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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG16 : R�union�2023-07-10�: Contributions� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG16� C�(2023-07-10)�



P�riode d'�tudes 2022

R�union� du 2023-07-10 au 2023-07-21

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2024-08-302024-04-152023-12-142023-11-222023-11-162023-03-172022-10-17

Resultats:199 documents
R�sultats :� Pr�c�dent�-� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 �-�Suivant Next
Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 273 ]
F.ECHO: Proposal for requirements updates in Clauses 9-11 � Korea (Rep. of) Q24/16 2023-06-27
[ 272 ]
F.DSDP: Proposed update on the baseline text � Korea (Rep. of) Q24/16 2023-06-27
[ 271 ]
New: F.AINCCP-FR: Proposed new work item on functional requirements for networking components in artificial intelligence cloud platform � Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (China) , China Unicom , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) Q5/16 2023-06-26
[ 270 ]
F.FML-TS-FR: Proposal updates of clauses 7-8 �
This document was reposted by TSB after minor editorial adjustments.
China Information Communication Technologies Group , China Unicom Q5/16 2023-06-26
[ 269 ]
F.TCEF-FML: Proposed updates and to submit for Consent � China Information Communication Technologies Group , China Unicom Q5/16 2023-06-26
[ 268 ]
New: H.ATS-P: Proposal for new work item "Protocols of algorithm-training systems for intelligent video surveillance" � China Telecommunications Corporation , Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co. Ltd. (China) , Zhejiang University (China) Q12/16 2023-06-26
[ 267 ]
New: H.FMLS-QMEM: Proposed new work item on "Quality Metrics and Evaluation Methods for Federated Machine Learning Services" � China Telecommunications Corporation , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) Q5/16 2023-06-26
[ 266 ]
New: F.DCHE-Reqs: Proposed new work item on "Requirements for construction of ontology knowledge base of home environment for robot interaction in intelligent space" � China Telecommunications Corporation , Shandong University (China) Q5/16 2023-06-26
[ 265 ]
H.DLFrm: Proposed updates �
This document was reposted by TSB after minor editorial adjustments.
Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q21/16 2023-06-26
[ 264 ]
New: F.CVADS: Proposal on a new work item on "Requirements and Framework for Computer Vision-based Anomaly Detection Service in Wind Farm" � China Telecommunications Corporation , Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications (China) , State Grid Corporation of China Q12/16 2023-06-26
[ 263 ]
F.VSAI-ARCH: Proposal new text for clause 8 � China Telecommunications Corporation , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) Q27/16 2023-06-26
[ 262 ]
F.AI-SF: Proposal for some modifications � China Telecommunications Corporation Q5/16 2023-06-26
[ 261 ]
F.AI-SCS: Proposal to consent � China Telecommunications Corporation Q5/16 2023-06-26
[ 260 ]
F.CEC: Proposal of editorial enhancement for Consent � Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co. Ltd. (China) , Zhejiang Lab (China) , Zhejiang University (China) Q21/16 2023-06-26
[ 259 ]
New: H.RFED-DLT: Proposal for a new work item on "Requirements and framework for electronic document based on distributed ledger technology" � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) Q22/16 2023-06-26
[ 258 ]
H.DLT-SCLMR: Proposed updates �
This document was reposted by TSB after minor editorial adjustments.
Ant Group Co., Ltd. (China) , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) Q22/16 2023-06-26
[ 257 ]
H.DLT-RFMSP: Proposed updates � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) Q22/16 2023-06-26
[ 256 ]
H.FL-AC: Proposed updates � Ant Group Co., Ltd. (China) , China Mobile Communications Co. Ltd. , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) Q5/16 2023-06-26
[ 255 ]
H.DLT-AMMSP: Proposed updates �
This document was reposted by TSB after minor editorial adjustments.
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) Q22/16 2023-06-26
[ 254 ]
H.DLT-PTS: Update for Consent �
This document was reposted by TSB after minor editorial adjustments.
Hangzhou Qulian Technology Co., Ltd. (China) , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) , Zhejiang University (China) Q22/16 2023-06-26
[ 253 ]
F.AICP-GA: Proposed updates �
This document was reposted by TSB after minor editorial adjustments.
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) Q5/16 2023-06-26
[ 252 ]
F.AICP-DA: Proposal for updates �
This document was reposted by TSB after minor editorial adjustments.
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) Q5/16 2023-06-26
[ 251 ]
HSTP.Med-AI-CCTA: Proposed updates in text and editors �
This document was reposted by TSB after minor editorial adjustments.
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) Q28/16 2023-06-26
[ 250 ]
New: F.MS-DAV: Proposed new work item on "Framework for data asset valuation of multimedia services" �
This document was reposted by TSB after minor editorial adjustments.
