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ITU-T�SG 12� TD-GEN�(2011-01-18)�


Performance and quality of service

Study Period 2009

Meeting� from 2011-01-18 to 2011-01-27

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2012-09-072012-05-292011-10-31� [ 2011-01-18 ]� 2010-09-172010-05-182009-11-032009-03-10

Results:177 total items.
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Temporary Documents �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 386-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Reply LS to ETSI TC STQ and 3GPP SA, TC TISPAN, ITU-T SG 12 on procedures for the identification and selection of common modes of de-jitter buffers and echo cancellers � ITU-T SG16 Q17/12, Q14/12, Q13/12 2010-09-28
[ 385-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Reply LS to ITU-T SG 12 on conferencing and telemeeting assessment � ITU-T SG16 Q18/12, Q1/12 2010-09-28
[ 384-GEN ]
Incoming LS: LS to All ITU-T SGs, TSAG, ITU-R SG 6, ITU-D SG2, IETF RAI, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29, IMTC, JCA-ICT&CC, JCA-AHF on approval of a new Question on telepresence systems � ITU-T SG16 QALL/12 2010-09-28
[ 374-GEN ]
Incoming LS: LS on relation between P.NBAMS in SG12 and J.BITVQM in SG9 � ITU-T SG9 Q14/12 2010-09-13
[ 373-GEN ]
Incoming LS: LS to SG 12 on audiovisual quality assessment � ITU-T SG9 Q14/12 2010-09-13
[ 372-GEN ]
Incoming LS: LS Reply to SG 12 on "A framework for diagnostic functions" � ITU-T SG9 Q16/12 2010-09-13
[ 371-GEN ]
Incoming LS: LS on development of Draft New Recommendations on objective video quality assessment for HDTV (J.vqhdtv-fr and J.vqhdtv-rr) � ITU-T SG9 Q14/12, Q13/12, Q9/12 2010-09-13
[ 370-GEN ]
Incoming LS: MEF Response to ITU Liaison COM 12-LS082 concerning Y156.SAM � MEF Q17/12 2010-09-13
[ 369-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Technical Report on a Validation Process for IPTV Perceptual Quality Measurements � ATIS IIF Q14/12, Q13/12 2010-09-13
[ 368-GEN ]
Incoming LS: First meeting of Focus Group on Cloud Computing (FG Cloud) � FG Cloud QALL/12 2010-07-22
[ 367-GEN ]
Multidimensional subjective testing methodology � Rapporteus Q7/12 Q9/12, Q7/12 2010-07-22
[ 366-GEN ]
Incoming LS: LS from VQEG on Completion of the VQEG HDTV project � VQEG Q14/12, Q13/12, Q9/12 2010-07-22
[ 365-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Reply LS on collaboration request for new work items on mobile IPTV in SG13 � Q13/16 Q13/12 2010-07-22
[ 364-GEN ]
Incoming LS: LS to SG 12 on 3D-IPTV � Q13/16 Q13/12 2010-07-22
[ 363-GEN ]
Draft report of Question 7/12 Rapporteurs' meeting (Lannion, 5-8 July 2010) � Rapporteurs Q7/12 Q7/12 2010-07-22
[ 362-GEN ]
Report of the JRG-MMQA meeting of June 28- July 2, 2010 (Krakow, Poland) � Rapporteurs Q9/12 & 2/9 Q14/12, Q9/12 2010-07-22
[ 361-GEN ]
Incoming LS: LS on procedures for the identification and selection of common modes of dejitter buffers and echo cancellers � ETSI TC STQ Q17/12, Q14/12, Q13/12 2010-07-22
[ 360-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Request for input from Study Groups regarding which Recommendations have Smart Grid aspects � FG Smart Q1/12 2010-07-22
[ 359-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Amendment of Y.1731 � ITU-T SG15 Q17/12 2010-07-22
[ 358-GEN ]
Incoming LS: SG15 OTNT standardization work plan � ITU-T SG15 QALL/12 2010-07-22
[ 357-GEN ]
Incoming LS: New versions of the access network transport (ANT) standardization overview and work plan � ITU-T SG15 QALL/12 2010-07-22
[ 356-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Consent of Recommendation G.9971 "Requirements of transport functions in IP home networks" � ITU-T SG15 Q13/12 2010-07-22
[ 355-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Report of 1st Meeting Focus Group on Future Networks (FG-FN) � FG-FN QALL/12 2010-07-22
[ 354-GEN ]
Draft agenda for Working Party 3/12 meeting � Chairman WP3/12 Q17/12, Q13/12, Q12/12, Q11/12 2010-07-21
[ 353-GEN ]
Draft agenda for Working Party 2/12 meeting � Chairman WP2/12 Q9/12, Q8/12, Q16/12, Q15/12, Q14/12 2010-07-21
[ 352-GEN ]
Draft agenda for Working Party 1/12 meeting � Chairman WP1/12 Q18/12, Q7/12, Q6/12, Q5/12, Q4/12, Q3/12 2010-07-21
[ 351-GEN ]
Draft agenda and timetable for the meeting of Study Group 12 � Chairman SG12 QALL/12 2010-07-21
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