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Conf�rence de Pl�nipotentiaires

Resultats:211 documents
R�sultats :� Pr�c�dent�-� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 �-�Suivant Next
Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source Destinataires Date
[ 111 ]
First series of texts submitted by Committee 6 to the Editorial Committee (Resolution 151) � COM6 COM4 2022-09-28
[ 110 ]
Information note on voting process � SG PL 2022-09-28
[ 109 ]
First series of text submitted by Committee 5 to the Editorial Committee (Resolutions 169 and 184) � COM5 COM4 2022-10-03
[ 108 ]
Minutes of the first Plenary Meeting � SG PL 2022-09-27
[ 107 ]
Minutes of the Opening Ceremony � SG PL 2022-09-27
[ 106 ]
Secretariat of the Conference � SG PL 2022-09-27
[ 105 ]
Conduct of proceedings at the Bucharest Plenipotentiary Conference � Chairman PL 2022-09-26
[ 104 ]
General schedule of work of the Conference � SG PL 2022-09-26
[ 103 ]
Structure of the Conference � SG PL 2022-09-26
[ 102 ]
Transfer of Powers - Sao Tome and Principe to Portugal � SG PL 2022-09-25
[ 101 ]
Financial statement of the Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-22) as at 7 October 2022 � SG COM3 2022-09-24
[ 100 ]
Transfer of Powers - Costa Rica - Dominican Republic � SG PL 2022-09-24
[ 99 ]
Transfer of Powers - Tuvalu to Australia � SG PL 2022-09-24
[ 98 ]
Transfer of Powers - Marshall Islands to United States of America � SG PL 2022-09-24
[ 97 ]
Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of the Conference � SG PL 2022-09-22
[ 96 ]
Candidatures from Member States for the elections to the ITU Council � SG PL 2022-09-19
[ 95 ]
Proposals for the work of the Conference - Proposal to modify Resolution 94: Auditing of the accounts of the Union � Canada PL 2022-09-18
[ 94 ]
ITU-D contribution to the ITU Strategic plan for 2024-2027 - Kigali Action Plan � SG PL 2022-09-08
[ 93 ]
Proposals for the work of the Conference - General matters - Healthy and Balanced budget for the Union � India (Republic of) PL 2022-09-05
[ 92 ]
Proposals for the work of the Conference - Revision to Resolution 25: Strengthening the regional presence � Czech Republic , Poland (Republic of) PL 2022-09-05
[ 91 ]
Proposals for the work of the Conference � Cuba PL 2022-09-05
[ 90 ]
Proposals for the work of the Conference - Revision to Resolution 198: Empowerment of youth through telecommunication/information and communication technology � Bulgaria (Republic of) , Croatia (Republic of) , Czech Republic , Denmark , Estonia (Republic of) , France , Germany (Federal Republic of) , Greece , Hungary , Italy , Malta , Moldova (Republic of) , Netherlands (Kingdom of the) , Norway , Poland (Republic of) , Portugal , Romania , Slovenia (Republic of) , Spain , Sweden , Ukraine , United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland PL 2022-09-05
[ 89 ]
[number no longer in use - see under document 19 to view regrouped proposals] � N/A � 2022-09-05
[ 88 ]
Proposals for the work of the Conference � Russian Federation PL 2022-09-05
[ 87 ]
Proposals for the work of the Conference - Revision to Annex 1 to Resolution 71: ITU Strategic Plan for 2024-2027 (Multi-countries - Europe, USA, etc.) � Australia , Belgium , Bulgaria (Republic of) , Canada , Czech Republic , Denmark , Dominican Republic , Estonia (Republic of) , Finland , France , Germany (Federal Republic of) , Hungary , Ireland , Italy , Korea (Republic of) , Latvia (Republic of) , Lithuania (Republic of) , Mexico , Netherlands (Kingdom of the) , New Zealand , Norway , Paraguay (Republic of) , Portugal , Romania , Slovenia (Republic of) , Spain , Sweden , United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland , United States of America PL 2022-09-05
[ 86 ]
Proposals for the work of the Conference - Draft new Resolution: Development of disaggregated, open, and interoperable networks � Brazil (Federative Republic of) , Paraguay (Republic of) PL 2022-09-05
[ 85 ]
