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ITU-T�SG 11� TD-GEN�(2016-06-27)�


Protocols and test specifications

Study Period 2013

Meeting� from 2016-06-27 to 2016-07-06

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : [ 2016-06-27 ]� 2016-04-292016-03-242015-12-022015-04-222014-11-212014-07-092014-02-212013-11-142013-11-072013-06-212013-02-25

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Temporary Documents �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 1204-GEN ]
Draft agenda for Q14 /11 "Cloud interoperability testing" � Associate Rapporteur Q14/11 Q14/11 2016-06-26
[ 1203-GEN ]
Draft agenda for Q15/11 "Testing as a service (TAAS)" � Acting rapporteur Q15/11 Q15/11 2016-06-26
[ 1202-GEN ]
Draft agenda of Question 1/11 "Signalling and protocol architectures in emerging telecommunication environments" � Rapporteur Q1/11 Q1/11 2016-06-26
[ 1201-GEN ]
Report of Question 9/11 e-meeting (23 - 27 May 2016) � Rapporteur Q9/11 Q9/11 2016-06-26
[ 1200-GEN ]
Draft agenda of Question 9/11 "Protocols supporting distributed, smart service networking and end-to-end multicast" � Rapporteur Q9/11 Q9/11 2016-06-26
[ 1199-GEN ]
Survey report on counterfeit ICT devices in Africa region � Editor Q8/11 2016-06-24
[ 1198-GEN ]
LS/i on revised definition of Quality of Experience (QoE) and new terms in Rec. P.10/G.100 [from ITU-T SG12] � ITU-T SG12 QALL/11 2016-06-23
[ 1197-GEN ]
LS/i/r on increasing efficiency of work in ITU-T (reply to RevCom LS2) [from ITU-T SG12] � ITU-T SG12 QALL/11 2016-06-23
[ 1196-GEN ]
LS/i/r on new work item "A regulation framework of delivering of ICT services with the guaranteed QoS and requested bit rate on the fixed and mobile data networks" (reply to SG3 - LS44) [from ITU-T SG12] � ITU-T SG12 Q15/11 2016-06-23
[ 1195-GEN ]
LS/i/r to the LS on first meeting of ITU-T CASC and request to update the living list of key technologies, reference table of ITU-T Recommendations which are suitable for C&I and relevant pilot projects requirements (reply to SG11 - LS 102 -E) [from ITU-T SG12] � ITU-T SG12 CASC 2016-06-23
[ 1194-GEN ]
OECD report on Trade in Counterfeit and Pirated Goods � Vice-chairman SG11 Q8/11 2016-06-17
[ 1193-GEN ]
LS/i/r on draft new ITU-T Q.4016v.1_FAX_req_and_tests "SIP signalling between the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) and SIP enabled devices for real-time fax over IP" (reply to COM11-LS107) [from ITU-T SG16] � ITU-T SG16 Q11/11 2016-06-13
[ 1192-GEN ]
Draft Report from the Special Session on SG11 restructuring in view of WTSA 16 (27-29 April 2016) � Vice-chairman SG11 QALL/11 2016-06-13
[ 1191-GEN ]
LS/i on establishment of a new Question on Immersive Live Experience (ILE) [from ITU-T SG16] � ITU-T SG16 QALL/11 2016-06-07
[ 1190-GEN ]
Output - draft new Recommendation ITU-T X.mp2p-orcp "Managed P2P communications: Overlay Resource Control Protocol (ORCP)" (e-meeting, 23-27 May 2016) � Editors Q9/11 2016-06-07
[ 1189-GEN ]
Output - draft new Recommendation X.mp2p-mssr "Managed P2P communications: Multimedia streaming signalling requirements" (E-meeting, 23 - 27 May 2016) � Editors Q9/11 2016-06-07
[ 1188-GEN ]
Output - draft new Recommendation X.mp2p-mspp "Managed P2P communications: Multimedia streaming peer protocol" (E-meeting, 23 - 27 May 2016) � Editors Q9/11 2016-06-07
[ 1187-GEN ]
Harmonized proposal to update the current list of Questions assigned to SG11 (Signalling requirements, protocols and test specifications) for next Study Period � TSB QALL/11 2016-06-03
[ 1186-GEN ]
Draft report of the comment resolution for ITU-T Q.3960 "Framework of Internet related performance measurements" � Chairman WP4/11 QALL/11 2016-06-03
[ 1185-GEN ]
LS/i/r on revision of existing Recommendation ITU-T Q.1912.5 "Interworking between Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Bearer Independent Call Control protocol or ISDN User Part" (reply to SG11 LS108) [from 3GPP CT WG3] � 3GPP CT WG3 Q2/11, Q11/11 2016-06-02
[ 1184-GEN ]
Report of the joint interim Rapporteur's group meeting of ITU-T Q2/11 and ETSI TC INT (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) � Associate Rapporteur Q2/11 Q2/11 2016-06-02
[ 1183-GEN ]
Draft Report of the joint meeting of ITU-T WP4/11 and ETSI TC INT (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) � Chairman WP4/11 Q15/11, Q14/11, Q13/11, Q12/11, Q11/11, Q10/11 2016-05-31
[ 1182-GEN ]
LS/i/r on mobile fraud prevention and collaboration (reply to SG11 LS98) [from ITU-D SG2 Q3/2] � ITU-D SG2 Q3/2 Q8/11 2016-05-26
[ 1181-GEN ]
LS/i on Q8/2 work for the 2014-2017 study period [from ITU-D Q8/2] � ITU-D Q8/2 Q8/11 2016-05-26
[ 1180-GEN ]
LS/i/r on ongoing collaboration (reply to SG11 LS101) [from ITU-D Q4/2] � ITU-D Q4/2 Q11/11 2016-05-26
[ 1179-GEN ]
Consent - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4015.1 v.1_SI_Interw_PICS "Interworking between the IP Multimedia core network subsystem and circuit switched networks; Conformance Testing; Part 1: PICS" (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) � Editor Q11/11 2016-05-20
[ 1178-GEN ]
Consent - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4015.2 v.1_SI_Interw_TSS&TP "Interworking between the IP Multimedia core network subsystem and circuit switched networks; Conformance testing; Part 2: TSS&TP" (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) � Editor Q11/11 2016-05-20
[ 1177-GEN ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4008.1 v.1_SI_MCID_Net_User_TS_Part1 "Malicious Communication Identification (MCID) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem; Conformance Test Specification; Part 1: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS)" Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) � Editor Q11/11 2016-05-20
[ 1176-GEN ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4008.2 v.1_SI_MCID_Net_TS_Part2 "Malicious Communication Identification (MCID) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem; Conformance Test Specification; Part 2: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP), network side" (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) � Editor Q11/11 2016-05-20
[ 1175-GEN ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4008.3 v.1_SI_MCID_User TS_Part3 "Malicious Communication Identification (MCID) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem; Conformance Test Specification; Part 3: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP), user side" (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) � Editor Q11/11 2016-05-20
