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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG17 : R�union�2006-12-06�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG17� TD-WP2�(2006-12-06)�


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P�riode d'�tudes 2005

R�union� du 2006-12-06 au 2006-12-15

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2009-09-16� 2009-02-11� 2008-09-152008-04-072007-12-102007-09-192007-04-202007-04-182007-04-16� [ 2006-12-06 ]� 2006-04-192006-01-162005-10-052005-03-30

Resultats:190 documents
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Documents Temporaires �(WP2) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 2459-WP2 ]
Draft Roadmap Updates � Rapporteur Q4/17 2006-12-06
[ 2458-WP2 ]
Draft agenda Q.4/17 � Rapporteur Q4/17 2006-12-06
[ 2457-WP2 ]
Working draft report on "ITU-T Security Strategy Standardization" project � SG 17 Vice-Chairman Q4/17 2006-12-06
[ 2456-WP2 ]
Agenda Q.9/17 � Rapporteur Q9/17 2006-12-06
[ 2455-WP2 ]
Agenda for WP2 Plenary � Chairman of WP2/17 Q17/17, Q9/17, Q8/17, Q7/17, Q6/17, Q5/17, Q4/17 2006-12-05
[ 2454-WP2 ]
Agenda for the meeting of ITU-T Q.6/17 � Rapporteur Q6/17 2006-12-05
[ 2453-WP2 ]
BioAPI Interworking Protocol � Editors Q8/17 2006-12-05
[ 2452-WP2 ]
Draft ITU-T Recommendation on "Security Baseline for Network Operators � Editor Q4/17 2006-12-05
[ 2451-WP2 ]
Proposal related to Telebiometric Database � Editor Q8/17 2006-12-04
[ 2450-WP2 ]
Liaison from IEC/TC 25 on IEC/ISO project 80000-14.ed1 � IEC/TC 25 Q8/17 2006-12-01
[ 2449-WP2 ]
US-CCU Cyber-security Check List � TSB Q17/17, Q9/17, Q8/17, Q7/17, Q6/17, Q5/17, Q4/17 2006-12-01
[ 2448-WP2 ]
Information technology - Security techniques - Security requirements for cryptographic modules � ISO Central Secretariat Q8/17 2006-12-01
[ 2447-WP2 ]
Reply LS to SG 15 on home networking activities in ITU-T � ITU-T SG 16 Q9/17 2006-12-01
[ 2446-WP2 ]
Proposed updated draft text of X.msec-4 from Editors � Editors Q9/17 2006-11-30
[ 2445-WP2 ]
Technical framework for countering email spam (X.fcs) � Editors Q17/17 2006-11-30
[ 2444-WP2 ]
Revised draft Recommendation X.tsm-1 (Revision 2) � Associate Rapp Q8/17 2006-11-30
[ 2443-WP2 ]
Revised version of ITU-T Rec. X.physiol � Editor Q8/17 2006-11-30
[ 2442-WP2 ]
Proposed updated draft text of X.crs: Correlative Reacting System in mobile data communication � Editors Q9/17 2006-11-27
[ 2441-WP2 ]
Proposed updated draft text of X.tai: Telebiometrics Authentication Infrastructure (TAI) � Editors Q8/17 2006-11-27
[ 2440-WP2 ]
X.bip: new text for Annex A to support IPv6 � Editor Q8/17 2006-11-16
[ 2439-WP2 ]
Home Networking activities in ITU-T � ITU-T SG 15 Q9/17 2006-11-17
[ 2438-WP2 ]
A vendor-neutral framework for automatic checking of the presence of vulnerabilities information update (X.vds) � Editor Q6/17 2006-11-09
[ 2437-WP2 ]
Response to Q.5/17 liaison statement SG 17 draft Recommendation X.ngn-akm � Q.15/13 Rapporteur Group Q5/17 2006-11-08
[ 2436-WP2 ]
Liaison statement to Q.6/17 on identity management security work in Q.15/13 � Q.15/13 Rapporteur Group Q6/17 2006-11-08
[ 2435-WP2 ]
New draft text of X.tai: Telebiometrics Authentication Infrastructure (TAI) � Editor Q8/17 2006-11-07
[ 2434-WP2 ]
First draft text of X.msec-4 from Editors � Editors Q9/17 2006-11-07
[ 2433-WP2 ]
First draft text of X.crs: correlative reacting system in mobile data communication � Editors Q9/17 2006-11-07
[ 2432-WP2 ]
Reply to liaison concerning "ITU-T Candidate Recommendation X.homesec-1 - Framework of security technologies for home network." � ITU-T SG 9 Q9/17 2006-10-23
[ 2431-WP2 ]
X.tpp-1 (Telebiometric Protection Procedures-Part1): A Guideline of Technical and Managerial Countermeasures for Biometric Data Security � Editor Q8/17 2006-10-23
[ 2430-WP2 ]
Draft text of X.tai: Telebiometrics Authentication Infrastructure (TAI) � Editor Q8/17 2006-10-23
[ 2429-WP2 ]
Baseline input text for X.rmg, Risk management guidelines for telecommunications � Editor Q7/17 2006-10-23
[ 2428-WP2 ]
1st Draft of X.sim: Security Incident Management Guidelines for Telecommunications � Editor Q7/17 2006-10-23
[ 2427-WP2 ]
Information Technology - BioAPI Interworking Protocol � Editor Q8/17 2006-10-23
[ 2426-WP2 ]
ITU-T Candidate Recommendation X.ngn-akm - Framework for EAP-based Authentication and Key Management of NGN � Editor Q5/17 2006-10-23
[ 2425-WP2 ]
Report of the Joint Rapporteur Groups meeting on security, Ottawa, Canada, 11-15 September 2006 � Chairman, WP 2/17 Q17/17, Q9/17, Q8/17, Q7/17, Q6/17, Q5/17 2006-10-23
[ 2424-WP2 ]
Reply LS on summary of ITU-T Study Groups security related activities (COM 17-LS 81) � ITU-T SG 6 Q4/17 2006-09-29
[ 2423-WP2 ]
New Question 22/1 Securing information and communication networks: Best practices for developing a culture of cybersecurity � ITU-D SG 1 Q6/17, Q4/17 2006-09-29
[ 2422-WP2 ]
Outgoing LS: Answer concerning request for relevant data to populate the telebiometric database � ITU-T SG 5 Q8/17 2006-09-29
[ 2421-WP2 ]
Outgoing LS: ITU-T SG5 Security Related Activities � ITU-T SG 5 Q4/17 2006-09-29
[ 2420-WP2 ]

