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Sistemas posteriores a las IMT-2000

Resultados :1385 documentos
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Contribuciones��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 1185 ]
Liaison statement to WPs 6E, 8A and 8F - Draft new Recommendation on path-specific point-to-area propagation � WP 3K 2007-05-02
[ 1184 ]
DECT-Information regarding the update of Recommendation ITU-R M.1457 � ETSI 229/8 2007-05-02
[ 1183 ]
Additional notes for Doc. 8F/1079(Rev.1) � WiMAX Forum 229/8 2007-04-24
[ 1182 ]
Liaison statement to WP 8F - Frequency-related matters for the future development of IMT-2000 and IMT-Advanced related to WRC-07 Agenda item 1.4 - Sharing study between IMT-Advanced systems and FSS - Short-term propagation mechanisms on interference paths � WP 3M 2007-04-24
[ 1181 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 8F - Frequency-related matters for the future development of IMT-2000 and IMT-Advanced related to WRC-07 Agenda item 1.4 - Sharing study between IMT-Advanced systems and radars in the 3 400-3 700 MHz band � WP 3M 2007-04-24
[ 1180 ]
Views on the joint participation in the development of a methodology for sharing studies between IMT and broadcasting services in bands 470-806/862 MHz � Kenya (Republic of) 2007-04-18
[ 1179 ]
Contribution to IMT-Advanced � IEEE 229/8 2007-04-07
[ 1178 ]
Recommendation ITU-R M.1457-6 update package for TDMA-SC in response to Circular letter 8/LCCE/95 � ATIS 229/8 2007-03-28
[ 1177 ]
Response to "Liaison statement from ITU-R Working Party 8F to IEEE and WIMAX Forum" � IEEE 229/8 2007-03-21
[ 1176 ]
Report of the IP-OFDMA evaluation group coordination meeting � IEEE 229/8 2007-03-26
[ 1175 ]
Recommendation to be brought to the attention of Working Parties 8A and 8F � BR Study Group Department 2007-03-13
[ 1174 ]
Support for the identification of 450-470 MHz band for the future development of IMT-2000 and systems beyond IMT-2000 � Oman (Sultanate of) 2007-01-30
[ 1173 ]
Liaison from TIA TR 41.4 regarding PDN Report ITU-R M.[IP CHAR] � Director, BR 2007-02-07
[ 1172 ]
Service categorisation for 3G LTE services � UMTS Forum 2007-02-02
[ 1171 ]
Update to CDMA Multi-Carrier - Modification to the overview section (5.2.1) for its update to ITU-R M.1457-7 � Director, Radiocommunication Bureau 2007-02-02
[ 1170 ]
Chairman's Report of the 21st meeting of Working Party 8F (Yaound�, 17-25 January 2007) � Chairman, WP 8F 2007-02-02
[ 1169 ]
Lista final de participantes - Grupo de trabajo 8F (Camer�n 17-25 de enero de 2007) � Director, BR 2007-02-07
[ 1168 ]
Report on activities in Africa within IMT-2000 � ATU Rapporteur 2007-01-25
[ 1167 ]
Activities related to IMT-2000 and IMT-Advanced in Region 3 � Region 3 Rapporteur 2007-01-25
[ 1166 ]
Report on CEPT activities � CEPT Rapporteur 2007-01-25
[ 1165 ]
Update on IMT-2000 activities in region two � Region 2 special Rapporteur 229/8 2007-01-17
[ 1164 ]
Liaison statement to Radiocommunication Study Groups and Working Parties - Terminology database � Coordination Committee for Vocabulary (CCV) 2007-01-11
[ 1163 ]
Consideration of 3 400-4 200 MHz as a candidate band for use by IMT-Advanced � NABA 2007-01-10
[ 1162 ]
Spectrum for IMT-2000, its evolution and IMT-Advanced � Cameroon (Republic of) 2007-01-10
[ 1161 ]
Usage of TIC in Cameroon � Cameroon (Republic of) 2007-01-10
[ 1160 ]
Sharing studies between IMT-2000 and Terrestrial Digital Broadcasting � Ericsson 229/8 2007-01-10
[ 1159 ]
Some comments on "Working document towards a PDN Report on sharing studies between IMT-2000 and terrestrial digital broadcasting (DVB-T and DVB-H)" � Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR , Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen 2007-01-10
