Contribuciones�� |
[ 219 ]
� |
Submission of data for Table IV-12 - Statistic of rain drop size distribution
� |
European Space Agency
� |
� |
2017-08-05 |
[ 218 ]
(Rev.1)� |
Conversion software for SCINTEX
� |
European Space Agency
� |
� |
2017-07-18 |
[ 217 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Working Party 3M - Recommendation ITU-R SM.1448 and Appendix 7 (Rev. WRC-15) of the Radio Regulations
� |
� |
� |
2017-07-10 |
[ 216 ]
� |
Liaison statement to ITU-R Working Parties 3J, 3K, 3M, 5A, 5C, 7C and 7D on the preparations for WRC-19 agenda item 1.15 - Request for input as related to WRC-19 agenda item 1.15
� |
� |
� |
2017-07-10 |
[ 215 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Working Party 3K on propagation characteristics in the 275-450 GHz band (copy to Working Parties 3J, 3M, 5A, 5C, 7C and 7D for information)
� |
� |
� |
2017-07-05 |
[ 214 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Working Party 3M - Software implementation of Recommendation ITU-R P.452
� |
� |
� |
2017-06-27 |
[ 213 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Working Parties 3K and 3M - Propagation models for compatibility studies regarding WRC-19 agenda item 1.16
� |
� |
� |
2017-06-06 |
[ 212 ]
� |
Liaison statement to ITU-R Working Parties 3J, 3K, 3M, 4A, 4C, 5A, 5B, 5D, 7B,7C, 7D and Task Group 5/1 - WRC-19 agenda item 1.14
� |
� |
� |
2017-06-05 |
[ 211 ]
� |
Liaison statement to working Parties 5A, 5C, 5D, 7C and 7D (copy to Working Parties 4B and 3M) - WRC-19 agenda item 9.1, issue 9.1.9
� |
� |
� |
2017-05-19 |
[ 210 ]
� |
Note to Chairman of Task Group 5/1 (copy for information to Working Parties 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 6A, 7B, 7C and 7D) - Microsoft EXCEL implementation of clutter loss and building entry loss calculations
� |
Chairmen, SG 3 and WPs 3J, 3K & 3M
� |
� |
2017-04-13 |
[ 209 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Working Parties 3M (for action) and Working Parties 4A, 4C, 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D and 6A (for information)
� |
� |
� |
2017-04-07 |
[ 208 ]
� |
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 5C (copy to Working Parties 1A, 1B, 3M, 4A, 4C, 5A, 5B, 5D, 6A and Task Group 5/1 for information) - Revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.699-7
� |
� |
� |
2017-04-07 |
[ 207 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Task Group 5/1 (copy to Working Parties 3J, 3K, 3M, 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 6A, 7B, 7C and 7D) - Preparations for WRC-19 agenda item 1.13
� |
Chairman, WP 6A
� |
� |
2017-04-05 |
[ 206 ]
+Ann.1-13� |
Report on the meeting of Working Party 3M (Geneva, 22 - 29 March 2017)
� |
Chairman, WP 3M
� |
� |
2017-03-30 |
[ 205 ]
� |
Final list of participants - Working Party 3M (Geneva, 22-29 March 2017)
� |
Director, BR
� |
� |
2017-03-29 |
[ 204 ]
� |
List of documents issued (Documents 3M/115 - 3M/204)
� |
BR Study Groups Department
� |
� |
2017-03-21 |
[ 203 ]
� |
Submission of rainfall rate statistics for DBSG-3: 20 years of data from Findel, Luxembourg
� |
� |
� |
2017-03-13 |
[ 202 ]
� |
Submission of rainfall rate statistics for DBSG-3: 19 sites in Ireland
� |
� |
� |
2017-03-13 |
[ 201 ]
� |
Urban clutter loss ray tracing results
� |
� |
� |
2017-03-15 |
[ 200 ]
� |
On Recommendation ITU-R P.[BEL]: BEL measurements for three buildings in the frequency range 800 MHz - 5.2 GHz with varying elevation incident angle
� |
Nokia Corporation
� |
� |
2017-03-15 |
[ 199 ]
� |
On Recommendation ITU-R P.[BEL]: Building entry loss measurement and modelling results on elevation angle dependence
� |
Telefon AB - LM Ericsson
� |
� |
2017-03-15 |
[ 198 ]
� |
On Recommendation ITU-R P.[CLUTTER]: Experimental basis for clutter loss modelling
� |
Telefon AB - LM Ericsson
Nokia Corporation
� |
� |
2017-03-15 |
[ 197 ]
� |
On Recommendation ITU-R P.[CLUTTER]: Experimental basis at 28 GHz for urban clutter loss modelling
� |
Telefon AB - LM Ericsson
� |
� |
2017-03-15 |
[ 196 ]
� |
On Recommendation ITU-R P.[CLUTTER]: Proposed statistical clutter loss model
� |
Telefon AB - LM Ericsson
� |
� |
2017-03-15 |
[ 195 ]
� |
Contribution to the Study Group 3 measurements databank - Measurement database for the development of site-general propagation models for urban and sub-urban environments
� |
CG 3K-6
� |
� |
2017-03-15 |
[ 194 ]
� |
Building entry loss - Measurements covering 25 to 73 GHz frequency range
� |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
