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ITU-T�SG 17� TD�(2016-03-14)�



Study Period 2013

Meeting� from 2016-03-14 to 2016-03-23

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2016-08-29� [ 2016-03-14 ]� 2015-09-082015-04-082014-09-172014-01-152013-08-262013-04-17

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Temporary Documents �(PLEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 2526-PLEN ]

N/A N/A 2016-03-16
[ 2525-PLEN ]
The 3rd revised text for ITU-T X.tigsc, Technical implementation guidelines for X.805 � Editor Q2/17 2016-03-16
[ 2524-PLEN ]
Draft text for X.dsms with revision marks � Editors Q8/17 2016-03-16
[ 2523-PLEN ]
Baseline text for Supplement to ITU-T X.1242, Guidelines on countermeasures against short message service (SMS) phishing and smishing attack � Editor of ITU-T X.gcspi Q5/17 2016-03-16
[ 2522-PLEN ]

N/A N/A 2016-03-16
[ 2521-PLEN ]
Cognitive aspects of IdM and cybersecurity � Rapporteur Q4/17 (Cybersecurity) Q4/17, Q10/17 2016-03-16
[ 2520-PLEN ]
OpenID(R) and OAuth and their role in IdM Security � Rapporteur Q10/17 Q4/17, Q10/17 2016-03-15
[ 2519-PLEN ]
Privacy Networks - enabling patient-centric sharing and analysis on a global scale � Rapporteur Q10/17 Q4/17, Q10/17 2016-03-15
[ 2518-PLEN ]
Proposal for revised text of draft Recommendation ITU-T X.eaaa, Enhanced entity authentication based on aggregated attributes (determination) � Editors Q10/17, (Q7/17) 2016-03-15
[ 2517-PLEN ]
List of Tentative Changes for Z.150 and Z.151 � Associate Rapporteur Q12/17 Q12/17 2016-03-15
[ 2516-PLEN ]
OASIS Electronic Identity Credential Trust Elevation Methods TC � Rapporteur Q10/17 Q4/17, Q10/17 2016-03-15
[ 2515-PLEN ]
Additional consideration for the SG17 report to WTSA-16 � Rapporteur Q11/17 Q11/17 2016-03-15
[ 2514-PLEN ]
The baseline document of draft text for X.CSCdataSec (for determination) � Editors Q8/17 2016-03-15
[ 2513-PLEN ]
X.oiddev "Information technology - Object identifier assignments for the Internet of Things" (New): Output draft (Geneva, 14 - 23 March 2016) � Editor Q11/17 2016-03-15
[ 2512-PLEN ]
Q11 response to C548, Rwanda Initiatives in Cybersecurity � Rapporteur Q11/17 Q11/17 2016-03-15
[ 2511-PLEN ]
Draft 8th edition of Rec. ITU-T X.525 | ISO/IEC 9594-9 � Editor Q11/17 2016-03-15
[ 2510-PLEN ]
Recommendation X.1500 (2011) Amendment 9, Overview of cybersecurity information exchange (CYBEX), (for approval) � Rapporteur Q4/17 Q4/17 2016-03-15
[ 2509-PLEN ]
The LEI: An industry standard providing open and reliable data for unique identification management � Rapporteur Q10/17 Q4/17, Q10/17 2016-03-15
[ 2508-PLEN ]
FIDO - Simple and Strong Authentication � Rapporteur Q10/17 Q4/17, Q10/17 2016-03-14
[ 2507-PLEN ]
Draft intervention of SG17 Chairman at TDAG (for discussion at BSG session) � Chairman SG17 BSG/17 2016-03-14
[ 2506-PLEN ]
The revised baseline text for X.iotsec-1 � Editor Q6/17 2016-03-14
[ 2505-PLEN ]
Third Draft of X.1080.4 � Editor Q9/17 2016-03-11
[ 2504-PLEN ]
Summary of voting for 3 PDAM for AMD2 for Rec. ITU-T X.509 | ISO/IEC 9594-8 � Rapporteur Q11/17 Q11/17 2016-03-11
[ 2503-PLEN ]
Summary of voting for COR2 for Rec. ITU-T X.509 | ISO/IEC 9594-8 � Rapportuer Q11/17 Q11/17 2016-03-11
[ 2502-PLEN ]
NWI template for X.TRsotavsu, Secure Over-the-Air Vehicle Software Updates - Operational and Functional Requirements � Editor Q6/17 2016-03-11
[ 2501-PLEN ]
Second Draft of X.1080.5 (First Draft was in TD 3044 (2008-2012)) � Editor Q9/17 2016-03-11
[ 2500-PLEN ]
