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Economic and policy issues

Study Period 2017

Results:415 total items.
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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 315 ]
MERCOSUR Roaming � Argentina Q7/3 2019-12-18
[ 314 ]
N/A �
N/A 2019-04-11
[ 313 ]
Draft new ITU-T Recommendation Shared use of spectrum and telecommunication infrastructure as possible methods for enhancing the efficiency of telecommunications � Russian Federation Q3/3 2019-04-10
[ 312 ]
Mobile money interoperability in Kenya Mobile money interoperability in Kenya Mobile money Interoperability in Kenya � Kenya Q12/3 2019-04-10
[ 311 ]
Support to the contribution C 250 on developing a Technical Paper for examining the requirements for future regulatory tools to accelerate the digital transformation. � India Q3/3 2019-04-10
[ 310 ]
Study on 'double charging/taxation' in terms of accounting/settlement mechanisms for International telecommunications services � India Q2/3 2019-04-10
[ 309 ]
LS on creation, participation and termination of Regional Groups � India QALL/3 2019-04-10
[ 308 ]
Draft Text for Technical study on Roaming Aspects of IoT and M2M � India Q7/3 2019-04-10
[ 307 ]
Direct Carrier Billing � Egypt Q12/3 2019-04-10
[ 306 ]
UK position on the D.ModeTTC proposal � Office of Communications - Ofcom (United Kingdom) Q13/3 2019-04-10
[ 305 ]
Proposed new base text for STUDY_TCST � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) , China Telecommunications Corporation Q13/3 2019-04-10
[ 304 ]
Support for draft Recommendation D.OTTMNO � Office of Communications - Ofcom (United Kingdom) Q9/3 2019-04-10
[ 303 ]
Proposal on ITU-T Draft Recommendation D.OTTMNO � Korea (Rep. of) Q9/3 2019-04-10
[ 302 ]
Proposal on the review of MFS market condition � Korea (Rep. of) Q12/3 2019-04-10
[ 301 ]
Proposal on the study of MFS providers' roles and responsibilities � Korea (Rep. of) Q12/3 2019-04-10
[ 300 ]
Proposed edits to D.SpectrumShare � United States Q3/3 2019-04-09
[ 299 ]
Views on D.ModelTTC � United States Q13/3 2019-04-09
[ 298 ]
Assessment of Work Programme of Q12/3 � United States Q12/3 2019-04-09
[ 297 ]
Support for draft Recommendation D.OTTMNO � United States Q9/3 2019-04-09
[ 296 ]
Proposed edits for the Draft Recommendation "Shared use of spectrum and telecommunication infrastructure as a regulatory method for lowering the telecommunication tariffs" � Brazil Q3/3 2019-04-09
[ 295 ]
Proposed edits for the Draft Recommendation on OTT MNO Partnerships � Brazil Q9/3 2019-04-09
[ 294 ]
Charging mechanism for OTT data usages � Sri Lanka Q9/3 2019-04-09
[ 293 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T D.Consumer MFS: Consumer Protection Mechanisms � Paraguay , Suriname , Trinidad and Tobago Q12/3 2019-04-08
[ 292 ]
Support for the proposal of creating the work item and draft recommendation on quantifying the economic value of the Internet � Cuba , Nicaragua , Paraguay , Trinidad and Tobago Q9/3 2019-04-08
[ 291 ]
Draft Recommendation on the policy framework including principles for Digital Identity Infrastructure � Paraguay , Trinidad and Tobago Q11/3 2019-04-08
[ 290 ]
LS on creation, participation and termination of Regional Groups � Cuba , Dominican Rep. , El Salvador , Nicaragua , Paraguay , Trinidad and Tobago QALL/3 2019-04-08
[ 289 ]
Support for draft Recommendation D.OTTMNO: Guidelines on OTT-MNO partnership � Nicaragua , Paraguay , Trinidad and Tobago Q9/3 2019-04-08
[ 288 ]
Proposed amendments to the draft recommendation on shared use of spectrum and infrastructure � Nicaragua , Paraguay Q3/3 2019-04-08
[ 287 ]