� |
� |
2017-03-15 |
[ 193 ]
� |
Working document towards a draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R P.452-16 - Clutter loss modelling
� |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
� |
� |
2017-03-15 |
[ 192 ]
� |
Information document - Clutter loss measurements at millimetre wave frequencies
� |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
� |
� |
2017-03-15 |
[ 191 ]
� |
On Recommendation ITU-R P.[BEL]: BEL measurements for two office buildings in the frequency range 800 MHz -28 GHz
� |
Nokia Corporation
� |
� |
2017-03-15 |
[ 190 ]
+Ann.1� |
MATHWORKS MATLAB implementation of Recommendation ITU-R P.452-16 including validation examples
� |
Switzerland (Confederation of)
� |
� |
2017-03-15 |
[ 189 ]
� |
Update of Microsoft Excel implementation of Recommendation ITU-R P.452
� |
Switzerland (Confederation of)
� |
� |
2017-03-15 |
[ 188 ]
� |
Comparison between bel prediction models and results of measurements and proposed regression model
� |
� |
� |
2017-03-15 |
[ 187 ]
� |
Proposed revision to working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R P.[CLUTTER] - Clutter loss model based on measurement for over-rooftop propagation loss in urban environment
� |
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)
� |
� |
2017-03-15 |
[ 186 ]
� |
Urban clutter loss measurements
� |
� |
� |
2017-03-15 |
[ 185 ]
� |
Ray tracing modelling of urban clutter loss
� |
� |
� |
2017-03-15 |
[ 184 ]
� |
Some zero elevation angle building entry loss measurement results
� |
China (People's Republic of)
� |
� |
2017-03-15 |
[ 183 ]
� |
Building entry loss measurement results and modelling vary with elevation incident angle
� |
China (People's Republic of)
� |
� |
2017-03-15 |
[ 182 ]
� |
Empirical model for zero elevation angle building entry loss
� |
China (People's Republic of)
� |
� |
2017-03-15 |
[ 181 ]
� |
Clutter loss measurement results for above 6 GHz frequency band
� |
China (People's Republic of)
� |
� |
2017-03-15 |
[ 180 ]
� |
Proposed modification to Annex 11 to Working Party 3M Chairman's Report
� |
China (People's Republic of)
� |
� |
2017-03-15 |
[ 179 ]
� |
Proposed modification to Annex 2 to Working Party 3M Chairman's Report - Preliminary draft revision to Recommendation ITU-R P.617-3
� |
China (People's Republic of)
� |
� |
2017-03-15 |
[ 178 ]
� |
Proposed revision to Recommendation ITU-R P.530-16 - Analysis of wet antenna effect and rain attenuation prediction modelling
� |
China (People's Republic of)
� |
� |
2017-03-15 |
[ 177 ]
� |
Proposed revision to working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R P.[CLUTTER] - Proposal of terrestrial-path clutter models for urban and suburban environments
� |
CG 3K-6
� |
� |
2017-03-15 |
[ 176 ]
� |
Proposed revision to Recommendation ITU-R P.452-16 - Frequency extension of the height-gain model base on 28 GHz measurements
� |
Korea (Republic of)
� |
� |
2017-03-15 |
[ 175 ]
� |
Proposed revision to working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R P.[CLUTTER] - Proposal of clutter loss model for slant-path in urban environments based on statistical analysis
� |
Korea (Republic of)
� |
� |
2017-03-15 |
[ 174 ]
� |
Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R P.619: Ducting model for interference on Earth-space paths with low elevation angles
� |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
� |
� |
2017-03-14 |
[ 173 ]
� |
Millimetre-wave propagation measurements in urban areas
� |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
� |
� |
2017-03-14 |
[ 172 ]
� |
Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report - A method to predict the statistics of clutter loss
� |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
� |
� |
2017-03-14 |
[ 171 ]
� |
Information document - A statistical urban clutter loss model: Supporting Information
� |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
� |
� |
2017-03-14 |
[ 170 ]
� |
Contribution to the working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R P.[CLUTTER] - Prediction procedure for estimating urban clutter-loss statistics for frequencies from about 10 GHz to about 100 GHz and elevation angles from 0 degrees to 89 degrees
� |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
� |
� |
2017-03-14 |
Resultados :419 documentos Resultados :�
1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -
� |
Telecarga de m�ltiples documentos:�Formatos e idiomas que hay que tener en cuenta (si est�n disponibles):