[ 1174-GEN ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4010.1 v.1_SI_MWI_Net_TS_Part1 "Message Waiting Indication (MWI) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem; Part 1: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS)" (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) � Editor Q11/11 2016-05-20
[ 1173-GEN ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4010.2 v.1_SI_MWI_Net_TS_Part2 "Message Waiting Indication (MWI) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem; Part 2: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP), network side" (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) � Editor Q11/11 2016-05-20
[ 1172-GEN ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4010.3 v.1_SI_MWI_Net_TS_Part3 "Message Waiting Indication (MWI) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem; Part 3: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP), user side" (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) � Editor Q11/11 2016-05-20
[ 1171-GEN ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4009.1 v.1_SI_CCNR_Net_TS_Part1 "Completion of Communications to Busy Subscriber (CCBS) and Completion of Communications by No Reply (CCNR) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem; Conformance Test Specification; Part 1: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS)" (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) � Editor Q11/11 2016-05-20
[ 1170-GEN ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4009.2 v.1_SI_CCNR_Net_TS_Part2 "Completion of Communications to Busy Subscriber (CCBS) and Completion of Communications by No Reply (CCNR) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem; Conformance Test Specification; Part 2: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP)" (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) � Editor Q11/11 2016-05-20
[ 1169-GEN ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4011.1 v.1_SI_CUG_Net_TS_Part1 "Closed User Group (CUG) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem; Conformance Test Specification; Part 1: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS)" (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) � Editor Q11/11 2016-05-20
[ 1168-GEN ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4011.2 v.1_SI_CUG_Net_TS_Part2 "Closed User Group (CUG) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem; Conformance Test Specification; Part 2: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP), network side" (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) � Editor Q11/11 2016-05-20
[ 1167-GEN ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4011.3 v.1_SI_CUG_User_TS_Part3 "Closed User Group (CUG) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem; Conformance Test Specification; Part 3: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP), user side" (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) � Editor Q11/11 2016-05-20
[ 1166-GEN ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4012.1 v.1_SI_ACR_Net_TS_Part1 "Anonymous Communication Rejection (ACR) and Communication Barring (CB) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem 3GPP Release 10; Conformance Testing Specification Part 1: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS)" (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) � Editor Q11/11 2016-05-20
[ 1165-GEN ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4012.2 v.1_SI_ACR_Net_TS_Part2 "Anonymous Communication Rejection (ACR) and Communication Barring (CB) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem; Conformance Test Specification; Part 2: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP), network side" (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) � Editor Q11/11 2016-05-20
[ 1164-GEN ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4012.3 v.1_SI_ACR_User_TS_Part3 "Anonymous Communication Rejection (ACR) and Communication Barring (CB) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem; Conformance Test Specification; Part 2: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP), user side" (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) � Editor Q11/11 2016-05-20
[ 1163-GEN ]
Output - Draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.4016 v.1_FAX_req and tests "SIP signalling between the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) and SIP enabled devices for real-time fax over IP" (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) � Editor Q11/11 2016-05-20
[ 1162-GEN ]
Output - Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T Q.1912.5D "Interworking between session initiation protocol (SIP) and bearer independent call control protocol (BICC) or ISDN user part (ISUP): Test suite structure and test purposes (TSS&TP) for profile C" (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) � Editor Q11/11 2016-05-20
[ 1161-GEN ]
Revised conformance testing standardization work plan for SIP IMS (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) � Rapporteur Q11/11 Q2/11, Q11/11 2016-05-20
[ 1160-GEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new Q.4015.1 v.1_SI_Interw_PICS (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) � Editor Q11/11 2016-05-20
[ 1159-GEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new Q.4015.2 v.1_SI_Interw_TSS&TP (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) � Editor Q11/11 2016-05-20
[ 1158-GEN ]
LS/o on Draft new Recommendation on "SIP signalling between the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) and SIP enabled devices for real-time fax over IP" (Q.4016v.1_FAX_req and tests) [to ITU-T SG16] (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) � Rapporteur Q11/11 Q11/11 2016-05-20
[ 1157-GEN ]
Report of the joint interim Rapporteur's group meeting of ITU-T Q11/11 and ETSI TC INT (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) � Rapporteur Q11/11 Q11/11 2016-05-20
[ 1156-GEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new Q.3932.4 (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) � Editor Q10/11 2016-05-20
[ 1155-GEN ]
Consent - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.3932.4 "IMS/NGN performance benchmark - Part 4: Testing of the performance design objectives" (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) � Editor Q10/11 2016-05-20
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