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Economic and policy issues

Study Period 2013

Results:236 total items.
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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 88 ]
The importance of Mobile Financial Services and the role of ITU-T Study Group 3 � Egypt Q2/3 2015-03-03
[ 87 ]
Quantifying cross border market power in telecommunications � Uganda Q3/3 2015-03-02
[ 86 ]
Charging in international mobile roaming service � Guinea Q2/3 2015-03-02
[ 85 ]
Case Study of Zambia - Implementation of Regional Roaming Initiatives Aimed at Reducing Roaming Tariffs � Zambia Q2/3 2015-02-27
[ 84 ]
Case Study of Zambia - Dispute Resolution Related to Charging for Infrastructure Sharing Rentals � Zambia Q2/3 2015-02-27
[ 83 ]
Case Study of Zambia - Competition & Price Regulation: The Impact of Wholesale (Interconnection) Price Regulation on Retail End User Prices � Zambia Q4/3 2015-02-27
[ 82 ]
Adaptation of regulation in the new convergent ecosystems, the specific case of OTTs and the Cloud in its different forms � Senegal Q3/3 2015-02-26
[ 81 ]
Costing methodology and principles for Mobile Financial services (MFS) � Uganda , Ghana , Zimbabwe Q2/3 2015-02-26
[ 80 ]
Amendment to the OTT survey proposed by the African group � Egypt Q3/3 2015-02-26
[ 79 ]
How to achieve Effective Competition in the Mobile Roaming Market: SADC Home and Away Roaming Project � South Africa Q2/3 2015-02-26
[ 78 ]
Proposal on the future work of economic impact analysis of OTTs � Korea (Rep. of) Q3/3 2015-02-26
[ 77 ]
Proposal to study the cases of bilateral and multilateral agreements for D.98 � Korea (Rep. of) Q2/3 2015-02-26
[ 76 ]
Waterbed effect for roaming tariffs � Senegal , SG3RG-AFR Member Countries Q2/3 2015-02-26
[ 75 ]
Relevant market definition and identification of operators with significant market power � Sao Tome and Principe Q3/3 2015-02-26
[ 74 ]
The impact of technological progress on competition policy and the identification of market features � Burkina Faso , C�te d'Ivoire , Egypt , Guinea , Senegal , Sudan Q3/3 2015-02-25
[ 73 ]
Proposed Editorial changes to the Draft ToR of the SG3 Rapporteur group on SMP and identification of relevant markets � Ghana , Malawi , Uganda Q3/3 2015-02-25
[ 72 ]
Universal service and access to broadband services � Burkina Faso , Burundi , Cameroon , C�te d'Ivoire , Guinea , Sao Tome and Principe , Senegal Q1/3 2015-02-25
[ 71 ]
Economic and financial impact of spectrum pricing on international telecommunication services � Comoros , Ghana , Guinea , Kenya , Malawi , South Africa , Tanzania , Uganda QAll/3 2015-02-25
[ 70 ]
ITU-T D.50, International Internet Connectivity and OTTs � Burkina Faso , Burundi , Cameroon , Comoros , C�te d'Ivoire , Democratic Republic of Congo , Gambia , Guinea , Senegal Q1/3 2015-02-25
[ 69 ]
A survey to assist the study of the economic impact of OTTs � Burundi , Cameroon , C�te d'Ivoire , Egypt , Senegal , Sudan Q3/3 2015-02-25
[ 68 ]
New Annex to Recommendation D.600R � Burkina Faso , Burundi , Cameroon , C�te d'Ivoire , Democratic Republic of Congo , ESMT , Ghana , Guinea , Zimbabwe Q2/3 2015-02-25
[ 67 ]
Regulatory analysis of international roaming services � New Zealand Q2/3 2015-02-25
[ 66 ]
Addressing Emerging Economic and Financial Concerns in Mobile Money markets � Burundi , Cameroon , C�te d'Ivoire , Democratic Republic of Congo , EMST , Ghana , Kenya , Malawi , Tanzania , Uganda , Zimbabwe Q2/3 2015-02-25
[ 65 ]
Tariff policies: Experience of DRC � Democratic Republic of Congo Q4/3 2015-02-25
[ 64 ]
Final recommendation of charging and accounting principles for NGN � Korea (Rep. of) Q1/3 2015-02-24
[ 63 ]
Revision of charging and accounting principles for NGN � Korea (Rep. of) Q1/3 2015-02-24
[ 62 ]
Universal Service: Guidelines and Best Practices for the Administration of Universal Service Funds to assist Administrations in Bridging the Digital Divide. � Trinidad and Tobago Q1/3 2015-02-23
