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Frequency sharing between the fixed-satellite service and the fixed service

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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 134 ]
Proposals for modifications to preliminary draft CPM text (Chapter 4.3) on WRC-03 agenda items 1.25 � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2001-10-15
[ 133 ]
Proposed changes to working document on issues related to possible identification of frequency bands for high density FSS � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2001-10-15
[ 132 ]
Studies on the use of specially shaped radiation pattern antennas in FS P-MP base stations in order to facilitate sharing between FS and FSS systems in the HD application � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2001-10-15
[ 131 ]
Preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SF.615 � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2001-10-15
[ 130 ]
Preliminary draft CPM text element for WRC-03 agenda item 1.37 (highly elliptical orbit satellite networks) � Japan 2001-10-15
[ 129 ]
Proposed amendments to Recommendation ITU-R SF.765 - Intersection of radio-relay antenna beams with orbits used by space stations in the fixed-satellite service � Japan 2001-10-15
[ 128 ]
Some comments on the preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SF.674-1 � Japan 2001-10-15
[ 127 ]
Proposed power flux-density values for satellites in the fixed-satellite service using highly elliptical orbits in the 4 and 11 GHz bands � Japan 2001-10-15
[ 126 ]
PFD limits for FSS to protect FS in the band 37.5-42.5 GHz � Japan 2001-10-15
[ 125 ]
Proposed revision of PDNR ITU-R SF.[4-9s/ESV14GHz] - Use of frequencies by earth stations on board vessels transmitting in the 14 GHz band allocated to the fixed-satellite service � Japan 2001-10-15
[ 124 ]
Initial considerations on the regulatory aspects of HEO satellite systems (WRC-03 Agenda item 1.37) � France 2001-10-15
[ 123 ]
Considerations on the possible allocation of the band 17.3-17.7 GHz to the fixed-satellite service (space-to-Earth) � France 2001-10-15
[ 122 ]
Current regulatory situation of HD-FSS earth stations in bands shared with equal rights between FSS and terrestrial services or space service operating in the opposite direction of transmission � France 2001-10-15
[ 121 ]
Proposed draft structure for Chapter 4 of the CPM Report to WRC-03 including already developed preliminary draft text elements � Chapter Rapporteur 2001-10-15
[ 120 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-R S.[Doc.4/40] - Operational requirements and minimum characteristics of FSS systems operating in the 50/40 GHz bands for use in sharing studies between the fixed-satellite service and terrestrial services � CH, WP 4A 2001-10-15
[ 119 ]
Offshore distance for earth stations on board vessels in the 6 GHz band � Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2001-10-15
[ 118 ]
Liaison statement to WP 4-9S and WP 4A- Satellite downlink fading � WP 3M 2001-10-15
[ 117 ]
Liaison statement to WPs 7E, 9B and 9D and JWP 4-9S/117 - Interference analysis from high altitude platform stations to the radio astronomy service in the 31.3-31.8 GHz bands - WRC-03 Agenda item 1.13, Resolution 122 � WP 7D 2001-10-15
[ 116 ]
Liaison statement to WPs 4-9S, 9B and 9D - Proposed amendments to preliminary draft elements for Chapter 4.1 of the CPM report to WRC-03 � WP 7C 2001-10-15
[ 115 ]
Liaison statement to WP 4-9S - FSS system characteristics to be used under WRC-03 Agenda item 1.32 � WP 4A 2001-10-15
[ 114 ]
Liaison statement to WP 4-9S - Characteristics of earth stations on-board vessels transmitting in the 14 GHz frequency bands � WP 4A 2001-10-15
[ 113 ]
LS to JWP 4-9S - Characteristics of earth station on board vessels (ESVs) operating in the FSS networks in the frequency bands 3 700-4 200 MHz and 5 925-6 425 MHz � WP 4A 2001-10-15
[ 112 ]
Reply to LS from JWP 4-9S - Coordination criteria for frequency sharing between the fixed service using high altitude platform stations and the fixed-satellite service in the band 27.5-28.35 GHz � WP 4A 2001-10-15
[ 111 ]
Liaison Statement to WP 4-9S - Use of frequencies by earth stations on board vessels transmitting in the 14 GHz band allocated to the fixed-satellite service � WP 4-9S 2001-10-15
[ 110 ]
Part 1 - Report on the meeting of Working Party 4-9S - Geneva, 22-30 March 2001 � CH, WP 4-9S 2001-10-15
[ 109 ]
