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Study Period 2017

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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 129 ]
Proposal for the 4th draft of X.salcm � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q3/17, Q2/17 2017-08-14
[ 128 ]
Proposal for guidelines in case of compromising of trust anchor private key � Autorit� de R�gulation de la Poste et des T�l�communications (A Q11/17 2017-08-14
[ 127 ]
Proposal for the revised text for ITU-T X.samtn, Security assessment techniques in telecommunication/ICT networks � Korea (Rep. of) Q4/17 2017-08-14
[ 126 ]
Proposed text of V2ND communication systems on draft Recommendation text for ITU-T X.itssec-2 � Korea (Rep. of) Q13/17 2017-08-14
[ 125 ]
Proposal for an additional use case of the smart metering services � Korea (Rep. of) Q6/17 2017-08-14
[ 124 ]
Proposal for a new work item, "Technical Framework for Intrusion Detection System on In-Vehicle Systems" � Korea (Rep. of) Q13/17 2017-08-14
[ 123 ]
Proposal for the revised text for draft Recommendation ITU-T X.sgsm, Code of practice for Information security controls based on ITU-T X.1051 for small and medium-sized telecommunications organization � Korea (Rep. of) Q3/17 2017-08-14
[ 122 ]
Proposal for a new work item on "Security threats and requirements of digital payment services based on distributed ledger technology" � Korea (Rep. of) QALL/17, Q7/17 2017-08-14
[ 121 ]
Proposal for the 1st revised text for X.ucstix, Use Cases for Structured Threat Information Expression (STIX) � Korea (Rep. of) Q4/17 2017-08-14
[ 120 ]
Proposal for a new work item on "Security requirements for vehicle accessible external devices" � Korea (Rep. of) Q13/17 2017-08-14
[ 119 ]
Proposal for the 2nd revised text for draft Recommendation X.fdip : Framework of de-identification processing service for telecommunication service providers � Korea (Rep. of) Q7/17 2017-08-14
[ 118 ]
Proposal for the 6th revised text for ITU-T X.sgsec-2, Security guideline for home area network (HAN) devices in smart grid systems � Korea (Rep. of) Q6/17 2017-08-14
[ 117 ]
Proposal for the 2nd revised text for draft recommendation ITU-T Tele-biometric authentication using bio-signals � Korea (Rep. of) Q9/17 2017-08-14
[ 116 ]
Proposal for a new work item on "Security assurance for Distributed Ledger Technology" � Korea (Rep. of) Q7/17 2017-08-14
[ 115 ]
Proposed way forward to revise ITU-T X.1254, entity authentication assurance framework � Korea (Rep. of) Q10/17 2017-08-14
[ 114 ]
Proposal for the 5th revised text for ITU-T X.iotsec-2, security framework for Internet of Things � Korea (Rep. of) Q6/17 2017-08-14
[ 113 ]
Proposal for the 3rd revised text for X.gcspi - Supplement to ITU-T X.1242 (X.gcspi), Guidelines on countermeasures against short message service (SMS) phishing and smishing attack � Korea (Rep. of) Q5/17 2017-08-14
[ 112 ]
Proposal for 6th revised text for ITU-T X.sup-gpim, Code of practice for personally identifiable information protection based on ITU-T X.1058 for telecommunications organizations � Korea (Rep. of) Q3/17 2017-08-14
[ 111 ]
Proposal for a new work item: Security Guideline for Visual Surveillance Services � Korea (Rep. of) Q6/17 2017-08-14
[ 110 ]
Proposal for the 2nd revised text for draft Recommendation X.hakm : Guidelines on hybrid authentication and key management mechanisms in client-server model � Korea (Rep. of) Q7/17 2017-08-14
[ 109 ]
Proposal for a new work item on "Security threats to online voting using distributed ledger technology" � Korea (Rep. of) Q7/17 2017-08-14
[ 108 ]
Withdrawn due to duplication with C83 � N/A � 2017-08-14
[ 107 ]
New WI proposal: The security requirements and framework of using identity-based cryptography mechanisms in Internet of Things � China Telecommunications Corporation , Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. , ZTE Corporation Q6/17 2017-08-14
[ 106 ]
