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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 2 : Reuni�n�2016-01-20�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 2� TD�(2016-01-20)�


Aspectos operativos de la prestaci�n de servicios y de la gesti�n de telecomunicaciones

Periodo de estudios 2013

Reuni�n� del 2016-01-20 al 2016-01-29

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2017-03-29� 2016-09-14� [ 2016-01-20 ]� 2015-03-182014-05-282013-09-172013-01-22

Resultados :193 documentos
Resultados :� Anterior�-� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Documentos Temporales �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 661-GEN ]
LS/i on request to transfer responsibility of Recommendations to ITU-T SG17 [from ITU-T SG17 � ITU-T SG17 QALL/2 2015-09-22
[ 660-GEN ]
LS/i/r on information modelling work recently approved and published (reply to ONF-LS009) [from ITU-T SG15] � ITU-T SG15 Q7/2 2015-08-19
[ 659-GEN ]
LS/i/r on Telecommunication Management and OAM Project Plan (reply to SG2 - LS 86 -E) [from ITU-T SG9] � ITU-T SG9 Q5/2 2015-08-17
[ 658-GEN ]
LS/i/r on ITU-T study group responsibilities in WTSA Resolution 67 (Rev. Dubai, 2012) - Terms and Definitions harmonization (reply to SG2 - LS 98 -E) [from ITU-T SG9] � ITU-T SG9 QALL/2, Q1/2 2015-12-23
[ 657-GEN ]
LS/i on initiation of Approval process for revised Recommendations ITU-T G.8013/Y.1731 and Corrigendum 1 to Recommendation ITU-T G.8021/Y.1341 (2015) [from ITU-T SG15] � ITU-T SG15 Q5/2 2015-08-17
[ 656-GEN ]
LS/i/r on terminology related to ITU-T SG2 work (reply to COM 2 - LS 098) [from SCV] � SCV QALL/2 2015-08-04
[ 655-GEN ]
LS/i/r on Telecommunication Management and OAM Project Plan (reply to SG2-LS086) [from ITU-T SG15] � ITU-T SG15 Q5/2 2015-08-04
[ 654-GEN ]
LS/i/r on ITU-T study group responsibilities in WTSA Resolution 67 (Rev. Dubai, 2012) - Terms and Definitions harmonization (COM2-LS98) (to ITU-T SG2) [From ITU-T Q14/16] � ITU-T Q14/16 QALL/2 2015-06-25
[ 653-GEN ]
LS/i on ITU inter-sector coordination [from TSAG] � TSAG QALL/2 2015-06-15
[ 652-GEN ]
LS/i on draft Recommendation ITU-T A.5 (revised), draft new Recommendation ITU-T A.25 (A.incorp), and draft Supplement A.collab [from TSAG] � TSAG QALL/2 2015-06-15
[ 651-GEN ]
LS/i on monitoring of study group activities [from ITU-T RevCom] � ITU-T RevCom QALL/2 2015-06-10
[ 650-GEN ]
LS/i/r on security framework for Internet of Things (reply to COM 17 - LS 191) [from OneM2M TP] � OneM2M QALL/2 2015-06-01
[ 649-GEN ]
LS/i on WTSA Resolution 80 pilot implementation in SG9 [from ITU-T SG9] � ITU-T SG9 QALL/2 2015-05-27
[ 648-GEN ]
LS/i on Telecommunication Management and OAM Project Plan [from ITU-T SG12] � ITU-T SG12 Q5/2 2015-05-21
[ 647-GEN ]
LS/i on Final Deliverables of the Focus Group on Smart Sustainable Cities (FG-SSC) and Proposal of a New Study Group [from ITU-T FG-SSC] � ITU-T FG-SSC QALL/2 2015-05-18
[ 646-GEN ]
LS/i on Closing of JCA-Cloud Computing [from ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T SG13 QALL/2 2015-05-13
[ 645-GEN ]
LS/i on Establishment of a new Focus Group "IMT-2020" [from ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T SG13 QALL/2 2015-05-08
