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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG 12 : R�union�2018-05-01�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG 12� TD-GEN�(2018-05-01)�


Performance, QoS and QoE

P�riode d'�tudes 2017

R�union� du 2018-05-01 au 2018-05-10

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2021-10-122021-05-042021-01-062020-09-072020-04-152019-11-262019-09-042019-05-072018-11-27� [ 2018-05-01 ]� 2018-02-152017-09-192017-01-10

Resultats:184 documents
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Documents Temporaires �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 475-GEN ]
Work program of Working Party 3/13 � TSB Q8/12, Q18/12, Q17/12, Q13/12, Q12/12, Q11/12 2018-04-26
[ 474-GEN ]
Work program of Working Party 2/12 � TSB Q9/12, Q19/12, Q16/12, Q15/12, Q14/12 2018-04-26
[ 473-GEN ]
Work program of Working Party 1/12 � TSB Q7/12, Q6/12, Q5/12, Q4/12, Q3/12, Q10/12 2018-04-26
[ 472-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation "Setups and testing techniques for terminal performance measurements with background noise" (P.TBN) � Editor P.TBN Q5/12 2018-04-25
[ 471-GEN ]
Status Report for Q9/12 � Rapporteur Q9/12 Q9/12 2018-04-25
[ 470-GEN ]
List of IPR information received for ITU-T SG12 Recommendations (September 2017 to April 2018) � TSB QALL/12 2018-04-25
[ 469-GEN ]
TSAG report related to ITU-T SG12 � TSB QALL/12 2018-04-25
[ 468-GEN ]
Status of texts under AAP since September 2017 � TSB QALL/12 2018-04-25
[ 467-GEN ]
Draft agenda for WP1/12 meeting � Chairman WP1/12 Q7/12, Q6/12, Q5/12, Q4/12, Q3/12, Q10/12 2018-04-25
[ 466-GEN ]
Draft agenda for WP2/12 meeting � Chairman WP2/12 Q9/12, Q19/12, Q16/12, Q15/12, Q14/12 2018-04-25
[ 465-GEN ]
Draft Status Report for Q1/12 � Rapporteurs Q1/12 Q1/12 2018-04-24
[ 464-GEN ]
LS/i on updated terms of reference and request to appoint vice-chairs or representatives to the Collaboration on ITS communication standards � Collaboration on ITS Communication Standards Q4/12 2018-04-24
[ 463-GEN ]
Status Report for Q13/12 � Co-Rapporteurs Q13/12 Q13/12 2018-04-24
[ 462-GEN ]
Status Report for Q15/12 � Rapporteurs Q15/12 Q15/12 2018-04-23
[ 461-GEN ]
Status Report on Question 18/12 � Rapporteur Q18/12 Q18/12 2018-04-23
[ 460-GEN ]
Status of Rec. E.831 Last Call Judgment � Chairman WP3/12 QALL/12, Q12/12 2018-04-23
[ 459-GEN ]
Draft agenda for WP3/12 meeting � Chairman WP3/12 Q8/12, Q18/12, Q17/12, Q13/12, Q12/12, Q11/12 2018-04-23
[ 458-GEN ]
Some technical considerations for G.ACP � Editor G.ACP Q11/12 2018-04-23
[ 457-GEN ]
Status Report for Question 2/12 � Rapporteur Q2/12 Q2/12 2018-04-23
[ 456-GEN ]
Status Report for Q11/12 � Rapporteur Q11/12 Q11/12 2018-04-23
[ 455-GEN ]
Ad Hoc Meetings and Status Report of Q17/12: Performance of Packet-based networks � Rapporteur Q17/12 Q17/12 2018-04-23
[ 454-GEN ]
Status Report on Question 8/12 "Virtualized deployment of recommended methods for network performance, QoS and QoE assessment" � Rapporteur Q8/12 Q8/12 2018-04-23
[ 453-GEN ]
Material for tutorial on 7 May � SG12 Chairman QALL/12 2018-04-23
[ 452-GEN ]
ITU-T SG12 workshops, interim activities and their reports � TSB QALL/12 2018-04-20
