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ITU-T�SG 20� TD�(2018-12-03)�


IoT and smart cities

Study Period 2017

Meeting� from 2018-12-03 to 2018-12-13

held in China [Wuxi]

Other Meetings : 2022-02-032021-10-112021-05-172020-12-162020-11-062020-07-062019-11-252019-04-09� [ 2018-12-03 ]� 2018-05-062018-01-242017-09-042017-03-13

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Temporary Documents �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 1017-GEN ]
JCA-IoT and SC&C Draft LS/o on "Request to update the IoT and SC&C Standards Roadmap and the list of contact points" [to all JCA-IoT and SC&C contacts] � JCA-IoT abd SC&C QALL/20 2018-12-07
[ 1016-GEN ]
Output text for draft Recommendation Y.cnce-IoT-arch "Functional architecture of cellular-radio network capability exposure for smart hospital based on Internet of things" at Q3 meeting (Wuxi, 3-13 December 2018) � Editors Q3/20 2018-12-07
[ 1015-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r to ITU-D SG2 on SG20 activities on IoT and Smart City & Community (reply to ITU-D SG 2 - Document 2/109-E -E) [to ITU-D SG2] � ITU-T SG20 Q6/20 2018-12-07
[ 1014-GEN ]
Output text of Y.dec-IoT-arch "Decentralized IoT communication architecture based on information centric networking and blockchain" (3-13 Dec. 2018) � Editors Q3/20 2018-12-06
[ 1013-GEN ]
Draft ITU-T Y.CrowdSystems "Requirements and reference model of IoT-related crowdsourced systems" (Wuxi, 3-13 December 2018) - Proposed text for consent � Editors Q5/20 2018-12-06
[ 1012-GEN ]
Output text for "Architectural reference model of devices for IoT applications" at Q3/20 meeting (Wuxi, 3-13 December 2018) � Editors Q3/20 2018-12-06
[ 1011-GEN ]
Output text for draft Recommendation Y.SCCE-arch "Reference architecture of spare computational capability exposure of IoT devices for smart home" at Q3 meeting (Wuxi, 3-13 December 2018) � Q3/20 Q3/20 2018-12-06
[ 1010-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27/WG 4 on SG20 activities on identification, security, trust and interoperability related to IoT and Smart City and Communities (reply to ISO/IECJTC1/SC27/WG4-N2564 -E) [to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27/WG 4] � ITU-T SG20 Q6/20 2018-12-06
[ 1009-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r to ITU-T SG17 on SG20 activities on IoT (reply to ITU-T SG17 LS 140) [to ITU-T SG17] � ITU-T SG20 Q6/20 2018-12-06
[ 1008-GEN ]
Draft LS/o on SG20 activities on IoT and Smart City & Community [to ITU-T SG2 and ITU-T SG16] � ITU-T SG20 Q6/20 2018-12-06
[ 1007-GEN ]
A.1 justification for draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.Stra-SSC "Standards Mapping Assessment for Smart Sustainable City (SSC) Strategy" � Co-rapporteur Q7/20 Q7/20 2018-12-06
[ 1006-GEN ]
Baseline text of a proposed new work item on " Reference architecture of blockchain-based unified KPI data management for smart sustainable cities � Co-rapporteurs Q7/20 Q7/20 2018-12-05
[ 1005-GEN ]
Draft A.1 justification form for discussion of the proposed draft new Recommendation Y.SSC-BKDMS-arc � Co-Rapporteur Q7/20 Q7/20 2018-12-05
[ 1004-GEN ]
Output text for draft Recommendation Y.SSC-AISE-arc "Reference architecture of artificial intelligence service exposure for smart sustainable cities" at Q3 meeting (Wuxi, 3-13 December 2018) � Editors Q3/20 2018-12-05
[ 1003-GEN ]
Baseline text for draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.IoT-ITS-ID "IoT Identifiers for Intelligent Transport Systems" � Rapporteur Q6/20 Q6/20 2018-12-05
[ 1002-GEN ]
Baseline text of the draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.IoT-DA-Counterfeit "Information Management Digital Architecture to combat counterfeiting in IoT" � Rapporteur Q6/20 Q6/20 2018-12-05
[ 1001-GEN ]
A baseline text of a work item ITU-T Y.FW.IC.MDSC "Framework of identification and connectivity of moving devices in smart city" � Rapporteur Q6/20 Q6/20 2018-12-05
[ 1000-GEN ]
Baseline text for Draft Recommendation Y.API4IOT "Open data application programming interface for IoT data in smart cities and communities" � Rapporteur Q6/20 Q6/20 2018-12-05
[ 999-GEN ]
Baseline text for draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.IoT-IoD-PT "Identity of IoT devices based on secure procedures to enhance trust of IoT systems" � Rapporteur Q6/20 Q6/20 2018-12-05
[ 998-GEN ]
Baseline text for draft new Recommendation Y.IoT-Ath-SC "Framework of IoT-devices authentication in Smart City" � Rapporteur Q6/20 Q6/20 2018-12-05
[ 997-GEN ]
A.1 justification for proposed new draft Recommendation ITU-T Y/E Series "IoT Identifiers for Intelligent Transport Systems" (Y.IoT Id for ITS) � Rapporteur Q6/20 Q6/20 2018-12-05
