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Land mobile service excluding IMT-2000; amateur and amateur-satellite service

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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 410 ]
Liaison response to PDNR M.[BWA] radio interface standards for Broadband Wireless Access systems, including mobile and nomadic applications, in the mobile service operating below 6 GHz � Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions 238/8, 212-2/8 2006-08-16
[ 409 ]
Broadband wireless access standards in the mobile service � IEEE 238/8, 212/8 2006-08-14
[ 408 ]
Response on radio interface standards for broadband wireless access systems, including mobile and nomadic applications, in the mobile service operating below 6 GHz � MOTOROLA, Inc. , Ericsson , Lucent Technologies , Nokia Corporation , Siemens A.G. , TELECOM ITALIA S.p.A. 2006-08-09
[ 407 ]
Radio interface standards for broadband wireless access systems, including mobile and nomadic applications, in the mobile service operating below 6 GHz � Director, BR 2006-08-07
[ 406 ]
Further reduction of text on 1.13 in the CPM Report � CPM Chapter 5 Rapporteur 2006-08-07
[ 405 ]
Revised draft CPM text for WRC-07 Agenda item 1.13 � CPM Chapter 5 Rapporteur 2006-08-07
[ 404 ]
Liaison statement to ITU-R WP 8A regarding radio interface standards for broadband wireless access systems, including mobile and nomadic applications, in the mobile service operating below 6 GHz � ETSI 2006-07-28
[ 403 ]
Liaison statement to ITU-R WP 8A regarding Recommendation ITU-R M.1450 � ETSI 2006-07-28
[ 402 ]
Liaison statement to WP 6J and copy to WP 8A for information - Spectrum usage and operational characteristics of television outside broadcasting (TVOB), electronic news gathering (ENG) and electronic field production (EFP) � WP 9D 2006-07-28
[ 401 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 7C for action and to Working Parties 6J and 8A for information - Studies relating to Agenda item 1.2 and draft CPM Report text � WP 9D 2006-07-27
[ 400 ]
Liaison statement to WP's 8A and 8B (for information to WP 6E) - The development of a Draft New Report information relating to the fixed and mobile services in the 4-10 MHz band � WP 9C 2006-07-26
[ 399 ]
Liaison statement to WP's 6E, 8A and 8B - Revised Draft CPM text on Agenda item 1.13 � WP 9C 2006-07-26
[ 398 ]
Liaison statement to WP 8A (for information to ITU-T SG 9) - Broadband wireless access systems in the fixed service � WP 9B 2006-07-26
[ 397 ]
Liaison statement to ITU-T Study Group 15, copy to ITU-R Working Parties 8A and 8F - Access network transport standardization (ANTS) plan and work plan � WP 9B 2006-07-26
[ 396 ]
US views and proposed edits to the Land Mobile Handbook - Volume 4 on Intelligent Transport Systems � United States of America 2006-07-25
[ 395 ]
Liaison statement to WP's 6J, 4B, 6E, 7C, 7D, 8A, 8B, 8D, 8F, 9B, JTG 6-8-9 and ITU-T SG9 - System characteristics for use in sharing studies with television outside broadcast (TVOB), electronic news gathering (ENG) and electronic field production (EFP) in the fixed service � WP 9D 2006-07-19
[ 394 ]
Liaison statement to WP's 1A, 1B, 4A, 4-9S, 6E, 6M, 6S, 7B, 7C, 7D, 8A, 8B, 8D and 8F and TG 1/9, and to JTG 6-8-9 - Revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.1336 � WP 9D 2006-07-19
[ 393 ]
Protection of land mobile systems from terrestrial digital video and audio broadcasting systems in the VHF and UHF shared bands; follow up by WP 8A (WP 8F and 6E) � Israel (State of) 1/8 2006-07-06
[ 392 ]
Input for the preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[8A/BWA] � ETSI 2006-06-28
[ 391 ]
Liaison statement to BDT SG 2 Q.18/2 & Working Parties 7C, 8A, 8D and 9B - Use of IMT systems in case of natural disasters � WP 8F 2006-06-29
[ 390 ]
CEPT proposals for CPM on agenda item 1.13 � Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 2006-06-21
[ 389 ]
Draft CPM text on Agenda item 1.15 related to a secondary allocation to the amateur service in the frequency band 135.7-137.8 kHz � International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) 2006-06-16
[ 388 ]
Draft element for CPM text on Agenda item 1.13 related to a spectrum requirement in vicinity of 5 MHz for the amateur service � International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) 2006-06-16