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (China) , China Unicom , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) Q21/16 2023-06-26
[ 249 ]
New: F.VG-VRU: Proposal for a new work item on "Requirements for vulnerable road users service using vehicle gateway" �
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Chongqing Changan Automobile Co. Ltd. (China) , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) Q27/16 2023-06-26
[ 248 ]
New: F.VS-MAN: Proposal for a new work item on "Functional requirements and architecture of vehicle system towards multiple access networks" �
This document was reposted by TSB after minor editorial adjustments.
China Telecommunications Corporation , Chongqing Changan Automobile Co. Ltd. (China) , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) Q27/16 2023-06-26
[ 247 ]
New: F.DDTDICR: Proposed new work item on "Data deconstruction of two-dimensional image cultural resource" � Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (China) Q23/16 2023-06-26
[ 246 ]
H.IIS-reqts: Proposal of editorial modifications and submission for Consent � National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) (Japan) Q8/16 2023-06-26
[ 245 ]
(Rev.1) +Add.1
H.430.3(V2): Proposal of revised Figure 1 in draft Recommendation H.430.3 � National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) (Japan) Q8/16 2023-06-26
[ 243 ]
New: F.AI-AKS: Proposed new work item on "Reference model of AI knowledge sharing for EdgeCPS platform" � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) Q5/16 2023-06-26
[ 242 ]
New: H.ARSArch: Proposed new work item on requirements and framework of augmented reality services for multiple application scenarios � Asiainfo Technologies (China), Inc. , China Telecommunications Corporation , China Unicom Q8/16 2023-06-26
[ 241 ]
F.CUAV-ES: Proposed updates in several clauses � China Unicom Q21/16 2023-06-26
[ 240 ]
New: F. FIISReqs: Proposal new work item on "Requirements and functional architecture for machine-vision-based farm intelligent inspection system" �
This document was reposted by TSB after minor editorial adjustments.
China Telecommunications Corporation , Xi'an Jiaotong University (China) Q12/16 2023-06-26
[ 239 ]
H.ILE-Haptic: Proposal to consent � China Telecommunications Corporation Q8/16 2023-06-26
[ 238 ]
F.AI-CIS: Proposal for updating the text of clause 9 � China Telecommunications Corporation Q5/16 2023-06-26
[ 237 ]
F.TCEF-FML: Proposals on security considerations in clause 10 � China Telecommunications Corporation Q5/16 2023-06-26
[ 236 ]
H.IIS-FA: Proposed texts in clause 7.3.2 on signalling processing � China Telecommunications Corporation Q8/16 2023-06-26
[ 235 ]
H.IIS-reqts: Proposal to Consent � China Telecommunications Corporation Q8/16 2023-06-26
[ 234 ]
H.430.3 (V2): Proposal to Consent � China Telecommunications Corporation Q8/16 2023-06-26
[ 232 ]
New: F.PB-ADS-DV: Proposed new work item on "Overview of purpose-built automated driving system dedicated vehicle" �
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Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) Q27/16 2023-06-25
[ 231 ]
H.DLT-RECT: Revised baseline texts � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) , State Grid Corporation of China Q22/16 2023-06-25
[ 230 ]
F.DLT-TRICI: Proposed revised baseline text � Digital Currency Institute of the People's Bank of China , Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (China) , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) Q22/16 2023-06-25
[ 229 ]
New: F.CUAV-APTech: Proposal for a new work item to study the framework and requirements for the active perception of civilian unmanned aerial vehicle �
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Beihang University (China) , China Unicom , Institute of Computing Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences (China) Q27/16 2023-06-25
[ 226 ]
F.ILMTS-reqs: Propose to add a new figure and new clause 8 �
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ZTE Corporation (China) Q13/16 2023-06-25
[ 225 ]
F.ILMTS-reqs: Proposal to update Appendix I � ZTE Corporation (China) Q13/16 2023-06-25
[ 224 ]
H.IPTV-OpMcast: Propose to add text of reference points and procedure flows into clause 10 �
This document was reposted by TSB after minor editorial adjustments.
China Telecommunications Corporation , ZTE Corporation (China) Q13/16 2023-06-25
[ 223 ]
F.MGSReqs: Proposal for updating the text of clause 6,7 and 8 � China Telecommunications Corporation Q12/16 2023-06-25
[ 221 ]
New: F.3D-DDSReqs: proposal a new work item of requirements for 3D machine vision-based surface defect detection service of industrial products �
This document was reposted by TSB after minor editorial adjustments.
China Telecommunications Corporation , China Unicom Q12/16 2023-06-25
[ 220 ]
F.CDN-P2P: Proposal for editorial modifications and justification of several clauses before consent � China Unicom Q13/16 2023-06-25
[ 219 ]
F.AI-RSRSreqs: Proposal for editorial modification of the full text and justification of several clauses. � China Unicom Q5/16 2023-06-25
Resultats:199 documents
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