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Performance, QoS and QoE

Study Period 2022

Results:251 total items.
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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 51 ]
Clarification on HATS calibration documentation required by P.58 � Hottinger Br�el & Kjaer A/S (Denmark) Q5/12 2022-05-25
[ 50 ]
Revision of P.64 (for consent) � Hottinger Br�el & Kjaer A/S (Denmark) Q5/12 2022-05-25
[ 49 ]
A new approach to mobile network quality of experience testing � Ministry of Communications (India) Q12/12 2022-05-25
[ 48 ]
Revision of P.581 (for consent) � Hottinger Br�el & Kjaer A/S (Denmark) Q5/12 2022-05-25
[ 47 ]
G.CMVTQS: Updated text of subjective tests � China Mobile Communications Co. Ltd. , Orange (France) , Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG (Germany) , Wuhan University (China) Q7/12, Q15/12, Q14/12, Q10/12 2022-05-25
[ 46 ]
A new approach to measure, evaluate and score QoE in a building "ITU-T E.QoEL, QoE Labelling of building for wireless networks" � Ministry of Communications (India) Q12/12 2022-05-25
[ 45 ]
E.803 Rev: Revision of Recommendation ITU-T E.803 (for consent) � Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority (RURA) Q12/12 2022-05-25
[ 44 ]
Revision of P.380 (for consent) � Hottinger Br�el & Kjaer A/S (Denmark) Q5/12 2022-05-25
[ 43 ]
Proposal for a new work item related to mapping and visualization of connectivity and QoS � Mexico Q12/12 2022-05-24
[ 42 ]
Comprehensive assessment of simulated videotelephony calls using subjective rating, behavioural, and physiological methods � TU Berlin (Germany) Q7/12, Q10/12 2022-05-24
[ 41 ]
New Clause for Y Suppl. 60 Maximum IP-Layer Capacity Measurements � AT&T, Inc. (United States) Q17/12 2022-05-24
[ 40 ]
June 2022 Updates for Annex B: ITU-T Y.1540 Maximum IP-Layer Capacity Measurements � AT&T, Inc. (United States) Q17/12 2022-05-24
[ 39 ]
P.800 DCR with higher-order scene-based audio � Fraunhofer HHI & IIS (Germany) Q7/12 2022-05-24
[ 38 ]
Proposals for updating Recommendation ITU-T P.64 � HEAD Acoustics GmbH (Germany) Q5/12 2022-05-24
[ 37 ]
Revised draft of P.SUPPL800 � Dolby Laboratories (United States) , Qualcomm, Inc. (United States) , Telefon AB - LM Ericsson (Sweden) Q7/12 2022-05-24
[ 36 ]
On subjective evaluation of video quality with the crowdsourcing approach � TU Berlin (Germany) Q7/12, Q19/12 2022-05-24
[ 35 ]
Questionnaire to be shared with Regulators and Operators � Focus Infocom Ges. F. Informatik u. Telekomm. mbH (Germany) , Opticom GmbH (Germany) , Uganda Q20/12 2022-05-24
[ 34 ]
UDPST data rate measurements on mobile networks � Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG (Germany) Q17/12 2022-05-24
[ 33 ]
Evaluation of extended ACR voting scales for subjective speech and audio quality testing � Nokia Corporation (Finland) Q7/12 2022-05-24
[ 32 ]
G.QoE-AR: Proposal for adding content in Baseline text � China Mobile Communications Co. Ltd. Q13/12 2022-05-24
[ 31 ]
Updated baseline text of SupplGQoECAT � China Mobile Communications Co. Ltd. Q13/12 2022-05-24
[ 30 ]
Proposed draft text for a new recommendation PMLGuide "Guide for Development of Machine Learning Based Solutions" � InfoVista SAS (France) , Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG (Germany) Q9/12 2022-05-23
[ 29 ]
Issue concerning the application of the FB mode of ITU-T P.863 edition 3 on conditions with EVS and opus in WB mode � Orange (France) Q9/12 2022-05-23
[ 28 ]
Proposed contributions to J.noref " Distortion Perceptual Thresholds Measurement for Facial Images based on Electroencephalography" � China Mobile Communications Co. Ltd. , Tsinghua University (China) Q19/12 2022-05-22
[ 27 ]
Using conversation simulation to predict quality of transmissions with delay and bursty packet loss � TU Berlin (Germany) Q15/12 2022-05-20
[ 26 ]
Draft Recommendation P.SEC on the evaluation of text-based chatbots � TU Berlin (Germany) Q7/12 2022-05-20
