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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG 17 : R�union�2010-12-08�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG 17� TD�(2010-12-08)�



P�riode d'�tudes 2009

R�union� du 2010-12-08 au 2010-12-17

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2012-08-292012-02-202011-08-242011-04-11� [ 2010-12-08 ]� 2010-04-072009-09-162009-02-11

Resultats:427 documents
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Documents Temporaires �(PLEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 1382-PLEN ]
2nd PDAM text for Amendment 2 of Rec. ITU-T X.511 | ISO/IEC 9594-3 � Rapporteur Q.11/17 Q11/17 2010-12-16
[ 1381-PLEN ]
2nd PDAM text for Amendment 2 of Rec. ITU-T X.509 | ISO/IEC 9594-8 � Rapporteur Q.11/17 Q11/17 2010-12-15
[ 1380-PLEN ]
2nd PDAM text for Amendment 2 of Rec. ITU-T X.501 | ISO/IEC 9594-2 � Rapporteur Q.11/17 Q11/17 2010-12-15
[ 1379-PLEN ]
2nd PDAM text for Amendment 2 of Rec. ITU-T X.500 | ISO/IEC 9594-1 � Rapporteur Q.11/17 Q11/17 2010-12-15
[ 1378-PLEN ]
Refined draft ITU-T Rec. X.1032 � Editor Q2/17 2010-12-15
[ 1377-PLEN ]
OLS - Liaison statement to Trusted Computing Group � ITU-T SG 17 Q4/17 2010-12-16
[ 1376-PLEN ]
OLS - Liaison Statement to ETSI � ITU-T SG 17 Q4/17 2010-12-15
[ 1375-PLEN ]
OLS - Liaison Statement to ENISA � ITU-T SG 17 Q4/17 2010-12-15
[ 1374-PLEN ]
OLS - Liaison Statement to International Botnet Task Force � ITU-T SG 17 Q4/17 2010-12-15
[ 1373-PLEN ]
OLS - Liaison Statement to IETF � ITU-T SG 17 Q4/17 2010-12-15
[ 1372-PLEN ]
OLS - Liaison Statement to APWG � ITU-T SG 17 Q4/17 2010-12-15
[ 1371-PLEN ]
OLS - Liaison Statement to CNIS � ITU-T SG 17 Q4/17 2010-12-15
[ 1370-PLEN ]
OLS - Liaison Statement to CCDB � ITU-T SG 17 Q4/17 2010-12-16
[ 1369-PLEN ]
OLS - Liaison Statement to FIRST � ITU-T SG 17 Q4/17 2010-12-16
[ 1368-PLEN ]
OLS - Liaison Statement to ISO/IEC JTC1 SC27 � ITU-T SG 17 Q4/17 2010-12-16
[ 1367-PLEN ]
OLS - Liaison Statement to ITU-D Q.22/1 � ITU-T SG 17 Q4/17 2010-12-16
[ 1366-PLEN ]
OLS - Liaison Statement to ITU-T Q.16/13 � ITU-T SG 17 Q4/17 2010-12-16
[ 1365-PLEN ]
Report on Question 1/17 � Question 1/17 Rapporteur Q1/17 2010-12-15
[ 1364-PLEN ]
OLS - Reply LS to SG13 on mobile IPTV security � ITU-T SG 17 Q6/17 2010-12-15
[ 1363-PLEN ]
Draft text of X.fsspvn : Framework of the Secure Service Platform for Virtual Network � Editors Q8/17, Q7/17 2010-12-15
[ 1362-PLEN ]
Proposal for revised draft text for X.bots: Centralized Framework for Botnet detection and response � Editors Q4/17 2010-12-15
[ 1361-PLEN ]
Draft text of X.srfctse : Security Requirements and Framework of Cloud Based Telecommunication Service Environment � Editors Q8/17 2010-12-15
[ 1360-PLEN ]
Draft of X.giim - Generic IdM interoperability mechanisms � Editor Q10/17 2010-12-15
[ 1359-PLEN ]
Draft Recommendation for X.gpn: Mechanism and procedure for distributing policies for network security � Editors Q4/17 2010-12-15
[ 1358-PLEN ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T X.1312, Ubiquitous sensor network (USN) middleware security guidelines (for consent) � Editors Q6/17 2010-12-14
[ 1357-PLEN ]
