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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG17 : Reuni�n�2023-02-21�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG17� TD-PLEN�(2023-02-21)�



Periodo de estudios 2022

Reuni�n� del 2023-02-21 al 2023-03-03

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2024-09-022024-07-112024-02-202023-08-292023-05-08� [ 2023-02-21 ]� 2022-08-232022-05-10

Resultados :396 documentos
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Documentos Temporales �(PLEN) ��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 921-PLEN ]
Draft Questionnaire on Countering Frauds Spam � Rapporteur, Q4/17 Q4/17 2023-02-23
[ 920-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.srscm-dlt: Security requirements for smart contract management based on the distributed ledger technology (for consent) � Editor Q14/17 2023-02-23
[ 919-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.1383 (X.srcd): Security requirements for categorized data in vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication (for approval) � Editor Q13/17 2023-02-23
[ 918-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.1382 (X.fstiscv): Guidelines for sharing security threat information on connected vehicles (for approval) � Editor Q13/17 2023-02-22
[ 917-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.1381(X.eivn-sec): Security guidelines for the Ethernet-based in-vehicle networks (for approval) � Editor Q13/17 2023-02-22
[ 916-PLEN ]
Updates on approved ICT security standards for ICT security standardization roadmap � Editor Q1/17 2023-02-22
[ 915-PLEN ]
7th Revised baseline text for X.1816 (X.5Gsec-ssl): Guidelines and requirements for classifying security capabilities in IMT-2020 network slice (for approval) � Editor Q2/17 2023-02-22
[ 914-PLEN ]
First WD of ISO/IEC 27017 (common text with ITU-T X.1361) � Liaison officer to SC27 Q8/17 2023-02-21
[ 913-PLEN ]
Tutorial on Security assurance for mobile payments � TSB QALL/17 2023-02-20
[ 912-PLEN ]
Tutorial on Using JSON for standardization � TSB QALL/17 2023-02-20
[ 911-PLEN ]
LS/i on new work item proposal ITU-T Y.IoT-MVS "Requirements and functional architecture of IoT based metaverse service" [from ITU-T SG20] � ITU-T Study Group 20 Q8/17, Q7/17 2023-02-20
[ 910-PLEN ]
LS/i on initiation of new work item draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.arc-psfws "A functional architecture of power supply facilities warning system" [from ITU-T SG20] � ITU-T Study Group 20 Q8/17, Q6/17 2023-02-20
[ 909-PLEN ]
LS/i/r on work progress on IoT security in SG17 (reply to SG17-LS37) [from ITU-T SG20] � ITU-T Study Group 20 Q6/17, Q4/17, Q10/17 2023-02-20
[ 908-PLEN ]
LS/i/r on sharing the results of the ITU workshop on security for 5G and beyond and future collaboration regarding B5G (reply to SG17-LS33) [from ITU-T SG20] � ITU-T Study Group 20 QALL/17, Q1/17 2023-02-20
[ 907-PLEN ]
LS/i/r on coordination for identity management (reply to SG17-LS25) [from ITU T SG20] � ITU-T Study Group 20 QALL/17, Q6/17, Q4/17, Q14/17, Q10/17 2023-02-20
[ 906-PLEN ]
LS/i on the initiation of a new work item on draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.IoT-acs-fra "Functional requirements and architecture of access control service of IoT platform enabled by zero trust technology in decentralized environments" [from ITU-T SG20] � ITU-T Study Group 20 Q8/17, Q2/17, Q14/17 2023-02-20
[ 905-PLEN ]
7th Revised baseline text for X.1816 (X.5Gsec-ssl): Guidelines and requirements for classifying security capabilities in IMT-2020 network slice (after responses to TSB Circular 42) � Editor Q2/17 2023-02-20
[ 904-PLEN ]
Proposed (2023-03) version of Part 1 & 2 of the Security Compendium � Editor Q1/17 2023-02-17
[ 903-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.1815 (X.5Gsec-ecs): Security Guidelines and Requirements for IMT-2020 Edge Computing Services (after responses to TSB Circular 42) � Editor Q2/17 2023-02-17
[ 902-PLEN ]
Report of Q13/17 and Q8/17 joint meeting � Rapporteur, Q8/17; Rapporteur, Q13/17 Q8/17, Q13/17 2023-02-17
[ 901-PLEN ]
Agenda of Q13/17 and Q8/17 joint meeting � Rapporteur, Q8/17; Rapporteur, Q13/17 Q8/17, Q13/17 2023-02-17
[ 900-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.1410 (X.sa-dsm): Security architecture for data-sharing management based on the distributed ledger technology (after responses to TSB Circular 42) � Editor Q14/17 2023-02-17
