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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG 17 : R�union�2009-09-16�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG 17� TD-PLEN�(2009-09-16)�



P�riode d'�tudes 2009

R�union� du 2009-09-16 au 2009-09-25

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2012-08-292012-02-202011-08-242011-04-112010-12-082010-04-07� [ 2009-09-16 ]� 2009-02-11

Resultats:400 documents
R�sultats :� Pr�c�dent�-� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 �-�Suivant Next
Documents Temporaires �(PLEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 531-PLEN ]
OLS - Response to Reply LS for collaboration for development of NID/USN test specifications � ITU-T SG 17 Q14/17 2009-09-22
[ 530-PLEN ]
Report on the WSIS stocktaking and Draft Roadmap for ITU's activities in its role as Sole Facilitator for Action Line C5 � TSB QALL/17 2009-09-22
[ 529-PLEN ]
Amendment 1 to X.1082, Object identifier assignments under the Telebiometrics arc � X.1082 Editor Q9/17 2009-09-22
[ 528-PLEN ]
Amendment 2 to X.1081, Appendix V "Hierarchy Theory Principles" � X.1081 Editor Q9/17 2009-09-22
[ 527-PLEN ]
Amendment 1 to X.1081, Object identifier assignments under the Telebiometrics arc � X.1081 Editor Q9/17 2009-09-22
[ 526-PLEN ]
Draft Recommendation X.abnot: Abnormal traffic detection and control guideline for telecommunication network � Editors Q4/17 2009-09-21
[ 525-PLEN ]
Report on Question 2/17 � Rapporteur Q2/17 2009-09-21
[ 524-PLEN ]
Comments Resolution from C91 (USA), C96 (UK), C107 (Canada), C151 (Germany) and C159 (Japan) for Draft Rec. X.1251 � Editor of X.1251 Q10/17 2009-09-21
[ 523-PLEN ]
LS: Security requirement and characteristics in DSN � ITU-T SG 13 Q7/17 2009-09-21
[ 522-PLEN ]
Initial draft text on ITU-T draft Recommendation X.tr-fm: Traceback framework and mechanisms � Editor Q4/17 2009-09-21
[ 521-PLEN ]
Status of SAML and XACML for ITU-T � OASIS Q7/17 2009-09-21
[ 520-PLEN ]
LS - Response on LS entitled "High-quality, testable Recommendations and test specifications" � ITU-T SG 13 Q14/17 2009-09-21
[ 519-PLEN ]
LS - LS on approval of ITU-T Recommendation Y.2007 � ITU-T SG 13 Q6/17 2009-09-21
[ 518-PLEN ]
LS - New draft Recommendation Y.iptvterms (Terms and definitions for IPTV) � ITU-T SG 13 Q6/17 2009-09-21
[ 517-PLEN ]
LS - Information about consented Y.2221 (formerly Y.USN-Reqts) � ITU-T SG 13 Q6/17 2009-09-21
[ 516-PLEN ]
Draft Z.109 SDL-2010 combined with UML (TAG09) � Q.13/17 Rapporteur Q13/17 2009-09-21
[ 515-PLEN ]
Updated draft Rec. X.interfaces, Architecture of external interrelations for a telecommunication network security system � Editor Rec. X.interfaces Q2/17 2009-09-22
[ 514-PLEN ]
Summaries for work items under development in Q.2/17 � Rapporteur Q2/17 2009-09-21
[ 513-PLEN ]
Withdrawn � N/A � Q13/17 2009-09-21
[ 512-PLEN ]
LS - Status of on-going work for Recommendations X.th(s) � IEC/TC 25/WG 5 and WG 6 Q9/17 2009-09-21
[ 511-PLEN ]
Summary of Voting on SC 6N14015, Text for CD ballot, ISO/IEC 29180, Security framework for sensor network (N14068) � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 Q6/17 2009-09-21
[ 510-PLEN ]
Draft amendment to E.115 � Rapporteur Q.11/17 Q11/17 2009-09-21
[ 509-PLEN ]
Draft ITU-T Rec. X.sisfreq: Use cases and capabilities for cybersecurity information sharing and exchange � Editors Q4/17 2009-09-21
[ 508-PLEN ]