OLS - Liaison Statement to Q.21/13 and FG FN about Rec. ITU-T X.660 (revised) � ITU-T SG 17 Q12/17 2010-12-15
[ 1356-PLEN ]
OLS - LS on new work item on "Architectural systems for security controls for preventing fraudulent activities in public carrier networks" � ITU-T SG 17 Q2/17 2010-12-14
[ 1355-PLEN ]
Proposal for new Recommendation ITU-T X.rev "Architectural systems for security controls for preventing fraudulent activities in public carrier networks" � Editor Q2/17 2010-12-14
[ 1354-PLEN ]
Notes on the ad-hoc meeting on Security Coordination � Q.1/17 Rapporteur Q1/17 2010-12-14
[ 1353-PLEN ]
The 1st revised text of Recommendation ITU-T X.iptvsec-6: Framework for the downloadable service and content protection system in the mobile IPTV environment � Editor Q6/17 2010-12-14
[ 1352-PLEN ]
OLS - Liaison Statement to ISO/IEC JTC 1 for the fast-track of revised Rec. ITU-T X.660 | ISO/IEC 9834-1 � Rec. ITU-T X.660 Editor Q12/17 2010-12-14
[ 1351-PLEN ]
Revised text of draft Recommendation ITU-T X.mob-id: Baseline capabilities and mechanisms of IdM for mobile applications and environment � Editor Q10/17 2010-12-14
[ 1350-PLEN ]
Summaries for work items under development in Question 9 � Q.9/17 Rapporteur Q9/17 2010-12-14
[ 1349-PLEN ]
Draft text of X.ccsec : Security guideline for cloud computing in telecommunication area � Editors Q8/17 2010-12-14
[ 1348-PLEN ]
Incoming LS - LS to Q.21,Q.22/16 and Q.12/17 for invitation of a review and comment on Q.nid-test-arch � Working Party 4/11 Q14/17, Q12/17 2010-12-14
[ 1347-PLEN ]
Draft Amendment 1 to X.521, Password policy support � Editor Q11/17 2010-12-14
[ 1346-PLEN ]
Draft Amendment 1 to X.520, Password policy support � Editor Q11/17 2010-12-14
[ 1345-PLEN ]
Draft Amendment 1 to X.525, Password policy support � Editor Q11/17 2010-12-14
[ 1344-PLEN ]
Draft Amendment 1 to X.519, Password policy support � Editor Q11/17 2010-12-14
[ 1343-PLEN ]
Draft Amendment 1 to X.518, Password policy support � Editor Q11/17 2010-12-14
[ 1342-PLEN ]
Draft Amendment 1 to X.511, Password policy support � Editor Q11/17 2010-12-14
[ 1341-PLEN ]
Draft Amendment 1 to X.509, Password policy support � Editor Q11/17 2010-12-14
[ 1340-PLEN ]
Draft Amendment 1 to X.501, Password policy support � Editor Q11/17 2010-12-14
[ 1339-PLEN ]
Draft Amendment 1 to X.500, Password policy support � Editor Q11/17 2010-12-14
[ 1338-PLEN ]
Draft Amendment 1 to X.530, Password policy support � Editor Q11/17 2010-12-14
[ 1337-PLEN ]
The 1st revised text of draft Recommendation ITU-T X.iptvsec-7: Guidelines on criteria for selecting cryptographic algorithms for IPTV service and content protection � Editors Q6/17 2010-12-14
[ 1336-PLEN ]
Renumbering of Amendments to X.500-series as per SC 6 Resolution � Editor Q11/17 2010-12-14
[ 1335-PLEN ]
Revised text for draft Rec. ITU-T X.cybex-beep, Definition of BEEP Profile for Cybersecurity Information Exchange Techniques � Editors Q4/17 2010-12-14
[ 1334-PLEN ]
Proposal for Cybersecurity Gateway updating � Q.1/17 Rapporteur Q1/17 2010-12-14
[ 1333-PLEN ]
The 2nd revised text on draft Recommendation ITU-T X.trm: Traceback mechanisms � Editor Q4/17 2010-12-14
Resultats:427 documents
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