Proposed new baseline text for draft Recommendation D. Colocation on Colocation and access charges � Nicaragua , Paraguay , Trinidad and Tobago Q2/3 2019-04-08
[ 286 ]
Support of the Draft Recommendation on Policy framework and principles for digital identity infrastructure � Paraguay , Trinidad and Tobago Q11/3 2019-04-08
[ 285 ]
Bypassing of international calls by SIM Box in Mauritania � Mauritania Q8/3 2019-03-28
[ 284 ]
Payment with Cell Phones - The Argentine case - Part III � Argentina Q12/3 2019-03-20
[ 283 ]
Tariffs, economic and policy issues pertaining to Mobile Financial Services (MFS) � Dem. Rep. of the Congo Q12/3 2019-03-14
[ 282 ]
OTTs on the telecommunication market in the Comoros � Autorit� Nationale de R�gulation des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (ANRTIC) (Comoros) Q9/3 2019-03-13
[ 281 ]
International Internet connectivity, including IP traffic exchange, regional traffic exchange points and the cost of provision of services � Central African Rep. Q6/3 2019-03-04
[ 280 ]
Definition of relevant markets and regulation of mobile financial services � Cameroon , C�te d'Ivoire , Guinea , Mali , Nigeria Q12/3, Q10/3 2019-03-01
[ 279 ]
Impact of services (OTT) in Senegal � Soci�t� Nationale des T�l�communications du S�n�gal (SONATEL) (Senegal) Q9/3 2019-03-01
[ 278 ]
Support to the Draft Recommendation on Policy framework and principles for digital identity infrastructure � C�te d'Ivoire , Gambia , Madagascar , Niger , Rwanda , Sudan , Tanzania Q11/3 2019-03-01
[ 277 ]
Impact of Social Networks on Digital Liquidity � Gambia , Rwanda Q12/3 2019-03-01
[ 276 ]
Support for the Draft Recommendation on OTT MNO Partnerships � Madagascar , Soci�t� Nationale des T�l�communications du S�n�gal (SONATEL) (Senegal) , Zambia Q9/3 2019-03-01
[ 275 ]
Impact of OTT bypass on incoming international traffic � Soci�t� Nationale des T�l�communications du S�n�gal (SONATEL) (Senegal) Q9/3 2019-03-01
[ 274 ]
Competitive international internet connectivity for the benefit of developing countries and LDCs � Dem. Rep. of the Congo , Madagascar , Mali , Nigeria , Zambia Q6/3 2019-03-01
[ 273 ]
LS on creation, participation and termination of Regional Groups � African Telecommunications Union (Kenya) , Burkina Faso , Cameroon , Chad , C�te d'Ivoire , Dem. Rep. of the Congo , Gambia , Guinea , Kenya , Madagascar , Mali , Mauritania , Niger , Nigeria , Rwanda , Sao Tome and Principe , Soci�t� Nationale des T�l�communications du S�n�gal (SONATEL) (Senegal) , South Sudan , Sudan , Tanzania , Togo , Uganda , Zambia , Zimbabwe QALL/3 2019-03-01
[ 272 ]
Support for a Technical Report on OTT Bypass and proposed edits to the outline of the technical report � C�te d'Ivoire , Guinea , Mali , Rwanda , Tanzania , Zambia , Zimbabwe Q9/3 2019-03-01
[ 271 ]
Promoting Data services and OTT applications � Dem. Rep. of the Congo , Tanzania Q3/3 2019-03-01
[ 270 ]
Draft Recommendation on Framework for the Competitive Provision of International Internet Connectivity (IIC) � Gambia , Rwanda , Zimbabwe Q6/3 2019-03-01
[ 269 ]
Technical study on IoT and M2M roaming aspects � Burkina Faso , Gambia , Togo , Zimbabwe Q7/3 2019-03-01
[ 268 ]
OTTs: threats and opportunities in the telecommunication sector � Guinea , Mali , Soci�t� Nationale des T�l�communications du S�n�gal (SONATEL) (Senegal) Q9/3 2019-03-01
[ 267 ]
Impact of free roaming � Soci�t� Nationale des T�l�communications du S�n�gal (SONATEL) (Senegal) Q4/3 2019-03-01
[ 266 ]
Views on Technical Report - The right time for inducing interoperability � Dem. Rep. of the Congo , Gambia , Rwanda , Zambia , Zimbabwe Q12/3 2019-03-01
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