[ 451-GEN ]
Meeting report of Q12/12 interim meeting (Dakar, 21-22 March 2018) � Rapporteur Q12/12 Q12/12 2018-04-20
[ 450-GEN ]
Amendment 2 to Recommendation ITU-T E.802 (E.802 Amd2) (for consent) � Editor E.802 Amd2 Q12/12 2018-04-18
[ 449-GEN ]
ITU Kaleidoscope 2017 - Paper of interest to ITU-T Study Group 12 � TSB Q14/12, Q13/12 2018-04-16
[ 448-GEN ]
LS/i on updated fixed-point basic operators [from 3GPP TSG SA4] � 3GPP TSG SA4 Q2/12 2018-04-16
[ 447-GEN ]
LS/i on request for comments on draft ITU-T H.CDN-PMTM [from ITU-T SG16] � ITU-T Study Group 16 Q17/12 2018-04-16
[ 446-GEN ]
LS/i/r on Communication of Baseline text of Y.cvms, "Considerations for Realizing Virtual Measurement Systems" (reply to SG12 - LS032) [from ITU-T SG17] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q8/12 2018-04-16
[ 445-GEN ]
LS/i on SG17 new work item X.tas "Telebiometric authentication using speaker recognition" [from ITU-T SG17] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q4/12, Q15/12, Q1/12 2018-04-16
[ 444-GEN ]
Draft workplan � TSB QALL/12 2018-04-06
[ 443-GEN ]
Structure of Study Group 12, Rapporteurs and Chairs for RG-AFR, IRG-AVQA and QSDG � TSB QALL/12 2018-04-06
[ 442-GEN ]
List of SG12 representatives and other roles � TSB QALL/12 2018-04-06
[ 441-GEN ]
LS/i/r on QoE-VR (reply to SG12-LS39) � VQEG Q13/12 2018-04-06
[ 440-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation "QoE for VR services" (G.QoE-VR) (base text) � Editors G.QoE-VR Q13/12 2018-04-06
[ 439-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation "Subjective test methodologies for 360 degree video on HMD" (G.VR-360) � Editors G.VR-360 Q13/12 2018-04-06
[ 438-GEN ]
Draft New Recommendation "Statistical Framework for QoE Centric Benchmarking Scoring and Ranking" (E.NetPerfRank) (for consent) � Editor E.NetPerfRank Q12/12 2018-04-04
[ 437-GEN ]
Report of SG12RG-AFR meeting (Dakar, 22-23 March 2018) � SG12RG-AFR QALL/12 2018-03-28
[ 436-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation G.CSFB � Editors G.CSFB Q12/12 2018-03-28
[ 435-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation E.QSIMBox "The effect of SIM-boxing on QoS and QoE" � Editor E.QSIMBox Q12/12 2018-03-27
[ 434-GEN ]
Evolved text: Strategies to Establish Quality Measurement Frameworks (E.RQUAL) � Editor E.RQUAL Q12/12 2018-03-27
[ 433-GEN ]
LS/o on QoE-VR � Rapporteurs Q13/12 Q13/12 2018-03-16
[ 432-GEN ]
Meeting Report of Q13/12 interim meeting (Geneva, 27-28 February 2018) � Co-Rapporteurs Q13/12 Q13/12 2018-03-16
[ 431-GEN ]
Meeting Report of Q13/12 interim meeting (Krakow 28-29 November 2017) � Co-Rapporteurs Q13/12 Q13/12 2018-03-16
[ 430-GEN ]
Meeting Report of Q14/12 interim meeting (Krakow 27-29 November 2017) � Co-Rapporteurs Q14/12 Q14/12 2018-03-15
[ 429-GEN ]
LS/i on Invitation to update the information in the IMT2020 roadmap � JCA-IMT2020 Q1/12 2018-03-06
[ 428-GEN ]
LS/i on ITU inter-Sector coordination � TSAG Q1/12 2018-03-06
[ 427-GEN ]
LS/i on hot topics � TSAG Q1/12 2018-03-06
[ 426-GEN ]
LS/i to MEF Forum liaison on MEF 10.4 work on one-way frame delay � ITU-T Study Group 15 Q17/12 2018-03-06
Resultats:184 documents
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