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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG15 : R�union�2007-06-04�: Contributions� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG15� C�(2007-06-04)�


Infrastructures des r�seaux optiques et autres r�seaux de transport

P�riode d'�tudes 2005

R�union� du 2007-06-04 au 2007-06-15

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2008-12-012008-02-112006-10-302006-02-062005-05-162004-11-29

Resultats:332 documents
R�sultats :� Pr�c�dent�-� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 �-�Suivant Next
Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 524 ]
Proposal of ERP initial state � NTT Q9/15 2007-05-25
[ 523 ]
Proposal of identification of APS frame � NTT Q9/15 2007-05-25
[ 522 ]
Proposal of range restrictions for transmission of APS frame � NTT Q9/15 2007-05-25
[ 521 ]
G.lt: Management of Line Test � BT Q4/15 2007-05-25
[ 520 ]
G.vdsl: Proposal for New Recommendation on FEXT Cancellation for use with VDSL2 Transceivers � Actelis Networks Q4/15 2007-05-25
[ 519 ]
G.vdsl2: Upzide's answers to Alcatel's vectoring questions. � Upzide Labs Q4/15 2007-05-25
[ 518 ]
G.vdsl2: Upzide's answers to Adtran's vectoring questions. � Upzide Labs Q4/15 2007-05-25
[ 517 ]
WITHDRAWN - See C495 � N/A � Q13/15 N/A
[ 516 ]
G.gen: High INPmin using retransmission � British Telecommunications plc Q4/15 2007-05-25
[ 515 ]
WITHDRAWN - See C494 � N/A � N/A
[ 514 ]
Proposed study items for packet based transport technologies for the next study period (2009-2012) � NTT Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 2007-05-25
[ 513 ]
Proposed update for "Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan" � NTT Q3/15 2007-05-25
[ 512 ]
A proposed modification to the response to DNR in G.8031v2 � ETRI Q9/15 2007-05-25
[ 511 ]
G.vdsl: Update of the channel estimation matrix during the insertion of a new user � France Telecom Q4/15 2007-05-25
[ 510 ]
Correspondence activity on the alignment of nomenclature in G.666 and G.650.2 � Deutsche Telekom Q5/15, Q7/15 2007-05-25
[ 509 ]
Appendix I of G.666: Polarisation control in front of the PMD emulator � Deutsche Telekom Q7/15 2007-05-25
[ 508 ]
Upgradeability considerations for Supplement G.Sup.41 � France Telecom Q8/15 2007-05-25
[ 507 ]
Proposal to Update IETF RFC Reference in G.7712 � Cisco Systems Inc. Q14/15 2007-05-25
[ 506 ]
Explanation of G.pacxyz structure for the scope chapter of the recommendations � Deutsche Telekom Q13/15 2007-05-25
[ 505 ]
Synchronization signal and E-SSM path continuity � Cisco Q13/15 2007-05-25
[ 504 ]
Option for E-OAM supporting E-SSM transmission � Cisco Q13/15 2007-05-25
[ 503 ]
G.VDSL: Further information for the SOS proposal � Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd., , NEC Corporation Q4/15 2007-05-25
[ 502 ]
G.VDSL,Ploam: Modifications in G.993.2 and G.997.1 for SOS functionality � Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd., , NEC Corporation Q4/15 2007-05-25
[ 501 ]
G.gen: ADSL PEIN Events Captured on BT Lines � BT Q4/15 2007-05-24
[ 500 ]
Proposals for EEC Network Limits (Clause 7.2.1 in G.8261) � Ericsson Q13/15 2007-05-24
[ 499 ]
Proposals for EEC Jitter Limits in G.paclock � Ericsson Q13/15 2007-05-24
[ 498 ]
Proposals for Appendix IX in G.8261 � Ericsson Q13/15 2007-05-24
[ 497 ]
Proposals for Test Cases in appendix VI in G.8261 � Ericsson Q13/15 2007-05-24
[ 496 ]
Proposals for clause 8.1 in G.8261 � Ericsson Q13/15 2007-05-24
[ 495 ]
Proposals for models in Appendix V in G.8261 � Ericsson , Cisco Q13/15 2007-05-24
[ 494 ]
Proposal to include PMD limit of 40G system for several modulation formats in G.696.1 � NTT Q6/15 2007-05-24
[ 493 ]
Proposed modification for G.8131 Amendment � Fujitsu Q9/15 2007-05-24
[ 492 ]
Consideration on T-MPLS connections and its server layer � Fujitsu Q12/15 2007-05-24
[ 491 ]
Proposed update for G.8112 � Fujitsu Q12/15, Q11/15 2007-05-24
[ 490 ]
Consideration for GFP UPI in T-MPLS and MPLS � Fujitsu Q11/15 2007-05-24
[ 489 ]
APS protocol for Ethernet Ring Protection (G.8032) � Fujitsu Q9/15 2007-05-24
[ 488 ]
Comments and proposed modification for draft G.8132 � Fujitsu Q9/15 2007-05-24
[ 487 ]
Proposed work plan for Q9 � Fujitsu Q9/15 2007-05-24
[ 486 ]
Comments on APS MEG level in G.8032 � Hitachi Q9/15 2007-05-24
[ 485 ]
Proposal of text modification in G.8031 � Hitachi Q9/15 2007-05-24
[ 484 ]
Comment on Connectivity Monitoring in G.8011.4 � Hitachi Q11/15 2007-05-24
[ 483 ]
Proposed structure for G.pacmod � Nortel Q13/15 2007-05-24
[ 482 ]
Clarification to sections in current draft of G.paclock � Nortel Q13/15 2007-05-24
[ 481 ]
Additional considerations for specification of STM-256 jitter in G.783 and G.825 � Nortel Q13/15 2007-05-24
[ 480 ]
SSM processing time considerations � Nortel Q13/15 2007-05-24
[ 479 ]
G.vdsl: VDSL2 FEXT Cancellation Performance Estimates in Remote Deployments � Actelis Networks Q4/15 2007-05-24
[ 478 ]
Request for Home Nework study in SG15 � Japan Q1/15 2007-05-24
[ 477 ]
ADSL2plus Performance Impact Experiments with L2 Mode Fluctuating Crosstalk � BT Q4/15 2007-05-24
[ 476 ]
Powerline Channel Data � Intel Corp. , Intellon Corp. , Gigle Semiconductor , Conexant Systems, Inc. Q4/15 2007-05-24
[ 475 ]
G.hn System Requirements � Intel Corp. Q4/15 2007-05-24
Resultats:332 documents
R�sultats :� Pr�c�dent�-� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 �-�Suivant Next
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