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Resultados :170 documentos
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Contribuciones��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 70 ]
Executive summary report of the third meeting of Joint Task Group 6-8-9 (Seoul, 25-31 August 2005) � Chairman, JTG 6-8-9 2005-10-18
[ 69 ]
Executive report of the meeting of Working Party 9B - Tunis, 20-28 April 2005 � Chairman, WP 9B 2005-09-09
[ 68 ]
Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.669-6 - Reference radiation patterns for fixed wireless system antennas for use in coordination studies and interference assessment in the frequency range from 100 MHz to about 70 GHz � WP 9D 2005-05-26
[ 67 ]
Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.1336-1 - This document has been withdrawn � WP 9D 202/9 2005-05-25
[ 66 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-R F.[9D/RA43GHZ]1- Methodology to determine the probability of a radio astronomy observatory suffering interference based on calculated exclusion zones to protect against interference from point-to-multipoint high-density applications in the fixed service operating in bands around 43 GHz � WP 9D 2005-05-25
[ 65 ]
Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SF.1601-1 - Methodologies for interference evaluation from the downlink of the fixed service using high altitude platform stations to the uplink of the fixed-satellite service using the geostationary satellites within the band 27.5-28.35 GHz � WP 4-9S 251/4, 218/9 2005-05-25
[ 64 ]
Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.384-8 - Radio-frequency channel arrangements for medium and high capacity digital fixed wireless systems operating in the upper 6 GHz band � WP 9B 136/9 2005-05-23
[ 63 ]
Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.595-8 - Radio-frequency channel arrangements for fixed wireless systems operating in the 18 GHz frequency band � WP 9B 108/9 2005-05-23
[ 62 ]
Draft new Report ITU-R F.[9B/IMT-TRANSPORT] - Fixed service use in the IMT-2000 transport network � WP 9B 221/9 2005-05-20
[ 61 ]
Draft new Report ITU-R F.[9D/ANTENNAS] - Antenna characteristics of point-to-point fixed wireless systems to facilitate coordination in high spectrum use areas � WP 9D 2005-05-19
[ 60 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-R F.[9D/P-PAEIRP] - Methodology for determining the aggregate equivalent isotropically radiated power from point-to-point high-density applications in the fixed service operating in bands above 30 GHz � WP 9D 2005-05-19
[ 59 ]
Proposed draft new Recommendation ITU-R F.[HAPS-RRS] - Methodology to evaluate interference from fixed service system using high altitude platform stations (HAPS) to fixed wireless radio-relay system in the bands above 3 GHz � WP 9B 212/9 2005-05-19
[ 58 ]
Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.382-7 - Radio-frequency channel arrangements for fixed-wireless systems operating in the 2 and 4 GHz bands � WP 9B 136/9 2005-05-19
[ 57 ]
Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.1609 - Interference evaluation from fixed service systems using high altitude platform stations to conventional fixed service systems in the bands 27.5-28.35 GHz and 31-31.3 GHz � WP 9B 2005-05-19
[ 56 ]
Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.1093-1 - Effects of multipath propagation on the design and operation of line-of-sight digital fixed wireless radio-relay systems � WP 9A 122/9 2005-05-19
[ 55 ]
Draft new Report ITU-R F.[9B/FWA-IP+ATM] - Design techniques applicable to broadband fixed wireless access (FWA) systems conveying Internet protocol (IP) packets or asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) cells � WP 9B 2005-05-19
[ 54 ]
Draft new Question [DisasT/9] (Doc. 9/54) - Technical and operational characteristics of disaster relief wireless communication systems in the fixed service � WP 9B 2005-05-18
[ 53 ]
Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.1330-1 - Performance limits for bringing into service of the parts of international plesiochronous digital hierarchy and synchronous digital hierarchy paths and sections implemented by digital fixed wireless systems � WP 9A 2005-05-18
[ 52 ]
Draft new Question [DISAST/9C](Doc. 9/52) - Technical and operational characteristics of systems in the fixed service operating in the MF/HF band used for disaster mitigation and relief � WP 9C 2005-05-18
