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UIT-T�SG 15� C�


Networks, Technologies and Infrastructures for Transport, Access and Home

Periodo de estudios 2013

Resultados :2210 documentos
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Contribuciones��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 1111 ]
Comment on Inter-OLT duplex modes of type B protection in G.989.1Amd1 � FiberHome Technologies Group Q2/15 2014-11-11
[ 1110 ]
G.9700 Out of band noise requirements � British Telecommunications Public Ltd. Co. (BT Plc) Q4/15 2014-11-11
[ 1109 ]
Comment on Intra-OLT duplex modes of type B protection in G.989.1Amd1 � FiberHome Technologies Group Q2/15 2014-11-11
[ 1108 ]
G.VDSL: Immunity of VDSL2 to out of band interference from G.fast � British Telecommunications Public Ltd. Co. (BT Plc) Q4/15 2014-11-11
[ 1107 ]
G.8275.1 & G.8275.2 : Mapping between ClockClass and Quality level � ADVA Optical Networking Q13/15 2014-11-11
[ 1106 ]
G.8275.2: Requirement for an Accurate T3 Value � ADVA Optical Networking , Calnex Solutions Limited Q13/15 2014-11-11
[ 1105 ]
G.8275.2 : A-BMCA � ADVA Optical Networking Q13/15 2014-11-11
[ 1103 ]
G.8272: PRTC Testing using GNSS Simulators � Calnex Solutions Limited Q13/15 2014-11-11
[ 1102 ]
8271.2 : HRM & PDV Network Limits for Partial Timing Support � ADVA Optical Networking Q13/15 2014-11-11
[ 1101 ]
G.hn: Unloaded Supported sub-carriers LFSR seeds � Marvell Semiconductor Inc. Q18/15 2014-11-11
[ 1100 ]
Filter Architectures for wavelength-filtered ODN � ADVA Optical Networking , Coriant GmbH & Co. KG Q2/15 2014-11-11
[ 1099 ]
G.hs, G.fast: Handshake tones for G.fast � British Telecommunications Public Ltd. Co. (BT Plc) Q4/15 2014-11-11
[ 1098 ]
G.989.3 CT resilience and PtP ONU silent start � Vodafone Group Services Ltd. Q2/15 2014-11-11
[ 1097 ]
G.hn: Alignment of G.9963 to the latest changes in G.9961 � Marvell Semiconductor Inc. Q18/15 2014-11-11
[ 1096 ]
G.hn: Update of the versioning and capabilities exchange mechanism � Marvell Semiconductor Inc. Q18/15 2014-11-11
[ 1095 ]
G.9979 homework 2: Test vectors � Marvell Semiconductor Inc. Q18/15 2014-11-11
[ 1094 ]
G.9979 LCC homework 1 � Marvell Semiconductor Inc. Q18/15 2014-11-11
[ 1093 ]
Request to consent OTUCn/ODUCn specification �
No file provided
Deutsche Telekom AG Standardization Q11/15 2014-11-11
[ 1092 ]
Proposal for simplified B100G interfaces of packet switches �
No file provided
Deutsche Telekom AG Standardization Q11/15 2014-11-11
[ 1091 ]
Proposed Annex A of Rec. A.1 for optical fibre cables for direct surface application with its Draft ITU-T Recommendation � Global Plan Inc. Q16/15 2014-11-11
[ 1090 ]
Withdrawn �
Duplicate of C-1091
N/A (no se aplica) � 2014-11-11
[ 1089 ]
FEC for B100G IrDI � Applied Micro Circuits Corporation (AMCC) Q11/15 2014-11-11
[ 1088 ]
Transparent transport for PtP WDM to meet mobile fronthaul jitter requirements � ADVA Optical Networking , Coriant GmbH & Co. KG Q2/15 2014-11-11
[ 1087 ]
Performance monitoring, supervision and defects management for PtP WDM � ADVA Optical Networking , Coriant GmbH & Co. KG Q2/15 2014-11-11
[ 1086 ]
Wavelength refreshing for PtP WDM � ADVA Optical Networking , Coriant GmbH & Co. KG Q2/15 2014-11-11
[ 1085 ]
