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UIT-T�SG15� C�


Transport network structures

P�riode d'�tudes 2009

Resultats:2390 documents
R�sultats :� Pr�c�dent�-� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 35 - 36 - 37 - 38 - 39 - 40 - 41 - 42 - 43 - 44 - 45 - 46 - 47 - 48 �-�Suivant Next
Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 940 ]
PMDC implementation examples for inclusion into appendix II of G.666 � Alcatel-Lucent Q7/15 2010-05-19
[ 939 ]
Time Synchronization Telecom Profiles � Ericsson Q13/15 2010-05-19
[ 938 ]
Comments on the terms and definitions in G.8010 � Hitachi Q12/15 2010-05-18
[ 937 ]
Comments on the EVPRM service types in G.8011.4 � Hitachi Q10/15 2010-05-18
[ 936 ]
Comments on multipoint connectivity support in G.ptneq � Hitachi Q9/15 2010-05-18
[ 935 ]
Comments and text proposal on the layer stack model in G.ptneq � Hitachi Q9/15 2010-05-18
[ 934 ]
Comments on the progress of G.tpoam � Hitachi Q10/15 2010-05-18
[ 933 ]
Proposal of additional text for clause 6.4 of G.ptneq � Hitachi Q9/15 2010-05-18
[ 932 ]
Proposal for the hierarchical EVPRM architecture in G.8011.4 � Hitachi Q10/15 2010-05-18
[ 931 ]
Proposed update of Clause 8 in Y.1731 � Fujitsu Q10/15 2010-05-18
[ 930 ]
Proposed modification of UPI code in G.7041 MPLS frame mapping � Fujitsu Q11/15 2010-05-18
[ 929 ]
Proposal of updating Srv/ETH adaptation function in G.8021 � Fujitsu Q9/15 2010-05-18
[ 928 ]
Comments and proposed modification on CD00 for GMP processor � Fujitsu Q9/15 2010-05-18
[ 927 ]
Consideration on Node ID and structuring its map for G.873.2 � Fujitsu Q9/15 2010-05-18
[ 926 ]
Comments on revised G.8110.1 � Fujitsu Q12/15 2010-05-18
[ 925 ]
Proposed modifications on MPLS-TP SCN in G.7712 � Fujitsu Q9/15, Q14/15 2010-05-18
[ 924 ]
Consideration on progressing ETH-SLM/SLR/1SL � Fujitsu Q9/15, Q10/15 2010-05-18
[ 923 ]
Proposal for a new Supplement regarding optical interface specifications for overclocked signals � Deutsche Telekom , NTT Q6/15, Q11/15 2010-05-18
[ 922 ]
Proposal to initiate a new recommendation "Configuration Management for IP home network" based on G.9971 � NTT Q4/15, Q1/15 2010-05-18
[ 921 ]
Outline of a proposed new recommendation, Configuration Management for IP home network � NTT Q4/15, Q1/15 2010-05-18
[ 920 ]
Information of optical fibre identification technology in Japan for appendix of L.ofid � NTT Q17/15 2010-05-18
[ 919 ]
Proposal on draft text of Appendix II of L.pon � NTT Q18/15 2010-05-18
[ 918 ]
Proposal on draft text of modified Appendix I of G.657 � NTT , CPLAJ Q5/15, Q16/15 2010-05-18
[ 917 ]
Information on failure characteristics under ultra-small bending � NTT Q5/15, Q16/15 2010-05-18
[ 916 ]
Additional information on uniformity measurement, and proposed draft text of Appendix II of G.650.1 � NTT Q5/15 2010-05-18
[ 915 ]
Comments on the proposed revisions for G.650.1 � NTT , CLPAJ Q5/15 2010-05-18
[ 914 ]
A shared mesh protection switching mechanism � ETRI Q9/15 2010-05-18
[ 913 ]
A proposal of a shared mesh protection architecture in G.gsmp � ETRI Q9/15 2010-05-18
[ 912 ]
Comments on the G.808.1 � ETRI Q9/15 2010-05-18
[ 911 ]
Addition of examples of APS protocol operation on multiple failures in the next version of G.808.1 � ETRI Q9/15 2010-05-18
[ 910 ]
Support for G.sdapp � KT , ETRI Q6/15 2010-05-18
[ 909 ]
Seed signal power in seeded DWDM applications � ETRI Q6/15 2010-05-18
[ 908 ]
Proposed Frequency Grid Specification for G.sdapp � LG-Nortel Q6/15 2010-05-18
[ 907 ]
Proposed Seed Source Power Spectral Density Specification for G.sdapp � LG-Nortel Q6/15 2010-05-18
[ 906 ]
Proposed Baseline Text for G.sdapp � LG-Nortel Q6/15 2010-05-18
[ 905 ]
Telecom Slave - State Machine Operations � Huawei Q13/15 2010-05-18
[ 904 ]
G.827x Recommendations - High-Level Objectives � Huawei , CATR , MII Q13/15 2010-05-18
[ 903 ]
Pulse-Per-Second Interface � Huawei , CATR , China Mobile Communications Corporation , MII Q13/15 2010-05-18
[ 902 ]
PTP Profile Data Set Members � Huawei Q13/15 2010-05-18
[ 901 ]
G.8264 ESMC Processing for G.8011.x Ethernet Services Types � Huawei Q13/15, Q10/15 2010-05-18
[ 900 ]
Comments and Editorial Remarks for G.8265.1 � Huawei Q13/15, Q10/15 2010-05-18
[ 899 ]
Updated Telecom Slave Model � Huawei , France T�l�com Q13/15 2010-05-18
[ 898 ]
Flag Fields � Huawei Q13/15 2010-05-18
[ 897 ]
Test Results of IEEE1588v2 hop-by-hop time synchronization using Boundary Clocks � Huawei , China Mobile Communications Corporation Q13/15 2010-05-18
[ 896 ]
The use of SyncE and IEEE1588v2 for Time Distribution � Huawei , China Mobile Communications Corporation Q13/15 2010-05-18
[ 895 ]
ESMC Transport over GPON � Huawei , BT Q2/15, Q13/15 2010-05-18
[ 894 ]
G.8264 Amendment: editorial comments regarding the use of physical methods to deliver timing in a multi-operator context � Huawei , France T�l�com Q13/15 2010-05-18
[ 893 ]
Usage of PTP domain number for the time-profile � Huawei Q13/15 2010-05-18
[ 892 ]
Proposed text modifications to the delay measurement process in G.8021 � NEC Corporation Q9/15 2010-05-18
[ 891 ]
Proposed text for ETH group functions in G.8021 � NEC Corporation Q9/15 2010-05-18
Resultats:2390 documents
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