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UIT-D�SG 01� C�


Commissions d'�tudes 1

Resultats:481 documents
R�sultats :� Pr�c�dent�-� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 �-�Suivant Next
Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 332 ]
WSIS Stocktaking 2014-2016 Regional Reports of ICT Projects and Activities � General Secretariat QALL/2, QALL/1 2016-08-05
[ 331 ]
WSIS Prizes 2016-2017 � General Secretariat QALL/2, QALL/1 2016-08-05
[ 330 ]
WSIS Stocktaking 2016-2017 � General Secretariat QALL/2, QALL/1 2016-08-05
[ 329 ]
The Critical Role of Satellite in Connecting the Unconnected � International Telecommunications Satellite Organization , EUTELSAT , INTELSAT Q5/1, Q2/1 2016-08-05
[ 328 ]
Addition to the Question 7 report section Cooperation with other organizations under Third Party Captions, and Copyright � G3ict Q7/1 2016-08-05
[ 327 ]
Draft Chapter 1 and 2 - Report of Resolution 9 � ITU-D Co-Chairman for the Joint Group for Res.9 RES.9, OR 2016-08-05
[ 326 ]
Acc�s des personnes en situation de handicap aux t�l�communication/TIC en C�te d'Ivoire � C�te d'Ivoire (Republic of) Q7/1 2016-08-05
[ 325 ]
Risques li�s � la r�affectation des num�ros r�sili�s : cas des droits et libert�s des abonn�s figurant dans un annuaire t�l�phonique � C�te d'Ivoire (Republic of) Q6/1 2016-08-05
[ 324 ]
Quelles solutions concr�tes, notamment de partage d'infrastructures, pour un am�nagement num�rique du territoire � C�te d'Ivoire (Republic of) Q4/1 2016-08-05
[ 323 ]
Renforcement du cadre l�gal de la protection des consommateurs: Cas de la C�te d'Ivoire � C�te d'Ivoire (Republic of) Q6/1 2016-08-05
[ 322 ]
R�ponse � l'�tude de cas selon le gabarit � utiliser � C�te d'Ivoire (Republic of) Q4/1 2016-08-05
[ 321 ]
Exp�rience de la Cote d'Ivoire en mati�re de Point d'�change Internet � C�te d'Ivoire (Republic of) Q1/1 2016-08-05
[ 320 ]
Draft changes for Chapter 4 of the future Report on Question 8/1 � Russian Federation Q8/1 2016-08-05
[ 319 ]
Revised draft provisional Report on Question 1/1 � Co-Rapporteurs for Question 1/1 Q1/1, OR 2016-08-05
[ 318 ]
Draft Report of Question 5/1 � Rapporteurs for Question 5/1 Q5/1, OR 2016-08-05
[ 317 ]
Proposed text for Chapter 6 of the Q5/1 Report � Intel Corporation Q5/1 2016-08-05
[ 316 ]
Proposals for revised texts related to ICT unit in the report of ICT experiences in disaster relief � Japan Q5/2, Q5/1 2016-08-05
[ 315 ]
Requirements at the time of emergency � Japan Q7/1, Q5/2 2016-08-05
[ 314 ]
Requirements for the persons with disabilities in the International Telecommunication system � Japan Q7/1 2016-08-05
[ 313 ]
Consideration of the satellite option as a development alternative for the universal service and other development-oriented services � Senegal (Republic of) Q5/1, Q2/1, Q1/2, Q1/1 2016-08-04
[ 312 ]
G�n�ralisation des Centres Multim�dia Communautaires (CMC) au S�n�gal � Senegal (Republic of) Q5/1 2016-08-04
[ 311 ]
Migration du R�seau T�l�phonique Commut� (RTC) de la Camtel vers les r�seaux de nouvelle g�n�ration (NGN) au Cameroun � Cameroon (Republic of) Q1/1 2016-08-04
[ 310 ]
WSIS Action Line Roadmaps C2, C5 and C6 � General Secretariat QALL/2, QALL/1 2016-08-04
[ 309 ]
ITU's Contribution to the Implementation of the WSIS Outcomes 2016 � General Secretariat QALL/2, QALL/1 2016-08-04
[ 308 ]
GSR 2016 Discussion Papers and Best Practice Guidelines � BDT Focal point for Question 6/1 Q6/1, Q5/1, Q4/1, Q3/1, Q2/1, Q1/1 2016-08-04
