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Resultats:324 documents
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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 174 ]
Reply from the DVB-TM MUG to note from WP 6B relating to the harmonization of content formats with device integration for interactive TV applications � Director, BR 2010-02-25
[ 173 ]
Reply liaison statement to ITU-R Working Party 6B on multiplexing scheme � ITU-T SG 16 (Rapporteur Question 13/16) 2010-02-05
[ 172 ]
Reply liaison statement on multimedia application frameworks, interoperability and mobile terminal � ITU-T SG 16 2010-02-05
[ 171 ]
Use of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1845 to define a hierarchy of digital television images systems based on the psychophysics of human sight � Italy 40/6 2010-02-02
[ 170 ]
Basic reference specifications of low definition television (LDTV) image formats for which it may be necessary to tailor television programs � Italy 126/6 2010-02-02
[ 169 ]
Liaison statement on 3D video coding � ISO 2010-01-26
[ 168 ]
Liaison statement on LFE � ISO 2010-01-26
[ 167 ]
Preliminary draft revision of Report ITU-R BT.2049-3 - Broadcasting of multimedia and data applications for mobile reception � Chairman SG 6 2010-01-20
[ 166 ]
Preliminary draft revision of Question ITU-R 126/6 - Recommended operating practices to tailor television programme material to broadcasting applications at various image quality levels and sizings � Chairman, SG 6 2010-01-20
[ 165 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 4C, 5A, 5B, 5D, 6A, 6B, 6C, 7B, 7D and to the Working Party of the Special Committee - WRC-12 Agenda item 1.5 - Harmonization of spectrum for use by terrestrial electronic news gathering systems � WP 5C 2009-12-04
[ 164 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 5C (copy to Working Parties 4A, 4C, 5A, 5C, 6B, 6C, 7B and 7D for information) - Studies on WRC-12 Agenda item 1.5 - Harmonization of spectrum for use by terrestrial electronic news gathering systems. � WP 6A 2009-11-20
[ 163 ]
Report on the meeting of Working Party 6B (Geneva, 9 - 13 November 2009) � Chairman, WP 6B 2009-11-13
[ 162 ]
Final List of Participants - Working Party 6B (Geneva, 9-13 November 2009) � Director, BR 2009-11-13
[ 161 ]
Liaison statement - Draft revision to Recommendation ITU-R BT.1299 - The basic elements of a worldwide common family of systems for digital terrestrial television broadcasting � WP 6A 2009-11-12
[ 160 ]
Liaison statement to ITU-R Working Party 6B on multimedia application frameworks, interoperability and mobile terminal � ITU-T Study Group 16 13/16 2009-11-09
[ 159 ]
List of documents issued � BR Study Group Department 2009-11-06
[ 158 ]
Liaison Letter to regarding Advanced IPTV Terminal (AIT) � ISO 2009-11-05
[ 157 ]
Liaison statement on MPEG Media Transport (MMT) � ISO 2009-11-05
[ 156 ]
Activities of ITU-T SG 9 related to middleware APIs for interactive TV applications � ITU-T SG9 2009-11-04
[ 155 ]
Proposed revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.1196-1 - Audio coding for digitial broadcasting � RG on Audio Coding Recs. 31/6, 19/6 2009-11-02
[ 154 ]
Review of ITU-R Recommendations and Reports assigned to Working Party 6B - Part 5 � RG (Recommendation Review) 2009-11-02
[ 153 ]
Proposed update to preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1833 - Broadcasting of multimedia and data applications for mobile reception by handheld receivers � France 45/6 2009-11-02
[ 152 ]
Proposed revision of Report ITU-R BT.2049-3 � France 45/6 2009-11-02
[ 151 ]
Report of interim meeting in August 2009 � RG harmonization applic. format 2009-11-02
[ 150 ]
Proposed modifications to preliminary draft new Recommendation on metadata for broadcast operational monitoring � Japan 48/6, 44-1/6, 130/6, 109/6 2009-10-26
[ 149 ]
Proposal of draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1301 - Data services in digital terrestrial television broadcasting � Japan 45-2/6 2009-10-26
[ 148 ]
Proposed draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1208-1 - Video coding for digital television broadcasting emissions � Japan 12-2/6 2009-10-26
[ 147 ]
Proposed reply to liaison statement from ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 on media transport � Japan 2009-10-26
[ 146 ]
Proposal of study on harmonization of content formats with device integration for interactive TV applications � Japan 131/6 2009-10-26
[ 145 ]
Proposal of preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1722-1 - Harmonization of instruction set for the execution engine for interactive TV applications � Brazil (Federative Republic of) , Japan 131/6 2009-10-26
[ 144 ]
Proposed modification to preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1833 - Broadcasting of multimedia and data applications for mobile reception by handheld receivers � Japan 45/6 2009-10-26
[ 143 ]
Proposed modification on preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[ENGUSER] - User requirements for electronic news gathering � Japan 2009-10-26
[ 142 ]
Proposals of service requirements, delivery information, and a delivery method for broadcast application of file-based content delivery � Japan 45/6 2009-10-26
[ 141 ]
Proposed modification to Report ITU-R BT.2049-3 - Broadcasting of multimedia and data applications for mobile reception � Japan 2009-10-26
[ 140 ]
Status of redistribution control content protection for digital terrestrial television broadcasting in Korea � Korea (Republic of) 2009-10-26
[ 139 ] �
Proposed draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1299 - The basic elements of a worldwide common family of systems for digital terrestrial television broadcasting � Japan 2009-10-26
[ 138 ]
Editorial corrections on some Recommendations in the BS and BR-series regarding the exact term for the acronym "LFE" � Japan 2009-10-26
[ 137 ]
Proposal of preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[TWCG] - Tailoring of wide colour gamut image content to SDTV and HDTV programmes � Japan 126/6, 123/6 2009-10-26
[ 136 ]
Review of ITU-R Recommendations and Reports assigned to Working Party 6B - Part 4 � RG (Recommendation Review) 2009-10-23
[ 135 ]
Report of the Rapporteur of Study Group 6 to the CCV � SG 6 Rapporteur to the CCV 2009-10-26
[ 134 ]
Conclusions of the meeting of the Coordination Committee for Vocabulary (CCV) relating to the liaison statements from Study Group 6 � BR Study Group Department 2009-10-23
[ 133 ]
Proposals for preliminary draft new ITU-R Report BT.[VIS] � Rapporteur on digital multimedia VIS 2009-10-22
[ 132 ]
New ETSI Working Group on "Integrated broadband cable and television networks" � ETSI 2009-10-19
[ 131 ]
Review of ITU-R Recommendations and Reports assigned to Working Party 6B - Part 3 � RG (Recommendation Review) 2009-10-20
[ 130 ]
Proposal for a draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[URTT] - User requirements for codecs for transmission of television signals through contribution, primary distribution and SNG networks � Australia 2009-10-15
[ 129 ]
Proposal for a draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[ENGUSER] - User requirements for electronic news gathering � Australia 2009-10-15
[ 128 ]
Review of ITU-R Recommendations and Reports assigned to Working Party 6B-Part 2 � RG (Recommendation Review) 2009-10-11
[ 127 ]
Proposed revision to Recommendation ITU-R BT.1845 - Guidelines on metrics to be used when tailoring television programmes to broadcasting application at various image quality levels and sizings � Italy 2009-10-09
[ 126 ]
Reply from AESSC to note from Working Party 6B relating to the PDNR ITU-R BS.[MADI] � Director, BR 2009-10-07
[ 125 ]
Status of texts � BR Study Group Department 2009-10-07
Resultats:324 documents
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