Summaries for work items under development under Q.13/17 (TAG21) � Q.13/17 Rapporteur Q13/17 2009-09-21
[ 507-PLEN ]
Status of Z-series Recommendations under Q.13/17 � Q.13/17 Rapporteur Q13/17 2009-09-21
[ 506-PLEN ]
Outline proposal for plug compatible SDL-2010 data (TAG17) � Q.13/17 Rapporteur Q13/17 2009-09-21
[ 505-PLEN ]
Status of X-series Recommendations under Q.13/17 (TAG30) � Q.13/17 Rapporteur Q13/17 2009-09-21
[ 504-PLEN ]
OLS - Report to TSAG from SG 17 as the Lead Study Group on Languages and description techniques � Q.13/17 Rapporteur Q13/17 2009-09-21
[ 503-PLEN ]
Proposed initial draft text for Rec. ITU-T X.cybex, Cybersecurity information exchange framework � Q,4/17 Rapporteur Q4/17 2009-09-21
[ 502-PLEN ]
Initial draft text for X.cybex-tp, "Transport protocols supporting cybersecurity information exchange" � Editors Q4/17 2009-09-21
[ 501-PLEN ]
Initial draft text for X.cybex-disc, "Discovery mechanisms in the exchange of cybersecurity information" � Editors Q4/17 2009-09-21
[ 500-PLEN ]
OLS - Issues discussed by SG 17 in relation with Annex A to ITU-T A.23 � Convenor Ad-Hoc Group , ITU-T Liaison Officer to JTC 1 QALL/17 2009-09-21
[ 499-PLEN ]
OLS - Liaison statement concerning the proposed allocation of an OID for alerting � ITU-T SG 17 Q4/17, Q12/17 2009-09-21
[ 498-PLEN ]
OLS - Draft X.eaa comments � Editor Q10/17 2009-09-21
[ 497-PLEN ]
Approval Process for draft Recommendation X.interfaces � TSB Q2/17 2009-09-21
[ 496-PLEN ]
OLS - LS on revised Recommendation ITU-T X.1034, Guideline on extensible authentication protocol based authentication and key management in a data communication network � ITU-T SG 17 Q2/17 2009-09-21
[ 495-PLEN ]
The 2nd draft text of revised Recommendation ITU-T X.1034: Guideline on extensible authentication protocol based authentication and key management in a data communication network � Editors Q2/17 2009-09-21
[ 494-PLEN ]
Final text of X.1250 for Approval � Rapporteur Q.10/17 Q10/17 2009-09-21
[ 493-PLEN ]
Comment resolution of C95 (UK) and Japan (C159) on X.1250 (done after German and Canadian comments Resolution as in TD 0492) � Rapporteur Q.10/17 Q10/17 2009-09-21
[ 492-PLEN ]
Comment resolution of C 106 on X.1250 (done after German comments Resolution in TD 0491) � Rapporteur Q.10/17 Q10/17 2009-09-21
[ 491-PLEN ]
Q.10/17 resolution of comments from Germany to draft Recommendation X.1250 � Rapporteur Q.10/17 Q10/17 2009-09-21
[ 490-PLEN ]
Draft Z.109 SDL-2010 combined with UML (TAG09) � Q.13/17 Rapporteur Q13/17 2009-09-21
[ 489-PLEN ]
Agenda for the Security Coordination meeting � Rapporteur QALL/17 2009-09-21
[ 488-PLEN ]
Introduction to Object Identifiers (OIDs) � SG 17 & ASN.1 & OID Project leader QALL/17 2009-09-21
[ 487-PLEN ]
Revised text for proposal of a study skeleton for new work item, X.teef on cyber attack tracing event exchange format (TEEF) � Editor Q4/17 2009-09-21
[ 486-PLEN ]
Proposed draft Recommendation X.ismf, Information security management framework � Editors Q3/17 2009-09-21
[ 485-PLEN ]
Q.10/17 comment resolution on TD 416 (Comments from Germany on X.1250) � Rapporteur Q10/17 2009-09-18
[ 484-PLEN ]
X.idmdef - Agreed resolution of issues from Perros-Guirec � Editor Q10/17 2009-09-18
[ 483-PLEN ]
X.idmdef - Agreed changes � Editor Q10/17 2009-09-18
[ 482-PLEN ]
URN updates � Associate Rapporteur Q13/17 2009-09-18
Resultats:400 documents
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