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Performance, QoS and QoE

Study Period 2022

Results:251 total items.
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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 101 ]
Draft Recommendation P.833.2 "Methodology for the derivation of equipment impairment factors from subjective listening only tests for fullband speech codecs" � TU Berlin (Germany) Q15/12 2023-01-04
[ 100 ]
Y.TestBed: Mandatory Clauses and Document Structure � Keysight Technologies, Inc. (United States) Q17/12 2023-01-04
[ 99 ]
Extending the Fullband E-Model for Noise, Bursty Packet Loss, and Interactivity Degradations � TU Berlin (Germany) Q15/12 2023-01-04
[ 98 ]
Revision of P.58 (for consent) � Hottinger Br�el & Kjaer A/S (Denmark) Q5/12 2023-01-04
[ 97 ]
First draft of P. ASR: Performance requirements for automatic speech recognition (ASR) in vehicles Recommendation � HEAD Acoustics GmbH (Germany) Q4/12 2023-01-04
[ 96 ]
Proposed text for Draft Recommendation G.TeleMeTax � Ilmenau University of Technology (TU Ilmenau) (Germany) , Telefon AB - LM Ericsson (Sweden) Q10/12 2023-01-04
[ 95 ]
Q14 relevance for future XR/MR/AR services � Telefon AB - LM Ericsson (Sweden) Q14/12 2023-01-04
[ 94 ]
Improved text of the E.AIQ Artificial Intelligence Quotient (AI-Q) for indexing and rating AI algorithms used in conversational AI systems employed for customer service management, service optimisation and management as part of service quality assessment methodologies. � India Q7/12, Q13/12, Q12/12 2023-01-04
[ 93 ]
Proposals for updating headset-related recommendations � HEAD Acoustics GmbH (Germany) Q5/12 2023-01-04
[ 92 ]
First results from applying ITU-T Rec. P.863.2 on live network recordings � Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG (Germany) Q9/12 2023-01-04
[ 91 ]
Revised draft of P.SUPPL800 � Dolby Laboratories (United States) , Qualcomm, Inc. (United States) , Telefon AB - LM Ericsson (Sweden) Q7/12 2023-01-04
[ 90 ]
Baseline text for G.QoE-5G "QoE requirements for new services over 5G networks" � China Mobile Communications Co. Ltd. Q13/12 2023-01-04
[ 89 ]
Proposals for work item E.MVS � Autorit� de R�gulation des Technologies de Communication (ARTEC) (Madagascar) Q12/12 2023-01-04
[ 88 ]
Proposed Updates for Annex B: ITU-T Y.1540 Maximum IP-Layer Capacity Measurements (for CONSENT) � AT&T, Inc. (United States) Q17/12 2023-01-02
[ 87 ]
UDPST Implementation of G.IntAct Test Streams and measurements � AT&T, Inc. (United States) Q17/12 2023-01-02
[ 86 ]
New work item for Studying Subjective Tests for Evaluating the User Experience for Mobile AR Applications � China Mobile Communications Co. Ltd. Q13/12 2022-12-30
[ 85 ]
Adversarial examples of deep learning based NR video quality measurement methods � Korea (Rep. of) Q19/12 2022-12-30
[ 84 ]
Draft New Report: Optimizing Bitrates and Transmission Resolution by Considering Display Characteristics and Available Bandwidth � Korea (Rep. of) , Orange (France) Q19/12 2022-12-30
[ 83 ]
G.CMVTQS: Updated test protocol of subjective tests � China Mobile Communications Co. Ltd. , Ilmenau University of Technology (TU Ilmenau) (Germany) , Orange (France) , Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG (Germany) , Wuhan University (China) Q7/12, Q19/12, Q15/12 2022-12-29
[ 82 ]
On improving the P.SAMD model performance with a pre-trained feature extractor � TU Berlin (Germany) Q9/12 2022-12-23
[ 81 ]
The estimation techniques of object-recognition rate in surveillance video of autonomous driving � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) (Japan) Q19/12 2022-12-22
[ 80 ]
Confirmation of P.DiAQoSE model using P.1203 mode 3 and P.1204.4 � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) (Japan) Q14/12 2022-12-22
[ 79 ]
Proposed use case for G.IntAct: cloud gaming over mobile networks � InfoVista SAS (France) Q17/12 2022-12-20
[ 78 ]
Modelling User Interactivity with Cloud Gaming Over Mobile Networks � InfoVista SAS (France) Q14/12 2022-12-20
[ 77 ]
Proposal to merge P.913, P.911, and P.910 � United States Q19/12 2022-12-20
[ 76 ]
Questionnaire to be shared with Regulators � Focus Infocom Ges. F. Informatik u. Telekomm. mbH (Germany) , Opticom GmbH (Germany) , Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) Q20/12 2022-12-20
[ 75 ]
Proposal for Instructions to Listeners and Listeners' screening methodology for P.SUPP800 � Canada Q7/12 2022-12-19
[ 74 ]
