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ITU-T�NGN-GSI� C�(2010-09-06)�


NGN Global Standards Initiative

Study Period 2009

Meeting� from 2010-09-06 to 2010-09-16

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2012-12-03� 2012-06-04� 2012-02-06� 2011-10-10� 2011-05-09� 2011-01-17� 2010-04-19� 2010-01-18� 2009-09-02� 2009-05-11� 2009-01-12�

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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 730 ]
Proposed addition of free-riding and incentive system to Y.dsn_sec_req � China Mobile Q19/13 2010-08-26
[ 729 ]
Proposal for adding relay node status info report procedure in Y dsnrf.doc � China Mobile Q19/13 2010-08-26
[ 728 ]
Proposal for adding relay node registration procedure in Y.dsnrf � China Mobile, ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2010-08-26
[ 727 ]
Proposal for adding C4 description in Y.dsnarch � China Mobile, ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2010-08-26
[ 726 ]
Comments for the "Proposal of whitewashing and IP spoofing in Y.dsn_sec_req" � China Mobile Q19/13 2010-08-26
[ 725 ]
Comments for the "Proposal of corrupted data and MITM attack to Y.dsn_sec_req" � China Mobile Q19/13 2010-08-26
[ 724 ]
Session Combination in Multi-connection Architecture � Cina Mobile Q9/13 2010-08-26
[ 723 ]
Proposal for multi-connection session combination in Y.MC-REQ � China Mobile Q9/13 2010-08-26
[ 722 ]
A Proposal on initiating a new work item of description of protocol sets of NGN � China Telecom Q1/11 2010-08-25
[ 721 ]
Proposed signalling flow for Originating identification restriction service feature in Q.centrexSig � China Telecom Q3/11, Q2/11 2010-08-25
[ 720 ]
Proposed signalling flow for Originating identification presentation service feature in Q.centrexSig � China Telecom Q3/11, Q2/11 2010-08-25
[ 719 ]
Proposal for redefinition of OPS-FE & OPE-FE � China Telecom Q19/13 2010-08-25
[ 718 ]
Proposal for description of reference point C6 in dsnarch � China Telecom Q19/13 2010-08-25
[ 717 ]
Proposal for adding DTIC-FE description in Y.dsntocf � China Telecom Q19/13 2010-08-25
[ 716 ]
A Proposal for Study on functional architecture of NGN service integration and delivery environment (Y.NGN-SIDE-Arch) � China Telecom , ZTE Corporation Q5/13, Q3/13 2010-08-25
[ 715 ]
A Proposal on initiating a new work item of Service requirements for Machine-oriented Communications � China Telecom Q3/13 2010-08-25
[ 714 ]
Proposal for update of Clause 9 of Q.nid-test-arch � ETRI Q12/11 2010-08-25
[ 713 ]
Comments on Draft Recommendation Y.NGN-vehicle, Framework of networked vehicle using NGN, and proposed modifications � Telefon AB , Ericsson Q12/13 2010-08-25
[ 712 ]
Proposal for handover procedure for network based mobile multicast in draft "Mobility Management Framework for Multicast Communications in NGN" � ETRI Q22/13 2010-08-25
[ 711 ]
Proposal for the concept of multicast group information registration/deregistration procedure and functional entity for network based mobile multicast � ETRI Q22/13 2010-08-25
[ 710 ]
A proposal to add OpenID + OAuth authorization in draft Y.NGN IdM Mechanisms � China Telecom Q16/13 2010-08-25
[ 709 ]
A proposal to complete lifecycle management in draft Y.NGN IdM Mechanisms � China Telecom Q16/13 2010-08-25
[ 708 ]
Comments on draft Rec Y.FAid-loc-split � France Telecom Q5/13 2010-08-25
[ 707 ]