Withdrawn (see TD 2426)
N/A � Q5/17 2006-09-20
[ 2419-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation X.1051 (rev.), Information Security Management Guidelines for telecommunications based on ISO/IEC 27002 � Editor Q7/17 2006-09-19
[ 2418-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation X.pak, Password-Authenticated Key Exchange (PAK) Protocol � Editors Q5/17 2006-09-19
[ 2417-WP2 ]
Updated draft text of X.crs: correlative reacting system in mobile data communication � Editors Q9/17 2006-09-15
[ 2416-WP2 ]
Revised text of X.msec-4 from Editors � Editors Q9/17 2006-09-15
[ 2415-WP2 ]
Draft text on X.rfidsec-1: Privacy Protection Framework for Networked RFID Services � Rapporteur/Editors Q9/17 2006-09-15
[ 2414-WP2 ]
X.homesec-2 : Device certificate profile for the home network � Editor Q9/17 2006-09-14
[ 2413-WP2 ]
Draft text on X.rfpg : Proposal for Developing the Guideline on Protection Personal Information and Privacy for RFID � Rapporteur/Editors Q6/17 2006-09-14
[ 2412-WP2 ]

Withdrawn (see TD 2426)
N/A � Q5/17 2006-09-13
[ 2411-WP2 ]
ITU-T Candidate Recommendation X.homesec-1 - Framework of security technologies for home network � Editor Q9/17 2006-09-13
[ 2410-WP2 ]
Baseline document for Recommendation X.p2p-1 (Requirements of security for peer-to-peer communications) � Editor Q9/17 2006-09-13
Resultats:190 documents
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