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Service de Radiodiffusion: Assemblage et Acc�s

Resultats:363 documents
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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 213 ]
Progress Report on Audio File Formats � RG on Audio File Formats 2014-03-28
[ 212 ]
Liaison statement on the proposed revision of Question ITU-R 45-4/6 � WP 6C 2014-03-28
[ 211 ]
Liaison statement - Colour gamut tailoring � WP 6C 2014-03-28
[ 210 ]
List of documents issued (Document 6B/180 - 6B/210) � BR Study Groups Department 2014-03-28
[ 209 ]
Progress Report of a Rapporteur Group on the international exchange of sound and television programmes over IP connections for contribution purposes � RG on int. exch. sound/TV over IP 137/6 2014-03-27
[ 208 ]
EBU format for timed text (EBU-TT) � European Broadcasting Union 45-2/6 2014-03-24
[ 207 ]
Proposed new Annex to Report ITU-R BT.2267 "Integrated broadcast-broadband systems" � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 131/6 2014-03-21
[ 206 ]
Proposal to use the audio definition model as the metadata model for ITU-R BS.2051 � British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) 2014-03-21
[ 205 ]
Technical elements of IBB systems for system comparison � RG on IBB 16-2/6, 131/6 2014-03-24
[ 204 ]
Proposed preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R BS.[ADM] - The audio definition model � European Broadcasting Union 2014-03-21
[ 203 ]
Proposal for a possible Draft New Study Question on the new technology platform for broadcasting � RG - New Study Question, new Tech. Platform 2014-03-21
[ 202 ]
Liaison Statement on development of Recommendation on Integrated Broadcast-Broadband system � ITU-T SG 9 2014-03-21
[ 201 ]
Proposed draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[UHDTVIF] - Real-time digital interfaces for UHDTV studio signals � Free TV Australia Ltd. 130-2/6 2014-03-20
[ 200 ]
Generic BIT-RATE reduction coding of digital video signals for production, for contribution for primary and secondary distribution for emission and related applications. � Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority (RURA) 12-3/6 2014-03-18
[ 199 ]
Comparison of integrated broadcast-broadband systems � Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union 16-2/6, 131/6 2014-03-18
[ 198 ]
Comments of the Part-1 of working document towards a draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[UHDTV-IF] - Real-time digital interfaces for UHDTV studio signals (6B/180 Annex 3) � Japan 130-2/6 2014-03-17
[ 197 ]
Real-time digital interfaces for UHDTV studio signals � Japan 130-2/6 2014-03-17
[ 196 ]
Proposed update of working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[IBB-SYSTEM] - Integrated broadcast-broadband system � Japan 131/6 2014-03-17
[ 195 ]
Proposed clarifications to the working document towards a draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[UHDTV-TAILOR] - Tailoring of UHDTV programmes for their distribution and broadcasting in HDTV � C.B.S., Inc. 126-1/6 2014-03-14
[ 194 ]
Guidance on the image systems for distribution of television programmes to alternative consumer media devices � C.B.S., Inc. 99/6, 126-1/6 2014-03-14
[ 193 ]
Proposed working document towards a draft new Recommendation on digital interfaces for UHDTV studio signals � Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers 130-2/6 2014-03-14
[ 192 ]
Working document towards a draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[UHDTV-IF] - Real-time digital interfaces for UHDTV studio signals � Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers 130-2/6 2014-03-14
[ 191 ]
Proposals for the study of multimedia and TV images quality assessment � Russian Federation 45/6, 102/6 2014-03-13
[ 190 ]
Multi-dimensional audio (MDA) specification for production exchange format � DTS, Inc. 2014-03-11
[ 189 ]
Image dynamic range in television systems - Proposed OETF/EOTF transfer characteristics for high dynamic range signals compatible with the conventional gamma curve � British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) 2014-03-05
[ 188 ]
Report of the Rapporteur on Terminology � SG 6 Rapp. on Terminology 2014-03-05
[ 187 ]
Liaison Statement on recent progress of recommendations and report on Integrated Broadcast-Broadband systems � ITU-T SG 16 2014-03-05
[ 186 ]
SMPTE format for timed text � Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers 45-2/6 2014-02-16
[ 185 ]
Proposal to revise Recommendation ITU-R BS.1548 and consequentially revise the ITU-R Terminology Database � Italy , Vatican City State 2014-02-04
[ 184 ]
Liaison statement to ITU-R Working Party 6B on a metadata model for audio formats � International Organization for Standardization 2014-01-24
[ 183 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 6B on guidelines on potential bit rates for UHDTV � International Organization for Standardization 2014-01-24
[ 182 ]
Liaison support of HDR and WCG � International Organization for Standardization 2014-01-24
[ 181 ]
Liaison statement on development of Recommendation on Integrated Broadcast-Broadband system and establishment of IRG-IBB � ITU-T SG 9 2014-01-07
[ 180 ]
Report on the meeting of Working Party 6B (Geneva, 18-21 November 2013) � Chairman, WP 6B 2013-11-22
[ 179 ]
Final List of Participants - Working Party 6B (Geneva, 18-21 November 2013) � Director, BR 2013-11-21
[ 178 ]
Liaison statement - Preparation of preliminary draft new Recommendation on main functionalities of consumer receivers for worldwide broadcasting roaming � WP 6A 2013-11-19
[ 177 ]
Liaison statement to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 - The addition of higher frame rates to Recommendation ITU-R BT.2020 - Parameter values for ultra-high definition television systems for production and international programme exchange � WP 6C 2013-11-18
[ 176 ]
Liaison statement on the work of the Focus Group on Audio Visual Accessibility (FG-AVA) � WP 6C 2013-11-18
[ 175 ]
Liaison statement concerning potential requirements for future television broadcasting, as requested in Document 6C/203 � WP 6C 2013-11-18
[ 174 ]
Liaison statement on requirements for metadata for loudness compliance and for advanced multichannel audio � WP 6C 2013-11-18
[ 173 ]
Liaison statement - Comments by WP 6C on the proposal for the revision of Report ITU-R BT.2249-3 � WP 6C 2013-11-18
[ 172 ]
Progress Report on Audio File Formats � RG on Audio File Formats 2013-11-15
[ 171 ]
List of documents issued (Documents 6B/128 - 6B/171) � BR Study Groups Department 2013-11-15
[ 170 ]
Report of the Rapporteur Group on integrated broadcast-broadband (IBB) systems � RG on IBB 131/6 2013-11-15
[ 169 ]
FG AVA Final Report of activities: General � ITU-T Focus Group on Audiovisual Media Access. 2013-11-15
[ 168 ]
Third progress report of ITU-T Focus Group on Audiovisual Media Accessibility (FG AVA) � ITU-T Focus Group on Audiovisual Media Access. 2013-11-15
[ 167 ]
Liaison statement to ITU-R Working Party 6B on possible clarification of the definition of the term "perceptual quality" in Recommendation ITU-R BT.2026 � WP 6C 2013-11-14
[ 166 ]
Proposed preliminary draft new Recommendation - IBB System for digital TV sets equipped with a CE browser � Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR) , Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen 131/6 2013-11-11
[ 165 ]
Liaison statement on creation of an Intersector Rapporteur Group on Audiovisual Media Accessibility (IRG-AVA) � ITU-T SG 16 2013-11-12
[ 164 ]
Proposal to update Report ITU-R BT.2267 - Integrated broadcast-broadband systems - Inclusion of an example how to alert people in emergency situations by means of HbbTV � Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen 131/6 2013-11-11
Resultats:363 documents
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