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Resultados :205 documentos
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Contribuciones��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 105 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-R S.[IMT-PFD] - Methodologies for determining whether an IMT station at a given location operating in the band 3 400-3 600 MHz would transmit without exceeding the power flux-density limits in Nos. 5.430A, 5.432A, 5.432B and 5.433A of the Radio Regulations � WP 4A 2009-09-18
[ 104 ]
Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R S.465-5 - Reference earth-station radiation pattern for use in coordination and interference assessment in the frequency range 2 to about 30 GHz � WP 4A 2009-09-18
[ 103 ]
Suppression of Recommendation ITU-R S.727-2 - Cross-polarization isolation from very small aperture terminals (VSATs) � WP 4A 2009-09-18
[ 102 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-R S.[CSREF-PATT] - Alternative reference earth-station radiation pattern for antennas used with satellites in the geostationary-satellite orbit for use in coordination and/or interference assessment in the frequency range from 2 to 31 GHz � WP 4A 2009-09-18
[ 101 ]
Draft revision of Recommendation ITU R S.1521 - Allowable error performance for a hypothetical reference digital path based on synchronous digital hierarchy � WP 4B 75-3/4 2009-09-15
[ 100 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[CHAR-RX3] - Characteristics and protection criteria for receiving earth stations in the radionavigation-satellite service (space-to-Earth) operating in the band 1 164-1 215 MHz � WP 4C 288/4, 217-2/4 2009-09-11
[ 99 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[1479_NEW] - Characteristics, performance requirements and protection criteria for receiving stations of the radionavigation-satellite service (space-to-space) operating in the frequency bands 1 164-1 215 MHz, 1 215-1 300 MHz and 1 559-1 610 MHz � WP 4C 288/4, 217-2/4 2009-09-11
[ 98 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[1477_NEW] - Characteristics and protection criteria for receiving earth stations in the radionavigation-satellite service (space-to-Earth) and receivers in the aeronautical radionavigation service operating in the band 1 559-1 610 MHz � WP 4C 288/4, 217-2/4 2009-09-11
[ 97 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[1088_NEW] - Characteristics and protection criteria for receiving earth stations in the radionavigation-satellite service (space-to-Earth) operating in the band 1 215-1 300 MHz � WP 4C 288/4, 217-2/4 2009-09-11
[ 96 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[RNSS_GUIDE] - Guidance on ITU-R Recommendations related to systems and networks in the radionavigation-satellite service operating in the frequency bands 1 164-1 215 MHz, 1 215-1 300 MHz, 1 559-1 610 MHz, 5 000-5 010 MHz and 5 010-5 030 MHz � WP 4C 288/4, 217-2/4 2009-09-11
[ 95 ]
Draft new Report ITU-R M.[REP-MOBDIS] - Use and examples of mobile-satellite service systems for relief operation in the event of natural disasters and similar emergencies � WP 4C 286/4, 227/4 2009-09-09
[ 94 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[MOBDIS] - Use of mobile-satellite service (MSS) in disaster response and relief � WP 4C 286/4, 227/4 2009-09-09
[ 93 ]
Liaison statement to ITU-R Study Group 4, Working Parties 4C and 5D - Information on standards related to the satellite component of IMT (SRI-H) � ETSI 2009-08-10
[ 92 ]
Result of the proposed suppression of Recommendation ITU-R SF.675 � Chairmen, SGs 4 & 5 2009-07-27
[ 91 ]
World Telecommunication Policy Forum 2009 (WTPF-09) � Director, BR 2009-07-01
[ 90 ]
Summary notes on the BR workshop on the efficient use of the spectrum/orbit resource (Geneva, Switzerland, 6 May 2009) � Director, BR 2009-06-23
[ 89 ]
Draft new Report ITU-R S.[TCPSAT] - Transmission control protocol (TCP) over satellite networks � WP 4B 263-1/4 2009-06-11
[ 88 ]
Note to Study Group 4 - Editorial revision of Recommendations ITU-R M.1184-2, ITU-R M.1343-1 and ITU-R M.1480 � WP 4C 2009-06-11
[ 87 ]
Draft revision of Question ITU-R 83-5/4 - Efficient use of the radio spectrum and frequency sharing within the mobile-satellite service � WP 4C 83-5/4 2009-06-11
[ 86 ]
Note to Study Group 4 - Revision of ITU-R Recommendations � WP 4C 2009-06-11
[ 85 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[1457-SAT] - Detailed specifications of the radio interfaces for the satellite component of International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT-2000) � WP 4C 2009-06-09
[ 84 ]
Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R S.1711 - Performance enhancements of transmission control protocol over satellite networks � WP 4B 263-1/4 2009-06-09
[ 83 ]
Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R S.1673 - Methodologies for the calculation of the worst-case interference levels from a non-geostationary HEO-type fixed-satellite service system into geostationary fixed-satellite service satellite networks operating in the 10 to 30 GHz frequency bands � WP 4A 2009-06-09
[ 82 ]