Proposal to modify Resolution 77 on scheduling and duration of conferences, forums, assemblies and Council sessions of the Union � United States of America PL 2022-09-04
[ 84 ]
Proposals for the work of the Conference - Draft new Resolution on Ensuring transparency and sustainability and advancing confidence building measures in outer space activities � Samoa (Independent State of) , Solomon Islands , Vanuatu (Republic of) PL 2022-09-04
[ 83 ]
(Rev.1) +Add.1-42
Proposals for the work of the Conference �
Proposal of revision to Resolution 30 withdrawn on 12/09/22
Member States of ATU PL 2022-09-04
[ 82 ]
Proposals for the work of the Conference � Greece PL 2022-09-05
[ 81 ]
Proposals for the work of the Conference - Draft new resolution: ITU's role in promoting the development and use of digital platform to support digital transformation � Lao People's Democratic Republic , Papua New Guinea , Viet Nam (Socialist Republic of) PL 2022-09-04
[ 80 ]
(Rev.1) +Add.1-23
Proposals for the work of the Conference � APT Administrations PL 2022-09-04
[ 79 ]
Proposals for the work of the Conference � Brazil (Federative Republic of) PL 2022-09-03
[ 78 ]
Proposals for the work of the Conference �
The proposal contained in addendum 10 has been withdrawn
Arab States Administrations PL 2022-09-04
[ 77 ]
Propositions pour les travaux de la Conference - Projet de nouvelle Resolution intitulee "Encourager la participation du secteur prive aux travaux de l'Union" � Argentine Republic , Australia , Bahamas (Commonwealth of the) , Canada , Paraguay (Republic of) , United States of America PL 2022-09-02
[ 76 ]
Propositions interam�ricaines communes pour les travaux de Conf�rence � Members States of CITEL PL 2022-09-01
[ 75 ]
R�sultats de la mise en ouvre des mesures d'efficacit� d�crites � l'Annexe 2 de la D�cision 5 (R�v. Duba�, 2018) pour la p�riode 2020-2023 � SG PL 2022-08-26
[ 74 ]
Candidature au poste de Directeur du Bureau de d�veloppement des t�l�communications (BDT): M. Cosmas Zavazava (R�publique du Zimbabwe) � SG PL 2022-08-26
[ 73 ]
Withdrawal of the Candidacy for the post of Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT): Mr Alexander Ntoko (Republic of Cameroon) � SG PL 2022-08-26
[ 72 ]
Candidature au poste de Directeur du Bureau de la Normalisation des T�l�communications (TSB): M. Bilel Jamoussi (Tunisie) � SG PL 2022-08-24
[ 71 ]
Extrait des actes de l'AMNT-20 - Utilisation sur un pied d'�galit� des modes de participation physique et virtuelle aux activit�s du Secteur de la normalisation des t�l�communications de l'UIT � SG PL 2022-08-24
[ 70 ]
Rapport sur les progr�s accomplis dans la mise en ouvre de la R�solution 1408 du Conseil de l'UIT � SG PL 2022-08-23
[ 69 ]
Candidature au poste de Directeur du Bureau de d�veloppement des t�l�communications (BDT): M. Stephen BEREAUX (Commonwealth des Bahamas) � SG PL 2022-08-22
[ 68 ]
(Rev.1) +Add.1-17
Propositions communes de la RCC pour les travaux de la conf�rence � Member States of RCC PL 2022-08-19
[ 67 ]
Perte du droit de vote � SG PL 2022-08-17
[ 66 ]
Withdrawal of Candidacy for the post of Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT): Mrs Anusha Rahman Khan (Pakistan) � SG PL 2022-08-09
[ 65 ]
R�solutions de la Conf�rence mondiale de d�veloppement des t�l�communications (CMDT-22) port�es � l'attention de la Conf�rence de pl�nipotentiaires � SG PL 2022-08-04
[ 64 ]
Rapport d'activit� sur la mise en oeuvre de la R�solution 167 (R�v. Duba�, 2018) de la Conf�rence de pl�nipotentiaires � SG PL 2022-07-15
[ 63 ]
Rapport du Comit� du R�glement des radiocommunications - Invocation de l'article 48 de la Constitution en ce qui concerne le R�glement des radiocommunications � SG PL 2022-07-13
[ 62 ]
Rapport sur les progr�s r�alis�s concernant le projet de locaux du si�ge de l'Union � SG PL 2022-07-13
Resultats:211 documents
R�sultats :� Pr�c�dent�-� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 �-�Suivant Next
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