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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : NGN-GSI : R�union�2010-01-18�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�NGN-GSI� TD-GEN�(2010-01-18)�


Initiative "Normes mondiales sur les r�seaux NGN"

P�riode d'�tudes 2009

R�union� du 2010-01-18 au 2010-01-29

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2012-12-03� 2012-06-04� 2012-02-06� 2011-10-10� 2011-05-09� 2011-01-17� 2010-09-06� 2010-04-19� [ 2010-01-18 ]� 2009-09-02� 2009-05-11� 2009-01-12�

Resultats:209 documents
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Documents Temporaires �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 312-GEN ]
Output version of Draft Recommendation Y.dsntocf, DSN Traffic Optimization Control Function (NGN-GSI, Geneva, Switzerland, 18-29 January 2010) � Editors Q19/13 2010-01-29
[ 311-GEN ]
Output text of Draft Recommendation Y.dsnarch, Architecture of DSN � Editor Q19/13 2010-01-28
[ 310-GEN ]
Unassigned � N/A � 2010-01-26
[ 309-GEN ]
Q.6/11 Agenda � Rapporteur Q6/11 2010-01-25
[ 308-GEN ]
The output document of Y.ipv6split, "Framework of ID/LOC separation in IPv6-based NGN." (January 2010) � Editors Q7/13 2010-01-25
[ 307-GEN ]
Revised text of Draft Recommendation ITU-T X.604.2: MMC-3 � Rapporteur Q15/11 2010-01-25
[ 306-GEN ]
Draft agenda of Q.15/11 � Rapporteur Q15/11 2010-01-25
[ 305-GEN ]
Proposed editorial changes to align ISO/IEC 16512-2/FPDAM 1 with ISO/IEC 16512-2/FPDAM 2 (6N 14227) � Rapporteur Q15/11 2010-01-25
[ 304-GEN ]
Revised text of RMCP-3: Relayed multicast protocol - Specification for N-plex group applications (6N 14216) � Rapporteur Q15/11 2010-01-25
[ 303-GEN ]
DoC of FCD of RMCP-3: Relayed multicast protocol - Specification for N-plex group applications (6N 14215) � Rapporteur Q15/11 2010-01-25
[ 302-GEN ]
Revised text of FPDAM2 of RMCP-2: Messages and code values (6N 14214) � Rapporteur Q15/11 2010-01-25
[ 301-GEN ]
DoC of FPDAM 2 of RMCP-2: Messages and code values (6N 14213) � Rapporteur Q15/11 2010-01-25
[ 300-GEN ]
DoC of FCD of MMC-2: Mobile Multicast Communications - Protocol over native IP multicast networks (6N 14191) � Rapporteur Q15/11 2010-01-25
[ 299-GEN ]
DoC of FCD of MMC-1: Mobile Multicast Communications - Framework (6N 14190) � Rapporteur Q15/11 2010-01-25
[ 298-GEN ]
Revised text of MMC-2: Mobile Multicast Communications - Protocol over native IP multicast networks (6N 14189) � Rapporteur Q15/11 2010-01-25
[ 297-GEN ]
Revised text of MMC-1: Mobile Multicast Communications (MMC) - Framework (6N 14188) � Rapporteur Q15/11 2010-01-25
[ 296-GEN ]
Information technology -- Security techniques - Privacy framework (N8162) � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 Q16/13 2010-01-25
[ 295-GEN ]
Information technology -- Security techniques - Biometric template protection (N8158) � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 Q16/13 2010-01-25
[ 294-GEN ]
Liaison statement to ITU-T SG 13 on Identity Management, Privacy Technology, and Biometrics � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 Q16/13 2010-01-25
[ 293-GEN ]
A.5 Justification for Draft Recommendation ITU-T X.604|ISO/IEC 24793-1 � Editors Q15/11 2010-01-25
[ 292-GEN ]