[ 1158 ]
New simulation results related to Attachment 5.4 of Doc. 8F/1045 "Working document towards a PDN [Recommendation/Report] on sharing studies between IMT-Advanced and aeronautical radionavigation radars and meteorological in the 2 700-2 900 band" � Ericsson 2007-01-10
[ 1157 ]
Detailed schedule for WP 8F work in the time period 2008-2009 � Ericsson 2007-01-10
[ 1156 ]
Suggested modifications to Attachment 5.4 of Document 8F/1045 - "Working document towards a PDN [Recommendation/Report] on sharing studies between IMT-Advanced and aeronautical radionavigation radars and meteorological in the 2 700-2 900 MHz band" � Ericsson 2007-01-10
[ 1155 ]
Requirements for IMT-Advanced � Lucent Technologies , Huawei Technologies , Nokia Corporation , Samsung Electronics , Siemens Networks GmbH 2007-01-10
[ 1154 ]
Sharing studies between FSS and IMT-Advanced systems in the bands 3 400-4 200 and 4 500-4 800 MHz � Finland , France , Germany (Federal Republic of) , Sweden 2007-01-10
[ 1153 ]
Further compatibility study between DVB-T and UMTS operating in 470-862 MHz � France Telecom , Ericsson 2007-01-10
[ 1152 ]
New minimum capabilities for IMT-Advanced � Siemens Networks, Ericsson and Nokia Corporation 229/8 2007-01-10
[ 1151 ]
Minimum capabilities and test environments for IMT-Advanced derived from IMT-2000 minimum capabilities and test environments � Siemens Networks, Ericsson, France Telecom... 229/8 2007-01-10
[ 1150 ]
Circuit-Switched voice � Intel Corporation, Motorola 2007-01-10
[ 1149 ]
Proposed MIMO channel model parameters for evaluation of air interface proposals for IMT-Advanced � Ericsson, Nokia Corporation & Siemens Networks 229/8 2007-01-10
[ 1148 ]
Proposed MIMO channel model approach for evaluation of air interface proposals for IMT-Advanced � Ericsson, Nokia Corporation & Siemens Networks 229/8 2007-01-10
[ 1147 ]
Views on extension of Recommendation ITU-R M.1457 � Egypt (Arab Republic of) 2007-01-10
[ 1146 ]
Proposal for the coming work on IMT.TECH to analyze and estimate the capability of IMT-Advanced by multi-input multi-output technology � China (People's Republic of) 2007-01-10
[ 1145 ]
Proposed content and scope of preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT.TECH] � China (People's Republic of) 229/8 2007-01-10
[ 1144 ]
Considerations on technical requirements for IMT-Advanced � China (People's Republic of) 229/8 2007-01-10
[ 1143 ]
Suggestion to develop evaluation method and criteria of IMT-Advanced � China (People's Republic of) 229/8 2007-01-10
[ 1142 ]
Protection of FSS Earth stations in accordance with Appendix 7 of the Radio Regulations � AsiaSat 2007-01-10
[ 1141 ]
Proposed structure and text of Circular Letter for IMT-Advanced process � China (People's Republic of) 229/8 2007-01-10
[ 1140 ]
Proposed technical requirement towards Circular Letter for IMT-Advanced process � China (People's Republic of) 229/8 2007-01-10
[ 1139 ]
View on inclusion of new RTT into IMT-2000 � China (People's Republic of) 2007-01-10
[ 1138 ]
Proposed updates to the working document towards a PDNR on sharing studies between radiocommunication services and IMT-2000 and IMT-ADVANCED systems operating in the 450-470 MHz band � Lucent Technologies Inc. , Huawei Technologies Co.Ltd , Nortel Networks (USA) , Qualcomm 2007-01-10
[ 1137 ]
Review of some satellite deployment characteristics in the band 3 400-4 200 MHz advised by WP 4A related to WRC-07 Agenda item 1.4 � Korea (Republic of) 2007-01-10
[ 1136 ]
Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report on sharing studies in the 2 500-2 690 MHz band between IMT-2000 and mobile broadband wireless access (MBWA) systems in the same geographical area � Intel Corporation 2007-01-10
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