Proposed draft of 2nd edition of Rec. ITU-T X.1080.1, e-Health and world-wide telemedicines - Generic telecommunication protocol � Danish Energy Agency Q9/17 2017-08-12
[ 105 ]
The smart grid requirements on public-key infrastructure (PKI) � Danish Energy Agency Q11/17, Q10/17 2017-08-10
[ 104 ]
ITU-T Rec. Z.151 (10/2012) User Requirements Notation (URN) - Language definition � Canada Q12/17 2017-08-09
[ 103 ]
Reassignment of object identifiers for the ITU-T 1080-series of Recommendations � Danish Energy Agency Q9/17 2017-08-08
[ 102 ]
Proposed edits and comments for X.sgsec-2 � National Institute of Information and Communications Technology Q6/17 2017-08-07
[ 101 ]
Proposal for new part to the ITU-T X.500 Series of Recommendation: Protocol specifications for public-key infrastructure and privilege management infrastructure � Danish Energy Agency Q11/17, Q10/17 2017-08-03
[ 100 ]
First draft amendment to Rec. ITU-T X.509(2016) | ISO/IEC 9594-8 (2017) � Danish Energy Agency Q11/17, Q10/17 2017-08-03
[ 99 ]
Proposal for new work item on "Security guidelines of lifecycle management for telecom Big Data" � China Mobile Communications Corporation , China Unicom Q8/17 2017-08-03
[ 98 ]
Withdrawn � N/A � 2017-08-03
[ 97 ]
Proposal for new work item on "Security services based on Distributed Ledger Technology" � China Mobile Communications Corporation , China Unicom , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) , ZTE Corporation Q7/17, Q4/17, Q2/17, Q10/17 2017-08-03
[ 96 ]
Proposal for new work item on "Security Guideline of Distributed Ledger Technology" � China Mobile Communications Corporation , China Unicom , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) , ZTE Corporation Q7/17, Q4/17, Q2/17, Q10/17 2017-08-03
[ 95 ]
New WI proposal: Guidelines for countering instant messaging spam � China , China Telecommunications Corporation , ZTE Corporation Q5/17 2017-08-02
[ 94 ]
Proposed editorial revision of X.sgmvno � China Telecommunications Corporation Q2/17 2017-08-02
[ 93 ]
Protection of personal data and cybersecurity � Minist�re des Postes et des T�l�communications Q4/17, Q3/17 2017-07-28
[ 92 ]
International strategy for better coordination of telecom and ICT security � Dem. Rep. of the Congo Q1/17 2017-07-21
[ 91 ]
Status of cybersecurity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo � Dem. Rep. of the Congo Q4/17 2017-07-20
[ 90 ]
Withdrawn due to duplication � N/A � 2017-07-18
[ 89 ]
The Internet of Things from the standpoint of consumer and privacy protection and data and user security � Central African Rep. , Minist�re des Postes et T�l�communications, charg� de la Promot Q6/17 2017-07-18
[ 88 ]
Government policy of the Republic of Guinea on cyber security � Guinea Q4/17 2017-07-14
[ 87 ]
Security Audit Methods in Telecoms/ICT Network in Cameroon � Minist�re des Postes et T�l�communications Q3/17, Q2/17 2017-07-13
[ 86 ]
Security Assessment in Telecommunications /ICT Networks : The Case of Cameroon � Agence de R�gulation des T�l�communications (ART) , Minist�re des Postes et T�l�communications Q3/17 2017-07-13
[ 85 ]
Connected things vulnerabilities analysis � Minist�re des Postes et des T�l�communications Q6/17 2017-07-11
[ 84 ]
RISK OF DIGITAL SECURITY IN THE ERA OF THE DIGITAL ECONOMY IN BENIN � Minist�re de l'Economie Num�rique et de la Communication QALL/17, Q4/17 2017-06-29
[ 83 ]
Proposal for a new Question on Security Aspects for Distributed Ledger Technologies � Korea (Rep. of) QALL/17 2017-06-27
[ 82 ]
Cybersecurity Insurance � Minist�re du D�veloppement de l'Economie num�rique et des Postes Q4/17 2017-06-22
[ 81 ]
Security Assessment in Telecommunication/ICT Networks - Neural network based Techniques for effective identification of Software security vulnerabilities � Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Department of Telecommunications (India) Q6/17 2017-03-10
[ 80 ]
Proposal for a new work item on: Integrated IDS as a Service (I-IDSaaS) � Iran University of Science & Technology Q8/17 2017-03-09
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