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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 5 : Reuni�n�2021-05-11�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 5� TD-GEN�(2021-05-11)�


Environment, climate change and circular economy

Periodo de estudios 2017

Reuni�n� del 2021-05-11 al 2021-05-20

Lugar : E-Meeting

Otras reuniones : 2021-11-30� [ 2021-05-11 ]� 2020-10-192020-05-112019-09-162019-05-132018-09-112018-05-212018-03-052017-11-132017-05-15

Resultados :280 documentos
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Documentos Temporales �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 1822-GEN ]
Revisions of the Appendix II of the ITU-T Recommendation K.90 � Rapporteur Q3/5 Q3/5 2021-05-14
[ 1821-GEN ]
Revision of Recommendation ITU-T K.139 "Reliability requirements for telecommunication systems affected by particle radiation" � Associate Rapporteur Q1/5 Q1/5 2021-05-14
[ 1820-GEN ]
Revision of Recommendation ITU-T K.138 "Quality estimation methods and application guidelines for mitigation measures based on particle radiation tests" � Associate Rapporteur Q1/5 Q1/5 2021-05-14
[ 1819-GEN ]
Revision of Recommendation ITU-T K.131 "Design methodologies for telecommunication systems applying soft error measures" � Associate Rapporteur Q1/5 Q1/5 2021-05-14
[ 1818-GEN ]
Revision of Recommendation ITU-T K.130 "Neutron irradiation test methods for telecommunication equipment" � Associate Rapporteur Q1/5 Q1/5 2021-05-14
[ 1817-GEN ]
Revision of Recommendation ITU-T K.124 "Overview of particle radiation effects on telecommunication systems" � Associate Rapporteur Q1/5 Q1/5 2021-05-14
[ 1816-GEN ]
First Draft of New Recommendation ITU-T L.EEMDC "Energy Efficiency in Micro Data Centre for Edge Computing" � Editor Q6/5 2021-05-14
[ 1815-GEN ]
Correction of Figure 3 drawing error in ITU-T K.50 Amendment 1(06/2020) � Rapporteur Q2/5 Q2/5 2021-05-14
[ 1814-GEN ]
Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T K.136 "Electromagnetic compatibility requirements for radio telecommunication equipment" produced at Q4/5 meeting � Rapporteurs Q4/5 Q4/5 2021-05-13
[ 1813-GEN ]
Create a web-based tool for the implementation of Recommendation ITU-T L.1371 "A methodology for assessing and scoring the sustainability performance of office buildings" � Chairman WP2/5 Q6/5 2021-05-13
[ 1812-GEN ]
2nd draft of the new ITU-T Supplement K.SUP.5G.EMC "Analysis of electromagnetic compatibility requirements and test methods of 5G Active Antenna System base station" produced at Q4/5 meeting � Rapporteur Q4/5 Q4/5 2021-05-13
[ 1811-GEN ]
Proposed draft new Recommendation K.power_emc "Electromagnetic compatibility requirements for power equipment in telecommunication facilities" produced at Q4/5 meeting � Rapporteur Q4/5 Q4/5 2021-05-13
[ 1810-GEN ]
First draft of revision of ITU-T Rec. K.114 "Electromagnetic compatibility requirements and measurement methods for digital cellular mobile communication base station equipment" produced at Q4/5 meeting � Co-Rapporteurs Q4/5 Q4/5 2021-05-13
[ 1809-GEN ]
Revision of K.137 "Electromagnetic compatibility requirements and measurement methods for wireline telecommunication network equipment" produced at Q4/5 meeting � Co-Rapporteur Q4/5 Q4/5 2021-05-13
[ 1808-GEN ]
Report on the activities carried out in IEC TC106 and IEEE/ICES TC34 � Rapporteur Q3/5 Q3/5 2021-05-13
[ 1807-GEN ]
United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) initiative � U4SSC Vice-chairman Q13/5 2021-05-13
[ 1806-GEN ]
Q2/5 discussion on networking terms used in Recommendation ITU-T K.147: Ethernet port resistibility testing for overvoltages and overcurrents � Q2/5 Rapporteur Q2/5 2021-05-13
[ 1805-GEN ]
ITU-T L.ME_DIS "Assessment of material efficiency of ICT network infrastructure goods (circular economy) part 5- server and data storage product disassembly and disassembly instruction" � Editor Q7/5 2021-05-13
[ 1804-GEN ]
Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-T K.123 "Electromagnetic compatibility requirements for electrical equipment in telecommunication facilities" produced at the Q4/5 meeting � Co-Rapporteur Q4/5 Q4/5 2021-05-13
[ 1803-GEN ]
Proposed revision of K.Sup.21 "Rationale for setting resistibility requirements of telecommunication equipment installed in customer premises against lightning" � Rapporteur Q2/5 Q2/5 2021-05-13
[ 1802-GEN ]
