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Fixed wireless systems; HF and other systems below 30 MHz in the fixed and land mobile services

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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 515 ]
Proposal on the working document towards draft CPM text on WRC-19 agenda item 1.14 � Germany (Federal Republic of) AI1.14 2018-05-14
[ 514 ]
Proposed revisions towards preliminary draft new Report ITU-R F.[HAPS-SPECTRUM-NEEDS] - Spectrum needs of high altitude platform stations (HAPS) broadband links operating in the fixed service � Germany (Federal Republic of) AI1.14 2018-05-14
[ 513 ]
Proposed edits to "Working document toward draft CPM text on WRC-19 agenda item 1.14" � United Arab Emirates , Egypt (Arab Republic of) 2018-05-14
[ 512 ]
Criteria for the protection of fixed and broadcasting satellite services in studies under WRC-19 agenda items 1.14 and 1.16 � Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of) , United Arab Emirates AI1.16, AI1.14 2018-05-14
[ 511 ]
Determination of PFD limit/mask to protect other services systems for HAPS emission � France , Germany (Federal Republic of) , Slovenia (Republic of) AI1.14 2018-05-14
[ 510 ]
Revision of working document towards preliminary draft CPM text on WRC-19 agenda item 1.14 � France , Slovenia (Republic of) AI1.14 2018-05-14
[ 509 ]
Revision of working document towards preliminary draft new Report ITU-R F.[HAPS-39GHz] - Sharing and compatibility studies of HAPS systems in the 38-39.5 GHz frequency range � France , Slovenia (Republic of) AI1.14 2018-05-14
[ 508 ]
Revision of working document towards preliminary draft new Report ITU-R F.[HAPS-31GHz] - Sharing and compatibility studies of HAPS systems in the 27.9-28.2 GHz and 31.0-31.3 GHz frequency ranges � France , Germany (Federal Republic of) , Slovenia (Republic of) AI1.14 2018-05-14
[ 507 ]
Revision of working document towards preliminary draft new Report ITU-R F.[HAPS-25GHz] - Sharing and compatibility studies of HAPS systems in the 24.25-27.5 GHz frequency range � France , Germany (Federal Republic of) , Slovenia (Republic of) AI1.14 2018-05-14
[ 506 ]
Revision of working document towards preliminary draft new Report ITU-R F.[HAPS-21GH] - Sharing and compatibility studies of HAPS systems in the 21.4-22 GHz frequency range � France , Germany (Federal Republic of) , Slovenia (Republic of) AI1.14 2018-05-14
[ 505 ]
Working document towards preliminary draft new Report ITU-R F.[HAPS-6GHz] - Sharing and compatibility studies of HAPS systems in the 6 440-6 520 MHz and 6 560-6 640 MHz frequency range � France , Germany (Federal Republic of) , Slovenia (Republic of) AI1.14 2018-05-14
[ 504 ]
Revision of preliminary draft new Report ITU-R F.[HAPS-SPECTRUM-NEEDS] � France , Slovenia (Republic of) AI1.14 2018-05-14
[ 503 ]
Revision of preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R F.[BROADBAND HAPS CHARACTERISTICS] - Deployment and technical characteristics of broadband high altitude platform stations in the bands 6 440-6 520 MHz, 6 560-6 640 MHz, 21.4-22.0 GHz, 24.25-27.5 GHz, 27.9-28.2 GHz, 31.0-31.3 GHz, 38.0 39.5 GHz, 47.2-47.5 GHz and 47.9-48.2 GHz to be used in sharing and compatibility studies � France , Slovenia (Republic of) AI1.14 2018-05-14
[ 502 ]
Clarification of the use of ATPC for HAPS systems � France AI1.14 2018-05-14
[ 501 ]
Proposed revisions to preliminary working document toward draft CPM text on WRC-19 agenda item 1.14 � Luxembourg 2018-05-14
[ 500 ]
Interference studies from FSS to HAPS systems in the 24.25-27.5 GHZ and 27.9-28.2 GHz bands � Luxembourg 2018-05-15
[ 499 ]
Sharing study between HAPS grounds stations and ISS NGSO in the band 24.45-24.75 GHz � France 2018-05-14
[ 498 ]
