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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG15 : Reuni�n�2006-10-30�: Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG15� C�(2006-10-30)�


Infraestructuras de las redes �pticas y de otras redes de transporte

Periodo de estudios 2005

Reuni�n� del 2006-10-30 al 2006-11-10

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2008-12-012008-02-112007-06-042006-02-062005-05-162004-11-29

Resultados :263 documentos
Resultados :� Anterior�-� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 �-�Siguiente Next
Contribuciones��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 142 ]
Proposal for E-Tree service in G.8011 � Huawei Technologies Q11/15 2006-10-19
[ 141 ]
Proposed Functional Requirements for Automatic Synchronization Distribution � Huawei Technologies Q13/15 2006-10-19
[ 140 ]
Proposal for TCM in G.798 � Huawei Technologies Q11/15, Q9/15 2006-10-19
[ 139 ]
Corrigendum to G.7043/Y.1343 � Huawei Technologies Q11/15 2006-10-19
[ 138 ]
Proposals for application code and Physical layer parameters and values for G.dapp2 applications � Huawei Technologies Q6/15 2006-10-19
[ 137 ]
Proposal for TCM in G.709 � Huawei Technologies Q9/15, Q11/15 2006-10-19
[ 136 ]
Proposal for sequencing TCM levels in G.798 � Huawei Technologies Q11/15, Q9/15 2006-10-19
[ 135 ]
Comments on draft G.dapp2 version 0.31 � Huawei Technologies Q6/15 2006-10-19
[ 134 ]
Clarification to questions raised to WD23 at Ottawa Q13/15 Meeting that was held June 19 - 23, 2006 in Ottawa, Canada � Huawei Technologies Q13/15 2006-10-19
[ 133 ]
Automatic Sync Distribution Technique � Huawei Technologies Q13/15 2006-10-19
[ 132 ]
VDSL2: Work Items on In-Domain FEXT Cancellation � MII China , Huawei Technologies Q4/15 2006-10-19
[ 131 ]
Data on the macrobending loss ratio at 1550 nm vs 1625 nm of G.smx class A single mode fibres at 15 mm radius � Draka Comteq Q5/15, Q10/5 2006-10-19
[ 130 ]
Proposal on new document regarding the general characteristics of an optical fibre operation � NTT Q5/15 2006-10-19
[ 129 ]
Revised proposal for extended VSR applications at 40 Gb/s in G.959.1 � Lucent Technologies Q6/15 2006-10-19
[ 128 ]
Proposal for new 10G application codes in G.dapp2 � Lucent Technologies Q6/15 2006-10-19
[ 127 ]
Proposal for new 2.5G application codes in G.dapp2 � Lucent Technologies Q6/15 2006-10-19
[ 126 ]
Importance of time-of-day in packet-switched networks � Symmetricom Q13/15 2006-10-19
[ 125 ]
Proposal on questionnaire for collecting the latest cable ship information � NTT Q8/15 2006-10-19
[ 124 ]
Comments on draft G.smx � NTT , CLPAJ Q5/15, Q10/15 2006-10-19
[ 123 ]
Proposal on chromatic dispersion on G.mmx � NTT , CLPAJ Q10/15 2006-10-19
[ 122 ]
Comments on the Reference Macrobend Loss Measurement for Class A Fiber � OFS-Fitel Q10/15 2006-10-19
[ 121 ]
Way forward to improve the SBS measurement guidance given by G.650.2 � OFS-Fitel Q5/15 2006-10-19
[ 120 ]
Proposed corrections and clarifications to the protection architectures and APS protocols in G.808.1 and next version of G.8031 � Republic of Korea Q9/15 2006-10-18
[ 119 ]
A Proposal for additional protection types operating without APS in G.8031 � Republic of Korea Q9/15 2006-10-18
[ 118 ]
40 Gbit/s modulation format for G.dapp2 � Republic of Korea Q6/15 2006-10-18
[ 117 ]
VDSL2: Loop Diagnostic Mode: Duration of MEDLEY � Aware Q4/15 2006-10-18
[ 116 ]
VDSL2: Proposal for a VDSL2 Data Retransmission Protocol � Aware Q4/15 2006-10-18
[ 115 ]
ADSL2/2plus: REIN Testing � Aware Q4/15 2006-10-18
[ 114 ]
Discussion on G.8261, G.paclock and G.pacmod scope � Ericsson Q13/15 2006-10-18
[ 113 ]
IWF in G.8261 � Ericsson Q13/15 2006-10-18
[ 112 ]
Discussion on IWF model (G.pacmod living list item 2) � Ericsson Q13/15 2006-10-18
[ 111 ]
Proposals for Service Clock and Network Clock in G.8261 and G.paclock � Ericsson Q13/15 2006-10-18
[ 110 ]
Packet Network reference Models in G.8261 � Ericsson Q13/15 2006-10-18
[ 109 ]
MPLS in the G.8261 scope � Ericsson Q13/15 2006-10-18
[ 108 ]
Proposals for corrections in ITU-T G.8261 � Ericsson Q13/15 2006-10-18
[ 107 ]
Comments on G.smx draft 0.2 � Italy Q10/15 2006-10-18
[ 106 ]
Some proposals for characterizing the transient response of OADMs, ROADMs and PXCs in G.otf � Italy Q7/15, Q6/15 2006-10-18
[ 105 ]
Proposals for the revision of G.697 � Telecom Italia Q6/15 2006-10-18
[ 104 ]
Proposal to include in G.959.1 very-long-haul 10G application codes based on the duobinary modulation format, capable to tolerate up to 3200 ps/nm of residual chromatic dispersion with no need of dispersion compensation � Marconi Q6/15 2006-10-18
[ 103 ]
All Optical Packet Networks: outcomes of the IST LASAGNE project � Telecom Italia Q7/15, Q6/15, Q12/15 2006-10-18
[ 102 ]
Proposal for the collaboration activities to study GPON and next generation PON management � NTT Q2/15 2006-10-18
[ 101 ]
Proposal of new draft Recommendation of wavelength allocation for PON � NTT Q2/15 2006-10-18
[ 100 ]
G.vdsl, G.hs: proposed draft texts of Handshake specifications for G.993.2 Amendment 1 Annex C � NTT , Sumitomo Electrics , NEC , Fujitsu , ACCA Networks Q4/15 2006-10-18
[ 99 ]
G.paclock draft rearrangement � Zarlink Semiconductor Q13/15 2006-10-18
[ 98 ]
G.paclock alignment with G.813 for Synchronous Ethernet � Zarlink Semiconductor Q13/15 2006-10-18
[ 97 ]
G.paclock - Wander Tolerance test results for Synchronous Ethernet � Zarlink Semiconductor Q13/15 2006-10-18
[ 96 ]
G.paclock - Wander Tolerance for Synchronous Ethernet � Zarlink Semiconductor Q13/15 2006-10-18
[ 95 ]
G.paclock - Scope � Zarlink Semiconductor Q13/15 2006-10-18
[ 94 ]
ITU-T G.8261 - Reference missing in Recommendation Proposals for corrections in ITU-T G.8261 � Zarlink Semiconductor Q13/15 2006-10-18
[ 93 ]
Comment on G.8021 and G.8010 � BT Q12/15, Q9/15 2006-10-18
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