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Contribuciones��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 211 ]
Note to the Chairman of Study Group 6 � Chairman, SG 5 2017-11-29
[ 210 ]
Summary record of the fourth meeting of Radiocommunication Study Group 6 (Geneva, 13 October 2017) � Chairman, SG 6 2017-10-13
[ 209 ]
Final list of participants Study Group 6 (Geneva, 13 October 2017) � Director, BR 2017-10-13
[ 208 ]
List of documents issued (Documents 6/141 - 6/208) � BR Study Groups Department 2017-10-12
[ 207 ]
Executive Report of the meeting of Working Party 6B (Geneva, 9 - 12 October 2017) � Chairman, WP 6B 2017-10-12
[ 206 ]
Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1120-8 - Digital interfaces for studio signals with 1920 � 1080 image formats � WP 6B 2017-10-12
[ 205 ]
Draft revision of Report ITU-R BS.2388 - Usage Guidelines for the Audio Definition Model and Multichannel Audio Files � WP 6B 2017-10-12
[ 204 ]
Draft editorial revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.2088 - Long-form file format for the international exchange of audio programme materials with metadata � WP 6B 2017-10-12
[ 203 ]
Draft editorial revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.2076-1 - Audio Definition Model � WP 6B 2017-10-12
[ 202 ]
Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.1548-4 - Users requirements for audio coding systems for digital broadcasting � WP 6B 2017-10-12
[ 201 ]
Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.1196-5 - Audio coding for digital broadcasting � WP 6B 2017-10-12
[ 200 ]
Proposal draft editorial revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.2094-1 - Common definitions for the audio definition model � WP 6B 2017-10-12
[ 199 ]
Executive Report of the meeting of Working Party 6A (Geneva, 03 - 11 October 2017) � Chairman, WP 6A 2017-10-12
[ 198 ]
Draft editorial revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1699-2 - Harmonization of declarative application formats for interactive TV � WP 6B 2017-10-12
[ 197 ]
Text to be added to Study Group 6 liaison statement to the Coordination Committee for Vocabulary (CCV) and the Standardization Committee for Vocabulary (SCV) � WP 6B 2017-10-12
[ 196 ]
Editorial revision to Recommendation ITU-R BT.2075-1 - Integrated broadcast-broadband system � WP 6B 2017-10-12
[ 195 ]
Draft revision of Report ITU-R BT.2267-6 - Integrated broadcast-broadband systems � WP 6B 2017-10-12
[ 194 ]
An element of liaison statement from ITU-R Study Group 6 to Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (TSAG) on ITU Inter-Sector Coordination � WP 6B 2017-10-12
[ 193 ]
Proposed suppression of ITU-R Handbook 19 - Digital television signals: Coding and interfacing within studios � WP 6B 2017-10-12
[ 192 ]
Draft revision of Question ITU-R 140/6 - Global platform for the broadcasting service � WP 6B 2017-10-12
[ 191 ]
Draft liaison statement from Study Group 6 to the CCV � WP 6B 2017-10-12
[ 190 ]
Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.2074 - Service configuration, media transport protocol, and signalling information for MMT-based broadcasting systems � WP 6B 2017-10-12
[ 189 ]
Draft editorial revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1203-2 - User requirements for generic video bit-rate reduction coding of digital TV signals for an end-to-end television system � WP 6B 2017-10-12
[ 188 ]
Draft revision of Recommendation BT.1872- User requirements for broadcast auxiliary services including digital TVOB, ENG/SNG and EFP � WP 6B Q12/6 2017-10-12
[ 187 ]
Proposed suppression of Question ITU-R 80/6 - Coding for the broadcasting of digitally-encoded TV signals in terrestrial narrow-band channels � WP 6A 2017-10-12
[ 186 ]
Draft revision of Question ITU-R 132-3/6 - Digital terrestrial television broadcasting technology and planning � WP 6A 2017-10-12