[ 996-GEN ]
LS/i/r on matching of ITU-D SG1 and SG2 Questions of interest to ITU-T Study Groups for inter-sectoral coordination purposes (reply to SG5 - LS 27, SG5 - LS 2, SG15 - LS 60, SG2 - LS 65R1, SG2 - LS 65R1, SG11 - LS 67, SG13 - LS 68) [from Chairman of ITU-D Study Group 1; Chairman of ITU-D Study Group 2] � Chairman of ITU-D Study Group 1; Chairman of ITU-D QALL/20 2018-12-04
[ 995-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.SSC-"Terms on Vocabulary for Smart Cities and Communities", Q5/20 e-meeting, 11 September 2018 � Editors Q5/20 2018-11-27
[ 994-GEN ]
Draft Report of Question 6/20 e-meetings 26 July - 2 November 2018 � Rapporteur Q6/20 Q6/20 2018-11-27
[ 993-GEN ]
Presentation on ITU-T standardization on IoT and smart city, in the International Forum on ITS (ITS-2018) and the Collaboration on ITS Communication Standards (CITS), Nanjing, China, 6-7 September 2018 � Vice-chairman SG20 QALL/20 2018-11-26
[ 992-GEN ]
Remote participation details for Study Group 20 in Wuxi, China � TSB QALL/20 2018-11-23
[ 991-GEN ]
LS/i/r on consent of Recommendation Y.3103 (formerly Y.IMT2020-BM) (reply to 3GPP TSG SA5 -LS15) [from ITU-T Working Party 1/13] � ITU-T Working Party 1/13 Q2/20 2018-11-23
[ 990-GEN ]
LS/i on Consent of Recommendation ITU-T Y.3519 (ex Y.BDaaS-arch) [from ITU-T Working Party 2/13] � ITU-T Working Party 2/13 Q2/20, Q1/20 2018-11-23
[ 989-GEN ]
LS/i to inform about the consent of Recommendation ITU-T Y.3602 on Big data - Functional requirements for data provenance [from ITU-T Working Party 2/13] � ITU-T Working Party 2/13 Q2/20, Q1/20 2018-11-23
[ 988-GEN ]
Plenipotentiary Resolutions concerning ITU-T SG20 � TSB QALL/20 2018-11-22
[ 987-GEN ]
E-meeting Report for Q5/20-11 September 2018 � Rapporteur Q5/20 Q5/20 2018-11-21
[ 986-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.Iot-Interop "An architecture for IoT interoperability", output, e-meeting 2 November 2018 � Rapporteur Q6/20 Q6/20 2018-11-20
[ 985-GEN ]
LS/i on contribution related to automatic external defibrillator (AED) remote monitoring system [from ITU-D Q2/2] � ITU-D Q2/2 Q7/20, Q4/20, Q2/20 2018-11-20
[ 984-GEN ]
ITU-T Study Group 20 Incoming and Outgoing Liaison Statements Report � TSB QALL/20 2018-11-16
[ 983-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y. IoT-Agility "Agility by design for IT systems and sup-porting infrastructure used in the Internet of things" � Editor Q6/20 2018-11-15
[ 982-GEN ]
MyWorkspace: Mobile-friendly tools and services to better serve ITU-T experts � TSB QALL/20 2018-11-13
[ 981-GEN ]
List of IPR information received for ITU-T SG20 Recommendations (June-December 2018) � TSB QALL/20 2018-11-12
[ 980-GEN ]
Draft action plans for implementation of WTSA-16 Resolution 78 (Rev. Hammamet, 2016) and Resolution 98 (Hammamet, 2016) (ICTs for e-health services; IoT and smart cities and communities for global development) � Chairman SG20 QALL/20 2018-11-12
[ 979-GEN ]
New Report: Implementing ITU-T International Standards to Shape Smart Sustainable Cities: The Case of Moscow � TSB QALL/20 2018-11-12
[ 978-GEN ]
WTSA-16 Resolution 86 - Facilitating the implementation of the Smart Africa Manifesto � TSB QALL/20 2018-11-12
[ 977-GEN ]
List of contributions � TSB QALL/20 2018-11-12
[ 976-GEN ]
Newcomers' welcome pack for SG20 meeting (Wuxi, 3-13 December 2018) � ITU-T SG20 Mentor QALL/20 2018-11-12
[ 975-GEN ]
Report of the SG20RG-EECAT meeting, 4-5 June 2018 (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation) � Chairman SG20RG-EECAT QALL/20 2018-11-12
[ 974-GEN ]
Report of the fifth meeting of Focus Group on Data Processing and Management to support IoT and Smart Cities & Communities (Tunis, Tunisia, 17-20 September 2018) � Chairman, FG-DPM QALL/20 2018-11-12
[ 973-GEN ]
Report of the fourth meeting of Focus Group on Data Processing and Management to support IoT and Smart Cities & Communities (Egypt, Cairo, 1-3 May 2018) � Chairman, FG-DPM QALL/20 2018-11-12
[ 972-GEN ]
Communiqu� of the TSB Director CTO Meeting held on 9 September 2018 in Durban, South Africa � TSB QALL/20 2018-11-12
[ 971-GEN ]
Communiqu� of the TSB Director CTO Meeting held on 9 May 2018 in California, United States � TSB QALL/20 2018-11-12
[ 970-GEN ]
E-learning course on Recommendation ITU-T A.1 : Working Methods of ITU-T Study Groups � TSB QALL/20 2018-11-12
[ 969-GEN ]
Draft Report of Working Party 2/20 (Wuxi, 3-13 December 2018) � Co-Chairmen WP2/20 Q7/20, Q6/20, Q5/20 2018-11-12
[ 968-GEN ]
Draft Report of Working Party 1/20 (Wuxi, 3-13 December 2018) � Co-Chairmen WP1/20 Q4/20, Q3/20, Q2/20, Q1/20 2018-11-12
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