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P�gina principal : UIT-R : WP1C : Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n


Comprobaci�n t�cnica del espectro

Resultados :176 documentos
Resultados :� Anterior�-� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Contribuciones��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 26 ]
Final List of Participants - Working Party 1C � Director, BR 2003-11-04
[ 25 ]
List of documents issued � BR Study Group Department 2003-10-29
[ 24 ]
Proposed new JRG 1A-1C-8B - Radars and unwanted emissions � Chairman, Radar Corr. Group 2003-10-29
[ 23 ]
Working document toward a Draft New Recommendation - Protection ratios on spurious emissions in free space � Belgium , Slovenia (Republic of) , Czech Republic , Portugal , France , Bosnia and Herzegovina (Republic of) 2003-10-28
[ 22 ]
Revision of the spectrum monitoring Handbook � France 2003-10-28
[ 21 ]
Information from the 2003 CISPR meeting � France 2003-10-28
[ 20 ]
ITU-T Recommendation K.60 "Emission limits and test methods for telecommunication networks � France 2003-10-28
[ 19 ]
Proposed work programme for Working Party 1C � Acting Chairman, WP 1C 2003-10-24
[ 18 ]
Report of the Chairman of Study Group 1, its Working Parties and Task Group � Chairman, SG 1 2003-10-24
[ 17 ]
A certification test setup for measurement of radiation from cable transmission networks � Korea (Republic of) 218/1 2003-10-24
[ 16 ]
Preliminary draft revision of Report ITU-R SM.2022 - The effect on digital communications systems of interference from other modulation schemes � Korea (Republic of) 202/1 2003-10-23
[ 15 ]
Information document on measurement of occupied bandwidth of multiple frequency channel CDMA-2000(1X) signal at monitoring station � Korea (Republic of) 2003-10-23
[ 14 ]
Draft new Question - Improved measurement methods for unwanted emissions of primary radars using magnetrons � United States of America 2003-10-23
[ 13 ]
Contribution towards a PDNR on techniques for measurement of radiation from high data rate telecommunication systems using electricity power supply or telephone distribution � Germany (Federal Republic of) 218/1 2003-10-23
[ 12 ]
Measuring a low level emissions from space stations at monitoring earth stations using noise reduction techniques � Germany (Federal Republic of) , United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland , Switzerland (Confederation of) , Korea (Republic of) 2003-10-23
[ 11 ]
Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation - Methods for measurements on digital broadcasting signals � Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 214/1 2003-10-21
[ 10 ]
Contribution to PDNR on techniques of measurement of radiation from high data rate telecommunication systems using electrical power lines or telephone distribution � United States of America 2003-10-21
[ 9 ]
Inspection of radio stations to verify compliance with license parameters � United States of America 2003-10-21
[ 8 ]
Revision to Recommendation ITU-R SM.1050 - Tasks of a monitoring services � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2003-10-08
[ 7 ]
Inspection of radio stations to verify compliance with licensed parameters � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 225/1 2003-10-08
[ 6 ]
Draft new Recommendation - Radio emission bandwidth measurement � France , Thal�s , R�publique Tch�que 2003-07-22
[ 5 ]
Draft new Recommendation - Automated mobile radio emission monitoring unit � France , Thal�s 2003-07-14
[ 4 ]
Monitoring of UWB emissions � Germany (Federal Republic of) 2003-08-15
[ 3 ]
Manuel UIT-R "Computer aided techniques for spectrum management" � Thales (France) 2003-07-28
[ 2 ]
Contribution towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation (PDNR) - Methods for measurements on digital broadcasting signals � Thales 214/1 2003-07-28
[ 1 ]
Documents to be carried over from the 2000-2003 study period � WP 1C 2003-07-15
Resultados :176 documentos
Resultados :� Anterior�-� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
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Actualizado el :�2006-08-25