[ 185 ]
Draft revision of Question ITU-R 56-2/6 - Characteristics of terrestrial digital sound broadcasting systems for reception by vehicular, portable and fixed receivers � WP 6A Q56/6 2017-10-12
[ 184 ]
Draft revision to Report ITU-R BS.2213-3 - Impact of audio signal processing and compression techniques on terrestrial FM sound broadcasting emissions at VHF � WP 6A 2017-10-12
[ 183 ]
Draft revision to Recommendation ITU-R BT.1871 - User requirements for wireless microphones � WP 6A 2017-10-12
[ 182 ]
Draft revision to Report ITU-R BT.2069-6 - Tuning ranges and operational characteristics of terrestrial electronic news gathering (ENG), television outside broadcast (TVOB) and electronic field production (EFP) systems � WP 6A 2017-10-12
[ 181 ]
Comments from Working Party 6A to TSAG on mapping inter sectoral activities - Attachment 2 - Matching of ITU-R WPs of interest to ITU-T study groups � WP 6A 2017-10-12
[ 180 ]
Editorial revision to Report ITU-R BT.2302 - Spectrum requirements for terrestrial television broadcasting in the UHF frequency band in Region 1 and the Islamic Republic of Iran � WP 6A 2017-10-12
[ 179 ]
Draft revision of ITUR- Questions in the purview of a Working Party 6A � WP 6A 2017-10-12
[ 178 ]
Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.2036-1 - Characteristics of a reference receiving system for frequency planning of digital terrestrial television systems � WP 6A 2017-10-12
[ 177 ]
Proposed new definitions for the terminology database � WP 6A 2017-10-12
[ 176 ]
Proposal for suppression of ITU-R Handbooks in the purview of Study Group 6 � WP 6A 2017-10-12
[ 175 ]
Draft revision to Report ITU-R BT.2140-9 - Transition from analogue to digital terrestrial broadcasting � WP 6A 2017-10-12
[ 174 ]
Draft revision of Report ITU-R BT.2295 - Digital terrestrial broadcasting systems � WP 6A 2017-10-12
[ 173 ]
Draft revision to Report ITU-R BT.2386-0 - Digital terrestrial broadcasting: Design and implementation of single frequency networks (SFN) � WP 6A 2017-10-12
[ 172 ]
Draft revision to Recommendation ITU- BS.1114-9 - Systems for terrestrial digital sound broadcasting to vehicular, portable and fixed receivers in the frequency range 30-3 000 MHz � WP 6A 2017-10-12
[ 171 ]
Proposed note from Study Group 6 to Director BR - Revision of Resolution 641 (Rev.HFBC-87) and Resolution 647 (Rev.WRC-15) � WP 6A 2017-10-12
[ 170 ]
Executive Report of the meeting of Working Party 6C (Geneva, 2nd to 6th October 2017) � Chairman, WP 6C 2017-10-10
[ 169 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[HDR-BARS] - Specification of colour bar test pattern for high dynamic range television systems � WP 6C Q142/6 2017-10-10
[ 168 ]
Draft new Report ITU-R BT.[HDR-OPS] - Operational practices in HDR television production � WP 6C Q142/6 2017-10-10
[ 167 ]
Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.814-2 - Specifications and alignment procedures for setting of brightness and contrast of displays � WP 6C Q142/6 2017-10-10
[ 166 ]
Proposed suppression of ITU-R Handbook 28 - Subjective Assessment Methodology in Television � WP 6C 2017-10-10
[ 165 ]
Draft New Report ITU-R BT.[2020to709] - Colour gamut conversion from Recommendation ITU-R BT.2020 to Recommendation ITU-R BT.709 � WP 6C 2017-10-10
[ 164 ]
Draft liaison statement of Study Group 6 to the CCV on the definition of Chromaticity � WP 6C 2017-10-10
[ 163 ]
Draft revision of Report ITU-R BT.2390-2 - High dynamic range television for production and international programme exchange � WP 6C 2017-10-10
[ 162 ]
An element of liaison statement from ITU-R Study Group 6 to Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (TSAG) on ITU Inter-Sector Coordination � WP 6C 2017-10-10
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