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ITU-T�NGN-GSI� C�(2011-05-09)�


NGN Global Standards Initiative

Study Period 2009

Meeting� from 2011-05-09 to 2011-05-20

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2012-12-03� 2012-06-04� 2012-02-06� 2011-10-10� 2011-01-17� 2010-09-06� 2010-04-19� 2010-01-18� 2009-09-02� 2009-05-11� 2009-01-12�

Results:257 total items.
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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 937 ]
Proposal for enriching the description of dual path routing model in Y.PTDN_routing � CATR, MIIT Q20/13 2011-04-27
[ 936 ]
Proposal for enriching the content of Y.PTDN_M_interface � CATR, MIIT Q20/13 2011-04-27
[ 935 ]
Proposal for a new Recommendation on overview of the Internet of Things �
Also produced as IoT GSI C-4
CATR, MIIT Q5/13 2011-04-27
[ 934 ]
Proposal for definitions in Y.IoT-Term �
Also produced as IoT-GSI C-3
CATR, MIIT Q3/13 2011-04-27
[ 933 ]
Proposal for adding some existing definitions to Y.IoT-Term �
Also produced as IoT-GSI C-2
CATR, MIIT Q3/13 2011-04-27
[ 932 ]
Proposed new draft of Recommendation Q.3912 � CATR,The MIIT of China Q9/11 2011-04-27
[ 931 ]
Proposal for new definitions to Q.CentrexSig � MIIT, China Q3/11, Q2/11 2011-04-27
[ 930 ]
Scope and features of SUN � KT Q5/13, Q3/13, Q12/13 2011-04-27
[ 929 ]
Proposed enhanced draft definition of SUN � KT Q5/13, Q3/13, Q25/13, Q12/13 2011-04-27
[ 928 ]
Proposal of amendment to Q.3307.1 � KDDI Corporation Q5/11 2011-04-27
[ 927 ]
Proposal of amendment to Q.3321.1 � KDDI Corporation Q5/11 2011-04-27
[ 926 ]
Revised text on the Q.TS-IVR � KT Q3/11, Q2/11 2011-04-27
[ 925 ]
Proposed Modifications to Draft TRQ.ets-protocol � Telcordia Technologies Q13/11 2011-04-27
[ 924 ]
Proposed New Text for Draft TRQ.ets-protocol � Telcordia Technologies Q13/11 2011-04-27
[ 923 ]
Proposed Modifications to Y.2205 Rev.1 � Telcordia Technologies Q5/13 2011-04-27
[ 922 ]
Editorial Comments on Y.3001 � Telcordia Technologies Q21/13 2011-04-27
[ 921 ]
Propose Additions to Y.ETS-Sec � Telcordia Technologies , AT&T Q16/13 2011-04-27
[ 920 ]
Comments on Y.3001 to include ET � Telcordia Technologies Q21/13 2011-04-27
[ 919 ]
Editorial Cleanup of Y.2205 � Telcordia Technologies Q5/13 2011-04-27
[ 918 ]
Propose Additions to Draft Supplement on Next Generation Network (NGN) Security Planning and Operations � Telcordia Technologies , AT&T Q16/13 2011-04-27
[ 917 ]
Propose work item to update Supplement 62 � Telcordia Technologies Q13/11 2011-04-27
[ 916 ]
A Proposal for an update text for clause 6 of Y.USN-arch � ETRI Q5/13 2011-04-26
[ 915 ]
Selection of the OAuth 2.0 clients for the use in NGN environment � Alcatel-Lucent, USA Q16/13 2011-04-26
[ 914 ]
Outline of the proposed draft ITU-T Recommendation on support for OAuth in NGN � Alcatel-Lucent, USA Q16/13 2011-04-26
[ 913 ]
Proposal to study support for OAuth 2.0 in NGN and Future Networks � Alcatel-Lucent, USA Q16/13 2011-04-26
[ 912 ]
Modification of the figures and text about inter-operator communication scenarios of Y.2111 Rev.2 � KDDI Corporation Q4/13 2011-04-26
[ 911 ]
Modification of information components related to QoS downgrading in Y.2111 Rev.2 � KDDI Corporation Q4/13 2011-04-26
[ 910 ]
Modification of description about information components of Ru reference point in Y.2111 Rev.2 � KDDI Corporation Q4/13 2011-04-26
[ 909 ]
Clarification of the description of Rh' reference point in Y.2111 Rev.2 � KDDI Corporation Q4/13 2011-04-26
[ 908 ]
Modification of the description of handover scenarios in Y.2111 Rev.2 � KDDI Corporation Q4/13 2011-04-26
[ 907 ]
Modification of the description of multicast resource release scenarios in Y.2111 Rev.2 � KDDI Corporation Q4/13 2011-04-26
[ 906 ]
Modification of an abbreviations and acronyms list in Y.2111 Rev.2 � KDDI Corporation Q4/13 2011-04-26
[ 905 ]
Modification of the definitions clause in Y.2111 Rev.2 � KDDI Corporation Q4/13 2011-04-26
[ 904 ]
Editorial modifications about Y.2111 Rev.2 � KDDI Corporation Q4/13 2011-04-26
[ 903 ]
Proposed additional text for impact analysis of energy-saving in Y.FNenergy � Fujitsu Ltd. Q21/13 2011-04-26
[ 902 ]
Proposal for the title change of Y.FNenergy � Fujitsu Ltd. Q21/13 2011-04-26
[ 901 ]
Text contribution and overall revision of Y.FAid-loc-split: Functional architecture of id-loc-split in NGN � NICT Q5/13 2011-04-26
[ 900 ]
Proposal for the initiation of a new draft recommendation Identifiers and their configuration methods in future networks (Y.FNID-config) � NICT Q21/13 2011-04-26
[ 899 ]
New text contribution to draft: Identifiers and identification processes in future networks (Y.FNidentifier) � NICT Q21/13 2011-04-26
[ 898 ]
Proposal on use cases for mobility in virtualized network and wireless access network virtualization � KDDI Corporation Q21/13 2011-04-26
[ 897 ]
Comments on draft Rec. Y.FAid-loc-split � France Telecom Q5/13 2011-04-26
[ 896 ]
Technologies for quake- and tsunami-resistant access network infrastructure � NTT Corporation QALL/13 2011-04-26
[ 895 ]
Proposal to modify the text in Y.iSCP-req to comply with the ITU-T Recommendation format � NTT Corporation Q20/13 2011-04-26
[ 894 ]
Discussion note for IoT � NTT Corporation Q25/13 2011-04-26
[ 893 ]
Proposal for liaisons to share Supplement 62 with other SDOs and SG's � Industry Canada Q13/11 2011-04-26
[ 892 ]
Discussions about some potential concerns with Supplement 62 Overview of ETS � Industry Canada Q13/11 2011-04-26
[ 891 ]
Draft ITU-T Recommendation Q.3925 "The types of traffic flows which should be generated for voice, data and video on the Model network for testing QoS parameters" � Administration of the Russian Federation Q11/11 2011-04-26
[ 890 ]
Draft of Handbook "Network performance testing and control for guarantee required QoS for NGN services" � Administration of the Russian Federation Q6/11, Q11/11 2011-04-26
[ 889 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.3915 "The types and list of NGN services testing on the Model networks. Test set I" � Administration of the Russian Federation Q10/11 2011-04-26
[ 888 ]
Proposal for clarification of terms for defining functional entities in Y.dpireq "Requirements of DPI in packet-based networks and NGN environment" � Korea (Republic of) Q17/13 2011-04-21
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