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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : TSAG : R�union�2007-12-03�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�TSAG� TD-GEN�(2007-12-03)�


Groupe Consultatif de la Normalisation des T�l�communications

P�riode d'�tudes 2005

R�union� du 2007-12-03 au 2007-12-07

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2009-12-14� 2009-04-27� 2008-07-02� [ 2007-12-03 ]� 2007-02-262006-07-032005-11-072005-03-14

Resultats:133 documents
R�sultats :� Pr�c�dent�-� 1 - 2 - 3
Documents Temporaires �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source Date
[ 456 ]
Report to TSAG on Achievements of SG 17 as the Lead Study Group on Languages and Description Techniques since its meeting on 6-18 December 2006 � ITU-T SG 17 2007-10-05
[ 455 ]
Liaison on Achievements of Focus Group on Identity Management and how to Facilitate the Work under the GSC-12 Resolution on Identity Management � ITU-T SG 17 2007-10-05
[ 454 ]
Proposed transition of Focus Group on Identity Management (FG IdM) work � ITU-T SG 17 2007-10-05
[ 453 ]
Liaison on Technical Output of Focus Group on Identity Management (FG IdM) � ITU-T SG 17 2007-09-21
[ 452 ]
LS to SG17 and FG IdM concerning IdM future work � Convener of JCA-NID 2007-09-21
[ 451 ]
Rechartering of the NGN Management Focus Group � ITU-T SG4 2007-09-17
[ 450 ]
SG 4 Report and Request in its role as Lead SG on Telecommunication Management � ITU-T SG 4 2007-09-17
[ 449 ]
Reply LS to TSAG on creation of ITU-T Restructuring Correspondence Group and request for inputs (TSAG-LS 23) � ITU-T SG 4 2007-09-17
[ 448 ]
Reply to TSAG on Restructuring of Study Groups (Ref. TSAG-LS23-E) � Chairman, ITU-T SG 5 2007-07-26
[ 447 ]
Reply LS to TSAG on creation of ITU-T SG Restructuring Correspondence Group and request for inputs (TSAG - LS 23) � ITU-T SG 16 2007-07-20
[ 446 ]
Summary report, TSAG Finance Ad Hoc Group meeting (27-28 June 2007, Geneva) � Chairman, TSAG Finance Ad Hoc Group meeting 2007-07-20
[ 445 ]
LS to TSAG on Accessibility Lead Study Group � ITU-T SG 16 - Q26/16 2007-07-17
[ 444 ]
LS to TSAG and ITU-T SGs on new Questions on advanced multimedia systems and on multimedia application platforms and end systems for IPTV � ITU-T SG 16 2007-07-16
[ 443 ]
Draft New Recommendation on IPTV Service Requirements and Framework for Secondary Distribution (J.iptvfra) and other J series Recommendations related to IPTV services � ITU-T SG 9 2007-06-28
[ 442 ]
LS to JCA-IPTV, ITU-T SG 13, TSAG and FG IPTV on ITU-T role in IPTV studies � Chairman SG 16 2007-06-28
[ 441 ]
Reply LS to TSAG on creation of ITU-T Restructuring Correspondence Group and request for inputs (TSAG-LS 23) � Chairman, SG15 2007-06-28
[ 440 ]
Electronic Working Methods � ITU-T SG15 2007-06-28
[ 439 ]
Response to TSAG Liaison Statement on revised Terms of Reference for JCA-HN � ITU-T SG15 2007-06-28
[ 438 ]
Draft new Recommendation G.hnta - Generic Home Network Transport Architecture � ITU-T SG15 2007-06-28
[ 437 ]
LS to TSAG and ITU-T Study Groups on ITU-T activities on bridging the standardization gap � TDAG (Geneva, 18 - 20 April 2007) 2007-06-27
[ 436 ]
Comments on Report of IPTV-JCA meeting (23 April 2007) � ITU-T SG 9 2007-06-20
[ 435 ]
Reply LS to TSAG on creation of ITU-T SG Restructuring Correspondence Group and request for inputs (TSAG-LS 23) � Chairman SG 6 2007-06-12
[ 434 ]
Innovations in NGN - Future Network and Services / An ITU-T Kaleidoscope Event (Geneva, 12-13 May 2008) � Director, TSB 2007-06-06
[ 433 ]
Reply LS to TSAG on ITU-T activities on bridging the standardization gap (TSAG-LS 20) � Chairman SG 6 2007-05-31
[ 432 ]
Reply for liaison statement from TSAG � ITU-T SG 5 2007-05-25
[ 431 ]
ITU-T activities on bridging the standardization gap (Ref.: TSAG-LS 20-E) � ITU-T SG 5 2007-05-25
[ 430 ]
LS to TDAG and ITU-D and ITU-T Study Groups on ITU-T activities on bridging the standardization gap � ITU-T SG 11 2007-05-25
[ 429 ]
SG11 Liaison to TSAG on Study Group restructuring � ITU-T SG 11 2007-05-25
[ 428 ]
Liaison on revised Terms of Reference for JCA-HN � ITU-T WP 2/17 2007-04-27
[ 427 ]
Reply to LS on the initiation of ubiquitous sensor network (USN) studies � ITU-T WP 2/17 2007-04-27
[ 426 ]
Reply LS to TSAG on Terms of Reference for JCA-HN � Rapporteur Q21/16 a.i. 2007-04-27
[ 425 ]
Draft Work Plan for the meeting of TSAG (Geneva, 3-7 December 2007) � TSAG Chairman 2007-04-27
[ 424 ]
Agenda and document allocation, TSAG ( 3-7 December 2007, Geneva) � TSAG Chairman 2007-04-27
Resultats:133 documents
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