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ITU-T�SG 17� TD-PLEN�(2010-04-07)�



Study Period 2009

Meeting� from 2010-04-07 to 2010-04-16

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2012-08-292012-02-202011-08-242011-04-112010-12-08� [ 2010-04-07 ]� 2009-09-162009-02-11

Results:374 total items.
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Temporary Documents �(PLEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 955-PLEN ]
X.500 Amendment 2, "Password policy" � Editor of X.500 Amendment 2 Q11/17 2010-04-14
[ 954-PLEN ]
Draft agenda, closing plenary � SG 17 Chairman QALL/17 2010-04-14
[ 953-PLEN ]
X.500/LDAP Support for RFID � Rapporteur Q.11/17 Q11/17 2010-04-14
[ 952-PLEN ]
Initial text on X.ccsec :Security guideline for cloud computing in telecommunication area � Editor Q8/17 2010-04-14
[ 951-PLEN ]
OLS - Comments on draft ISO/IEC Guide 81 -- Guidelines for the inclusion of security aspects in standards (SAG-S N151) � ITU-T SG 17 Q1/17 2010-04-14
[ 950-PLEN ]
Meeting announcement and logistic information for ISO/IEC JTC1/SC 06 Plenary and its WGs meetings, 27 September- 1 October 2010, London, UK (N14253, 14254) � ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 Q12/17, Q11/17 2010-04-14
[ 949-PLEN ]
Revised draft Recommendation ITU-T X.fcsip, Framework for countering spam in IP-based multimedia applications � Editors Q5/17 2010-04-14
[ 948-PLEN ]
The 1st revised text on draft Recommendation ITU-T X.gep: A guideline for evaluating telebiometric template protection techniques � Editors of X.gep Q9/17 2010-04-14
[ 947-PLEN ]
Updated: Identity management data model, X.idm-dm � Rapporteur Q10/17 2010-04-14
[ 946-PLEN ]
Report of Q.8/17 meeting � Q.8/17 Rapporteurs Q8/17 2010-04-14
[ 945-PLEN ]
Summaries for Recommendations under development in Q.8/17 � Rapporteur Q.8/17 Q8/17 2010-04-14
[ 944-PLEN ]
Request for CYBEX Recommendations numbering block allocation � Q.4/17 Rapporteur Q4/17 2010-04-14
[ 943-PLEN ]
Draft Rec. ITU-T X.cybex, Cybersecurity information exchange framework � Editors Q4/17 2010-04-14
[ 942-PLEN ]
The 5th revised text on ITU-T X.usnsec-1 | I SO/IEC CD 29180: Security framework for ubiquitous sensor network � Editors Q6/17 2010-04-14
[ 941-PLEN ]
The initial text on ITU-T X.iptvsec-6: Framework for the downloadable SCP system in the mobile IPTV environment � Editors Q6/17 2010-04-14
[ 940-PLEN ]
The 6th revised text on draft Recommendation X.iptvsec-3: Key management framework for secure IPTV services � Editors Q6/17 2010-04-14
[ 939-PLEN ]
Incoming LS - Draft Resolution from ISO/TC 12 (Prague, 2010) � ISO/TC 12 Q12/17, Q9/17 2010-04-14
[ 938-PLEN ]
Q.12/17 Meeting Report � Rapporteur Q12/17 2010-04-14
[ 937-PLEN ]
Baseline document for the draft text of X.sips: A framework for countering cyber attacks in SIP-based services � Editors Q4/17 2010-04-14
[ 936-PLEN ]
Proposal for revised draft text of X.tcs-2: Technical means for countering VoIP spam � Editor Q5/17 2010-04-14
[ 935-PLEN ]
OLS - Liaison statement about a URI naming scheme for the identification of XML namespaces defined in ITU-T Recommendations � ITU-T SG 17 Q12/17 2010-04-14
[ 934-PLEN ]
Web-Based Global Cybersecurity CIRT Directory � Study Group 17 Q4/17, Q3/17 2010-04-14
[ 933-PLEN ]
Update on tool support (jUCMNav) for the User Requirements Notation (TAH32) � Q.13/17 Associate Rapporteur QALL/17 2010-04-14
[ 932-PLEN ]
Terms of Reference for the Correspondence Group on a Strategy for Online Transaction Security � Q.4/17, Q.10/17 Rapporteurs Q10/17, Q4/17 2010-04-14
[ 931-PLEN ]