Liaison Statement to WP 4-9S, for action, and WP 4A for information � WP 4B 2001-10-15
[ 108 ]
Reply LS to WP 4-9S-The percent. of time during which FSS nominal clear-sky power flux-dens. levels may be exceeded to overcome fading cond., while protecting the FS, and permit. operating of FSS earth stat. in the bands 37.5-40 and 42-42.5 GHz � WP 4B 2001-10-15
[ 107 ]
Reply Liaison Statement to Working Party 4-9S - Fixed service and fixed-satellite service parameters and characteristics in the 38 GHz and 40 GHz bands to be considered under agenda item 1.32 (WRC-03) � WP 4B 2001-10-15
[ 106 ]
Liaison statement to Task Group 1/7 (information to 4-9S) - Present status of the compatibility studies between the fixed service using high-altitude platform stations and science services including radio astronomy service and Earth exprloratio � WP 9D 2001-10-15
[ 105 ]
List of documents issued � BRSGD 2001-10-15
[ 104 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 4-9S and 8D - Analytical method for assessment of interference to the fixed service in environments involving non-GSO satellites � WP 9D 2001-10-15
[ 103 ]
Liaison Statement to WP 4-9S - Power Flux-Density Limits to be applied to FSS, MSS and BSS in the 37.5-42.5 GHz range (WRC-03 A.I. 1.32 dealing) � WP 9D 2001-10-15
[ 102 ]
Liaison statement to WP 4-9S - A new methodology to be used for the evaluation of the impact of space-to-Earth interference from the Fixed-Satellite Service on the Fixed Service in frequency bands where fading due to rain is the predominant fad � WP 9A 2001-10-15
[ 101 ]
Reply to liaison statement from WP 4-9S on impact of HAPS interference to EESS (passive) in the 31.3-31.8 GHz band � WPs 9B and 9D 2001-10-15
[ 100 ]
LS to WP 4-9S - A new methodology to be used for the evaluation of the impact of space-to-Earth interference from the fixed-satellite service on the fixed service in frequency bands where fading due to rain is the predominant fading mechanism � WP 9B 2001-10-15
[ 99 ]
Liaison statement to WP 4-9S - Fixed service systems parameters for use in sharing studies under Resolution 84 in the frequency range 37.5-42.5 GHz � WP 9B 2001-10-15
[ 98 ]
Liaison statement to WP 4-9S - Interference criteria to protect the fixed service systems from interference produced by GSO and non-GSO satellites in the 37-40 GHz and 40.5-43.5 GHz bands � WP 9A 2001-10-15
[ 97 ]
Applicability of an I/N methodology in sharing studies between the FS and FSS in the band 37.5 to 42.5 GHz � INTELSAT 2001-10-15
[ 96 ]
Contribution addressing WRC-03 Agenda item 1.25 regarding use of some paired FSS bands at 18/28 GHz by high-density FSS applications � United States of America 2001-10-15
[ 95 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 4-9S and Working Party 4A concerning satellite downlink fading � CH, WP 3M 2001-10-15
[ 94 ]
Fixed service parameters in the 14 GHz frequency band for use in assessing interference from earth stations on board vessels � France 2001-10-15
[ 93 ]
Further contribution to the feasibility analysis of proposed mitigation techniques intended to facilitate sharing between FSS user terminals and FS stations in the 27.5-29.5 GHz band � Teledesic Communications, Spain 2001-10-15
[ 92 ]
Further contribution to the sharing studies between FSS user terminals and FS stations in the 17.7-19.7 GHz band � Teledesic Communications, Spain 2001-10-15
[ 91 ]
Justification for draft new Recommendation on a methodology to determine the impact on fixed service performance due to space-to-Earth interference from the fixed-satellite service in frequency bands above 17 GHz � Canada 2001-10-15
[ 90 ]
Progress report on the further development and refinement of the new methodology presented in Doc. 4-9S/TEMP/25 � Canada 2001-10-15
[ 89 ]
Assessment of the proposed geographical band segmentation technique for use in the 27.5-29.5 GHz band � Canada 2001-10-15
[ 88 ]
Proposed modifications to Document 4-9S/TEMP/15(Rev.1) - Working document on issues related to possible identification of frequency bands for high density FSS � Canada 2001-10-15
[ 87 ]
Liaison Statement to WP 4-9S and WP 9D - Derivation of fixed interference criteria in the 6 GHz and 14 GHz bands � WP 9A 2001-10-15
[ 86 ]
Protection distance for FSS Earth Stations on board vessels in the 6 GHz and 14 GHz bands � France 2001-10-15
[ 85 ]
Update of preliminary draft new Resolution ITU-R SF.[GSO38] � United States of America 2001-10-15
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