[ 644-GEN ]
LS/i on Invitation to update the information in the cloud computing standards roadmap [from ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T SG13 QALL/2, Q7/2, Q5/2 2015-05-08
[ 643-GEN ]
LS/i on approval of SG11 Guidelines on "Testing Laboratories recognition procedure" (ex. Q.TL-rec-pro) and first meeting of ITU-T CASC [from ITU-T SG11] � ITU-T SG11 QALL/2 2015-05-07
[ 642-GEN ]
LS/i/r on Mobile Number Portability conformity testing against ITU-T Q.suppl.4 (reply to SG2 LS87) [from ITU-T SG11] � ITU-T SG11 Q2/2, Q1/2 2015-05-07
[ 641-GEN ]
LS/i on the progress on standardization work to combat Counterfeit ICT devices [from ITU-T SG11] � ITU-T SG11 QALL/2 2015-05-01
[ 640-GEN ]
TSAG highlights (2-5 June 2015) � TSB QALL/2 2015-04-29
[ 639-GEN ]
LS/o on SG2, Lead Study Group for Service Definition, Numbering, and Routing; Lead Study Group on Telecommunication for Disaster Relief/Early Warning, Network Resilience and Recovery; and Lead Study Group for Telecommunication Management [to TSAG] � Vice-Chairman QALL/2 2015-04-29
[ 638-GEN ]
Report of the ad-hoc Group on Developing Country Issues � Chairman of the Ad hoc meeting QALL/2 2015-04-29
[ 637-GEN ]
Draft agenda for Ad hoc meeting on Developing Countries Issues � Chairman of the Ad hoc meeting QALL/2 2015-04-29
[ 636-GEN ]
Anticipated draft SG2 Report � TSB QALL/2 2015-04-29
[ 635-GEN ]
Draft Agenda - ITU-T Study Group 2 Meeting (Geneva, 20-29 January 2016) � TSB QALL/2 2015-04-29
[ 634-GEN ]
Report of the SNO meeting (Milan, September 29 to 2 October 2015) � Rapporteur Q5/2 Q5/2 2015-04-29
[ 633-GEN ]
Universal International Numbers (Period 11 March 2015 - 10 January 2016) � TSB Q1/2 2015-04-29
[ 632-GEN ]
List of participants � TSB QALL/2 2015-04-29
[ 631-GEN ]
Electronic working methods (EWM): Recent updates to the wireless LAN facilities and e-printing � TSB QALL/2 2015-04-29
[ 630-GEN ]
Highlights of Council 2015 � TSB QALL/2 2015-04-29
[ 629-GEN ]
Report on activities related to misuse of numbering resources � TSB QALL/2 2015-04-29
[ 628-GEN ]
Report on numbering issues, including NCT � TSB QALL/2 2015-04-29
[ 627-GEN ]
Incoming liaison statement list � TSB QALL/2 2015-04-29
[ 626-GEN ]
Work Programme � TSB QALL/2 2015-04-29
[ 625-GEN ]
Draft Timetable - ITU-T Study Group 2 Meeting (Geneva, 20-29 January 2016) � TSB QALL/2 2015-04-29
[ 624-GEN ]
LS/i on Candidate topics on working methods for ITU inter-Sector coordination [from TSAG] � TSAG QALL/2 2015-04-27
[ 623-GEN ]
LS/i on material on ITU inter-Sector coordination of mutual interest [from TSAG management team] � TSAG management team QALL/2 2015-04-24
[ 622-GEN ]
LS/i on cybersecurity/security on the Internet for persons with disabilities [from JCA AHF] � JCA-AHF QALL/2, Q4/2 2015-04-08
[ 621-GEN ]
LS/i on PT62844 work on Digital Television Accessibility - Functional Specifications [from JCA-AHF] � JCA-AHF QALL/2, Q4/2 2015-04-08
[ 620-GEN ]
LS/i on Active Assisted Living (AAL) work in IEC [From JCA-AHF] � JCA-AHF QALL/2, Q4/2 2015-04-08
[ 619-GEN ]
Slides and links for FTC number spoofing presentation � Rapporteur Q1/2 Q1/2 2015-04-08
Resultados :193 documentos
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