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Signalling requirements, protocols and test specifications

Study Period 2009

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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 103 ]
Proposal for the new recommendation of M2 interface � ETRI Q7/11 2009-08-24
[ 102 ]
Proposal for the new recommendation of M1 interface � ETRI Q7/11 2009-08-24
[ 101 ]
Discussion on NGN interoperability � Japan QALL/11 2009-08-24
[ 100 ]
Proposed Modification of X.mmc-3, "Information Technology - Mobile Multicast Communications: Protocol over Overlay Multicast Networks" � Korea, (Rep. of) Q15/11 2009-08-21
[ 99 ]
Proposed modification of X.rmcp-3, Information technology - Relayed multicast protocol: Specification for N-plex group applications � Korea (Rep. of) Q15/11 2009-08-21
[ 98 ]
X.603.1/Draft Amd.1 : Proposed Final draft Recommendation for Secure RMCP-2 � Korea (Rep. of) Q15/11 2009-08-21
[ 97 ]
Proposed revision on Q.SupCRBT_CRT for alignment with Q.3610 and Q.3611 � KT Q3/11, Q2/11 2009-08-21
[ 96 ]
Terms definition in Q.QCP � Huawei, BT Q5/11 2009-08-21
[ 95 ]
Protocol specification in Q.ANCP � Huawei, CATR Q5/11 2009-08-21
[ 94 ]
Proposed modifications to Q.PCNApp � Huawei, CATR Q5/11 2009-08-21
[ 93 ]
Muticast admission control procedures in Q.ANCP � Huawei, CATR Q5/11 2009-08-21
[ 92 ]
Proposed modifications to Q.QCP � Huawei, BT Q5/11 2009-08-21
[ 91 ]
Amendments on Q.1902.x and Q.76x for the support of Customized Alert Tone � Huawei Q3/11 2009-08-21
[ 90 ]
Proposed update for Q.nacp.0 � ETRI Q7/11 2009-08-21
[ 89 ]
Proposal of a use case and capability of IC-T related FEs in Q.IDM.SIG � KT Q7/11 2009-08-21
[ 88 ]
Proposed revised text for Q.3306.1 � Telekomunikacja Polska (Poland) , Huawei Technologies Q5/11 2009-09-03
[ 87 ]
Proposals for enhancement of TRQ-ETS Overview � Industry Canada Q6/11, Q13/11, Q1/11 2009-08-19
[ 86 ]
The "Handbook on the testing" chapters � Russian Federation Q6/11 2009-08-18
[ 85 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.3904 " The scenarios, list and types of tests for TM local and NUT testing for IMS on the Model networks " � Russian Federation Q8/11 2009-08-18
[ 84 ]
Proposed revised text of Q.3320 � Telekomunikacja Polska (Poland) Q5/11 2009-08-18
[ 83 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.3906 "The scenarios, list and types of tests for wireless Broadband NUT testing on the Model networks. Part III." � Russian Federation Q8/11 2009-08-18
[ 82 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.3906 "The scenarios, list and types of tests for wireless Broadband NUT testing on the Model networks. Part II." � Russian Federation Q8/11 2009-08-18
[ 81 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.3906 "The scenarios, list and types of tests for fixed Broadband NUT testing on the Model networks. Part I." � Russian Federation Q8/11 2009-08-18
[ 80 ]
New Recommendation Draft Q. 3915 "Types and List of NGN Services that Could Be Tested (TS1) on Model Network" (First Testing Set) � Russian Federation Q10/11 2009-08-18
[ 79 ]
Discussion on NGN interoperability � Japan QALL/11 2009-05-14
[ 78 ]
Proposed text for use cases in draft recommendation Q.nacp.Ng � ETRI Q7/11 2009-01-09
[ 77 ]
Update for Draft Q.3306 � Telekomunikacja Polska (Poland) Q5/11 2009-01-09
[ 76 ]
Proposal for Definition of NGN Protocol Sets � ETRI Q1/11 2009-01-09
[ 75 ]
Discussion Paper: Introduction of circuit grouping in BICC and ISUP protocols � LM Ericsson Q3/11 2009-01-09
[ 74 ]
Proposed update for Q.3320 � Telekomunikacja Polska (Poland) Q5/11 2009-01-09
[ 73 ]
Proposal to create new recommendation of the architectural framework for network attachment control signalling in NGN � ETRI Q7/11 2009-01-09
[ 72 ]
Proposed update of handbook appendix � Telekomunikacja Polska (Poland) Q6/11 2009-01-09
[ 71 ]
Proposed updates of handbook text � Telekomunikacja Polska (Poland) Q6/11 2009-01-09
[ 70 ]
Proposal of Amendment 2 of Recommendation ITU-T X.603.1 (2007) � ETRI Q15/11 2009-01-09
[ 69 ]
Proposal of technical corrigendum 1 to Recommendation ITU-T X.603.1 (2007) � ETRI Q15/11 2009-01-09
[ 68 ]
Proposal of new Clause 9. Parameters in X.mmc-3 � ETRI Q15/11 2009-01-09
[ 67 ]
Proposed Modification of MMC-3 control messages in clause 8 of X.mmc-3 � ETRI Q15/11 2009-01-09
[ 66 ]
Revised texts for draft recommendation Q.nacp.Ng � ETRI Q7/11 2009-01-09
[ 65 ]
Proposed Modification of MMC-3 control data in clause 8.4 of X.mmc-3 � ETRI Q15/11 2009-01-09
[ 64 ]
Proposed Modification of X.rmcp-3(X.603.2 | ISO/IEC 16512-3) for second FCD � ETRI Q15/11 2009-01-09
[ 63 ]
Proposal for protocol messages in Q.nacp.Ru � ETRI Q7/11 2009-01-09
[ 62 ]
Proposal for Q.nacp.Ru recommendation � ETRI Q7/11 2009-01-09
[ 61 ]
Proposed baseline text for Q.3911 - "Monitoring parameters set for voice services in NGN" � China Telecom Q9/11, Q8/11 2009-01-09
[ 60 ]
Proposed baseline text for Q.3910 - "Monitoring parameters set for NGN protocols" � China Telecom Q9/11, Q8/11 2009-01-09
[ 59 ]
Proposal for add procedure description of original PD-PE in Ri interface � China Telecom Q5/11 2009-01-09
[ 58 ]
A proposal to delete bulk/collective reservation spec of Ri interface and add notes to Q.3307.1 � China Telecom Q5/11 2009-01-09
[ 57 ]
Proposed signalling requirements for supporting the Incoming Communication service feature of IP Centrex � China Telecom Q3/11 2009-01-09
[ 56 ]
Proposed signaling requirements for supporting the Outgoing Communication service feature of IP Centrex � China Telecom Q3/11 2009-01-09
[ 55 ]
Proposed signalling requirements for supporting the Internal Communication service feature of IP Centrex � China Telecom Q3/11 2009-01-09
[ 54 ]
Proposed text for section 5.3 of 'The Signalling Requirements for IP Centrex service' � China Telecom Q3/11 2009-01-09
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