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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 5 : Reuni�n�2020-10-19�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 5� TD-GEN�(2020-10-19)�


Environment, climate change and circular economy

Periodo de estudios 2017

Reuni�n� del 2020-10-19 al 2020-10-23

Lugar : E-Meeting

Otras reuniones : 2021-11-302021-05-11� [ 2020-10-19 ]� 2020-05-112019-09-162019-05-132018-09-112018-05-212018-03-052017-11-132017-05-15

Resultados :204 documentos
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Documentos Temporales �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 1542-GEN ]
Report of Q7/5 e-meeting held on 17 June 2020 � Rapporteur Q7/5 Q7/5 2020-10-16
[ 1541-GEN ]
Proposed A.13 justification for Draft Supplement to Recommendation ITU-T K.117 "Ethernet port surge voltages and currents" � Rapporteur Q2/5 Q2/5 2020-10-16
[ 1540-GEN ]
Draft Supplement to Recommendation ITU-T K.117: "Long reach single twisted-pair Ethernet resistibility testing" � Rapporteur Q2/5 Q2/5 2020-10-16
[ 1539-GEN ]
Report of Q6/5 e-meeting held on 8 September 2020 � Rapporteurs Q6/5 Q6/5 2020-10-16
[ 1538-GEN ]
Report of Q6/5 e-meeting held on 21 August 2020 � Rapporteurs Q6/5 Q6/5 2020-10-16
[ 1537-GEN ]
Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T K.78: "High altitude electromagnetic pulse immunity guide for telecommunication centres" � Rapporteur Q5/5 Q5/5 2020-10-16
[ 1536-GEN ]
Background paper on Implementing 5G for Good: Does EMF Matter? - for comments � TSB QALL/5, Q3/5 2020-10-16
[ 1535-GEN ]
Proposed Ethernet port surge voltages and currents supplement for ITU-T Recommendation K.147 Ethernet port resistibility testing for overvoltages and overcurrents (reference C731) � Rapporteur Q2/5 Q2/5 2020-10-15
[ 1534-GEN ]
Future possible stale work items � TSB QALL/5 2020-10-15
[ 1533-GEN ]
New Global Portal on Environment and Smart Sustainable Cities � TSB QALL/5 2020-10-15
[ 1532-GEN ]
LS/i on ETSI EE Work Item activities status report to ITU-T SG5 [from ETSI TC EE] � ETSI TC EE Q9/5, Q7/5, Q6/5 2020-10-15
[ 1531-GEN ]
ITU-T L.ME_DIS "Assessment of material efficiency of ICT network infrastructure goods (circular economy) part 5- server and data storage product disassembly and disassembly instruction" � Editor Q7/5 2020-10-15
[ 1530-GEN ]
Report of Q7/5 e-meeting held on 25 September 2020 � Associate Rapporteur Q7/5 Q7/5 2020-10-15
[ 1529-GEN ]
AI for Good Global Summit - Webinars of relevance to ITU-T SG5 � TSB QALL/5 2020-10-15
[ 1528-GEN ]
Comments on LC text-TD-GEN-1390 and TD-GEN-1389 from Greece � Rapporteur Q1/5 Q1/5 2020-10-14
[ 1527-GEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new Recommendation K.soft_dev � Associate Rapporteur Q5/5 Q5/5 2020-10-14
[ 1526-GEN ]
LS/i on strategies and policies concerning human exposure to EMF [from ITU-D] � ITU-D SG2 Q3/5 2020-10-14
[ 1525-GEN ]
Report of the first meeting of SG5RG-AP, (Virtual, 29-30 September 2020) � Chairman SG5RG-AP QALL/5 2020-10-12
[ 1524-GEN ]
LS/i/r on EMF exposure from bonded cellular devices (reply SG5-LS151) [from ITU-R] � ITU-R Q3/5 2020-10-12
[ 1523-GEN ]
List of contributions to the SG5 meeting (Virtual, 19-23 October 2020) � TSB QALL/5 2020-10-09
[ 1522-GEN ]
LS/i on LS on TC Cyber on EEPS related to data deletion and firmware update [from ETSI TC EE] � ETSI TC EE Q7/5 2020-10-09
[ 1521-GEN ]
LS/i on Power over Ethernet (PoE) and Power over Data Lines (PoDL) [from IEEE 802.3 Working Group] � IEEE 802.3 Working Group Q2/5 2020-10-09
[ 1520-GEN ]
LS/i on Information about the ES 203 228 and the corresponding L.1331 Recommendation in ITU-T SG5 [from ETSI TC EE] � ETSI TC EE Q6/5 2020-10-09