G.989.3 PSBu Preamble Lengths � Vodafone Group Services Ltd. Q2/15 2014-11-11
[ 1084 ]
Preliminary results on MPI measurements on commercial bend insensitive fibres and patch cords and considerations related to practical applications in the network � Telecom Italia S.p.A. Q7/15, Q6/15, Q5/15 2014-11-11
[ 1083 ]
Reduced-Power-Budget Classes for NG-PON2 for filtered ODN � ADVA Optical Networking , Coriant GmbH & Co. KG Q2/15 2014-11-11
[ 1082 ]
Simulations on reliability of unidirectional OTDR acceptance limits for splices � Telecom Italia S.p.A. Q5/15 2014-11-11
[ 1081 ]
Discussion on specifying pilot tone related parameters at reference point SS � ADVA Optical Networking , China Mobile Communications Corporation , China Unicom , Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q6/15 2014-11-11
[ 1080 ]
Proposal for proceeding with the revision on G.697 � China Mobile Communications Corporation , Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q6/15 2014-11-11
[ 1079 ]
Considerations on control information communications from HEE to TEE � China Unicom , Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q6/15 2014-11-11
[ 1078 ]
G.8262: Option II Wander Transfer � Calnex Solutions Limited Q13/15 2014-11-11
[ 1077 ]
Clarification regarding G.8121 series Study Point 12 � Cisco Systems, Inc. Q14/15, Q10/15 2014-11-11
[ 1076 ]
Thoughts on the separation of resource database from control components � Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q14/15, Q12/15 2014-11-11
[ 1075 ]
Correction to G.8260, Figure 9 � Calnex Solutions Limited , China Unicom Q13/15 2014-11-11
[ 1074 ]
Clarifications for G.8121 series Study Point 10 � Cisco Systems, Inc. Q14/15, Q10/15 2014-11-11
[ 1073 ]
Appendix to Recommendation ITU-T L.64, "Central Office and Data Centre Experience: Physical Layer Management system for the management of connectivity within a telecommunications network" � Tyco Electronics Raychem bvba Q17/15, Q16/15 2014-11-11
[ 1072 ]
Editorial Issues in Gsup.ethpm � Cisco Systems, Inc. Q14/15, Q10/15 2014-11-11
[ 1071 ]
Additional content for Gsup.ethpm � Cisco Systems, Inc. Q14/15, Q10/15 2014-11-11
[ 1070 ]
Structure of Gsup.ethpm � Cisco Systems, Inc. Q14/15, Q10/15 2014-11-11
[ 1069 ]
Clarifications on Expected Defects in G.8021 � Cisco Systems, Inc. Q10/15 2014-11-11
[ 1068 ]
Clarifications on Bandwidth Notifications in G.8021 � Cisco Systems, Inc. Q10/15 2014-11-11
[ 1067 ]
Editorial corrections in G.8013 clause 2 � Cisco Systems, Inc. Q10/15 2014-11-11
[ 1066 ]
Use of MCC for EDM PDUs � Cisco Systems, Inc. Q10/15 2014-11-11
[ 1065 ]
Adding reference to MEF46 in G.8013 � Cisco Systems, Inc. Q10/15 2014-11-11
[ 1064 ]
Status of references to MEF IAs in G.8011 � Cisco Systems, Inc. Q10/15 2014-11-11
[ 1063 ]
G8266:T-GM Scope Defintion � Orange Q13/15 2014-11-11
[ 1062 ]
Considerations about Terminology in G.mdsp � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) , Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. , Telecom Italia S.p.A. Q9/15 2014-11-11
[ 1061 ]
Considerations about Network Objectives in G.mdsp � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) , Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. , Telecom Italia S.p.A. Q9/15 2014-11-11
Resultados :2210 documentos
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