Liaison statement to Study Group 4 - Comments on the proposed treatment of Recommendations of former Working Party 6S � SG 6 2009-06-09
[ 81 ]
Draft new Question ITU-R [HYBRID]/4 - System architecture and performance aspects on hybrid satellite and terrestrial systems � WP 4B 2009-05-25
[ 80 ]
Draft revision to Recommendation ITU-R M.1319-2 - The basis of a mehtodology to assess the impact of interference from a time division multiple access/frequency division multiple access (TDMA/FDMA) mobile-satellite service (MSS) space-to-Earth transmissions on the performance of line-of-sight fixed service receivers in the frequency range 1-3 GHz � WP 4C 2009-05-13
[ 79 ]
Draft revision to Recommendation ITU-R M.1469-1 - Methodology for evaluating potential for interference from time division multiple access/frequency division multiple access (TDMA/FDMA) mobile-satellite service (MSS) Earth-to-space transmissions into line-of-sight fixed service receivers in the frequency range 1-3 GHz � WP 4C 2009-05-13
[ 78 ]
Draft revision to Recommendation ITU-R M.1471 - Guidance to facilitate coordination and use of frequency bands shared between the mobile-satellite service and the fixed service in the frequency range 1-3 GHz � WP 4C 2009-05-13
[ 77 ]
Draft revision to Recommendation ITU-R M.1472 - Methodology to evaluate the impact of interference from time division multiple access/frequency division multiple access (TDMA/FDMA) mobile-satellite service (MSS) space-to-Earth transmissions on baseband performance in frequency division multiplexing-frequency modulation (FDM-FM) analogue line-of-sight (LoS) fixed service receivers � WP 4C 2009-05-13
[ 76 ]
Draft revision to Recommendation ITU-R M.1473 - Methodology to evaluate the impact of interference from time division multiple access/frequency division multiple access (TDMA/FDMA) mobile-satellite service (MSS) space-to-Earth transmissions on video baseband performance in TV-FM analogue line-of-sight fixed service receivers in the frequency range 1-3 GHz � WP 4C 2009-05-13
[ 75 ]
Draft revision to Recommendation ITU-R M.1474 - Methodology to evaluate the impact of interference from time division multiple access/frequency division multiple access (TDMA/FDMA) mobile-satellite service (MSS) systems on baseband performance in digital line-of-sight fixed service receivers based on statistics of radio-frequency interference in the frequency range 1-3 GHz � WP 4C 2009-05-13
[ 74 ]
Liaison statement to Radiocommunication Study Groups and Working Parties � Chairman, CCV 2009-03-20
[ 73 ]
Reply to liaison statement - Issues on terminology raised at CCV/1-09 meeting of the Coordination Committee for Vocabulary (CCV) � CCV 2009-03-19
[ 72 ]
Response to Questionnaire from ITU-T Focus Group on ICT and climate change � Chairman, SG 4 2009-02-27
[ 71 ]
Liaison statement - Questionnaire from ITU-T Focus Group on ICT and Climate Change � Chairman, ITU-T FG ICT & CC 2008-12-08
[ 70 ]
Liaison statement to Study Group 4 - Results of the Study Group 5 meeting (10-11 November 2008) � SG 5 2008-12-02
[ 69 ]
Note to Chairman of Study Group 4 - Reply to Document 5/51 on issues involving Working Parties of more than one Study Group � Chairman, SG 5 2008-12-02
[ 68 ]
Study Group 4 Summary Record (Meeting: 16-17 October 2008) � Chairman, SG 4 2008-11-12
[ 67 ]
Final List of Participants (Geneva, 16-17 October 2008) � Director, BR 2008-10-17
[ 66 ]
List of documents issued (Documents 4/28 - 4/66) � BR Study Group Department 2008-10-16
[ 65 ]
Consolidated review of the Study Group 4 texts by the Working Parties � Chairmen, WPs 4A, 4B and 4C 2008-10-16
[ 64 ]
Executive Report of the second meeting of Working Party 4A during the 2007-2011 study period � Chairman, WP 4A 2008-10-16
[ 63 ]
Executive Report of the second meeting of Working Party 4C � Chairman, WP 4C 2008-10-15
[ 62 ]
Executive Report of the twenty-fifth meeting of Working Party 4B � Chairman, WP 4B 2008-10-15
[ 61 ]
Draft new Question ITU-R [QUESTION ITU-R 3/6]/4 - Digital broadcasting of multiple services and programmes in the broadcasting-satellite service � WP 4A 3/6 2008-10-15
[ 60 ]
Draft new Question ITU-R [QUESTION ITU-R 21/6]/4 - Characteristics of receiving systems in the broadcasting-satellite service (sound and television) � WP 4A 21/6 2008-10-15
[ 59 ]
Draft new Question ITU-R [QUESTION ITU-R 22-1/6]/4 - Satellite orbits and space station technolgy for the broadcasting-satellite service (sound and television) � WP 4A 22-1/6 2008-10-15
[ 58 ]
Draft new Question ITU-R [QUESTION ITU-R 23/6]/4 - Characteristics of systems in the broadcasting-satellite service (sound) for individual reception by means of portable and vehicular receivers � WP 4A 23/6 2008-10-15
[ 57 ]
Draft new Question ITU-R [Question ITU-R 26-1/6]/4 - Interactive satellite broadcasting systems (television, sound and data) � WP 4A 26-1/6 2008-10-15
[ 56 ]
Draft new Question ITU-R [QUESTION ITU-R 61/6]/4 - Spectrum management issues related to the introduction of the broadcasting-satellite service (sound) in the frequency range 1-3 GHz � WP 4A 61/6 2008-10-15
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