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Telecommunication management and network and service operations

Study Period 2009

Results:145 total items.
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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 45 ]
Comments on revised Recommendation E.129 � China (People's Republic of) Q1/2 2009-11-04
[ 44 ]
Emsat numbers - Answer to Misuse indication � Telespazio , Intermatica Q1/2 2009-11-03
[ 43 ]
Requirements for Business to Government management interfaces - B2G interfaces � Brazil (Federative Republic of) Q7/2 2009-11-03
[ 42 ]
Comments on the response by 3GPP TSG SA, document TD 4 (WP1/2) and proposed changes to Draft Recommendation (Requirements for Land Mobile Alerting Broadcast Capabilities for Civic Purposes) � Brazil (Federative Republic of) Q3/2, Q1/2 2009-11-03
[ 41 ]
Future of numbering: a new perspective � TELECOM ITALIA S.p.A. Q1/2 2009-11-02
[ 40 ]
Editorial Comments on Draft New Recommendation E.101 � AT&T Q1/2 2009-10-29
[ 39 ]
Proposal for a new Recommendation for the management and assignment of Global SPNs � Neustar Q1/2 2009-10-29
[ 38 ]
Proposal for "Principles of Telecom Products Management in SP/NO" � China Telecom Q13/2 2009-10-27
[ 37 ]
Proposed changes to draft Recommendation E.GHN (Globally Harmonized Numbers) � Brazil (Federative Republic of) Q1/2 2009-11-03
[ 36 ]
Gestion des t�l�communications et le projet OAM � ARPTC, R�publique d�mocratique du Congo Q12/2 2009-10-09
[ 35 ]
Revised version of E.164 Supplement 5: Guidance with regard to the selection of numbers for helplines for children � EARPTO Q1/2 2009-06-05
[ 34 ]
Proposed items for study in respect to Draft Recommendation E.157 (former E.cpnd) � Brazil (Federative Republic of) Q1/2 2009-03-17
[ 33 ]
General comments on Draft Recommendation E.157 (former E.cpnd) � Brazil (Federative Republic of) Q1/2 2009-03-17
[ 32 ]
Draft Annex G to ITU-T Recommendadtion E.212 � Serbia (Republic of ) QALL/2 2009-03-16
[ 31 ]
Draft Recommendation X.object-neutral Protocol Neutral Object Management � ZTE Q9/2 2009-03-16
[ 30 ]
Draft Recommendation X.state-neutral Protocol Neutral State Management � ZTE Q9/2 2009-03-16
[ 29 ]
Service Requirements as a First Step in addressing Cell Broadcast � United States of America Q3/2, Q1/2 2009-03-16
[ 28 ]
Additional explanations regarding application for E.164 - E.212 � Telenor Conexion Q1/2 2009-03-16
[ 27 ]
Global SPID as a unique International Resource Identifier for NGN Networks � NeuStar Q1/2 2009-03-16
[ 26 ]
Nomadic Services � SG2RG-ARB QALL/2 2009-03-16
[ 25 ]
Contribution of the RG-ARB concerning E.157 (formerly E.cpnd) � SG2RG-ARB Q1/2 2009-03-16
[ 24 ]
Discussion framework for the implementation of WTSA-08 Resolution 60 � ETRI Q8/2, Q2/2, Q1/2 2009-03-16
[ 23 ]
Proposed revisions to E.129 to include the collection of number portability data � NeuStar Q1/2 2009-03-13
[ 22 ]
Comments to TD 462 (M.ssm: Principles for Self-Service Management) � Korea Telecom Q7/2 2009-03-13
[ 21 ]
Unified management information model for connection-oriented and connectionless networks (V0.1) � MIIT, China Q9/2 2009-03-13
[ 20 ]
Cell broadcasting � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Q1/2 2009-03-13
[ 19 ]
Comments on Draft ITU-T E.157 Calling Party Delivery number � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Q1/2 2009-03-13
[ 18 ]
Proposed evolution to ITU-T Recommendation E.212 � NeuStar , BT Q1/2 2009-03-12
[ 17 ]
Novel issue regarding the ITU-T E.212 number � OnAir Q1/2 2009-03-12
[ 16 ]
Proposal of some major requirements to be taken into account when establishing 'globally harmonized numbers' � Japan Q1/2 2009-03-12
[ 15 ]
Enhancements and clarifications to Draft Recommendation E.101 � BT , France Telecom , Hellenic Organisation of Telecommunications , KPN , Telecom Italia Q1/2 2009-03-06
[ 14 ]
Proposal for SP/NO management & Operation requirements � China Telecom Q13/2 2009-03-04
[ 13 ]
WITHDRAWN � N/A � 2009-02-27
[ 12 ]
Additional comments on ITU-T draft Recommendation E.157 � ETNO Q1/2 2009-02-25
[ 11 ]
Editorial changes to Draft ITU-T Recommendation E.161.1 (former E.hen) on "Guidelines to select Emergency Number for public telecommunications networks" (Ex COM 2-C 111) � TELECOM ITALIA S.p.A. Q1/2 2009-02-13
[ 10 ]
Comments on draft Recommendation E.157 (Ex COM 2-C 122) � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Q1/2 2009-01-30
[ 9 ]
Comments on the draft new Recommendation E.101 (Ex COM 2-C 119) � China (People's Republic of) Q1/2 2009-01-30
[ 8 ]
Comments on Draft Recommendation e.cpnd (Ex COM 2-C 118) � ETNO Q1/2 2009-01-30
[ 7 ]
Editorial comments on E.157 (Ex COM 2-C 116) � Germany (Federal Republic of) Q1/2 2009-01-30
[ 6 ]
Editorial comments on E.101 (Ex COM 2-C 115) � Germany (Federal Republic of) Q1/2 2009-01-30
[ 5 ]
Russia's position regarding the approval of draft Recommendation E.157 (Ex COM 2-C 114) � Russian Federation Q1/2 2009-01-30
[ 4 ]
Contribution of the Russian Federation Administration concerning E.157 (formerly E.cpnd) (Ex COM 2-C 113) � Russian Federation Q1/2 2009-01-30
[ 3 ]
Editorial changes to Draft ITU-T Recommendation E.101 (former E.IDs-DEF) on "Definitions of terms used for identifiers (names, numbers, addresses and other identifiers) for public telecommunication services and networks in the E-series Recommendations" � TELECOM ITALIA S.p.A. Q1/2 2009-01-29
[ 2 ]
Proposal to revise the text of Q.1/2 [Document WTSA-08/74] � WTSA-08 QALL/2 2008-11-17
[ 1 ]
Questions assigned to Study Group 2 (Operational aspects of service provision and telecommunications management) � WTSA-08 QALL/2 2008-11-17
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