Proposed modifications to working document towards preliminary draft new Report ITU-R F.[HAPS-6GHZ] - Sharing and compatibility studies of HAPS systems in the 6 440-6 520 MHz and 6 560-6 640 MHz frequency ranges � Japan 2018-05-14
[ 497 ]
Proposed revision to Recommendation ITU-R F.1105-3 - Fixed wireless systems for disaster mitigation and relief operations � Japan Q248/5 2018-05-14
[ 496 ]
Proposed revision of working document to the sharing and compatibility studies for HAPS and mobile service (IMT-2020) in the 38-39.5 GHz frequency range � China (People's Republic of) 2018-05-14
[ 495 ]
Proposed modification of working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R F.[BROADBAND HAPS CHARACTERISTICS] - Deployment and technical characteristics of broadband high altitude platform stations in the bands 6 440-6 520 MHz, 6 560-6 640 MHz, 21.4-22.0 GHz, 24.25-27.5 GHz, 27.9-28.2 GHz, 31.0-31.3 GHz, 38.0-39.5 GHz, 47.2-47.5 GHz and 47.9-48.2 GHz... � China (People's Republic of) 2018-05-14
[ 494 ]
Proposed modification of working document toward draft CPM text on WRC19 agenda item 1.14 � China (People's Republic of) AI1.14 2018-05-14
[ 493 ]
Proposed modification of working document on the sharing and compatibility studies for HAPS in the 27.9-28.2 GHz and 31.0-31.3 GHz frequency ranges � China (People's Republic of) 2018-05-14
[ 492 ]
Proposed modification of working document on the sharing and compatibility studies for HAPS and FSS in the 38-39.5 GHz frequency range � China (People's Republic of) 2018-05-14
[ 491 ]
Proposed modifications to [WORKING DOCUMENT TOWARDS A] preliminary draft new Report ITU-R F.[HF ENVIRONMENT] - Working document for improving the HF sky wave electromagnetic environment under the Question 258/5 � China (People's Republic of) 2018-05-14
[ 490 ]
Proposed revisions to working document toward draft CPM text for WRC-19 - Agenda item 1.14 � Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2018-05-14
[ 489 ]
Proposed modification of working documents towards preliminary draft new Report ITU-R F.[HAPS-31GHZ], ITU-R F.[HAPS-25GHZ] and ITU-R F.[HAPS-39GHZ] � Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2018-05-14
[ 488 ]
Comments on Annex 10 to the Working Party 5C Chairman's Report - Working document toward draft CPM text on WRC-19 agenda item 1.14 (Working Parties 5C/4A, Working Party 4C, Working Party 5A, Working Party 5D, Working Party 7B, Working Party 7C, (Working Party 3M), Working Party 7D)) � Iran (Islamic Republic of) AI1.14 2018-05-14
[ 487 ]
Comments on Annex 8 to the Working Party 5C Chairman's Report - Working document toward a preliminary draft revision of Recommendaiton ITU-R F.758-6 - System parameters and considerations in the development of criteria for sharing or compatibility between digital fixed wireless systems in the fixed service and systems in other services and other sources of interference � Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2018-05-14
[ 486 ]
Proposed revisions to "Preliminary working document toward draft CPM text on WRC-19 agenda item 1.14 � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2018-05-14
[ 485 ]
Sharing study between HAPS systems and the fixed satellite service (space-to-Earth) in the 38-39.5 GHz frequency range � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2018-05-14
[ 484 ]
Sharing study between HAPS systems and the fixed satellite service (Earth-to-space) in the 24.25-27.5 GHz frequency range � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2018-05-14
[ 483 ]
Sharing study between IMT-2020 and HAPS in the 24.25-27.5 GHz frequency range � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2018-05-14
[ 482 ]
Proposed revisions to preliminary working document toward draft CPM text on WRC-19 agenda item 1.14 � Australia AI1.14 2018-05-14
[ 481 ]
Proposal to update channel width in traditional microwave bands � Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. 2018-05-14
