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UIT-T�SG20� C�(2024-07-01)�


IoT and smart cities

P�riode d'�tudes 2022

R�union� du 2024-07-01 au 2024-07-12

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2023-09-132023-01-302022-07-18

Resultats:158 documents
R�sultats :� Pr�c�dent�-� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 �-�Suivant Next
Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 424 ]
Y.IoT-CONV-fr on "Convergence framework for enhancement of service intelligence based on Internet of Things", proposed modification in relation to procedures � Korea (Rep. of) Q3/20 2024-06-17
[ 423 ]
Proposed new work item on Y.dt-PAF - "Requirements and capabilities of a digital twin for pedestrian accessibility facilities for persons with disabilities" � Korea (Rep. of) Q2/20 2024-06-17
[ 422 ]
Y.ACC-ASM on "Requirements and capabilities of accessible service management using user accessibility preference profile for IoT services", proposed base text � Korea (Rep. of) Q2/20 2024-06-17
[ 421 ]
Y.CL-EDM on "Energy data model for city-level energy management platform", proposed updates for draft Recommendation � Korea (Rep. of) Q4/20 2024-06-17
[ 420 ]
Proposed new work item on Y.dtm-ifmodel - "Interface model for the metaverse based on digital twins enabling integration of virtual and physical worlds" � Korea (Rep. of) Q1/20 2024-06-17
[ 419 ]
Y.4463-rev on "Framework of delegation service for Internet of things devices", proposed editorial modifications for Consent � Korea (Rep. of) Q4/20 2024-06-17
[ 418 ]
Y.DRI-arch on "Reference architecture for autonomous urban delivery robots interworking", Propose editorial modification for Determination � Korea (Rep. of) Q1/20 2024-06-17
[ 417 ]
Proposed new work item on Y.dtm-refm - "Reference model for the metaverse based on digital twins enabling integration of virtual and physical worlds" � Korea (Rep. of) Q1/20 2024-06-17
[ 416 ]
Proposed new work item on Y.dtm-reqts - "Requirements for the metaverse based on digital twins enabling integration of virtual and physical worlds" � Korea (Rep. of) Q1/20 2024-06-17
[ 415 ]
Proposed new work item on revision of Y.4417 - "Framework of self-organization networking in Internet of things environments" � Korea (Rep. of) Q3/20 2024-06-17
[ 414 ]
Proposal to initiate a new work item on"Requirements and framework of IoT-based distributed energy resources management and control services" � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) , State Grid Corporation of China Q2/20 2024-06-17
[ 413 ]
Propose to initiate a new work item on "Functional architecture of IoT based underground smart parking lots" � Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (China) , China Mobile Communications Co. Ltd. , China Tower Corporation Limited , China Unicom Q3/20 2024-06-17
[ 412 ]
Y.IoT-SFFS on "Requirements and reference functional model of IoT-based smart forest firefighting system": Proposed editorial modification for Determination � China Unicom , Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co. Ltd. (China) , Zhejiang University (China) Q2/20 2024-06-17
[ 411 ]
ITU-T Y.IoT-SQMS "Requirements and functional architecture of IoT sensing quality management service": proposed update clause 10 and for consent � China Mobile Communications Co. Ltd. Q3/20 2024-06-17
[ 410 ]
Proposal to initiate a new work item on "Architecture of Digital Twin System in Power Grid" � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) , State Grid Corporation of China Q3/20 2024-06-17
[ 409 ]
New: Proposal for a new work item Y.DPSM "Requirements and framework of data processing for smart manufacturing with Artificial Intelligence of Things" � China Information Communication Technologies Group , China Telecommunications Corporation , China Unicom , Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications (China) , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) Q4/20 2024-06-17
[ 408 ]
New: Y.SC-DESMS: Proposed new work item on "Functional architecture of IoT-based distributed energy storage management system in smart cities" � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) , State Grid Corporation of China Q3/20 2024-06-17
[ 407 ]
Proposed updated baseline text of Y.Sup.VFS � China Mobile Communications Co. Ltd. , Tsinghua University (China) Q3/20 2024-06-17
[ 406 ]
Proposed text to update clause 7 of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.SFPP "Reference framework for the smart farmland production platform" � China Telecommunications Corporation , China Unicom Q3/20 2024-06-17
[ 405 ]
Proposed new work item on "Reliability evaluation frameworks of IoT-based sensing network in power grid" � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (China) , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) , State Grid Corporation of China Q7/20 2024-06-17
[ 404 ]
Proposal for new supplement ITU-T Y.Sup-SCC-AI "Requirements and reference framework of smart cities and communities supportied by AI" � China Information Communication Technologies Group , China Telecommunications Corporation , China Unicom Q2/20 2024-06-17
[ 403 ]
Y.smart-PBRS Proposed text to update draft � China Mobile Communications Co. Ltd. Q3/20 2024-06-17
[ 402 ]
New: IoT-ESSB: Proposal for new work item "Functional architecture of IoT-based energy-saving service for smart buildings" � China Telecommunications Corporation , China Unicom , Zhejiang Lab (China) Q3/20 2024-06-17
[ 401 ]
Proposed new work item on "Functional architecture of engineering vehicles operation management platform for smart open-pit mining" � China Mobile Communications Co. Ltd. , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) , Tsinghua University (China) Q3/20 2024-06-17
