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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : WTSA24 : R�union�2024-10-15�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�WTSA24� TD�(2024-10-15)�


Assembl�e mondiale de la normalisation des t�l�communications (AMNT-24)

P�riode d'�tudes 2022

R�union� du 2024-10-15 au 2024-10-24

Lieu : Inde [New Dehli]

Autres r�unions : [ 2024-10-15 ]�

Resultats:140 documents
R�sultats :� Pr�c�dent�-� 1 - 2 - 3
Documents Temporaires �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source Destinataires Date
[ 40-GEN ]
Draft revised Resolution 18 - Principles and procedures for the allocation of work to, and strengthening coordination and cooperation among, the ITU Radiocommunication, ITU Telecommunication Standardization and ITU Telecommunication Development Sectors � WG3A COM3 2024-10-17
[ 39-GEN ]
Draft revised Resolution 100 - A common emergency number for Africa � WG4A COM4 2024-10-17
[ 38-GEN ]
Draft revised Resolution 11 - Collaboration with the Postal Operations Council of the Universal Postal Union in the study of services concerning both the postal and the telecommunication sectors � WG3A COM3 2024-10-17
[ 37-GEN ]
Draft revised Resolution 60 - Responding to the challenges of the evolution of the identification/numbering system and its convergence with Internet Protocol-based systems/networks � ADHOC WG4A 2024-10-17
[ 36-GEN ]
Draft Report of Ad hoc on Resolution 60 - Responding to the challenges of the evolution of the identification/numbering system and its convergence with Internet Protocol-based systems/networks � ADHOC WG4A 2024-10-17
[ 35-GEN ]
Draft report of the second meeting of Working Group 3A � WG3A COM3 2024-10-17
[ 34-GEN ]
Draft report of the third meeting of Working Group3B � WG3B COM3 2024-10-16
[ 33-GEN ]
Draft report of the second meeting of Working Group 3B � WG3B COM3 2024-10-16
[ 32-GEN ]
Draft revised Resolution 43 - Regional preparations for world telecommunication standardization assemblies � WG3A COM3 2024-10-16
[ 31-GEN ]
Draft report of the second meeting of Committee 3 � COM3 COM3 2024-10-16
[ 30-GEN ]
Draft report of the third meeting of Working Group 4A (WG4A) � WG4A WG4A 2024-10-16
[ 29-GEN ]
Draft report of the second meeting of Working Group 4A (WG4A) � WG4A WG4A 2024-10-16
[ 28-GEN ]
Draft report of the third meeting of Committee 4 (COM4) � COM4 COM4 2024-10-16
[ 27-GEN ]
Draft report of the second meeting of Committee 4 (COM4) � COM4 COM4 2024-10-16
[ 26-GEN ]
Terms of reference and working methods of Committee 5 � COM5 COM5 2024-10-13
[ 25-GEN ]
Draft report of the first meeting of Committee 5 � COM5 2024-09-27
[ 24-GEN ]
Draft report of the first and second meeting of Working Group 4B (WG4B) � WG4B COM4 2024-09-27
[ 23-GEN ]
Draft report of the first meeting of Working Group 4A (WG4A) � WG4A WG4A 2024-09-27
[ 22-GEN ]
Draft report of the first meeting of Committee 4 (COM4) � COM4 COM4 2024-09-27
[ 21-GEN ]
Draft report of the first meeting of Working Group 3B � WG3B COM3 2024-09-27
[ 20-GEN ]
Draft report of the first meeting of Working Group 3A � WG3A WG3A 2024-09-27
[ 19-GEN ]
Draft report of the first meeting of Committee 3 � COM3 COM3 2024-09-27
[ 18-GEN ]
Draft report of the first meeting of Committee 2 � COM2 PLEN 2024-09-27
[ 17-GEN ]
Expenses estimate of the World telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA-24) � COM2 PLEN 2024-09-27
[ 16-GEN ]
Estimate of the expenses of the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA-24) as at 22 October 2024 � COM2 PLEN 2024-09-27
[ 15-GEN ]
Financial responsibilities of conferences � Chair, COM2 PLEN 2024-09-27
[ 14-GEN ]
General agenda of the meetings of Working Group 4B (WG4B) � WG4B WG4B 2024-09-27
[ 13-GEN ]
General agenda of the meetings of Working Group 4A (WG4A) � WG4A WG4A 2024-09-27
[ 12-GEN ]
General agenda of the meetings of Working Group 3B (WG3B) � WG3B WG3B 2024-09-27
[ 11-GEN ]
General agenda of the meetings of Working Group 3A (WG3A) � WG3A WG3A 2024-09-27
[ 10-GEN ]
General agenda of the meetings of Committee 4 (Work programme and organization) � COM4 COM4 2024-09-27
[ 9-GEN ]
General agenda of the meetings of Committee 3 (Working Methods of ITU-T) � COM3 PLEN 2024-09-27
[ 8-GEN ]
General agenda of the meetings of Committee 2 (Budget control) �
Not used
COM2 PLEN 2024-09-27
[ 7-GEN ]
Presentations of the TSB Director and Study Group Chairs � TSB PLEN 2024-09-27
[ 6-GEN ]
Secretariat for plenary, committees and working groups (New Delhi, India, 15-24 October 2024) � Director TSB PLEN 2024-09-27
[ 5-GEN ]
Chair/Vice-chairs of the Assembly, Committees and Working Groups (New Delhi, India, 15-24 October 2024) � Chair, WTSA-24 PLEN 2024-09-27
[ 4-GEN ]
(Draft) Structure of the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (New Delhi, India, 15-24 October 2024) � Director TSB PLEN 2024-09-27
[ 3-GEN ]
(Draft) List of contributions/proposals and allocation of documents to Committees and Working Groups of the Committees � TSB PLEN 2024-09-27
[ 2-GEN ]
List of participants � TSB 2024-09-27
[ 1-GEN ]
WTSA-24 time management plan (New Delhi, 15 - 24 October 2024) � TSB Director PLEN 2024-09-24
Resultats:140 documents
R�sultats :� Pr�c�dent�-� 1 - 2 - 3
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