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ITU-T�NGN-GSI� TD�(2012-02-06)�


NGN Global Standards Initiative

Study Period 2009

Meeting� from 2012-02-06 to 2012-02-17

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2012-12-03� 2012-06-04� [ 2012-02-06 ]� 2011-10-10� 2011-05-09� 2011-01-17� 2010-09-06� 2010-04-19� 2010-01-18� 2009-09-02� 2009-05-11� 2009-01-12�

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Temporary Documents �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 848-GEN ]
Y.amnsa Living List � Editor Q21/13 2012-02-15
[ 847-GEN ]
Outgoing liaison statements � Rapporteurs Q21/13 2012-02-15
[ 846-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation of "Y.FNDAN: Framework of Data Aware Networking for Future Networks" � Editors Q21/13 2012-02-15
[ 845-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation of Y.FNvirtreq "Requirement of network virtualization for Future Networks" � Editor Q21/13 2012-02-15
[ 844-GEN ]
Draft Document of Y.FNsdn-fm "Requirements of formal specification and verification methods for software-defined networking" � Editor Q21/13 2012-02-15
[ 843-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation of Y.FNsdn " Framework of software-defined networking for Future Networks " � Editor Q21/13 2012-02-15
[ 842-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.FNsocioeconomic, Socio-Economic Aware Design of Future Network Technology � Editor Q21/13 2012-02-15
[ 841-GEN ]
Output Draft - Requirements and Architectural Framework for Auto Manageable Networks and Services (version 0.1) � Editor Q21/13 2012-02-15
[ 840-GEN ]
Output document - Recommendation Draft: Identifiers and their configurations for future networks (Y.FNid-config) � Editor Q21/13 2012-02-15
[ 839-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.3031 (ex-Y.FNid) Identification framework in future networks � Editors Q21/13 2012-02-15
[ 838-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.SUN-overview, Overview of Smart Ubiquitous Networks � Editors Q21/13 2012-02-15
[ 837-GEN ]
Meeting report of Q.21/13 (future networks) � Rapporteurs Q21/13 2012-02-15
[ 836-GEN ]
Updated draft ITU-T Recommendation Y.dpifr "Framework for Deep Packet Inspection" � Editors Q17/13 2012-02-15
[ 835-GEN ]
Output ITU-T Recommendation Y.dpireq "Requirements for Deep Packet Inspection in Next Generation Networks" � Editors Q17/13 2012-02-15
[ 834-GEN ]
[NGN-SigProt] Output of Q.NGN-SigProt � Editor Q1/11 2012-02-15
[ 833-GEN ]
Output of Draft Q.3303.1v2: Resource control protocol no.3- Protocol at the interface between a Policy Decision Physical Entity (PD-PE) and a Policy Enforcement Physical Entity (PE-PE): COPS Profile version 2 � Editor Q5/11 2012-02-15
[ 832-GEN ]
Q.13/11 Meeting Agenda � Rapporteur Q13/11 2012-02-14
[ 831-GEN ]
Unassigned � N/A � 2012-02-14
[ 830-GEN ]
Justification for the work item Recommendation ITU-T Y.PTDN-QoS, The QoS guaranteed mechanisms and performance model for Public packet Telecom Data Network (PTDN) � Editors Q20/13 2012-02-14
[ 829-GEN ]
Justification for the work item Recommendation ITU-T Y.PTDN-OAM, OAM functions and mechanisms for Public packet Telecom Data Network (PTDN) � Editors Q20/13 2012-02-14
[ 828-GEN ]
Justification for the work item Recommendation ITU-T Y.PTDN-interworking, Interworking mechanisms in Public packet Telecom Data Network (PTDN) � Editors Q20/13 2012-02-14
[ 827-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.PTDN-M-Interface: M interface in Public packet Telecom Data Network (PTDN) � Editors Q20/13 2012-02-14
[ 826-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.PTDN-T-Interface: T interface in Public packet Telecom Data Network (PTDN) (PTDN) � Editors Q20/13 2012-02-14
[ 825-GEN ]
Draft recommendation Y.iSCP-arch: Architecture of independent Scalable Control Plane (iSCP) in future packet based network (FPBN) � Editors Q20/13 2012-02-14
[ 824-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.PTDN-routing: The routing mechanisms in Public packet Telecom Data Network (PTDN) � Editors Q20/13 2012-02-14
[ 823-GEN ]
Q.20/13 (Public data network) meeting report (Geneva, 6-17 Feb, 2012) � Rapporteurs Q20/13 2012-02-14
[ 822-GEN ]
Proposed Editor's Input to Draft ITU-T Recommendation Y.1271 Revision 1 � Editor Q5/13 2012-02-14
[ 821-GEN ]
Q.12/11 meeting agenda � Rapporteur Q12/11 2012-02-14
[ 820-GEN ]
Baseline of Y.NICE-arch "Functional architecture for Network Intelligence Capability Enhancement (NICE)" � Editors Q5/13 2012-02-14
[ 819-GEN ]
Agenda of Q.15/11 meeting � Rapporteur Q15/11 2012-02-14
[ 818-GEN ]
Output of Q.IPv6ProBB: IPv6 protocol procedures for broadband services � Editor Q16/11 2012-02-14
[ 817-GEN ]
Q.1/11 meeting agenda � Rapporteur Q1/11 2012-02-13
[ 816-GEN ]
Q.6/11 Agenda � Rapporteur Q6/11 2012-02-13
[ 815-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation of Y.NGN SIDE Arch � Editors Q5/13 2012-02-13
[ 814-GEN ]
Q.16/13 meeting agenda � Rapporteur Q16/13 2012-02-13
[ 813-GEN ]
Draft Agenda for 9/11 meetings � Rapporteur Q9/11 2012-02-13
[ 812-GEN ]
Q.10/13 meeting report � Rapporteur Q10/13 2012-02-13
[ 811-GEN ]
Report of the Meeting of Q4/13 � Rapporteur Q4/13 2012-02-13
[ 810-GEN ]
Liaison statement on draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.2111 Rev.2 "Resource and admission control functions in Next Generation Networks" � Rapporteur Q4/13 2012-02-13
[ 809-GEN ]
Output - Draft Recommendation Y.IPTV-TM � Editors Q4/13 2012-02-13
[ 808-GEN ]
ITU Kaleidoscope 2011 - Papers relevant to SG11 � Chairmen, Study Group 11 QALL 2012-02-10
[ 807-GEN ]
Living list of Question 19 (Distributed Service Networking) � Rapporteurs Q19/13 2012-02-16
[ 806-GEN ]
Draft meeting agenda for Q.16/11 � Acting Rapporteur Q16/11 2012-02-10
[ 805-GEN ]
Q.5/11 meeting agenda � Rapporteur Q5/11 2012-02-10
[ 804-GEN ]
List of Participants � TSB QALL 2012-02-10
[ 803-GEN ]
Revised Y.USN-arch "Functional requirements and architecture of the NGN for support of ubiquitous sensor network (USN) applications and services" � Editors Q5/13 2012-02-09
[ 802-GEN ]
Agenda for Q.11/11 meeting � Rapporteur Q11/11 2012-02-09
[ 801-GEN ]
Agenda for Q.10/11 meeting � Rapporteur Q10/11 2012-02-09
[ 800-GEN ]
Agenda for Q.8/11 � Rapporteur Q8/11 2012-02-09
[ 799-GEN ]
Presentation for newcomers � TSB QALL/13, QALL/11 2012-02-08
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