[ 400 ]
New: Y.IoT-Varch: Proposed a new work item on "Functional architecture of the IoT for vision system" � China Telecommunications Corporation , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) , Zhejiang Lab (China) Q3/20 2024-06-17
[ 399 ]
Proposed new work item on "Management framework of IoT based vehicle-road-cloud coordination" � China Mobile Communications Co. Ltd. , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) , Tsinghua University (China) Q3/20 2024-06-17
[ 398 ]
Proposal to initiate a new work item on"Functional Architecture of the Electric Power Work Site Management System" � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) , State Grid Corporation of China Q3/20 2024-06-17
[ 396 ]
Proposed new work item on "Security requirements for IoT based smart retail stores" � China Mobile Communications Co. Ltd. Q6/20 2024-06-17
[ 395 ]
Proposed new work item on Y.mds-dpm "Requirements of Metaverse-based drill simulation for disaster prevention and mitigation of electric power facilities" � China Information Communication Technologies Group , State Grid Corporation of China Q3/20 2024-06-17
[ 394 ]
Y.PGComNet-Reqts "Requirements of IoT-based power grid communication network": proposed update of clause 7.8 and Appendix ? � State Grid Corporation of China Q2/20 2024-06-17
[ 393 ]
ITU-T Y.cii (ex Y.rrm-data)"Requirements and reference model of IoT related data from city infrastructure", proposal of clause 8 � China Information Communication Technologies Group Q4/20 2024-06-17
[ 392 ]
Y.Highway-KPI "Key performance indicators of ICT based highway traffic safety assessment", revising Clause 6 and adding an appendix � China Information Communication Technologies Group Q7/20 2024-06-17
[ 391 ]
New: Y. SCGMS: Proposed new work item:"Requirements and capabilities of IoT-based smart crop growth monitoring system" � China Telecommunications Corporation , China Unicom , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) Q2/20 2024-06-17
[ 390 ]
New: Y.DT-SSC-CVP: Proposed new work item on "Classification of visualization precision levels for digital twin systems in smart sustainable cities" � China Telecommunications Corporation , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) Q7/20 2024-06-17
[ 389 ]
Proposed a new work item Y.CIP "Requirements of metaverse-based emergency response in chemical industrial parks" � China Information Communication Technologies Group , Wuhan University (China) Q5/20 2024-06-17
[ 388 ]
Proposed updates to ITU-T Y.IoT-RTPS (for determination) � Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (China) , China Unicom , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) Q2/20 2024-06-17
[ 387 ]
Proposed new work item on Y.usis-sec - "Security requirements and capabilities of unattended station inspection services using unmanned aerial vehicles" � China Information Communication Technologies Group , China Unicom , State Grid Corporation of China Q6/20 2024-06-17
[ 386 ]
Propose new supplement ITU-T Y.Sup-bbdes "Use cases of blockchain-based data exchange and sharing based smart cities and communities" � China Unicom , China Telecommunications Corporation Q2/20 2024-06-17
[ 385 ]
Propose to initiate a new work item on requirements and capability framework of IoT-based low-altitude sensing system � China Telecommunications Corporation , China Unicom , Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (China) , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) Q2/20 2024-06-17
[ 384 ]
Y.SFPP:Proposal for updating the reference framework � China Telecommunications Corporation , China Unicom Q3/20 2024-06-15
[ 383 ]
Y.iepi-dm-sa on "Framework of security assessment for data management for IoT-based electric power infrastructure" proposed update of Clause 1, 6, 8, 10 and Appendix I � Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (China) , China Unicom , State Grid Corporation of China Q6/20 2024-06-15
[ 382 ]
Proposed new work item on "Requirements and functional architecture for blockchain-based sustainable and cooperative digital-twin creation system" � Waseda University (Japan) Q3/20 2024-06-15
[ 381 ]
Proposed new work item on IADIoT, "Intelligent Anomaly Detection System for IoT" � Universidad Tecnologica Nacional (Argentina) Q6/20 2024-06-14
[ 380 ]
Proposed updated text of draft Technical Report ITU-T YSTR-IADIoT, "Intelligent Anomaly Detection System for IoT" � Universidad Tecnologica Nacional (Argentina) Q6/20 2024-06-14
[ 379 ]
Proposed new work item on "Supplement to ITU-T Y.4563 - Use cases of data interoperability in Internet of things for smart energy" � Wuhan University (China) Q2/20 2024-06-10
[ 378 ]
Proposed new work item draft Technical Report ITU-T Y.DataModelling-Agri - "Data Modelling for digital agriculture" based on outcomes of FG- Working Group on Data Acquisition and Modelling for digital agriculture (WG-DAM) � Egypt , Fraunhofer HHI & IIS (Germany) Q4/20 2024-06-10
[ 377 ]
Withdrawn due to duplication � N/A � 2024-06-03
[ 376 ]
Y.IoT-3DMS on "Requirement and functional capabilities for three-dimensional model based monitoring service" , proposed modification of section 8 � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) Q4/20 2024-05-31
[ 375 ]
State of play in Guinea in the Interoperability and Interworking of IoT Applications and Services (internet of things) and smart cities and communities (SC&C) � Guinea Q1/20 2024-05-23
[ 374 ]
Contribution on requirements and reference architecture for a smart (IoT) service for a public health emergency system � Agence de Regulation des Postes et des Communications Electroniques (ARPCE) (Congo (Rep. of the)) Q1/20 2024-05-21
Resultats:158 documents
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