[ 61 ]
Towards better governance of telecommunication regulation � Comoros , Senegal , Tunisia , Tunisie T�l�com QAll/3 2015-02-19
[ 60 ]
Case Study of Thailand: Cost Model for Interconnection Charges. � Thailand Q4/3 2015-02-12
[ 59 ]
New AFR Regional Recommendation to address high roaming charges, regulatory approach and impact on traffic � Burundi , Cameroon , C�te d'Ivoire , Democratic Republic of Congo , Ghana , Guinea , Kenya , Niger , Sao Tome and Principe Q2/3 2015-02-12
[ 58 ]
Proposal on Mobile Roaming � Cameroon , C�te d'Ivoire , Egypt , Ghana , Guinea , Malawi , Niger , South Africa , Sudan , Zimbabwe Q2/3 2015-02-12
[ 57 ]
Proposal for new draft Recommendation on International Roaming Costs and Tariffs � Burkina Faso , Burundi , Cameroon , Comoros , C�te d'Ivoire , Democratic Republic of Congo , Ghana , Guinea , Kenya , Niger , R�CATIC , Uganda , Zimbabwe Q2/3 2015-02-12
[ 56 ]
International Mobile Roaming � Cameroon , Comoros , C�te d'Ivoire , Democratic Republic of Congo , Ghana , Guinea , Niger , South Africa , Zimbabwe Q2/3 2015-02-12
[ 55 ]
Inclusion of Spectrum pricing as a possible topic for SG3 � SG3RG-AO Member Countries QAll/3 2015-02-12
[ 54 ]
Amendments to Recommendation ITU-T D98 � Algeria , Bahrain , Egypt , Jordan , Kuwait , Mauritania , Oman , Qatar , Saudi Arabia , Sudan , Tunisia , United Arab Emirates , Yemen Q2/3 2015-02-12
[ 53 ]
ITU Mobile Roaming Cost Methodology � Bangladesh , ETRI (Korea, Rep. of) , Malaysia , Myanmar , Solomon Islands , Thailand , Vietnam (and SG3RG-AO Member Countries) Q2/3 2015-02-12
[ 52 ]
New draft recommendation on international mobile roaming costs and tariffs � Bangladesh , ETRI (Korea, Rep. of) , Malaysia , Myanmar , Solomon Islands , Thailand , Vietnam (and SG3RG-AO Member Countries) Q2/3 2015-02-12
[ 51 ]
OTT Applications in Bangladeshi ICT Sector � Bangladesh Q3/3 2015-02-12
[ 50 ]
Universal service obligations: The case of the Democratic Republic of the Congo � R�publique d�mocratique du Congo Q1/3 2015-02-11
[ 49 ]
Solutions for reducing costs of international internet connection � Iran (Islamic Republic of) Q1/3 2015-02-11
[ 48 ]
Proposal on Studying the Economic Impact of OTTs with a view to developing a Recommendation � Algeria , Bahrain , Egypt , Jordan , Kuwait , Mauritania , Saudi Arabia , Somalia , Sudan , United Arab Emirates , Yemen Q3/3 2015-02-11
[ 47 ]
Proposal regarding ITU Cost Methodology on Mobile Roaming � Algeria , Bahrain , Egypt , Jordan , Kuwait , Mauritania , Saudi Arabia , Somalia , Sudan , United Arab Emirates , Yemen Q2/3 2015-02-11
[ 46 ]
The impact of technological progress on competition policy and the identification of market features � Algeria , Bahrain , Egypt , Jordan , Kuwait , Mauritania , Saudi Arabia , Somalia , Sudan , United Arab Emirates , Yemen Q3/3 2015-02-11
[ 45 ]
Economic impact of OTTs and possible regulatory approaches � Bangladesh , ETRI (Korea, Rep. of) , Malaysia , Myanmar , Solomon Islands , Thailand , Vietnam Q3/3 2015-02-11
[ 44 ]
Lessons learned : OTT Services in Vietnam � Vietnam Q3/3 2015-02-11
[ 43 ]
New proposed questions for Study Group 3: Input from the Asia-Oceania region � SG3RG-AO Member Countries QAll/3 2015-02-09
[ 42 ]
Proposed New Questions for SG3 � Burkina Faso , Burundi , Cameroon , Comoros , C�te d'Ivoire , Gambia , Ghana , Guinea , Niger , Sao Tome and Principe , Soci�t� Nationale des T�l�communications du S�n�gal (SONATEL) , South Africa , Zimbabwe QAll/3 2015-02-05
[ 41 ]
Proposal for new and revised questions for ITU-T Study Group 3 � Bahrain , Egypt , Sudan , Tunisia QAll/3 2015-01-16
[ 40 ]
Cost Models, Recommendation and Standards for Roaming � INTUG - International Telecommunications Users Group Q2/3 2014-05-16
[ 39 ]
Studying the economic impact of the Over the Top (OTT) applications and developing recommendations to policy makers and regulators. � Egypt & Arab States Q3/3 2014-05-16
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