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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 12 : Reuni�n�2011-01-18�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 12� TD�(2011-01-18)�


Calidad de funcionamiento y calidad del servicio

Periodo de estudios 2009

Reuni�n� del 2011-01-18 al 2011-01-27

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2012-09-072012-05-292011-10-31� [ 2011-01-18 ]� 2010-09-172010-05-182009-11-032009-03-10

Resultados :177 documentos
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Documentos Temporales �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 436-GEN ]
Incoming LS: FG-FN final outputs on Future Networks � FG FN QALL/12 2011-01-11
[ 435-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Liaison presentation concerning proposed revision of G.1050 � TIA TR30.3 Q17/12, Q14/12, Q13/12 2011-01-11
[ 434-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Liaison letter concerning proposed revision of G.1050 � TIA TR30.3 Q17/12, Q14/12, Q13/12 2011-01-11
[ 433-GEN ]
Incoming LS: LS on new work item on "Architectural systems for security controls for preventing fraudulent activities in public carrier networks" � ITU-T SG17 Q12/12 2011-01-11
[ 432-GEN ]
Measurement considerations for time-based stream repair parameters � Rapporteur Q17/12 Q17/12 2011-01-07
[ 431-GEN ]
Draft Revised Recommendation ITU-T P.1100 � Rapporteur Q4/12 Q4/12 2011-01-07
[ 430-GEN ]
Skeleton Draft Section 5.3 of P.501 � Rapporteur Q6/12 Q6/12 2011-01-07
[ 429-GEN ]
Meeting Report Interim Meeting Q.6/12, Geneva, 26-27 October 2010 � Rapporteur Q6/12 Q6/12 2011-01-07
[ 428-GEN ]
Draft work plan and room allocation � TSB QALL/12 2010-12-17
[ 427-GEN ]
Incoming LS: LS to ITU-T SG12 on QoE aspects of Telepresence � Q5/16 Q18/12, Q13/12, Q11/12 2010-12-17
[ 426-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Specification of Transfer Service Classes � ITU-T SG11 Q11/12 2010-12-17
[ 425-GEN ]
Draft for New Recommendation Y.156sam - Appendix I CBS/EBS Test Methodology � Editor Q17/12 2010-12-17
[ 424-GEN ]
Latest Draft for New Recommendation Y.156sam � Editor Q17/12 2010-12-16
[ 423-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Reply to Liaison statement COM 12 LS 87 on draft new Recommendation P.863 � 3GPP2 TSG-C Q9/12 2010-12-13
[ 422-GEN ]
Proposal for editorial correction of Recommendation ITU-T P.835 � Rapporteur Q7/12 Q7/12 2010-12-13
[ 421-GEN ]
Draft report of Question 7/12 Rapporteurs' meeting (Lannion, 06-09 December 2010) � Rapporteur Q7/12 Q7/12 2010-12-13
[ 420-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Quality of Service requirements and objectives for wireless access systems � ITU-R WP5A Q17/12 2010-12-07
[ 419-GEN ]
Revised text of proposed new Question 18/12 � TSB Q1/12 2010-12-07
[ 418-GEN ]
Overview of ITU Plenipotentiary Conference � TSB Director QALL/12 2010-12-07
[ 417-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Continuation of Joint Coordination Activity on Management (JCA-Mgt) � ITU-T SG2 Q1/12 2010-12-07
[ 416-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Prioritization in Network Management Standardization � ITU-T SG2 QALL/12 2010-12-07
[ 415-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Response to LS on Y.OAQoS (Operational aspects of end-to-end QoS) � ITU-T SG2 Q12/12 2010-12-07
[ 414-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Standardization of subjective and objective measures for QoE of users of recommender and telecare systems � ITU-T SG2 Q12/12 2010-12-07
[ 413-GEN ]
