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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG15 : Reuni�n�2006-02-06�: Contribuciones Tard�as� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG15� D�(2006-02-06)�


Infraestructuras de las redes �pticas y de otras redes de transporte

Periodo de estudios 2005

Reuni�n� del 2006-02-06 al 2006-02-17

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2008-12-01� 2008-02-11� 2007-06-04� 2006-10-30� [ 2006-02-06 ]� 2005-05-162004-11-29

Resultados :217 documentos
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Contribuciones Tard�as��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 573 ]
Enhancement of LCAS SDL diagrams in G.7042/Y.1305 � Huawei Q11/15 2006-01-27
[ 572 ]
Enhancement of LCAS process in G.7042/Y.1305 � Huawei Q11/15 2006-01-27
[ 571 ]
Dynamic Transmitting Power Adaptation � Huawei Q4/15 2006-01-27
[ 570 ]
Modified Proposal for a Crosstalk Reduction Method on Channel Discovery Phase � Huawei Q4/15 2006-01-27
[ 569 ]
Comments on H248/MGCP management in OMCI � Huawei Q2/15 2006-01-27
[ 568 ]
Proposal to include non dispersion compensated applications in G.dapp2 � ZTE Q6/15 2006-01-26
[ 567 ]
Proposal to include 32 and 40 channels in G.959.1 � ZTE Q6/15 2006-01-26
[ 566 ]
Proposal for supporting the application codes of P1L1-2D2E and 1L1-2D2FE in G.959.1 � ZTE Q6/15 2006-01-26
[ 565 ]
Proposal for Definitions of Reference Points in Clause 6 for G.otf � ZTE Q6/15 2006-01-26
[ 564 ]
Proposal for clarifying the definition of optical path penalty in G.959.1 � ZTE Q6/15 2006-01-26
[ 563 ]
Proposal for including application codes of multichannel long-haul span transmission in G.959.1 � ZTE Q6/15 2006-01-26
[ 562 ]
Transport Resource Address management in ASON � ZTE Q12/15 2006-01-26
[ 561 ]
The extension of label in GMPLS � ZTE Q14/15 2006-01-26
[ 560 ]
Multi-domain call and connection in ASON � ZTE Q12/15 2006-01-26
[ 559 ]
Proposal to modify the C-Type of FLOWSPEC object and SENDER_TSPEC object in Table2 of G.7713.2/Y.1704.2 � ZTE Q14/15 2006-01-26
[ 558 ]
Contribution on adaptive chromatic dispersion compensator implementation � ZTE Q7/15 2006-01-26
[ 557 ]
Comments on SPC activation/deactivation functions � ZTE , China Mobile Q14/15, Q12/15 2006-01-26
[ 556 ]
Comments on application code 1V1-2C2F parameters of G.959.1 � ZTE Q6/15 2006-01-26
[ 555 ]
Proposal of updating G.8121 for Transport MPLS and PWE3 support � Fujitsu Q12/15, Q9/15 2006-01-26
[ 554 ]
Proposal on additional state transition tables in G.8031 (1+1 Bi-directional) � Fujitsu Q9/15 2006-01-26
[ 553 ]
Proposed text for "Principle of operation of 1-phase protocol" in G.8031 � Fujitsu Q9/15 2006-01-26
[ 552 ]
Comments and proposed update to G.8031 � Fujitsu Q9/15 2006-01-26
[ 551 ]
Secure Ethernet VLANs for Multi-domain MCN and SCN for Transport MPLS and Ethernet Layer Networks � Fujitsu Q14/15, Q12/15, Q9/15 2006-01-26
[ 550 ]
Addition of OAM to Transport MPLS Architecture and Equipment - G.8110.1 and G.8121 � Fujitsu Q12/15, Q9/15 2006-01-26
[ 549 ]
Proposal for characterizing transient response of optical amplifier systems from an aspect of WDM signal transmission � NTT Q7/15 2006-01-26
[ 548 ]
Proposal for characterizing transient response of optical amplifier systems in time domain � NTT Q7/15 2006-01-26
[ 547 ]
VLAN Switching (Cross-Connect) � Siemens AG Q12/15 2006-01-26
[ 546 ]
Proposed editorial modification for G.pactiming � Alcatel Q13/15 2006-01-26
[ 545 ]
Proposed modification of F12 G.pactiming � Alcatel Q13/15 2006-01-26
[ 544 ]
Wander proposal for Annex A Case 2A of G.pactiming � Alcatel Q13/15 2006-01-26
[ 543 ]
Proposal for how to study the standardization of Home Network interfaces � NTT Q1/15 2006-01-26
[ 542 ]
Proposal of adjustments among SDH Recommendations concerning automatic discovery function � NTT Q14/15, Q11/15, Q9/15 2006-01-25
[ 541 ]
Proposal of SDH overhead byte description in G.7714.1 � NTT Q14/15, Q11/15, Q9/15 2006-01-25
[ 540 ]
Proposed Updates to G.7715 on RC-RC Communications for Route Query � Cisco Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 2006-01-25
[ 539 ]
Proposed Additional form for components Interactions for Connection Setup in G.8080 � Cisco Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 2006-01-25
[ 538 ]
Contribution to Q11/15 regarding Implementing Ultra-High Rate Services with OTN Virtual Concatenation � Lucent , Deutsche Telekom , Alcatel (Germany) , Nortel Networks (UK) Q11/15 2006-01-26
[ 537 ]
Modelling Aggregation � Tellabs Q12/15 2006-01-26
[ 536 ]
New application code in G.959.1 based on adaptive PMD compensation � NTT Q7/15, Q6/15, Q5/15 2006-01-25
[ 535 ]
G.vdsl2: Interleaver reconfiguration: protocol & activation � Ikanos Q4/15 2006-01-25
[ 534 ]
G.vdsl2: Simultaneous use of U0 and U1 � Ikanos Q4/15 2006-01-25
[ 533 ]
G.vdsl2, G.ploam: Proposal for a primitive and a parameter to monitor impulsive noise in the line � Infineon Q4/15 2006-01-25
[ 532 ]
Proposed text on relevant weather parameters and effects in G.fso � India Q6/15 2006-01-25
[ 531 ]
Proposed text for safety aspects in clause 7) for draft new Recommendation G.fso � India Q6/15 2006-01-25
[ 530 ]
Proposed terms & definitions for clause 3) & 4) and parametric table for clause 6) of G.fso � India Q6/15 2006-01-25
[ 529 ]
Proposed additional terms and definitions relevant but not essential to CLC in draft Recommendation G.fso � India Q6/15 2006-01-25
[ 528 ]
Effect of weather on crosstalk in clause 6.2/G.fso � India Q6/15 2006-01-25
[ 527 ]
Addition of Control Channel Management Component in G.8080 � Etri Q14/15 2006-01-25
[ 526 ]
Architecture and Requirements of Control Channel Management for ASON � Etri Q14/15 2006-01-25
[ 525 ]
Characterization of Ethernet Frame Delay Variation using Time and Frequency Statistical Metrics � Nortel Networks (Canada) Q13/15 2006-01-25
[ 524 ]
Simulation and Test Configurations for Clock Synchronization over Packet Networks � Nortel Networks (Canada) Q13/15 2006-01-25
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