[ 51 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-R F.[9B/BWA] - Radio interface standards for broadband wireless access systems in the fixed service operating below 66 GHz � WP 9B 236/9 2005-05-03
[ 50 ]
Summary record for the joint meeting of ITU-R Study Groups 4 and 9 (12 October 2004) � SGs 4 and 9 2004-11-12
[ 49 ]
Summary record for the joint meeting of ITU-R Study Group 4 and 9 (re-issue of summary record of the meeting held in Geneva on 26 April 2002) � SG 4 & SG9 2004-11-03
[ 48 ]
Summary record of the meeting of Radiocommunication Study Group 9 � Chairman, SG 9 2004-10-21
[ 47 ]
Final list of Participants � Director, BR 2004-10-12
[ 46 ]
List of documents issued � BR Study Group Department 2004-10-11
[ 45 ]
Executive report of the meetings of Working Party 4-9S � Chairman, WP 4-9S 2004-10-11
[ 44 ]
Status of SF-series Recommendations and Reports - Frequency sharing between the fixed-satellite service and the fixed service � BR Secretariat 2004-10-11
[ 43 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SF.[4-9S/COORDINATION-multiES] - Methods to facilitate the implementation of large numbers of earth stations in the FSS in areas where terrestrial services are also deployed � WP 4-9S 2004-10-08
[ 42 ]
Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SF.1601 - Methodologies for interference evaluation from the downlink of the fixed service using high altitude platform stations to the uplink of the fixed-satellite service using the geostationary satellites within the band 27.5-28.35 GHz � WP 4-9S 2004-10-08
[ 41 ]
Official position of the Syrian Administration regarding any possible forwarding by Working Party 4-9S in October 2004 of a new revision of Recommendation ITU-R SF.1650 seeking adoption by correspondence � Syria 2004-10-01
[ 40 ]
Final List of Participants - Study Group 9 � Director, BR 2004-09-30
[ 39 ]
List of documents issued � BR Study Group Department 2004-09-29
[ 38 ]
Status of texts - List of ITU-R F series Recommendations � BR Study Group Department 2004-09-29
[ 37 ]
Proyecto de nueva Recomendaci�n UIT-R F.[FS/NWA sharing] [Doc. 9/37] - Criterios de protecci�n para los sistemas inal�mbricos fijos punto a punto que comparten la misma banda de frecuencias con los sistemas de acceso inal�mbrico n�mada en la gama de 4 a 6 GHz � WP 9D 133/9 2004-09-29
[ 36 ]
Proyecto de modificaci�n de la recomendaci�n UIT-R F.758-3 - Consideraciones relativas a la elaboraci�n de criterios para la compartici�n entre el servicio fijo y otros servicios � WP 9D 127/9, 225/9 2004-09-29
[ 35 ]
Executive Report of the meeting of Working Party 9D � Chairman, WP 9D 2004-09-29
[ 34 ]
Executive summary of the meeting of Working Party 9A - Geneva, 21-28 September 2004 � Chairman, Working Party 9A 2004-09-29
[ 33 ]
Executive Report of the meeting of Working Party 9B - (Geneva, 20-28 September 2004) � Chairman, WP 9B 2004-09-29
[ 32 ]
Status of Questions assigned to Working Party 9D � WP 9D 2004-09-29
[ 31 ]
Editorial updating of Recommendation ITU-R F.746 - Radio-frequency arrangements for fixed-service systems � Chairman, WP 9B 2004-09-29
[ 30 ]
Proyecto de nuevo Informe UIT-R F.[9B/TREND] - Desarrollos tecnol�gicos y tendencias de las aplicaciones en el servicio fijo � WP 9B 221/9 2004-09-29
[ 29 ]
Status of Questions assigned to Working Party 9A � WP 9A 2004-09-29
[ 28 ]
Summaries of draft Recommendations � WP 9B 2004-09-29
[ 27 ]
Status of Questions assigned to Working Party 9C � WP 9C 2004-09-29
[ 26 ]
Proyecto de nueva recomendaci�n UIT-R F.[9B/AOEP] [Doc. 9/26] - An�lisis y optimizaci�n de las caracter�sticas de error de los sistemas inal�mbricos fijos digitales a los fines de la puesta en servicio y mantenimiento � WP 9B 235/9 2004-09-29
[ 25 ]
Proyecto de nueva Recomendaci�n UIT-R F.[9B/MESH] [Doc. 9/25] - Caracter�sticas de los sistemas inal�mbricos fijos multipunto a multipunto con topolog�a de red en malla que funcionan en bandas de frecuencias superiores unos 17 GHz � WP 9B 107/9 2004-09-29
[ 24 ]
Proyecto de nueva Recomendaci�n UIT-R F.[9A/AVAIL] [Doc. 9/24] - Objetivos de disponibilidad para enlaces inal�mbricos fijos digitales reales utilizados en las conexiones ficticias de referencia y trayectos ficticios de referencia de 27 500 km � WP 9A 102/9 2004-09-28
[ 23 ]
Status of Questions assigned to Working Party 9B � WP 9B 2004-09-24
[ 22 ]
Studies for the use of spectrum at frequencies above 3 000 GHz � Syrian Arab Republic 2004-09-20
[ 21 ]
Report to the meeting of ITU-R Study Group 9 (Geneva, 30 September 2004) � Chairman, SG 9 2004-09-16
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