A DCR test experiment for live-recorded FOA and HOA3 input in 7.0+4 listening setup � Canada Q7/12 2022-12-19
[ 73 ]
A subjective ACR LOT focused on codec and audio bandwidth settings and its prediction by ITU-T Rec. P.863 � Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG (Germany) Q9/12 2022-12-19
[ 72 ]
Proposed revised text for P.Suppl_DFS: Considerations on the automation of testing of Digital Financial Services testing � Focus Infocom Ges. F. Informatik u. Telekomm. mbH (Germany) , Opticom GmbH (Germany) , Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) Q20/12 2022-12-19
[ 71 ]
Proposed revised text for P.DFSInter: Extended methodology for cross-country and inter-operator Digital Financial Services testing � Focus Infocom Ges. F. Informatik u. Telekomm. mbH (Germany) , Opticom GmbH (Germany) , Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) Q20/12 2022-12-19
[ 70 ]
Proposed revised text for E.NUI: A general single-number metric on RF levels expressing fitness-for-purpose � Focus Infocom Ges. F. Informatik u. Telekomm. mbH (Germany) Q13/12 2022-12-16
[ 69 ]
P.BBQCG active testing condition plan � Ilmenau University of Technology (TU Ilmenau) (Germany) , Telefon AB - LM Ericsson (Sweden) , Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Company Limited (China) Q14/12 2022-12-12
[ 68 ]
Update of operational plan for the development of perceptual and field assessment principles for quality of service (QoS) and quality of experience (QoE) of digital financial services (DFS) � Cameroon Q20/12 2022-12-02
[ 67 ]
Evolved base text on revision of Recommendation ITU-T E.807 � Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones (IFT) (Mexico) , National Communications Authority (NCA) (Ghana) Q12/12 2022-11-30
[ 66 ]
Ghana's Responses to Questionnaire to National Regulatory Authorities on the QoS Aspects of Digital Financial Services (DFS) � National Communications Authority (NCA) (Ghana) Q20/12 2022-11-30
[ 65 ]
Test plans for the comparison of WB and SWB modes of voice coders � Orange (France) , Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG (Germany) Q9/12 2022-11-29
[ 64 ]
Comments on the G.IntAct Baseline text in C-016/TD-129R1 � AT&T, Inc. (United States) Q17/12 2022-11-21
[ 63 ]
Impact of microwave backhauling on 4G network quality-of-service indicators � Libya Q12/12 2022-11-07
[ 62 ]
Mapping and visualisation strategies for evaluating connectivity and QoS: disruptions of connectivity and loss of QoS due to rain � Minist�re des Postes, T�l�communications et Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (Dem. Rep. of the Congo) Q12/12 2022-10-18
[ 61 ]
Comparison of DCR test experiments for FOA and HOA3 input in 7.0+4 and binaural listening setups � Canada Q7/12 2022-05-25
[ 60 ]
ITU-T P.IntVR: "Subjective Test Method for Interactive Virtual Reality Applications" - Quality of Experience aspects for Interactive Virtual Reality � TU Berlin (Germany) Q7/12 2022-05-25
[ 59 ]
AVrate Voyager: an open source online testing platform � Ilmenau University of Technology (TU Ilmenau) (Germany) Q7/12, Q19/12, Q14/12 2022-05-25
[ 58 ]
Proposal for optional guidelines in P.1140 for post-crash tests � HEAD Acoustics GmbH (Germany) Q4/12 2022-05-25
[ 57 ]
Application of Centre-Crop-based Approach for Overall Integral Quality Evaluation of a HAS Session in the Crowd � Ilmenau University of Technology (TU Ilmenau) (Germany) Q7/12, Q14/12 2022-05-25
[ 56 ]
Evolved text - Technical Report "Roadmap for QoS and QoE in the ITU-T Study Group 12 context" (TR-RQ) � Brazil Q2/12 2022-05-25
[ 55 ]
P.800 DCR evaluation of parametric spatial speech � Nokia Corporation (Finland) Q7/12 2022-05-25
[ 54 ]
QoE Assessment of eXtended Reality (XR) Meetings (for consent) � Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (Netherlands) , Ilmenau University of Technology (TU Ilmenau) (Germany) , Telefon AB - LM Ericsson (Sweden) Q10/12 2022-05-25
[ 53 ]
Information about standardization work of relevance for assessment of XR meetings updated May 2022 � Telefon AB - LM Ericsson (Sweden) Q10/12 2022-05-25
[ 52 ]
Proposed revised baseline text for E.AIQ Artificial Intelligence Quotient (AI-Q) for indexing and rating AI algorithms used in conversational AI systems employed for customer service management, service optimisation and management as part of service quality assessment methodologies � Ministry of Communications (India) Q12/12 2022-05-25
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