A.5 Justification for Draft Recommendation ITU-T X.604-1|ISO/IEC 24793-2 � Editors Q15/11 2010-01-25
[ 291-GEN ]
Updated revision of draft recommendation Y.iptvterms � Rapporteur Q2/13 2010-01-25
[ 290-GEN ]
Draft Agenda of Q.21/13 � Rapporteurs Q21/13 2010-01-25
[ 289-GEN ]
Output document of Y.ipv6-vmh "Framework of vertical multi-homing in IPv6-based NGN" � Editors Q7/13 2010-01-25
[ 288-GEN ]
Q.20/13 (Public data network) meeting report � Rapporteurs Q20/13 2010-01-25
[ 287-GEN ]
Output of draft Y.ipv6na � Editors Q7/13 2010-01-25
[ 286-GEN ]
Output of draft Y.ipv6migration � Editors Q7/13 2010-01-25
[ 285-GEN ]
Agenda of Q.2&3/11 meeting � Rapporteur Q3/11, Q2/11 2010-01-25
[ 284-GEN ]
Agenda for Q.7/11 � Rapporteur Q7/11 2010-01-25
[ 283-GEN ]
Q.13/11 Meeting Agenda � Rapporteur Q13/11 2010-01-25
[ 282-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.ipv6-object, Framework of object mapping using IPv6 in NGN � Editor Q7/13 2010-01-25
[ 281-GEN ]
Draft meeting agenda of joint Q.1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 14/13 on mobility management coordination � Q1/13 Rapporteur Q8/13, Q5/13, Q4/13, Q3/13, Q14/13, Q11/13, Q1/13 2010-01-22
[ 280-GEN ]
Draft meeting agenda for Q.1/11 � Rapporteur Q1/11 2010-01-22
[ 279-GEN ]
Provisional meeting agenda for Q.9/11 � Rapporteur Q9/11 2010-01-22
[ 278-GEN ]
Presentation for Joint session with NGN community by WP3/5(21 January 2010) � TSB QALL/13 2010-01-22
[ 277-GEN ]
Meeting report of joint Q.1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 14/13 on mobility management coordination � Rapporteur Q.1/13 Q8/13, Q5/13, Q4/13, Q3/13, Q14/13, Q11/13, Q1/13 2010-01-28
[ 276-GEN ]
Meeting Report of Q.15/11 � Rapporteur Q5/11 2010-01-28
[ 275-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.OSE-arch, Open Service Environment Functional Architecture for NGN � Editors Q5/13 2010-01-28
[ 274-GEN ]
Y.ngnIdMreq Output � Editor Q16/13 2010-03-09
[ 273-GEN ]
Meeting report of Q.16/13 � Rapporteur Q16/13 2010-01-28
[ 272-GEN ]
Q.16/13 outgoing liaison statements � Rapporteur Q16/13 2010-01-28
[ 271-GEN ]
Updated Draft Recommendation NGN Identity Management Mechanisms � Editor Q16/13 2010-01-28
[ 270-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation Y.mobsec, "Mobility Security Framework in NGN" � Editors Q16/13 2010-01-28
[ 269-GEN ]
Security Requirements for Mobile Remote Financial Transactions in the Next Generation Networks (NGN), Y.NGN-Mobile-Financial-Requirements � Editor Q16/13 2010-01-27
[ 268-GEN ]
Architecture of Secure Mobile Financial Transactions in the Next Generation Networks (NGN) � Editor Q16/13 2010-01-27
[ 267-GEN ]
Recommendation ITU-T Y.2704 (Y.secMechanisms) Security mechanisms and procedures for NGN � Editors Q16/13 2010-01-26
[ 266-GEN ]
Q.16/13 Input to Q.5/13 on IdM (for inclusion in FRA) � Editor Q5/13, Q16/13 2010-01-26
[ 265-GEN ]
Meeting agenda of Q.16/13 � Rapporteur Q16/13 2010-01-22
[ 264-GEN ]
Introduction to touch-screen based IVVR communication services for new signalling requirements work � Rapporteur Q3/11, Q2/11 2010-01-22
[ 263-GEN ]
Presentation for Joint session with NGN community (21 January 2010) � SG 13 Chairman QALL/13 2010-01-21
Resultats:209 documents
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