Supplement K.Sup.telecom_centre to ITU-T K.20: Rationale for setting resistibility requirements of telecommunication equipment installed in a telecommunication centre against lightning" � Rapporteur Q2/5 Q2/5 2021-05-13
[ 1801-GEN ]
Revision of Series K Supplement 22 "Rationale of resistibility of telecommunication equipment installed in the access and trunk networks against lightning" � Rapporteur Q2/5 Q2/5 2021-05-13
[ 1800-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Working Group liaison officer to ITU-T SG 5 (reply to IEEE.802.3-LS04 & TD1648) [to IEEE.802.3] � ITU-T Study Group 5 Q2/5 2021-05-13
[ 1799-GEN ]
Q13/5: Building circular and sustainable cities and communities � Rapporteur Q13/5 Q13/5 2021-05-13
[ 1798-GEN ]
Baseline text of ITU-T Draft L.Suppl.resource_sav "Examples of resource saving by using ICT technologies" � Editors Q7/5 2021-05-12
[ 1797-GEN ]
Baseline text draft Recommendation ITU-T L.methodology_arch: "Methodology to identify key equipment in order to assess the environmental impact and e-waste generation of different network architectures" � Associate Rapporteurs Q7/5 Q7/5 2021-05-12
[ 1796-GEN ]
Tool for Recommendation ITU-T L.1023 "Assessment method for circular scoring" � Chairman WP2/5 Q7/5 2021-05-12
[ 1795-GEN ]
New Baseline Document for the Sustainable Management of Batteries L.SM_Batteries � Co-Rapporteur Q7/5 Q7/5 2021-05-12
[ 1794-GEN ]
LS/i/r on Human exposure to EMF (reply to SG5 LS-150) [from ITU-R WP 5A] � ITU-R WP 5A Q3/5 2021-05-11
[ 1793-GEN ]
LS/i/r on SG17 work on data deletion and firmware update (reply to SG5-LS175) [from ITU-SG17] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q7/5 2021-05-11
[ 1792-GEN ]
Supplement to K.117 -Long reach single twisted-pair Ethernet resistibility testing � Rapporteur Q2/5 Q2/5 2021-05-11
[ 1791-GEN ]
Presentation on Opening remarks for WP2/5 plenary � Chairman WP2/5 Q9/5, Q7/5, Q6/5, Q13/5, Q12/5, Q11/5 2021-05-11
[ 1790-GEN ]
Presentation of European Commission Communication "COM(2021) 82 final": Forging a climate-resilient Europe - the new EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change � Co-Rapporteur Q12/5 Q12/5 2021-05-11
[ 1789-GEN ]
Report of ITU-T Q9/5 Rapporteur e-meeting held on 23 April 2021 � Co-Rapporteur Q9/5 Q9/5 2021-05-11
[ 1788-GEN ]
Virtual Forum on Human Exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) due to digital technologies and Updated version of EMF mobile app � TSB QALL/5 2021-05-10
[ 1787-GEN ]
LS/i/r on standardization activities on energy saving and data centre (reply to SG5-LS180) [from CCSA] � CCSA Q6/5, Q11/5 2021-05-10
[ 1786-GEN ]
LS/i on new work item on draft Recommendation ITU-T F.VG-VMA "Architecture of vehicular multimedia systems" [from ITU-T SG16] � ITU-T Study Group 16 QALL/5 2021-05-10
[ 1785-GEN ]
Report of ITU-T Q7/5 Rapporteur e-meeting held on 5 May 2021 � Associate Rapporteur Q7/5 Q7/5 2021-05-10
[ 1784-GEN ]
Report of ITU-T Q7/5 Rapporteur e-meeting held on 21 April 2021 � Associate Rapporteur Q7/5 Q7/5 2021-05-10
[ 1783-GEN ]
Report of ITU-T Q9/5 Rapporteur e-meeting held on 7 April 2021 � Co-Rapporteur Q9/5 Q9/5 2021-05-10
[ 1782-GEN ]
Presentation on Danish Data Center Industry � Chairman WP2/5 Q9/5, Q7/5, Q6/5, Q13/5, Q12/5, Q11/5 2021-05-10
[ 1781-GEN ]
Latest draft Recommendation ITU-T L.HL_e-waste: "Guide for the institutions of higher learning to contribute in the effective life cycle management of e-equipment and e-waste" � Co-rapporteurs Q7/5 Q7/5 2021-05-10
[ 1780-GEN ]
Updated Draft Recommendation ITU-T L.NetZero " Guidance and criteria for ICT organisations on setting Net Zero targets and strategies " after drafting session � Editors Q9/5 2021-05-10
[ 1779-GEN ]
Report of ITU-T Q7/5 Rapporteur e-meeting held on 15 April 2021 � Rapporteur Q7/5 Q7/5 2021-05-10
[ 1778-GEN ]
Report of ITU-T Q7/5 Rapporteur e-meeting held on 23 March 2021 � Rapporteur Q7/5 Q7/5 2021-05-10
[ 1777-GEN ]
Report of ITU-T Q7/5 Rapporteur e-meeting held on 17 February 2021 � Rapporteur Q7/5 Q7/5 2021-05-10
[ 1776-GEN ]
Report of ITU-T Q7/5 Rapporteur e-meeting held on 13 January 2021 � Rapporteur Q7/5 Q7/5 2021-05-10
[ 1775-GEN ]
Report of ITU-T Q7/5 Rapporteur e-meeting held on 12 January 2021 � Rapporteur Q7/5 Q7/5 2021-05-10
[ 1774-GEN ]
Report of ITU-T Q7/5 Rapporteur e-meeting held on 9 December 2020 � Rapporteur Q7/5 Q7/5 2021-05-10
[ 1773-GEN ]
Report of ITU-T Q7/5 Rapporteur e-meeting held on 30 November 2020 � Rapporteur Q7/5 Q7/5 2021-05-10
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