Documents Temporaires
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[ 474-GEN ]
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Report of Rapporteur meeting of Question 10/9 (e-meeting, 8 September 2023)
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Rapporteur Q10/9
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� |
2023-10-18 |
[ 473-GEN ]
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Output - Draft Recommendation "Requirements of E2E Network Platform for Cloud-based Object Wave Transmissions" (e-meeting, 24-25 August 2023)
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2023-10-17 |
[ 472-GEN ]
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Report of Rapporteur meeting of Question 9/9 (e-meeting, 24-25 August 2023)
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Rapporteur Q9/9
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� |
2023-10-17 |
[ 471-GEN ]
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Report of Rapporteur meeting of Question 8/9 (e-meeting, 27 July 2023)
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Rapporteur Q8/9
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� |
2023-10-16 |
[ 470-GEN ]
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Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T J.HiNoC3-MAC "MAC layer specification for third-generation HiNoC" (e-meeting, 3 July 2023)
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Editor J.HiNoC3-MAC
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Q7/9, Q1/9
� |
2023-10-16 |
[ 469-GEN ]
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Report of Joint Question 1/9 & Question 7/9 Rapporteur meeting (e-meeting, 3 July 2023)
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Rapporteur Q1/9 & Q7/9
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Q7/9, Q1/9
� |
2023-10-16 |
[ 468-GEN ]
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Report of Rapporteur meeting of Question 7/9 (e-meeting, 22 June 2023)
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Rapporteur Q7/9
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� |
2023-10-16 |
[ 467-GEN ]
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LS/i on definition of metaverse [from FG-MV]
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QALL/9, Q9/9, Q3/9
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2023-10-16 |
[ 466-GEN ]
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LS/i on Results of the third meeting of the FG-MV [from FG-MV]
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QALL/9, Q9/9, Q3/9, Q11/9
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2023-10-16 |
[ 465-GEN ]
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LS/i on request to provide the standardization status for metaverse-related technologies [from FG-MV]
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QALL/9, Q9/9, Q3/9
� |
2023-10-16 |
[ 464-GEN ]
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LS/i/r on collaboration on metaverse standardization work of SG9 (SG9-LS42) [from FG-MV]
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� |
QALL/9, Q9/9, Q3/9
� |
2023-10-16 |
[ 463-GEN ]
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LS/i on request to provide the standardization status for metaverse cross-platform interoperability [from FG-MV]
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QALL/9, Q9/9, Q3/9
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2023-10-16 |
[ 462-GEN ]
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LS/i on new ITU-R Report introducing a framework for the future of broadcasting [from ITU-R SG6]
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ITU-R Study Group 6
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2023-10-16 |
[ 461-GEN ]
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LS/o/r on the activities and studies on sustainable digital transformation (TSAG-LS22) [to TSAG RG-DT] (e-meeting, 8 September 2023)
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Rapporteur Q10/9
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� |
2023-10-11 |
[ 460-GEN ]
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LS/o/r on invitation to provide inputs to the "Machine learning standardization roadmap" and "Glossary of terms and definitions for machine learning" (JCA-ML-LS3) [to JCA-ML] (E-meeting, 25 August 2023)
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Rapporteur Q9/9
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� |
2023-10-11 |
[ 459-GEN ]
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LS/o/r on collaboration on metaverse standardization work of SG9 (FG-MV-LS7) [to FG-MV] (E-meeting, 25 August 2023)
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Rapporteur Q9/9
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� |
2023-10-11 |
[ 458-GEN ]
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LS/i/r on definitions proposed by ITU-T SG9 (SG9-LS37) [from SCV/CCT]
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Q9/9, Q8/9, Q7/9, Q10/9, Q1/9
� |
2023-10-11 |
[ 457-GEN ]
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LS/i on the establishment of an Expert Group on Communications Technology for Automated Driving [from CITS]