[ 25 ]
Analysis of a comparative evaluation of two interactive systems using Draft P.SEC � TU Berlin (Germany) Q7/12 2022-05-20
[ 24 ]
Consistency analysis of questionnaire items used in P.SEC � TU Berlin (Germany) Q7/12 2022-05-20
[ 23 ]
Some considerations on how to finalize P.SAMD � TU Berlin (Germany) Q9/12 2022-05-20
[ 22 ]
On Non-intrusive Speech Quality Assessment Models � TU Berlin (Germany) Q9/12 2022-05-20
[ 21 ]
Proposed Draft P.AMD � Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG (Germany) , TU Berlin (Germany) Q9/12 2022-05-20
[ 20 ]
Updated P.863 results on P.501 and P.565 speech samples � Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG (Germany) Q9/12, Q6/12 2022-05-20
[ 19 ]
Performance variation of deep-learning based NR video quality measurement methods due to training data selection � Korea (Rep. of) Q19/12 2022-05-20
[ 18 ]
Results of a cloud gaming interactive test within the context of mobile networks � InfoVista SAS (France) Q17/12, Q14/12 2022-05-18
[ 17 ]
Two-way latency tests using TWAMP / draft G.IntAct on mobile networks � Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG (Germany) Q17/12 2022-05-18
[ 16 ]
Updated draft of new Recommendation G.IntAct: Latency measurement and interactivity scoring under real application data traffic patterns � Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG (Germany) Q17/12 2022-05-18
[ 15 ]
Proposed structure for draft new Recommendation P.DFS_Inter � Focus Infocom Ges. F. Informatik u. Telekomm. mbH (Germany) , Opticom GmbH (Germany) Q20/12 2022-05-18
[ 14 ]
A novel concept of selecting test cases - introducing "proxy classes" � Focus Infocom Ges. F. Informatik u. Telekomm. mbH (Germany) , Opticom GmbH (Germany) Q17/12 2022-05-18
[ 13 ]
Considerations on the automation of Digital Financial Services testing � Focus Infocom Ges. F. Informatik u. Telekomm. mbH (Germany) , Opticom GmbH (Germany) , Uganda Q20/12 2022-05-18
[ 12 ]
Effect of quality factors on quitting behaviour in adaptive bitrate video streaming � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) (Japan) Q14/12 2022-05-18
[ 11 ]
Proposed Updates to ITU-T Rec. P.910 regarding Spatial and Temporal Information � Ilmenau University of Technology (TU Ilmenau) (Germany) Q19/12 2022-05-16
[ 10 ]
Update on packet-switched networks in ITU-T P.1140 � HEAD Acoustics GmbH (Germany) Q4/12 2022-05-12
[ 9 ]
Confirmation of P.DiAQoSE model � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) (Japan) Q14/12 2022-05-11
[ 8 ]
Performance of P.1204.4 on AV1 Encoded Video � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) (Japan) , Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG (Germany) Q14/12 2022-05-10
[ 7 ]
P.BBQCG timeplan status � Dolby Laboratories (United States) , Ilmenau University of Technology (TU Ilmenau) (Germany) , Telefon AB - LM Ericsson (Sweden) , Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Company Limited (China) Q14/12 2022-05-09
[ 6 ]
Evaluation of quality-of-service indicators for mobile networks in the Union of the Comoros � Autorit� Nationale de R�gulation des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (ANRTIC) (Comoros) Q12/12 2022-04-25
[ 5 ]
QoE requirements for real-time multimedia services over 5G networks � Nokia Corporation (Finland) Q13/12 2022-04-20
[ 4 ]
(Rev.1) +Add.1
Drafting an operational plan for the development of perceptual and field assessment principles for quality of service (QoS) and quality of experience (QoE) of digital financial services (DFS) � Cameroon Q20/12 2022-04-12
[ 3 ]
Proposed extension of MNRU in ITU-T P.810 to shaped fullband noise � Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG (Germany) Q6/12 2022-03-25
[ 2 ]
Advance notification of the presence of an area not covered by telecommunication networks � R�publique D�mocratique du Congo Q12/12 2022-03-26
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