WTDC-14 Resolution 14 "The role of telecommunications/information and communication technology in disaster preparedness, early warning, rescue, mitigation, relief and response"; WTDC-14 - Output 5.2: Emergency telecommunications; EMERGENCY TELECOMMUNICATIONS; ITU-D Question 5/2: Utilization of telecommunications/ICTs for disaster preparedness, mitigation and response � Chairman Ad-hoc PLEN/17 2016-03-09
[ 2499-PLEN ]
WRC-15 Resolution 646 "Public protection and disaster relief", and Resolution 647 "Radiocommunication aspects, including spectrum management guidelines, for early warning, disaster prediction, detection, mitigation and relief operations relating to emergencies and disasters" � Chairman Ad-hoc PLEN/17 2016-03-09
[ 2498-PLEN ]
LS/i on work related to ITU-T X.1254 [from OASIS] � OASIS Q10/17 2016-03-09
[ 2497-PLEN ]
Agenda for Q7/17 and Q10/17 joint meeting regarding X.eaaa � Rapporteur Q7/17 , Rapporteur Q10/17 Q7/17, Q10/17 2016-03-08
[ 2496-PLEN ]
Agenda for joint session with Q2/17 and Q6/17 � Rapporteur Q2/17 , Rapporteur Q6/17 Q6/17, Q2/17 2016-03-08
[ 2495-PLEN ]
List of TDs considered by the Study Group 17 meeting (14 - 23 March 2016) � TSB QALL/17 2016-03-08
[ 2494-PLEN ]
First Draft of X.1080.13 � Editor Q9/17 2016-03-08
[ 2493-PLEN ]
Second Draft of X.1080.6 (First Draft was in TD 3045 (2012-09)) � Editor Q9/17 2016-03-08
[ 2492-PLEN ]
LS/i on increasing efficiency of work in ITU-T [from RevCom] � RevCom WP3/17, Q10/17, Q1/17, (QALL/17) 2016-03-08
[ 2491-PLEN ]
Second draft of Rec. ITU-T X.pbact, "Privacy-based access control for telebiometrics (PBACT)" � Editor Q9/17, (Q11/17) 2016-03-07
[ 2490-PLEN ]
Agenda for joint session with Q3/17 and Q10/17 � Rapporteur Q3/17 , Rapporteur Q10/17 Q3/17, Q10/17 2016-03-07
[ 2489-PLEN ]
LS/i on the latest versions of the Access Network Transport (ANT) Standards Overview and Work Plan [from ITU-T SG15] � ITU-T SG15 Q1/17 2016-03-07
[ 2488-PLEN ]
LS/i on the latest versions of the Home Network Transport (HNT) Standards Overview and Work Plan [from ITU-T SG15] � ITU-T SG15 Q1/17 2016-03-07
[ 2487-PLEN ]
LS/i/r on Functional Security Requirements and Architecture for Anti-Theft Features (response to COM17 - LS 219) [from GSMA] � GSMA WP4/17, Q6/17 2016-03-07
[ 2486-PLEN ]
Agenda for joint session with Q2/17 and Q3/17 � Rapporteur Q2/17 , Rapporteur Q3/17 Q3/17, Q2/17 2016-03-07
[ 2485-PLEN ]
Draft report of special session to discuss possible areas for joint ITU-T SG17 and IETF security standards development (FRI 18 March 2016, 16:00 - 17:25) � Chairman PLEN/17 2016-03-20
[ 2484-PLEN ]
Draft agenda of Special session to discuss possible areas for joint ITU-T and IETF security standards development (FRI 18 March 2016, 16:00 - 17:45) � Co-Chairmen PLEN/17 2016-03-18
[ 2483-PLEN ]
Agenda for Joint session of Q4/17 and Q10/17 on Addressing security challenges through IdM and cybersecurity standardization (16 March 2016) � Rapporteur Q10/17 , Associate Rapporteur Q10/17 Q4/17, Q10/17 2016-03-07
[ 2482-PLEN ]
LS/i on Draft Technical Report on Secure Over-the-Air Vehicle Software Updates - Operational and Functional Requirements [from ITU CITS] � ITU CITS Q6/17 2016-03-07
[ 2481-PLEN ]
LS/i on big data and digital identity [from ITU-T SG3] � ITU-T SG3 Q7/17, Q10/17 2016-03-04
[ 2480-PLEN ]
Information on the Focus Group on aviation applications of cloud computing for flight data monitoring to address cyber security issue in the aviation sector � Chairman PLEN/17 2016-03-04
[ 2479-PLEN ]
Revised text for X.cms � Editor Q11/17 2016-03-04
[ 2478-PLEN ]
TSB edits to: Proposed editorial revision of the draft recommendation X.CSCdataSec � TSB Q8/17 2016-03-03
[ 2477-PLEN ]
WSIS Forum 2016 � TSB PLEN/17 2016-03-03
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