170 ]
A possible solution for multiple GMs and operator intervention � China Mobile Communications Corporation , ZTE Corporation Q13/15 2012-08-27
[ 2169 ]
Sync OAM architecture and requirements � China Mobile Communications Corporation , ZTE Corporation Q13/15 2012-08-27
[ 2168 ]
Further analysis about BMCA of time profile � ZTE Corporation Q13/15 2012-08-27
[ 2167 ]
The mapping between ToD and PTP � ZTE Corporation Q13/15 2012-08-27
[ 2166 ]
Requirements for Signal Degrade in packet networks � Alcatel-Lucent Italia S.p.A.; China , China Mobile Communications Corporation , Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. , Orckit Corrigent , Telecom Italia S.p.A. , ZTE Corporation Q9/15, Q10/15 2012-08-27
[ 2165 ]
Further results of an alternative method for measuring in-band OSNR in G.697 � China Unicom , Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q6/15 2012-08-27
[ 2164 ]
Proposal for modulation format for 100 Gbit/s applications in G.698.2 � Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q6/15 2012-08-27
[ 2163 ]
Considerations and suggestions on revision of draft recommendation G.rmon � Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q7/15 2012-08-27
[ 2162 ]
Clarification of UNI in G.8112 � Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q10/15 2012-08-27
[ 2161 ]
The Multiplexing mapping principles of MPLS-TP in G8112 � China Mobile Communications Corporation , FiberHome Technologies Group , Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q10/15 2012-08-27
[ 2160 ]
Proposed alignment of G.8112 with latest version of G.709 � Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q10/15 2012-08-27
[ 2159 ]
Addition of orthogonal-band-multiplexed Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OBM OFDM) as one of the line coding schemes in section 7 of G.Sup39 � FiberHome Technologies Group Q6/15 2012-08-27
[ 2158 ]
To accelerate research on M-OTN equipment type in G798.1 � China Mobile Communications Corporation , FiberHome Technologies Group Q9/15 2012-08-27
[ 2157 ]
Considerations on next steps beyond 100 Gbit/s applications � China Unicom , Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q6/15, Q12/15, Q11/15 2012-08-27
[ 2156 ]
The clrification about multipoint to point transport network services in G798.1 � China Unicom , FiberHome Technologies Group Q9/15 2012-08-27
[ 2155 ]
Analysis of interactive mechanism between two layers � ZTE Corporation Q13/15 2012-08-27
[ 2154 ]
The Clarification of EOTN in G798.1,G8012.1 and G 8021.1 � China Unicom , FiberHome Technologies Group Q9/15 2012-08-27
[ 2153 ]
Proposed the resolution to Editor's note and some comments on G.8012.1 � Fujitsu Limited Q10/15 2012-08-27
[ 2152 ]
Proposed terminologies for ETH PM � Fujitsu Limited Q9/15, Q14/15, Q10/15 2012-08-27
[ 2151 ]
Consideration on aSSF input for AIS insertion in G.8121 � Fujitsu Limited Q9/15 2012-08-27
[ 2150 ]
Proposed update to G.8121 Appendix I � Fujitsu Limited Q9/15 2012-08-27
[ 2149 ]
Comments on ODU SMP � Fujitsu Limited Q9/15 2012-08-27
[ 2148 ]
Proposal of the architectures for MPLS-TP linear protection � Fujitsu Limited Q9/15 2012-08-27
[ 2147 ]
Comments on G.8021.1 � Fujitsu Limited Q9/15 2012-08-27
[ 2146 ]
Proposal to modify relationships between classes in class diagram for OTN Entities � ZTE Corporation Q14/15 2012-08-27
[ 2145 ]
Proposal for updated Table 7-1 in G.806 � Fujitsu Limited Q9/15 2012-08-27
[ 2144 ]
Proposed text for the guidance to performance measurement by ETH OAM � Fujitsu Limited , NEC Corporation Q9/15, Q14/15, Q10/15 2012-08-27
[ 2143 ]
G.8273: Test methodology annex/appendix � Calnex Solutions Limited , Deutsche Telekom AG Q13/15 2012-08-27
[ 2142 ]
Proposal to extend the index n of OPSn in the text of next revision of G.874.1 � ZTE Corporation Q14/15, Q12/15, Q11/15 2012-08-27
[ 2141 ]
Proposal to add some mapping between G.798 OTN atomic functions and UML model artifacts in the table 7-1of next revision of G.874.1 � ZTE Corporation Q14/15 2012-08-27
Resultats:2390 documents
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