[ 307 ]
WSIS Forum 2016 and SDG Matrix � General Secretariat QALL/2, QALL/1 2016-08-04
[ 306 ]
WSIS Action Lines Supporting Implementation of the SDGs � General Secretariat QALL/2, QALL/1 2016-08-04
[ 305 ]
WSIS Forum 2016: High Level Track Outcomes and Executive Brief � General Secretariat QALL/2, QALL/1 2016-08-04
[ 304 ]
WSIS Forum 2016 Outcome Document - Forum Track � General Secretariat QALL/2, QALL/1 2016-08-04
[ 303 ]
WSIS Forum 2017 - Open Consultation Process � General Secretariat QALL/2, QALL/1 2016-08-04
[ 302 ]
Revised work plan for Question 5/1 � Rapporteur for Question 5/1 Q5/1 2016-08-04
[ 301 ]
Environnement propice au d�veloppement des TIC � Madagascar (Republic of) Q5/1 2016-08-04
[ 300 ]
Projet de rapport pour la Question 4/1 (Politiques �conomiques et m�thodes de d�termination des co�ts des services relatifs aux r�seaux nationaux de t�l�communication/TIC, y compris les r�seaux de prochaine g�n�ration) � Rapporteur pour la Question 4/1 Q4/1, OR 2016-08-04
[ 299 ]
Report on BDT activities, event and meetings in area of ICT accessibility � BDT Focal Point for Question 7/1 Q7/1 2016-08-04
[ 298 ]
Aspects politiques, r�glementaires et techniques li�s au d�ploiement des r�seaux � large bande en Centrafrique � Central African Republic Q1/1 2016-08-03
[ 297 ]
Use of released spectrum for the implementation of new services and application in Kenya: A contribution to chapter 4 of Question 8/1 Report � Kenya (Republic of) Q8/1 2016-08-03
[ 296 ]
National Broadband Strategy of Sultanate of Oman � Oman Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) Q1/1 2016-08-03
[ 295 ]
Commentaires de la France, suite aux commentaires formul�s par le GT 1B de la CE 1 de l'UIT-R � France RES.9 2016-08-01
[ 294 ]
Draft Report of Question 2/1 � Rapporteur for Question 2/1 Q2/1, OR 2016-08-01
[ 293 ]
Draft Report of Question 6/1: Consumer information, protection and rights: Laws, regulation, economic bases, consumer networks � Co-Rapporteur for Question 6/1 Q6/1, OR 2016-08-02
[ 292 ]
Implementation of Analogue to Digital Terrestrial Television Migration in Kenya � Kenya (Republic of) Q8/1 2016-08-02
[ 291 ]
Use of the Universal Services Fund for extension of ICT Services in rural and remote areas in Kenya � Kenya (Republic of) Q5/1 2016-08-02
[ 290 ]
IMT and IMT Advanced technologies as facilitators of Broadband services in Kenya � Kenya (Republic of) Q2/1 2016-08-02
[ 289 ]
Mobile Services (Content and Application) by KDDI � KDDI Corporation Q1/1 2016-08-01
[ 288 ]
Proposition pour le projet de Rapport de la Question 5/1, Chapitre 9 � Haiti (Republic of) Q5/1 2016-07-29
[ 287 ]
Liaison Statement from TSAG to ITU-D Study Groups on ITU inter-sector coordination � TSAG QALL/2, QALL/1, ILS 2016-07-29
[ 286 ]
Liaison statement from ITU-T JCA-AHF Chairman to ITU-D SG1 on JCA-AHF recent meeting report � ITU-T JCA-AHF QALL/1, Q7/1, ILS 2016-07-29
[ 285 ]
Re-farming in frequency band 800 MHz so that dividend can be used for VoLTE over LTE � China (People's Republic of) Q8/1 2016-07-28
[ 284 ]
Innovative sharing of infrastructure to facilitate the optical broadband roll-out in the rural areas � China (People's Republic of) Q1/1 2016-07-28
[ 283 ]
China Telecom's experience in rural broadband expansion in the era of all-optical networks � China (People's Republic of) Q5/1 2016-07-28
Resultats:481 documents
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