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ITU-T�SG 11� TD-GEN�(2019-03-06)�


Protocols and test specifications

Study Period 2017

Meeting� from 2019-03-06 to 2019-03-15

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2021-12-012021-07-152021-03-172020-12-182020-12-042020-11-192020-07-222020-03-042019-10-162019-06-26� [ 2019-03-06 ]� 2018-10-312018-07-182017-11-082017-07-122017-02-06

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Temporary Documents �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 763-GEN ]
List of contact points to ITU-T CASC (Geneva, 6-15 March 2019) � Chairman ITU-T CASC CASC 2019-03-10
[ 762-GEN ]
Output - ITU-T Guideline: ITU-T CASC collaboration procedure with IECEE for TL recognition service on ITU-T Recommendations (Geneva, 6-15 March 2019 � Chairman and Vice-chairmen of ITU-T CASC CASC 2019-03-08
[ 761-GEN ]
Agenda for the meeting of the Conformity Assessment Steering committee (CASC) (8 March 2019) � Chairman and Vice-chairman ITU-T CASC CASC 2019-03-07
[ 760-GEN ]
Presentation on "Conformity Assessment Steering Committee (ITU-T CASC) Introduction" � Vice-chairman CASC CASC 2019-03-07
[ 759-GEN ]
Tutorial on ITU-T MyWorkspace Platform: Mobile-friendly tools and services to better serve ITU-T experts � TSB QALL/11 2019-03-07
[ 758-GEN ]
Agenda for WP3/11 "Conformance and interoperability testing, combating counterfeit ICT and mobile device theft" (Geneva, 6-15 March 2019) � Chairman WP3/11 Q9/11, Q15/11, Q14/11, Q13/11, Q12/11, Q11/11, Q10/11 2019-03-05
[ 757-GEN ]
Agenda for WP2/11 "Control and management protocols for IMT-2020" (Geneva, 6-15 March 2019) � Chairman WP2/11 Q8/11, Q7/11, Q6/11 2019-03-05
[ 756-GEN ]
Agenda for WP1/11 "Signalling requirements and protocols for emerging telecommunications networks" (Geneva, 5-16 March 2019) � Chairman WP1/11 Q5/11, Q4/11, Q3/11, Q2/11, Q1/11 2019-03-05
[ 755-GEN ]
Agenda for Q15/11 "Combating counterfeit and stolen ICT equipment" (Geneva, 6-15 March 2019) � Rapporteur Q15/11 Q15/11 2019-03-05
[ 754-GEN ]
Agenda for Q14/11 "Cloud interoperability testing" (Geneva, 6-15 March 2019) � Acting Rapporteur Q14/11 Q14/11 2019-03-05
[ 753-GEN ]
Agenda for Q13/11 "Monitoring parameters for protocols used in emerging networks, including cloud computing and software-defined networking/network function virtualization (SDN/NFV)" (Geneva, 6-15 March 2019) � Rapporteur Q13/11 Q13/11 2019-03-05
[ 752-GEN ]
Agenda Q12/11 "Testing of Internet of things, its applications and identification systems" (Geneva, 6-15 March 2019) � Associate Rapporteur Q12/11 Q12/11 2019-03-05
[ 751-GEN ]
Agenda for Q11/11 "Protocols and networks test specifications; frameworks and methodologies" (Geneva, 6-15 March 2019) � Rapporteur Q11/11 Q11/11 2019-03-05
[ 750-GEN ]
Agenda for Q10/11 "Testing of emerging IMT-2020 technologies" (Geneva, 6-15 March 2019) � Rapporteur Q10/11 Q10/11 2019-03-05
[ 749-GEN ]
Agenda for Q9/11 "Service and networks benchmark testing, remote testing including Internet related performance measurements" (Geneva, 6-15 March 2019) � Rapporteur Q9/11 Q9/11 2019-03-05
[ 748-GEN ]
Agenda for Q8/11 "Protocols supporting distributed content networking and information centric network (ICN) for future networks and IMT-2020, including end-to-end multi-party communications" (Geneva, 6-15 March 2019) � Rapporteur Q8/11 Q8/11 2019-03-05
[ 747-GEN ]
Agenda of Q7/11 "Signalling requirements and protocols for network attachment including mobility and resource management for future networks and IMT-2020" (Geneva, 6-15 March 2019) � Associate Rapporteur Q7/11 Q7/11 2019-03-05
[ 746-GEN ]
Agenda for Q6/11 "Protocols supporting control and management technologies for IMT-2020" (Geneva, 6-15 March 2019) � Rapporteur Q6/11 Q6/11 2019-03-05
[ 745-GEN ]
Agenda for Q5/11 "Protocols and procedures supporting services provided by broadband network gateways" (Geneva, 6-15 March 2019) � Rapporteur Q5/11 Q5/11 2019-03-05
[ 744-GEN ]
Agenda for Q4/11 "Protocols for control, management and orchestration of network resources" (Geneva, 6-15 March 2019) � Rapporteur Q4/11 Q4/11 2019-03-05
[ 743-GEN ]
Agenda for Q3/11 "Signalling requirements and protocols for emergency telecommunications" (Geneva, 6-15 March 2019) � Rapporteur Q3/11 Q3/11 2019-03-05
[ 742-GEN ]