[ 387 ]
Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Preferred frequency bands above 275 GHz for the amateur and amateur-satellite services � International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) 48/8 2006-06-16
[ 386 ]
Liaison statement to external organizations dealing with Recommendation ITU-R M.1457 � WP 8F 2006-06-14
[ 385 ]
ITU-R Study Group 9 Question to be brought to the attention of Working Parties 8A and 8B � BR Study Group Department 2006-05-31
[ 384 ]
Report from the Coordination Group for WRC-07 Agenda item 1.13 to ITU-R Working Parties 6E, 8A, 8B and 9C � Coordinator of the Coord. Group for AI 1.13 2006-05-30
[ 383 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 8A - Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report on AM(R)S sharing feasibility in portions of the 960-1 164 MHz Band � WP 8B 2006-05-01
[ 382 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 8A, 8D and 3K, the International Maritime Organization (IMO), International Association of Maritime Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA), and Comite International Radio-Maritime (CIRM) � WP 8B 2006-05-01
[ 381 ]
Liaison statement to WPs 8A and 9D - Compatibility studies between aeronautical mobile telemetry and other primary radiocommunication services in bands identified as candidates for further study � WP 8B 2006-04-28
[ 380 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 7B and copy to Working Parties 9D and 8A for information - "Proposed draft CPM text for WRC-07" agenda item 1.2 (Resolution 746 (WRC-03), 18 GHz) � WP 4A 2006-04-28
[ 379 ]
Liaison statement to WP 6E (copy to WP 9D and WP 8A) - Proposals on coordination trigger values in relation to preparation for RRC-06 � WP 8B 2006-04-27
[ 378 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 8F, 6E, 8A, 8B and 8D - Frequency-related matters for IMT-2000 and systems beyond IMT-2000 related to WRC-07 agenda item 1.4 � WP 4A 2006-04-20
[ 377 ]
Preliminary WMO position on World Radiocommunication Conference 2007 agenda � WMO 2006-03-22
[ 376 ]
Report of the eighteenth meeting of Working Party 8A (Geneva, 21-30 March 2006) � Chairman, WP 8A 2006-03-31
[ 375 ]
Final List of Participants � Director, BR 2006-03-29
[ 374 ]
Liaison statement to WP 8A - Technical and operational requirement for aircraft stations of aeronautical mobile service limited to transmissions of telemetry for flight testing in the band 5 150-5 250 MHz � WP 8B 2006-03-27
[ 373 ]
Working assumptions regarding the protection criteria for the land mobile service interferred with by DVB-T in the context of RRC-06 planning activities � Director , BR 2006-03-22
[ 372 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 8A - WRC-07 Agenda item 1.11 � WP 6E 2006-03-22
[ 371 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 8A, 8B and 9C - Revised draft CPM text on agenda item 1.13 � WP 6E 2006-03-22
[ 370 ]
Update on several activities in Region 1 � Region 1 Rapporteur 2006-03-21
[ 369 ]
Liaison statement to WP 8A, 8B and 9D - Proposals on coordination trigger values in relation to preparation for RRC-06 � WP 6E 2006-03-20
[ 368 ]
List of documents issued � BR Study Group Department 2006-03-20
[ 367 ]
Region 2 Activities � Liaison Rapporteur for Region 2 2006-03-17
[ 366 ]
Response to Liaison statement to external organisations on request for input on broadband wireless access standards in the mobile service � Director, BR 212/8 2006-03-16
[ 365 ]
Liaison statement to WPs 4B, 6E, 7C, 7D, 8A, 8D, 8F, 9B, 9D, JTG 6-8-9 and ITU-T SG 9 - Spectrum usage and operational characteristics of terrestrial electronic news gathering systems (ENG), television outside broadcast (TVOB) and electronic field production (EFP) � WP 6J 2006-03-16
[ 364 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 8A - Coordination of preliminary draft new Report on software defined radio � WP 8D 2006-03-15
[ 363 ]
Disaster-relief communications � Chairman, WP 8A 209/8 2006-03-15
[ 362 ]
Broadband wireless access standards in the mobile service � Ericsson, Lucent Technologies, Motorola Inc.,... 2006-03-14
[ 361 ]
Proposed revision to Recommendation ITU-R M.1450 � Institute of electrical and electronics engineers 2006-03-14
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