Incoming LS: SG2 Report and Request in its role as Lead SG on Telecommunication Management � ITU-T SG2 QALL/12 2010-12-07
[ 412-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Reply LS from ITU-R WP6B on feedback on "Draft new report on Low Delay audio Coding for broadcast applications" (COM16-LS-189) � ITU-R WP 6B Q7/12 2010-12-07
[ 411-GEN ]
Incoming LS: LS on STMR � 3GPP SA4 Q5/12 2010-12-07
[ 410-GEN ]
Incoming LS: LS (STQ(10)010r3) on Procedures for the identification and selection of common modes of de-jitter buffers and echo cancellers � 3GPP TSG SA4 Q17/12 2010-12-07
[ 409-GEN ]
Incoming LS: LS on Speech Test Signals for use with G.160 Appendix II � Q16/16 Q6/12 2010-12-07
[ 408-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Issue related to subjective assessment of television picture quality � ITU-R WP6C Q14/12, Q13/12, Q7/12 2010-12-07
[ 407-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Reply LS on feedback on "Draft new report on low delay audio coding for broadcast applications" � ITU-R WP6C Q7/12 2010-12-07
[ 406-GEN ]
Q.14/12 Interim Meeting Report, Berlin 15-17 September 2010 � Rapporteurs Q14/12 Q14/12 2010-11-18
[ 405-GEN ]
Incoming LS: PDV Measurements for packet based timing � ITU-T SG15 Q17/12 2010-11-08
[ 404-GEN ]
Report of the 27th QSDG meeting (Mbabane, Swaziland, 18-22 October 2010) � Chairman QSDG Q12/12 2010-11-08
[ 403-GEN ]
Latest Draft for New Recommendation Y.156sam � Editor for Y.156sam Q17/12 2010-10-18
[ 402-GEN ]
Report of Q17 Ad Hoc Meetings and Status � Rapporteur Q17/12 Q17/12 2010-10-18
[ 401-GEN ]
Incoming LS: FG-FN activities on Future Network visions � FG FN QALL/12 2010-09-28
[ 400-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Specification of Transfer Service Classes � ITU-T SG13 Q11/12 2010-09-28
[ 399-GEN ]
Report Q9/12 Interim Meeting, 16-17 September 2010, Berlin, Germany � Rapporteur Q9/12 Q9/12 2010-09-28
[ 398-GEN ]
Incoming LS: LS - Request for mapping relevant activities � FG Cloud QALL/12 2010-09-28
[ 397-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Specification of Transfer Service Classes � ITU-T SG11 Q11/12 2010-09-28
[ 396-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Expanding scope of FG CarCOM to include driver distraction � ITU-T FG CarCOM Q4/12, Q1/12 2010-09-28
[ 395-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Response to the ITU-T SG12 liaison on new Q.3/12 work item on P.UHIP � ITU-T FG CarCOM Q3/12 2010-09-28
[ 394-GEN ]
Incoming LS: LS to ITU-T Q7/12 on audio coding matters � ITU-T SG16 Q7/12 2010-09-28
[ 393-GEN ]
Incoming LS: LS to ITU-T Q17/12 on G.722 encoded-domain time-scaling � ITU-T SG16 Q17/12 2010-09-28
[ 392-GEN ]
Incoming LS: LS to SG 12 on usage of P.OLQA for G.718-SWB/G.729.1-SWB � ITU-T SG16 Q9/12, Q7/12 2010-09-28
[ 391-GEN ]
Incoming LS: LS to SG 12 on new ITU-T SG16 audio coding Recommendations � ITU-T SG16 Q7/12 2010-09-28
[ 390-GEN ]
Incoming LS: LS to SG 9 and SG 12 on quality of experience of 3D-IPTV � ITU-T SG16 Q13/12 2010-09-28
[ 389-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Reply LS to ITU-T Q16/12 on framework for diagnostic functions � ITU-T SG16 Q16/12 2010-09-28
[ 388-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Reply LS to ITU-T Q13/12 on information on draft new Recommendation G.1011 (G.RQAM) "Reference guide to QoE assessment methodologies" � ITU-T SG16 Q13/12 2010-09-28
[ 387-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Reply LS on status of new Recommendation P.ASPD "Subjective Performance of Active Signal Processing Devices" � ITU-T SG16 Q7/12 2010-09-28
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