The 1st revised text on draft Recommendation ITU-T X.trm: Traceback mechanisms � Editors Q4/17 2010-04-14
[ 930-PLEN ]
The 1st revised text on draft Recommendation ITU-T X.eipwa: Exchange of information for preventing web-based attacks � Editors Q4/17 2010-04-14
[ 929-PLEN ]
The initial text on ITU-T X.csi: Guidelines for cybersecurity index � Editors Q4/17 2010-04-14
[ 928-PLEN ]
The 3rd draft text of revised Recommendation ITU-T X.1034: Guideline on extensible authentication protocol based authentication and key management in a data communication network � Editors Q2/17 2010-04-14
[ 927-PLEN ]
OLS - Response to the IETF on a liaison statement regarding the ITU-T Recommendation X.1034 Revision, Guideline on Extensible Authentication Protocol based Authentication and Key Management in a Data Communication Network � ITU-T SG 17 Q2/17 2010-04-14
[ 926-PLEN ]
Draft revised Z.150 (TAH31) � Q.13/17 Associate Rapporteur Q13/17 2010-04-13
[ 925-PLEN ]
OLS - Study items in Q.3/17, Telecommunications information security management � ITU-T SG 17 Q3/17 2010-04-13
[ 924-PLEN ]
For information - EAMDE (TAH30) � Q.13/17 Rapporteur QALL/17 2010-04-13
[ 923-PLEN ]
Draft text of X.tb-ucc: Traceback scenarios and capabilities � Editors Q4/17 2010-04-13
[ 922-PLEN ]
OLS - Liaison Statement to IAB about the object identifier resolution system � ITU-T SG 17 Q12/17 2010-04-13
[ 921-PLEN ]
OLS - Comments on the 6th Working Draft of ISO/IEC 29115 - Entity authentication assurance � Rapporteur Q.10/17 Q10/17 2010-04-13
[ 920-PLEN ]
Draft Recommendation for X.gpn: Mechanism and procedure for distributing policies for network security � Editors Q4/17 2010-04-13
[ 919-PLEN ]
OLS - Study Group 17 Action Plan for developing countries and countries with economies in transition � ITU-T SG 17 QALL/17 2010-04-13
[ 918-PLEN ]
The baseline document of X.authi, Authentication Integration in IDM � Editors Q10/17 2010-04-13
[ 917-PLEN ]
Incoming LS - Endorsement of TTCN-3 by ITU-T SG17 � ETSI TC MTS Q14/17 2010-04-13
[ 916-PLEN ]
The draft Recommendation X.iptvsec-4, Algorithm selection scheme for service and content protection (SCP) descrambling � Editors Q6/17 2010-04-13
[ 915-PLEN ]
Draft Rec. X.ismf, Information security management framework � Editor Q3/17 2010-04-13
[ 914-PLEN ]
Text of ITU-T X.673 | ISO/IEC 29168-2 for Determination and FCD ballot - Procedures for the ORS operational agency � Rapporteur Q12/17 2010-04-13
[ 913-PLEN ]
Current stable version of X.1275 after all comment resolutions � Editor of Rec. X.1275 Q10/17 2010-04-13
[ 912-PLEN ]
Proposal of the 2nd draft text for X.amg, Asset management guidelines in telecommunication organizations � Editors Q3/17 2010-04-13
[ 911-PLEN ]
The 2 nd draft text of X.sgsm, Information security management guidelines for small and medium telecommunication organizations � Editors Q3/17 2010-04-13
[ 910-PLEN ]
Draft Recommendation X.1252 (X.idmdef) Final version for Approval � Editors Q10/17 2010-04-13
[ 909-PLEN ]
Draft X.giim - Generic IdM interoperability mechanisms � Editor Q10/17 2010-04-13
[ 908-PLEN ]
Report to TSAG from SG 17 as the Lead Study Group on Languages and description techniques (TAH18) � Q.13/17 Rapporteur Q14/17, Q13/17, Q12/17 2010-04-13
[ 907-PLEN ]
Proposal for re-establishing of a Joint Coordination Activity on Identity Management (JCA-IdM) � Rapporteur Q.10/17 QALL/17 2010-04-13
[ 906-PLEN ]
Proposed URI naming scheme for the identification of XML namespaces defined in ITU-T Recommendations � TSB Q12/17 2010-04-13
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