Agenda for Q2/11 "Signalling requirements and protocols for service and application in emerging telecommunication environments" (Geneva, 6-15 March 2019) � Rapporteur Q2/11 Q2/11 2019-03-05
[ 741-GEN ]
Agenda for Q1/11 "Signalling and protocol architectures in emerging telecommunication environments and guidelines for implementations (Geneva, 6-15 March 2019) � Rapporteur Q1/11 Q1/11 2019-03-05
[ 740-GEN ]
Applications received to request ITU-T CASC to be appointed as an ITU-T technical experts � TSB CASC 2019-03-05
[ 739-GEN ]
LS/i on Telecommunication Management and OAM Project Plan [from ITU-T SG2] � ITU-T SG2 QALL/11 2019-03-04
[ 738-GEN ]
LS/i/r on Amendment for ITU-T Q.731.3 on new functionalities to the calling line identification presentation (reply to SG11 - LS 73) [from ITU-T SG2] � ITU-T SG2 Q2/11 2019-03-04
[ 737-GEN ]
LS/i about SG2 work on international calling party number delivery (E.157) [from ITU-T SG2] � ITU-T SG2 Q2/11 2019-03-04
[ 736-GEN ]
LS/i/r on appointment of ITU technical experts (reply to SG11 - LS 58) [from ITU-T SG2] � ITU-T SG2 CASC 2019-03-04
[ 735-GEN ]
List of stale work items for SG11 � TSB QALL/11 2019-03-01
[ 734-GEN ]
LS/i/r on recent NFV related developments in Q4/11: one new draft Recommendation (reply to SG11 LS72) [from ETSI ISG NFV] � ETSI ISG NFV Q4/11 2019-02-28
[ 733-GEN ]
LS/i on Approval of Revised TS 103 222-1 and New Work Item to Revise TS 103 222-2 in Coordination with ITU-T SG 12 [from ETSI TC STQ] � ETSI TC STQ Q9/11 2019-02-28
[ 732-GEN ]
SG11 TD templates (6-15 March 2019) � TSB QALL/11 2019-02-28
[ 731-GEN ]
Reply results to TSB Circular 105 � TSB QALL/11 2019-02-20
[ 730-GEN ]
Technical report on security and reliability of IMEI identifier � TSB Q15/11 2019-02-15
[ 729-GEN ]
LS/i on draft deliverables of ITU-T Focus Group on Data Processing and Management to support IoT and Smart Cities & Communities (FG-DPM) [from FG-DPM] � FG-DPM QALL/11 2019-02-12
[ 728-GEN ]
LS/i on proposed ITU-T Focus Group on Quantum Information Technology for Networks (FG-QIT4N) [from TSAG] � TSAG QALL/11 2019-01-28
[ 727-GEN ]
LS/i on "Request to update the IoT and SC&C Standards Roadmap and the list of contact points" [from JCA-IoT and SC&C] � JCA-IoT and SC&C QALL/11, Q12/11 2019-01-08
[ 726-GEN ]
ITU Kaleidoscope 2018 - Papers of interest to ITU-T Study Group 11 � TSB QALL/11 2018-12-20
[ 725-GEN ]
LS/o on Amendment for ITU-T Q.731.3 on new functionalities to the calling line identification presentation [to ITU-T SG2, 3GPP, ETSI TC NTECH] � ITU-T SG11 Q2/11 2018-12-18
[ 724-GEN ]
LS/i on creation, participation and termination of Regional Groups [from TSAG] � TSAG QALL/11 2018-12-17
[ 723-GEN ]
LS/i/r on creation of new Questions 5/16 (Artificial intelligence-enabled multimedia applications) and 22/16 (Distributed ledger technologies and e-services) (reply to SG16-LS111) [from TSAG] � TSAG QALL/11 2018-12-17
[ 722-GEN ]
LS/i on hot topics [from TSAG] � TSAG QALL/11 2018-12-17
[ 721-GEN ]
LS/i on streamlining Resolutions [from TSAG] � TSAG QALL/11 2018-12-17
[ 720-GEN ]
LS/i on ITU inter-Sector coordination [from TSAG] � TSAG QALL/11 2018-12-17
[ 719-GEN ]
LS/i/r on new Recommendation ITU-T Q.5001 (ex. Q.IEC-REQ) "Signalling requirements and architecture of intelligent edge computing" (reply to SG11-LS70) [from FG ML5G] � FG ML5G Q7/11 2018-12-17
[ 718-GEN ]
LS/i/r on matching of ITU-D SG1 and SG2 Questions of interest to ITU-T Study Groups for inter-sectoral coordination purposes (reply to SG5 - LS 27, SG5 - LS 2, SG15 - LS 60, SG2 - LS 65R1, SG2 - LS 65R1, SG11 - LS 67, SG13 - LS 68) [from Chairman of ITU-D SG1; Chairman of ITU-D SG2] � Chairman of ITU-D Study Group 1; Chairman of ITU-D QALL/11 2018-12-12
[ 717-GEN ]
LS/i/r on collaboration (reply to SG11 LS67 and LS56) [from ITU-D Q4/2] � ITU-D Q4/2 QALL/11 2018-12-12
[ 716-GEN ]
LS/i on New Recommendation Y.cvms, "Considerations for Realizing Virtual Measurement Systems" [from ITU-T SG12] � ITU-T SG12 Q9/11 2018-12-12
[ 715-GEN ]
LS/i on harmonization of IP Capacity and Latency Parameters: Revision of Draft Rec. Y.1540 on IP packet transfer performance parameters and New Annex A with Lab Evaluation Plan [from ITU-T SG12] � ITU-T SG12 Q9/11 2018-12-12
[ 714-GEN ]
LS/i/r regarding studies on the impacts of counterfeit and non-compliant devices on the QoS/QoE of Mobile Networks (reply to SG11-LS57) [from ITU-T SG12] � ITU-T SG12 Q15/11 2018-12-12
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