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Collaboration on ITS Communication Standards (CITS)
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2023-10-11 |
[ 456-GEN ]
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LS/i on new Technical Paper ITU-T YSTP.AIoT "Challenges of and Guidelines to Standardization on Artificial Intelligence of Things" [from ITU-T SG20]
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ITU-T Study Group 20
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Q9/9, Q8/9, Q6/9, Q5/9, Q3/9, Q11/9
� |
2023-10-11 |
[ 455-GEN ]
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LS/i on deletion of P.862.[x] Recommendations [from ITU-T SG12]
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ITU-T Study Group 12
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QALL/9, Q7/9, Q1/9
� |
2023-10-11 |
[ 454-GEN ]
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LS/i on updates to signalling of accessibility services and application in DVB Bluebook A177 (DVB-I) [from DVB TM-I]
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DVB Technical Module Working Group TM-I
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� |
2023-10-11 |
[ 453-GEN ]
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LS/i/r on Draft new ITU-T Technical Report JSTR.LCAP "Technical advances, challenges, and best practices in live captioning" (SG9-LS41) [from ITU-R WP 6C]
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2023-10-11 |
[ 452-GEN ]
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LS/i on request for input material related to security manual to be updated [from ITU-T SG17]
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ITU-T Study Group 17
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Q2/9, Q10/9
� |
2023-10-11 |
[ 451-GEN ]
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LS/i on Coordination for Identity Management [from ITU-T SG17]
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ITU-T Study Group 17
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Q2/9, Q10/9
� |
2023-10-11 |
[ 450-GEN ]
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LS/i/r on definitions proposed by ITU-T SG9 (SG9-LS37) [from SCV/CCT]
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Q9/9, Q8/9, Q7/9, Q10/9, Q1/9
� |
2023-10-11 |
[ 449-GEN ]
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LS/i on information about the progress of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.AN-Arch-fw "Architecture Framework for Autonomous Networks" [from ITU-T WP1/13]
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ITU-T Working Party 1/13
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� |
2023-10-10 |
[ 448-GEN ]
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LS/i/r on CTA-2115 "Accessibility Preferences Data Model" [from IRG-AVA]
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QALL/9, Q11/9
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2023-10-10 |
[ 447-GEN ]
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LS/i/r on Requesting review of DAPT [from IRG-AVA]
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QALL/9, Q11/9
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2023-10-10 |
[ 446-GEN ]
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LS/i/r on Draft new ITU-T Technical Report JSTR.LCAP and Draft Recommendation ITU-T J.acc-us-prof [from IRG-AVA]
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� |
QALL/9, Q11/9
� |
2023-10-10 |
[ 445-GEN ]
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LS/i on CTA-2115 "Accessibility Preferences Data Model" [from CTA]
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2023-10-10 |
[ 444-GEN ]
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LS/i on approval of Technical report "Study on Edge Intelligence standards for haptics related IIoT use cases" [from TSDSI]
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� |
QALL/9, Q9/9
� |
2023-10-06 |
[ 443-GEN ]
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LS/i on the activities and studies on sustainable digital transformation [from TSAG]
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Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group
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QALL/9, Q10/9
� |
2023-10-06 |
[ 442-GEN ]
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LS/i on two new and one revised ITU-T Recommendations: H.430.3 "Service scenario of immersive live experience (ILE)" (H.430.3 (V2)), H.430.6 "Media transport protocols, signalling information of haptic transmission for Immersive Live Experience (ILE) systems" (ex H.ILE-Haptic), H.430.7 "Requirements of interactive immersive services" (ex H.IIS-reqts) [from ITU-T SG16]
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ITU-T Study Group 16
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QALL/9, Q9/9, Q3/9
� |
2023-10-06 |
[ 441-GEN ]
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LS/i on initiation of new work item on the draft ITU-T F.CAR-reqs "Requirements and framework of cloud-based augmented reality systems" [from ITU-T SG16]
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ITU-T Study Group 16
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Q9/9, Q8/9, Q3/9
� |
2023-10-06 |
[ 440-GEN ]