Proposal for adding DTIC-FE description in Y.dsntocf � ETRI Q19/13 2010-08-25
[ 706 ]
Proposal for adding description of content distribution optimization in Y.dsnarch � China Unicom Q19/13 2010-08-25
[ 705 ]
Proposal for a new work item on session related information exchange for content serving transfer � Korea (Republic of) Q12/13 2010-08-25
[ 704 ]
Proposal for update texts of section 7.2 in Y.MC-ID � Korea (Republic of) Q9/13 2010-08-25
[ 703 ]
Proposal for updated texts on the draft Recommendation, "Web-based IPTV brokering service models and scenarios" � Korea (Republic of) Q14/13 2010-08-25
[ 702 ]
Define terminologies of mediated and non-mediated services for Multi-connection Service Control Function � Korea (Republic of) Q9/13 2010-08-25
[ 701 ]
Revised draft recommendation Y.pass � Korea (Republic of) Q14/13 2010-08-25
[ 700 ]
Updated text of draft Recommendation Y.ipev � Korea (Republic of) Q12/13 2010-08-25
[ 699 ]
Service capabilities of profile based application adaptation service functions � Korea (Republic of) Q14/13 2010-08-25
[ 698 ]
Proposed Charging Strategies for Interworking between WLAN and WiMAX � Korea (Republic of) Q22/13 2010-08-25
[ 697 ]
Additional requirement for energy/power management in Y.MC-REQ (Multi-connection requirements) � Korea (Republic of) Q9/13 2010-08-25
[ 696 ]
Additional text for QoS mapping in Y.MC-REQ (Multi-connection Requirements) � Korea (Republic of) Q9/13 2010-08-25
[ 695 ]
Additional text for Multi-connection Coordination Function in Y.MC-ARCH (Multi-connection Architecture in NGN) � Korea (Republic of) Q9/13 2010-08-25
[ 694 ]
Revised draft recommendation for Y.MM-WAW (Mobility Management for Interworking between WiMAX and WLAN) � Korea (Republic of) Q22/13 2010-08-25
[ 693 ]
Proposal of corrupted data distribution and MITM attack to Y.dsn_sec_req � Korea (Republic of) Q19/13 2010-08-25
[ 692 ]
Addition of Handover Scenario between WiMAX and WLAN using PMIP in Section 11 � Korea (Republic of) Q22/13 2010-08-25
[ 691 ]
Modification of Initial Connection Establishment Procedure to WiMAX in Section 9 � Korea (Republic of) Q22/13 2010-08-25
[ 690 ]
Proposal for Type distinction of DPI FE in Y.dpireq "Requirements of DPI in packet-based networks and NGN environment" � Korea (Republic of) Q17/13 2010-08-25
[ 689 ]
Addition of Authentication Function for Interworking between WiMAX and WLAN in Section 8 � Korea (Republic of) Q22/13 2010-08-25
[ 688 ]
Draft Amendment to Recommendation Y.2122, "Information Model and Message Format for Flow Aggregate Information Exchange Functions (FIXF) in NGN" � Korea (Republic of) Q4/13 2010-08-25
[ 687 ]
Proposed text for GHG accounting scenario in Y.gms � Korea (Republic of) Q14/13 2010-08-25
[ 686 ]
Proposed Modification of Draft Recommendation X.604.2 (MMC-3) for September 2010 NGN-GSI meeting � Korea (Republic of) Q15/11 2010-08-25
[ 685 ]
Proposed Modification of Draft Recommendation X.603.2 (RMCP-3) for September 2010 NGN-GSI meeting � Korea (Republic of) Q15/11 2010-08-25
[ 684 ]
Refining and add performance indicator of DPI analysis function (DPI-AnF) in Y.dpireq � ETRI Q17/13 2010-08-25
[ 683 ]
Proposed service scenarios for IPTV over FMC � ETRI Q14/13 2010-08-25
[ 682 ]
Revised Text for service scenarios over FMC (Y.sof) (v0.2) � ETRI Q14/13 2010-08-25
[ 681 ]
Comparisons of capabilities between NGN OSE and NGN SIDE � ETRI Q5/13, Q3/13 2010-08-25
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