[ 899-PLEN ]
Tutorial on Access security scenarios using DLT � TSB QALL/17 2023-02-14
[ 898-PLEN ]
LS/i on Invitation to join the activities and nominate the representative to the ITU T JCA-ML [from JCA-ML-LS1] � JCA-ML QALL/17, Q6/17, Q4/17, Q2/17 2023-02-13
[ 897-PLEN ]
ITU-T leadership training for SG17 � TSB QALL/17 2023-02-09
[ 896-PLEN ]
LS/o on Intended terms and definitions for action at SG17 Aug/Sep 2023 [to SCV] � ITU-T Study Group 17 QALL/17, Q1/17 2023-02-09
[ 895-PLEN ]
Authorization to SG17 chairman to organize the second ITU-T X.509 Day on 9 May 2023 � Chairman, SG17 QALL/17, Q11/17, Q1/17 2023-02-06
[ 894-PLEN ]
Proposal for ITU Workshop on zero trust and software supply chain security � Chairman, SG17 QALL/17, Q1/17 2023-02-06
[ 893-PLEN ]
Information about 4th SG17 meeting in Korea (Republic of) in this study period � TSB QALL/17 2023-02-06
[ 892-PLEN ]
TSB edits to: Revised baseline text for X.rdda: Requirements for data de-identification assurance � TSB Q7/17 2023-02-01
[ 891-PLEN ]
Report of gathering of delegates from the Arab region � Chairman, SG17RG-ARB QALL/17 2023-01-31
[ 890-PLEN ]
Agenda of gathering of delegates from the Arab region � Acting Chair, SG17RG-ARB QALL/17 2023-01-31
[ 889-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft X.uaf12 "Universal Authentication Framework (UAF) Protocol Specification" � Editor Q10/17 2023-01-31
[ 888-PLEN ]
Baseline text for X.uaf12: Universal authentication framework � Editor Q10/17 2023-01-31
[ 887-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft X.ctap21 "Client to Authenticator Protocol" � Editor Q10/17 2023-01-31
[ 886-PLEN ]
Baseline text for X.ctap21: Client to Authenticator Protocol � Editor Q10/17 2023-01-31
[ 885-PLEN ]
List of SG17 stale work items � TSB Q8/17, Q7/17 2023-01-30
[ 884-PLEN ]
LS/i/r on work progress on Quantum-based security in SG17 (reply to SG17-LS36) [from ETSI ISG QKD] � ETSI ISG QKD Q15/17 2023-01-27
[ 883-PLEN ]
LS/i/r sharing information about Recommendation ITU-T Y.3081 (ex. Y.SCid-fr) "Self-Controlled Identity based on Blockchain: Requirements and Framework" (reply to SG17-LS25) [from ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T Study Group 13 QALL/17, Q10/17 2023-01-25
[ 882-PLEN ]
LS/i/r on sharing the results of the ITU workshop on security for 5G and beyond and future collaboration regarding B5G (reply to SG17-LS33) [from ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T Study Group 13 Q2/17 2023-01-25
[ 881-PLEN ]
LS/i on work progress on Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) network in SG13 (as of November 2022) [from ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T Study Group 13 Q15/17 2023-01-25
[ 880-PLEN ]
LS/i on highlights from the fourth meeting of the Joint Coordination Activity on Digital COVID-19 Certificates (JCA-DCC) [from JCA-DCC] � JCA-DCC QALL/17 2023-01-23
[ 879-PLEN ]
Report for joint session with RG-AFR and Question 3/17 � Chairman, SG17RG-AFR; Rapporteur, Q3/17 Q3/17 2023-01-23
[ 878-PLEN ]
Agenda for joint session with RG-AFR and Question 3/17 � Chairman, SG17RG-AFR; Rapporteur, Q3/17 Q3/17 2023-01-23
[ 877-PLEN ]
TSB edits to: Revised baseline text for X.websec-7: a reference monitor for online analytics services � TSB Q7/17 2023-01-23
[ 876-PLEN ]
LS/i on initiation of new work item draft ITU-T Y.mc-arch "Cloud computing - Functional architecture for multi-cloud" [from ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T STudy Group 13 Q8/17 2023-01-23
[ 875-PLEN ]
LS/i on the consent of ITU-T Y.2247 (formerly Y.frd) "Framework and Requirements of Network-oriented Data Integrity Verification Service based on Blockchain in Future Network" [from ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T Study Group 13 Q14/17 2023-01-23
[ 874-PLEN ]
LS/i on Request of support from ITU-T SG17 for the definition of an LDAP schema for attribute certificates [from IEC TC 57 WG15] � IEC TC 57 WG15 Q11/17 2023-01-18
[ 873-PLEN ]
LS/i on the consent of ITU-T Y.3539 (formerly Y.ccrm) "Cloud computing - Framework of risk management" [from ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T Study Group 13 Q8/17, Q3/17 2023-01-18
[ 872-PLEN ]
LS/i on the new work item Y.sfm: "Service model for network based fine dust risk measurement and analysis" [from ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T Study Group 13 Q7/17, Q6/17, Q2/17 2023-01-18
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