[ 1519-GEN ]
LS/i/r on ETSI EE work items proposed to ITU-T for consideration to become technically aligned deliverables related to energy efficiency (reply toSG5-LS137) � ETSI TC EE Q6/5 2020-10-08
[ 1518-GEN ]
LS/i/r on ETSI EE work items proposed to ITU-T for consideration to become technically aligned deliverables related to circular economy (reply to SG5-LS136) � ETSI TC EE Q7/5 2020-10-08
[ 1517-GEN ]
Report of Q7/5 e-meeting held on 26 May 2020 � Associate Rapporteur Q7/5 Q7/5 2020-10-08
[ 1516-GEN ]
Report of Q7/5 e-meeting held on 30 June 2020 � Associate Rapporteur Q7/5 Q7/5 2020-10-08
[ 1515-GEN ]
Report of Q7/5 e-meeting held on 10 September 2020 � Associate Rapporteur Q7/5 Q7/5 2020-10-08
[ 1514-GEN ]
Report of Q7/5 e-meeting held on 16 September 2020 � Associate Rapporteur Q7/5 Q7/5 2020-10-06
[ 1513-GEN ]
LS/i/r on the latest version of the Access Network Transport (ANT) Standards Work Plan and Home Network Transport (HNT) Standards Work Plan (reply to SG17-LS233) [from ITU-T SG15] � ITU-T Study Group 15 QALL/5 2020-10-01
[ 1512-GEN ]
LS/i on the new version of the Home Network Transport (HNT) Standards Overview and Work Plan [from ITU-T SG15] � ITU-T Study Group 15 QALL/5 2020-10-01
[ 1511-GEN ]
Draft action plans for implementation of WTSA-16 Resolutions 72 and 73 (Rev. Hammamet, 2016) and Resolution 79 (Dubai, 2012) (human exposure to EMF, environment and climate change, and e-waste) � Acting Chairman ITU-T SG5 QALL/5 2020-10-01
[ 1510-GEN ]
List of participants (Virtual, 19-23 October 2020) � TSB QALL/5 2020-10-01
[ 1509-GEN ]
Template for A.25 justification information: Format for documenting a study group or working party decision � TSB QALL/5 2020-10-01
[ 1508-GEN ]
Template for A.13 justification information: Format for describing a proposed new non-normative document in the work programme � TSB QALL/5 2020-10-01
[ 1507-GEN ]
Template for A.1 justification information: Format for describing a proposed new Recommendation in the work programme � TSB QALL/5 2020-10-01
[ 1506-GEN ]
Bridging the standardization gap and Regional Groups � TSB QALL/5 2020-10-01
[ 1505-GEN ]
Presentation on ITU-T Study Group 5 "Environment, climate change and circular economy" � TSB QALL/5 2020-10-01
[ 1504-GEN ]
Guide for moderating ITU-T remote participation sessions with MyWorkspace � TSB QALL/5 2020-10-01
[ 1503-GEN ]
Guidance on SG5 virtual meeting (remote sessions) � TSB QALL/5 2020-10-01
[ 1502-GEN ]
BSG e-learning course: A.1 online course � TSB QALL/5 2020-10-01
[ 1501-GEN ]
Draft Report of Working Party 2/5 (Virtual, 19-23 October 2020) � Chairman WP2/5 Q9/5, Q7/5, Q6/5 2020-10-01
[ 1500-GEN ]
Draft Report of Working Party 1/5 (Virtual, 19-23 October 2020) � Chairman WP1/5 Q5/5, Q4/5, Q3/5, Q2/5, Q1/5 2020-10-01
[ 1499-GEN ]
Draft Report of Question 9/5 (Virtual, 19-23 October 2020) � Co-rapporteurs Q9/5 Q9/5 2020-10-01
[ 1498-GEN ]
Draft Report of Question 8/5 (Virtual, 19-23 October 2020) � Rapporteur Q8/5 Q8/5 2020-10-01
[ 1497-GEN ]
Draft Report of Question 7/5 (Virtual, 19-23 October 2020) � Rapporteur Q7/5 Q7/5 2020-10-01
[ 1496-GEN ]
Draft Report of Question 6/5 (Virtual, 19-23 October 2020) � Rapporteur Q6/5 Q6/5 2020-10-01
[ 1495-GEN ]
Draft Report of Question 5/5 (Virtual, 19-23 October 2020) � Rapporteur Q5/5 Q5/5 2020-09-30
[ 1494-GEN ]
Draft Report of Question 4/5 (Virtual, 19-23 October 2020) � Co-rapporteurs Q4/5 Q4/5 2020-09-30
[ 1493-GEN ]
Draft Report of Question 3/5 (Virtual, 19-23 October 2020) � Rapporteur Q3/5 Q3/5 2020-09-30
Resultados :204 documentos
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