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LS/i/r on AAP Consent of two draft new Recommendations ITU-T J.1305 on "Requirements of microservice architecture for audio-visual media in the converged media cloud" and ITU-T J.1306 on "Specification of microservice architecture for audio-visual media in the converged media cloud" (SG9-LS33) [from ITU-T SG16]
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ITU-T Study Group 16
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� |
2023-10-06 |
[ 439-GEN ]
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LS/i on initiation of new work item H.IPTV-EASarch "Requirement and architecture for enhanced advertising service over IPTV systems" [from ITU-T SG16]
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ITU-T Study Group 16
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Q9/9, Q8/9, Q7/9, Q6/9, Q5/9
� |
2023-10-06 |
[ 438-GEN ]
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LS/i/r on clarification of scope and applicability of draft new Recommendation ITU-T J.cable-rf-to-ip "Requirements of cable television system for migration from RF to IP" (SG9-LS29) [from ITU-T SG16]
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ITU-T Study Group 16
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� |
2023-10-06 |
[ 437-GEN ]
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LS/i/r on AAP Consent of draft new Recommendation ITU-T J.484 "Requirements of multicast adaptive bitrate (M-ABR) IP delivery" (SG9-LS34) [from ITU-T SG16]
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ITU-T Study Group 16
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� |
2023-10-06 |
[ 436-GEN ]
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LS/i/r on comments regarding of new terms and definitions (SCV-LS5) [from ITU-T SG16]
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ITU-T Study Group 16
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Q10/9, Q1/9
� |
2023-10-06 |
[ 435-GEN ]
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LS/i/r on requesting collaboration on metaverse standardization work (FG-MV-LS1, TSAG-LS21) [from ITU-T SG16]
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ITU-T Study Group 16
� |
Q9/9, Q3/9, Q11/9, Q10/9
� |
2023-10-05 |
[ 434-GEN ]
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LS/i on Invitation to provide inputs to the "Machine learning standardization roadmap" and "Glossary of terms and definitions for machine learning" [from JCA-ML]
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� |
QALL/9, Q3/9, Q10/9
� |
2023-10-05 |
[ 433-GEN ]
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LS/i on Results of the second meeting of the FG-MV and approval of its first deliverable [from FG-MV]
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Q9/9, Q3/9, Q11/9, Q10/9
� |
2023-10-05 |
[ 432-GEN ]
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LS/i/r on collaboration on metaverse standardization work of SG9 (reply to SG9-LS39)
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� |
Q9/9, Q3/9
� |
2023-10-05 |
[ 431-GEN ]
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LS/i on the progress of ITU-T FG-MV WG8 [from FG-MV]
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2023-10-05 |
[ 430-GEN ]
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LS/i/r on new work item on "Requirements of E2E Network Platform for Cloud-based Holography Transmissions" [from ETSi ISG F5G]
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� |
2023-10-05 |
[ 429-GEN ]
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LS/i on metaverse work items and ITU-T Focus Group on metaverse [from TSAG]
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Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group
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QALL/9, Q9/9, Q3/9
� |
2023-10-05 |
[ 428-GEN ]
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LS/i on using inclusive language in ITU-T texts [from TSAG]
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Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group
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QALL/9, Q10/9
� |
2023-10-05 |
[ 427-GEN ]
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LS/i to request the appointment of an electronic working methods (EWM) liaison [from TSAG]
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Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group
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QALL/9, Q10/9
� |
2023-10-05 |
[ 426-GEN ]
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LS/i on status of the implementation of the action plan for analysis of ITU-T structural alternatives [from TSAG]
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Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group
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� |
2023-10-05 |
[ 425-GEN ]
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LS/i on incubation mechanism [from TSAG]
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Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group
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QALL/9, Q10/9
� |
2023-10-05 |
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