[ 480 ]
Proposed modifications on working document towards preliminary draft new Report ITU-R F.[HAPS-31 GHZ] - Sharing and compatibility studies of HAPS systems in the 27.9-28.2 GHz and 31.0-31.3 GHz frequency ranges � Korea (Republic of) 2018-05-14
[ 479 ]
Working document towards preliminary draft new Report ITU-R F.[HAPS-31GHz] - Sharing and compatibility studies of HAPS systems in the 27.9-28.2 GHz and 31.0-31.3 GHz frequency ranges � European Space Agency , European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites 2018-05-13
[ 478 ]
Working document towards preliminary draft new Report ITU-R F.[HAPS-25 GHz] - Sharing and compatibility studies of HAPS systems in the 24.25-27.5 GHz frequency range � European Space Agency , European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites 2018-05-13
[ 477 ]
Working document toward preliminary draft new Report ITU-R F.[HAPS-21 GHZ] - Sharing and compatibility studies of HAPS systems in the 21.4-22 GHz frequency range � European Space Agency , European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites 2018-05-13
[ 476 ]
Corrections and comments on Document 4C/410 Annex 18: Working document towards preliminary draft new Report ITU-R F.[HAPS-31GHZ] - Sharing and compatibility studies of HAPS systems in the 27.9-28.2 GHz and 31.0-31.3 GHz frequency range - Agenda item 1.14 � Scientific Committee on Frequency Allocations for Radio Astronomy and Space Science , Committee on Radio Astronomy Frequencies AI1.14 2018-05-13
[ 475 ]
Corrections and comments on Document 4C/410 Annex 16: Working document towards preliminary draft new Report ITU-R F.[HAPS-21GHZ] - Sharing and compatibility studies of HAPS systems in the 21.4-22 GHz frequency range - Agenda item 1.14 � Scientific Committee on Frequency Allocations for Radio Astronomy and Space Science , Committee on Radio Astronomy Frequencies AI1.14 2018-05-13
[ 474 ]
Proposed modifications to the draft CPM text on WRC-19 agenda item 1.14 � Canada AI1.14 2018-05-11
[ 473 ]
Progression of preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R F.[HF-SHARE] - Guidance on technical parameters and methodologies for sharing and compatibility studies related to HF fixed and land mobile services � Canada 2018-05-11
[ 472 ]
Proposed response to Working Party 1A liaison statement for progression of working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R SM.[275-450GHZ_SHARING] - Sharing and compatibility studies between land-mobile, fixed and passive services in the frequency range 275-450 GHz � Canada AI1.15 2018-05-11
[ 471 ]
Proposed modifications to the working document towards preliminary draft new Report ITU-R F.[HAPS-6GHZ]- Sharing and compatibility studies of HAPS systems in the 6 440-6 520 MHz and 6 560-6 640 MHz frequency range � Canada AI1.14 2018-05-11
[ 470 ]
Proposed approach to CPM text for WRC-19 agenda item 1.14 � Senegal (Republic of) , Mali (Republic of) AI1.14 2018-05-11
[ 469 ]
Proposed revisions to "Working document towards preliminary draft new Report ITU-R F.[HAPS-21 GHZ]" - Sharing and compatibility studies of HAPS systems in the 21.4-22 GHz frequency range � Mexico 2018-05-11
[ 468 ]
Proposed revisions to "Working document towards draft CPM text on WRC-19 agenda item 1.14" � Mexico AI1.14 2018-05-11
[ 467 ]
Proposed approach to CPM text for WRC-19 agenda item 1.14 � Nigeria (Federal Republic of) AI1.14 2018-05-11
[ 466 ]
Proposals with regard to revision of Recommentations ITU-R F.758-6 and ITU-R F.1565 - Clarifications about the time base for evaluating the % of time in protection criteria for sharing and compatibility studies � Austria , Croatia (Republic of) , Czech Republic , Germany (Federal Republic of) , Hungary , Italy , Norway , Portugal , Switzerland (Confederation of) 2018-05-11
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